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Harriet (Valancourt 20th Century Classics)
Harriet (Valancourt 20th Century Classics) | Elizabeth Jenkins
17 posts | 15 read | 28 to read
Harriet Ogilvy is a young woman with a small fortune and a mental disability, making her the ideal target for the handsome and scheming Lewis Oman. After winning Harriet's love, Lewis, with the help of his brother and mistress, sets in motion a plan of unspeakable cruelty and evil to get his hands on her money. With consummate artistry, Elizabeth Jenkins transforms the bare facts of this case from the annals of Victorian England's Old Bailey into an absolutely spine-chilling exploration of the depths of human depravity. Based on the real-life 1877 case of Harriet Staunton, "Harriet" (1934) was a bestseller and a major critical success, beating Evelyn Waugh's "A Handful of Dust" to win the Prix Femina. This edition features a new afterword by Dr. Catherine Pope. "Like a cold hand clutching at the heart." - "Observer" "It is superb. Every word grips." - "Manchester Evening News" "So exciting that I could hardly read it." - James Agate, "Daily Express" "Everything she writes spells for me an enchantment that makes sober criticism next to impossible." Gerald Bullett, "Time and Tide"
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Harriet | Elizabeth Jenkins
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This was an incredibly difficult read for me - I work for and serve people with developmental and intellectual disabilities, and abuse & neglect are still all too common today. People with disabilities are 4-10X more likely to be victims of physical, sexual, financial, and emotional abuse than people w/o disabilities. Jenkins did a great job laying out ways caregivers can manipulate individuals and how they hide it.⬇️ #PersephoneClub

Aimeesue A tough read, but worth it. If you suspect that an individual with ID/DD is being exploited or abused, you can report (usually anonymously, unless you‘re a mandated reporter) to your State/County‘s Child Protective Service or Adult Protective Services hotline. (edited) 9mo
Tamra This was really well written. Sadly. 😔 9mo
Aimeesue @Tamra It made me so angry! Brought up a lot of issues around Legal Guardianship and the dignity of risk, which I deal with far too often. Super hard for families to know which way to go. 9mo
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Tamra @Aimeesue for sure! I had two uncles who were developmental disabled and my grandmother held out and didn‘t surrender guardianship to a state residential “school” at a time when there was tremendous pressure to do so. However, things greatly improved and later in life they had the opportunity to work, engage in activities, and live with others. Still, they are so vulnerable though. (edited) 9mo
LeahBergen Great review! 9mo
Aimeesue @Tamra Wow! That was really tough to do back when doctors were telling families to institutionalize their children, all but forcing them to do so. I‘m glad your uncles escaped that and went on to live lives that they liked and enjoyed. We do far too little to support individuals and their families. 💙 9mo
Aimeesue @LeahBergen It was a tough one! 9mo
jlhammar Such a good book, but very distressing. Great review! 9mo
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Harriet | Elizabeth Jenkins
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#PersephoneClub Rdg the afterword + searching it was shocking to realise that this dreadful story of the cruel destruction of an individual for profit was based on a true tale. Told with an excellent touch the prose rattles along with villainous brothers Patrick + Lewis conspiring to isolate Harriet. Great storytelling
@rubyslippersreads @CarolynM @Tamra @LeahBergen @quietjenn @elkeOriginal @Aimeesue @Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB @jlhammar @Gissy

Tamra It truly is dreadful. 😕 9mo
BarbaraBB Great review. Such a dreadful story. Poor Harriet 9mo
jlhammar I agree, brilliant storytelling. This sent me searching as well. So terrible. 9mo
LeahBergen Great review! It was written in such a compelling way that I could hardly put it down. 9mo
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Harriet | Elizabeth Jenkins
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This is a HUGE part of my job, walking the line between competence, legal guardianship, supported decision making, and allowing people the dignity of risk. It is always complicated, especially when someone is placed under guardianship and it looks, from the outside, as if it‘s not needed. I have to remind myself that parents really just want to keep their kids safe, even if they‘re 47 years old and seem competent. It‘s emotionally messy.

Aimeesue I am FEELING this book. And to think, I have December off from work, hahaha! Can‘t escape the ethical issues,even on vacation! 9mo
vivastory Not sure if there's such a thing as time off in our line of work 🤣 9mo
Aimeesue @vivastory Right? Every day, I think « Do NOT check your email! DONT DOOOO IT!!! Ten times a day, at least! ? 9mo
LeahBergen That passage really made me think! 9mo
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Harriet | Elizabeth Jenkins
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Well, this puts the jingle in the jingle bells festivities! 🥹

You know a human train wreck is coming, but you are powerless to put a stop to it. #allthehumanrightsviolations

Excellent, compelling writing by Jenkins! #Persephoneclub

LeahBergen Right? Who needs a Christmas ghost story when you can have lurid Victorian true crime. 😆 9mo
Tamra @LeahBergen exactly! 😉 9mo
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jlhammar Yes, so compelling! 9mo
Tamra @jlhammar I was even reading on the treadmill to find out how it ended. 😅 9mo
andrew61 I'm halfway through so hoping Lewis and Patrick are going to come to a sticky end. 9mo
batsy Gosh! This sounds really enticing based on all the reviews (dunno what that says about me 😂) 9mo
Vansa ELizabeth Jenkins is a GENIUS. I haven't read this one yet! 9mo
Tamra @andrew61 🤞🏾 9mo
Tamra @batsy Ha! Me too. 😏 9mo
Tamra @Vansa it‘s definitely worth putting on your TBR. I have had Tortoise & The Hare on my own TBR for ages, I have to bump it up! 9mo
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Like others, I was reluctant to read this, but in spite of the constant feeling of dread, I couldn‘t put it down. I certainly can‘t understand the hold Patrick and Lewis held over women; they must have had some serious “rizz.” 🫤

Although not the Persephone cover, I found this one chilling.


@quietjenn @sisilia @Carolyn @elkeOriginal @Gissy @Aimeesue @Tamra @andrew61 @Cathythoughts, @jlhammar @Karons1 @willaful @LeahBergen

Tamra I‘m full of foreboding & dread each time I open it, but that is a testament to the writing. 9mo
elkeOriginal I love that cover! So chilling. 9mo
elkeOriginal And that drawing of the perpetrators! 9mo
jlhammar Nice use of the word of the year 😂 Agree, hard to see their great allure. 9mo
LeahBergen Rizz, indeed! 😂😂 I totally fell down the Google rabbit hole after reading this book. 9mo
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Harriet | Elizabeth Jenkins
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Ouch! 😏

LeahBergen Yep. 9mo
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Harriet, an affluent woman with an unspecified learning disability, falls prey to a fortune hunter and his nasty family in this 1934 novel based on a famous Victorian criminal case.

It‘s an absolute cracker of a read and (despite the grim storyline) I couldn‘t put it down!


sarahbarnes Absolute cracker 😆 9mo
Tamra I can tell already there are some not-so likable characters! 9mo
jlhammar I didn‘t want to put it down either! Such a dark and distressing story, but so well told. 9mo
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LeahBergen @sarahbarnes It was. 😆 9mo
LeahBergen @Tamra They come into play very early on. 😬 9mo
LeahBergen @jlhammar Exactly! I was really impressed with the writing. 9mo
andrew61 Looking forward to reading it next week leah particularly after thus review. 9mo
LeahBergen @andrew61 I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, Andrew! 9mo
CarolynM Great review. I‘m hoping to get started on it soon. 9mo
elkeOriginal I did not want nor plan to read this based on the sad, dark plot but you and @jlhammar ‘s reviews are making me rethink that decision! 9mo
LeahBergen @CarolynM Thanks! I think you‘ll like it. 9mo
LeahBergen @elkeOriginal I was a bit hesitant myself but most of the story focuses on how the four people slowly came to treat Harriet the way they did (without dwelling on the horrible aspects of that treatment). If that makes sense? It‘s very well done and reads much like a Victorian novel. (edited) 9mo
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Heartwarming novel, perfect for the holidays. 🤣

Okay, in all seriousness, this was one upsetting read. Those cruel, horrible people! Chilling, gripping, expertly crafted. And that last paragraph! Wow. Loved it.

I‘ve got another of her books, The Tortoise and the Hare, waiting on my shelves. Now I‘m even more eager to read it!


LeahBergen 😆😆 I‘ve just started it. 9mo
Tamra I‘m hoping to start today - fabulous opening review! 😅😆 9mo
rubyslippersreads I enjoyed The Tortoise and the Hare, so I‘m looking forward to this one. 9mo
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willaful Oh, I really loved The Tortoise and the Hare but never had any luck finding anything else by the author. I didn't even realize it was the same one. 9mo
Deblovestoread Great review! Stacked 💚❤️💚 9mo
quietjenn Sounds promising 😉. I've got a copy of Tortoise that I've been meaning to get to! 9mo
LeahBergen I was so surprised at how gripping this book was! And I‘m happy to have The Tortoise and the Hare already on my shelves waiting for me. 9mo
LeahBergen And I fell down the Google rabbit hole, looking up the real case. 😆 9mo
jlhammar @LeahBergen I know! I wasn‘t expecting that either. And same with looking up the real case. Definitely going to try to get to The Tortoise and the Hare next year! 9mo
CarolynM 😆 Great review! 9mo
elkeOriginal Tortoise & Hare added to TBR! 9mo
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Harriet | Elizabeth Jenkins
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repost for @LeahBergen:

It‘s now December so that means it‘s time for one of our #PersephoneClub reads!

@Gissy ‘s pick for us this month is Harriet by Elizabeth Jenkins. This is a casual buddy read; read and comment on each other‘s posts and reviews as you see them. We usually aim to finish by the middle of the month but that‘s not written in stone. 😉 And anyone is welcome to read along with us, of course!

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It‘s now December so that means it‘s time for one of our #PersephoneClub reads!

@Gissy ‘s pick for us this month is Harriet by Elizabeth Jenkins. This is a casual buddy read; read and comment on each other‘s posts and reviews as you see them. We usually aim to finish by the middle of the month but that‘s not written in stone. 😉 And anyone is welcome to read along with us, of course!

LeahBergen And we can start to vote on next year‘s books, if everyone is still interested? February is @jlhammar , April is @LeahBergen , June is @quietjenn , August is @rubyslippersreads , October is @Aimeesue , and December is @andrew61 . 10mo
quietjenn I'm game for more #PersephoneClubbing! I'll start to ponder options, but won't post until a) we are sure things will continue and b) our first two months have been posted. 10mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m definitely interested in an excuse to add to my Persephone collection. 😉 10mo
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jlhammar Can't wait to start Harriet tonight! And so excited to choose our Persephones for next year! I'll post our options for February shortly. 10mo
CarolynM I‘m looking forward to reconnecting with the #PersephoneClub for this one - and to seeing next year‘s selections😀 10mo
Tamra I have this one Kindle. Sad about that, but looking forward to the read. 😁 10mo
elkeOriginal Looking forward to next year‘s reads! Unlike @rubyslippersreads I actually hope we read some I already own! I feel so guilty every time I walk past them and they remain in the TBR… 10mo
LeahBergen @quietjenn Perfect 👍 10mo
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads Me, too 😆 10mo
LeahBergen @jlhammar Yay! 👏 10mo
LeahBergen @CarolynM Me, too! 10mo
LeahBergen @Tamra 😆 10mo
LeahBergen @elkeOriginal I have a LOT unread, too. 😆 10mo
rubyslippersreads @elkeOriginal I‘m just letting @LeahBergen do her job as enabler. 🤣 10mo
LeahBergen Okay, @andrew61 , you can go ahead and post your two choices for us for December! And don‘t forget to vote on the other months we‘re voting on now. 😊 9mo
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Harriet | Elizabeth Jenkins
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#BookReport 02/23

Just those two. The Persephone was very good, as usual. 2 AM was just an okay read for me, though I had some new insights thanks to @Megabooks and @Hooked_on_books Always happy for our bookish talks!

Hooked_on_books I think I get more out of talking about a book I didn‘t like than one I did like. I think it‘s because there‘s more to explore. 2y
Chelsea.Poole Agreed @Hooked_on_books …always more to discuss about a book I didn‘t enjoy so much. @BarbaraBB I love the different perspectives from you all here…I nearly always have a new takeaway from the chats here. Litsy has the best readers! 2y
Cathythoughts I have Harriet stacked 👍🏻 2y
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TrishB @Chelsea.Poole agreed 👍🏻 always love the different perspectives! 2y
squirrelbrain At least we‘re having some great #tob discussions already, before the tournament-proper even starts…! 2y
Cinfhen Agreed, all the chatter amongst us is better than any commentator 🤓 2y
Megabooks I‘m really enjoying our tob discussions too. So many diverse ideas! And I agree with @Hooked_on_books that sometimes the best discussions come from mediocre books. (edited) 2y
BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books That is so true, about the books I didn‘t like. I love all our opinions and it happens regularly that I add half a star just because a book or author is able to raise such a discussion @Megabooks 2y
BarbaraBB @Chelsea.Poole @TrishB @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen It‘s definitely one of the things I like most about Litsy, that we can discuss books, listen to and learn from one another and that it is no problem at all to disagree ❤️❤️ 2y
BarbaraBB @Cathythoughts I think you‘d like it! 2y
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Harriet | Elizabeth Jenkins
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Harriet is a young woman with a small fortune. A mental disability makes her an easy target for the handsome and unscrupulous Lewis Oman. After winning Harriet's love, Lewis, along with his brother and mistress, sets in motion a cruel plan to get his hands on her money.

A very good, shocking story, not in the least because it is based on a true one from 1877

#Roll100 #pop23 #IndependentBookstore #52Booksclub23 #FeaturingOneOfTheSevenDeadlySins

Deblovestoread Sounds great! Stacked 📚 2y
Librarybelle Based on true stories books are always interesting! 2y
LeahBergen Great review! I‘m looking forward to this one later in the year with #PersephoneClub. 2y
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JenniferP I‘ve read all my Persephones! Maybe I‘ll put some more on my birthday wish list - this sounds great! 2y
AshleyHoss820 Sounds good!! Love the picture, as usual! ☺️ 2y
BarbaraBB @LeahBergen I‘d have liked to read this with you but my challenges decided otherwise 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
BarbaraBB @JenniferP they are always such a comfort to read. Every couple of years I allow myself to buy six of them, of which Persephone sends me one a month: it feels like a gift when another arrives! 2y
Cinfhen This does sound interesting!!! Perfect for GREED 😊Also love the photo 😘 2y
squirrelbrain This sounds so good! 2y
Cathythoughts Sounds like another good one. Stacked. 2y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Greed indeed! 2y
JenniferP @BarbaraBB I did this a few years back, but I believe they stopped this service to the U.S. Sad! 2y
PuddleJumper Brilliant! 2y
BkClubCare Love Persephone Books 2y
thewallflower0707 Love Persephone Books, I visited their bookstore in 2019, before they had to move. Did you get the chance to read A Town Called Solace yet? 2y
BarbaraBB @thewallflower0707 That is so cool, that you‘ve been there. I‘d love to go to Bath one day to visit their new shop. I haven‘t read your book yet, but I will soon! I will keep you posted! Am looking forward to it! 2y
BarbaraBB @JenniferP That is sad indeed. It is hard to Netherlands too these days, thanks to Brexit. 2y
thewallflower0707 @BarbaraBB that‘s great! It was nicely decorated too, and right around the corner from Gay‘s the Word, a beautiful LGBTQ bookstore with lots of history. Shame they had to move. 2y
BarbaraBB @thewallflower0707 Absolutely. That sounds great. But I want to visit Bath one day anyhow, so much history there! 2y
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Harriet | Elizabeth Jenkins
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Born "half-witted" in 1841, Harriet was cared for by her mother until the age of 33 when Lewis discovers her fortune and convinces her to fall #crazyinlove with him. No begging from her mother will convince her that Lewis is only in it for the money, & Harriet suffers the consequences of her choice in a horrific way. Stunning the people of London when this (true!!) crime first took place, this story is equally horrifying now.

TrishB Lovely pic 👍🏻 6y
Kalalalatja I really need to get my hands on a Persephone edition. I don‘t know how I have been able to resist them for so long 😍 6y
robinb I just googled this crime...chilling and heartbreaking. 😳💔 6y
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Jess_Read_This Omigosh. I haven‘t heard about this book or the story. How tragic. Your Persephone edition is gorgeous. 6y
LeahBergen I need to get this one. 👍🏻 6y
Mdargusch Good one! 6y
Reviewsbylola I really liked this one. 6y
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Originally published in 1934 this is a lightly fictionalized account of a horrendous murder that occurred in 1877. What made it so disturbing was the method used. Locked up in an attic, Harriet was starved to death. A well written yet distressing novel.

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Up next: Harriet
This Persephone book came highly recommended.
Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Published by Persephone, this is the fictionalized account of a "simple minded" woman named Harriet who is taken advantage of and married for her fortune. Her husband and his in-laws treat her deplorably. I'll keep it short and sweet, so as not to give away the entire story. I read it at break neck speed--I couldn't put it down. The main picture shows Harriet and her husband.

Caryl ❤️Persephone Books❤️ 7y
suvata Added to my list 7y
minkyb I don't own any Persephone books. This situation needs to be remedied! 7y
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Reviewsbylola They're so pretty and a lot of fun to collect! @annied bought this one for our mom because she said it is her favorite Persephone to date and I may have to concur with that! @minkyb 7y
bunny I've never heard of Persephone books before. How awesome! 7y
minkyb @Reviewsbylola Order placed. I am not sort of hiding on the opposite end of the house from my long suffering husband! 😜 7y
Reviewsbylola I'm on a no buy July but I have to admit, I'm tempted to place a Persephone order too. 🙈 @minkyb 7y
Mdargusch This was a very haunting story. 😿 7y
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