I‘ve read a couple of these books with my niece, so I knew I was going to pick this duo for #2peasinapod
#BBRC #jubilantjuly
I‘ve read a couple of these books with my niece, so I knew I was going to pick this duo for #2peasinapod
#BBRC #jubilantjuly
Let‘s Go for a Drive by Mo Willems is an animal fantasy story that was awarded with the Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor Book award. The story is about a pig named Piggie and an elephant named Gerald that decide they want to go for a drive, but before they leave for their drive they want to gather a few things to bring. They need a map, sunglasses, and umbrellas and they sing together as they pack their things. They later realize they don‘t have a car,
Gerald and Piggie decide they want to go for a drive. Gerald is a very cautious elephant and makes sure they bring all their necessities for their trip. Each time Gerald suggests a new item they will need, Piggie claims, “I have that”, and quickly returns with two of each item. Eventually, after packing all of their necessities into bags, Gerald remembers that they will need a car, but neither Elephant nor Piggie has a car.
This MF, Geisel Honor book is another great book by Mo Willems, which would be perfect to use for AS. This book is one from Willems‘ Elephant & Piggie series, about going for a drive, but being prepared and bringing everything they may need, like a map, sunglasses, etc.
With its simple and repetitive language, ESOL strategy 14 simplified language by making it slower and redundant, is used. #ucflae3414sp21
This award winning book from the Elephant and Piggie book series, MF-RA, with rhyming words and repetitive phases, is great for literary and fluency exercises, coral response activities. Proceeded by "I really like Stop!" and "Listen To My Trumpet!" This series of expressive books like, "Let's Go For A Drive!" The idea of a car trip is off-the-hook exciting. Elephant shouts, "GET THAT MAP!" And Piggie rushes off. Then the celebration ?"MAP!"
#selfiescavengerhunt selfie with a friend
This was taken last year during national lutheran schools week
#wintergames #teamfozziwig @Clwojick @StayCurious @BarkingMadRun
Another wonderful addition by Mo Willems! This F, Theodor Seuss Geisel honor book would be great for a SR. Have your young readers join you in this adventure as Elephant Gerald and Piggie plan to go for a drive. As usual, Gerald thinks of all the things they will have to take along on their trip, but they later realize that they are missing the most important thing of all.
*Que Boys to Men-Its so hard to say goodbye 🎶* Weeding damaged books in a library is never fun 🙁
Les go for a drive by Mo Willems is listed as a Modern Fantasy (F) also this book as won a Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor award. Children will like this book because elephant and piggy have a lot of funny antics that guarantee laughter and fun. They are planning to go for a drive and during the planning they are putting together a getaway bag. Teaching strategy that will align with this book is RT, DR, PR and S.
On word that Mo Willems‘ interactive exhibit is coming to museums across the country, I jumped up and hugged Gerald. He has a place of honor on top of my bookshelf. He was a gift from my next door neighbor, Brielle, after I introduced her to Elephant and Piggie. Her favorite is this book. Drive, drive, drive! #scenesfromabook #takeadrive
#UCFLA3414F17 Let's Go for a Drive by Mo Williems is a realistic fiction text that has won runner up for the Gisele Award. The story follows a elephant named Gerald and a pig named Piggie and they want to go for a drive. They start packing for the trip they'll soon be taking.
#novemberbythenumbers #eighteen
Elephant & Piggie #18. I absolutely adore this laugh out loud series. I want to win the lottery so I could afford to buy every book in the he series.
Let‘s Go for a Drive! Text and illustrations by Mo Willems, is a Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor. This is F book from the series An Elephant & Piggie Book, I would use this as an AS. This is a funny book with the friendship of Gerald the Elephant and Piggie. Gerald wanting to go for a drive, but he comes up with all different situations that Piggie is able to help with, at the end Gerald has a major realization that he doesn‘t have the key item
Let‘s Go for a Drive! by Mo Willems, winner of the Geisel Award for emergent readers, is a F picture book that makes for a fun S in the classroom. You can print the paper bag puppets here: http://www.thankorama.com/wp-content/themes/thanksorama/dlc/e&p_thank-you_paper-...
#UCFLAE3414F17 #ClassroomLibrary
Lets go for a Drive! By Mo Willems is a F book that is a Geisel award winner and perfect for RA. This cute and funny book is about Elephant and Piggie making a plan for their drive. The find out they have almost everything except for a car! UDL 6.2 Support planning and strategy development. ESOL 4. Link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge. #UCFLAE3414F17
Speaking of Elephant and Piggie, I recently gave my 5-year-old neighbor a big book of their stories, and this is her favorite. #90sinjuly #drive
Pssst... the new Kohl's Cares stuffed animals are Mo Willems characters. $5 each for Pigeon, Duckling, Elephant Gerald, Piggie, and Knuffle Bunny, plus a few of their books.
Thought you all should know before the librarians clean out all the stores. 😘
Seems like I don't read happy books. Unless I'm reading to my students. #happyreads #marchintoreading
Books like these #elephantandpiggie 🐘🐷 books are great for kiddos becoming more fluent in their reading and want to practice reading chapter books. These, and other Early Readers, have tons of pictures and a larger font. However, they look more like a chapter book than a picture book. They are also a great books for parents to read aloud to toddlers/preschoolers when wanting to make the transition to reading chapter books w them.
I love the imaginations of young children. This book captures that wonderfully.