There‘s a story here. 🧐
There‘s a story here. 🧐
Researching why I am who I am
So I shared some photos of my book collection in a Facebook Group, then I get this random message. I'm not sure what to think. I can't help but think this is how people get lured into scams. I work in the financial industry so my trust for people is VERY low. 🤷♀️
Listened to this audiobook and I really enjoyed it! Fascinating stuff about the medical diagnosis of "awkwardness" vs a meditation on the various meanings of the word. I found myself recognizing friends, family members, and even many of my own personality traits in some sections. Recommended!
Not too long ago comedian Scott Rogowsky ventured onto the New York City subway system, pretended to read some books with fake covers to draw attention from commuters. There were chuckles, whispers and frowning among them.
#literaryluck #awkwardreads
Interesting book.
• I love how Tashiro uses the analogies of “emotional bank accounts” and “social capital” to get his points across. This book is fantastic; perfect nonfiction reading for those of us who identify as awkward or know someone who is legit awkward. It appears to be highly-researched and offers so much advice. About halfway through •
#currentlyreading #nonfiction #awkward #social #psychology
• Learning a little about Hans Asperger 💗 •
• Learning a little about Hans Asperger 💗 •
“Over 50 percent of individuals with moderate to severe autism have an intellectual disability and many will be unlikely to live independent lives as adults.”
#autism #disorders
...Just as people with melancholy characteristics are not necessarily diagnosable with major depressive disorder and people who are unusually orderly are not necessarily diagnosable with obsessive-compulsive disorder, people who are socially awkward are not necessarily autistic.”
“The relationship between autism and awkwardness illustrates a broader concept in clinical psychology and psychiatry, which is that people who are considered in psychological terms to be “normal” can have milder forms of characteristics that are associated with serious conditions...
• Getting my social science reading fix! •
• I am enjoying this nonfiction, social science-y book about my tribe. AWKWARD people UNITE! •
#awkward #currentlyreading #nonfiction #memoir #science #mypeople #culture #society #unpopular #growthanddevelopment #social #psychology
I liked this a lot - packed with personal narratives and scientific findings about social awkwardness and its challenges and benefits, as well as thoughtfully crafted advice for kids/parents/adults who want to navigate the social world more comfortably and/or make the most of their unique qualities. It‘s funny and readable, and the author (a psychologist and self-described awkward person) writes well. 😊
This was a pretty good book. If I had been reading it I may have skimmed through the parts heavy with statistics but I am hesitant to do that with audio books. I enjoyed the way Tashiro flipped perspectives to really explain why people react as they do in various social situations . I recommend this to anyone who has ever felt awkward. #LitsyAtoZ
Finally getting around to listening to this one. My patrons will be so pleased!
Interesting read, if a little jargon heavy.
Excellent #audiobook, compassionate, funny and practical with some stories that made me laugh in recognition. I was so awkward my friends referred to my observations as the 'lisaism' - a comment made with oblivious love, horrifyingly accurate, brutal enough to blister and made with no understanding that just because something is true doesn't mean it isn't hurtful. I realize now that tact matters but could have used this book then. 😳
Well let's see if I learn anything about my own behaviour. I'm loving the opening anecdote about poor 6 year old Spencer and the author. Poor kid. 😂😅#audiowalk #audiobooklove
June Stats. This was a bit of a weird reading month for me. I did have to down tools with a couple of books that I had started due to an upsetting incident. I read lots of great stuff, but the tagged book really helped me understand some stuff about myself at a time when I was struggling.
This is totally awesome. I am all of the awkward all of the time and I can really recognise myself in this.
I listened to this audio book and really enjoyed it. I've always said I'm socially awkward, but this book made me own I'm just Awkward. It was a comforting book for me, but it didn't go deep enough for me and at times lost focus. I'm still going with 'pick' because it made me understand why I'm the way I am and better able to embrace it.