I'm taking my just turned 9 year old to Barnes and Noble today to spend the birthday $ he got from the grands, and as luck would have it my IRS refund hit the bank today. So I need all the recommendations. Prefer mysteries and sci-fi and travel memoirs. I love long series I can really sink my teeth into. Don't care for romance or domestic thrillers, but I'm pretty open to anything else. Hit me up with everything you love!
Mystery: The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
Sci-Fi: The Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemisin
Travel: I actually can't think of anything here. But for some reason I keep thinking of Terry Tempest Williams - she writes a lot about nature and does so beautifully! 13mo
Sci-Fi: Lathe Of Heaven (Ursula K. Le Guin) Wild Seed (Octavia Butler)
I haven't read this one, but I have heard great things about Barry Lopez's travel book “Arctic Dreams“ Not sure if this would classify as travel memoir, but I absolutely loved Douglas Preston's account of trying to find a lost civilization with the help of many others in 2012 “The Lost City of the Monkey God“ 13mo