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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings
A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A collection of Asian myths and legends in which beloved stories of spirits, magic, family, love, and heartbreak are combined with elements from modern teens' lives. In this anthology, Asian authors from a variety of backgrounds retell some of their cultures' favorite myths and legends.
#AThousandBeginningsAndEndings #EllenOh #book #books #bookjunkie #Fantasy #ShortStories #YoungAdult #Mythology #Anthologies #Fiction #Retellings #FairyTales 💕💕💕

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Do not trust the fruit of Maria Makiling.
If you find your pockets full of thorny fruit, throw it out the window. Do not taste it. Do not stroke the rind and wonder at the impossible pink of its color . . . not meat pink or tongue pink, but that delicate rose of dawn pushing herself from the arms of night. It is not a color of this world.
#AThousandBeginningsAndEndings #EllenOh #Fantasy #ShortStories #YoungAdult #Mythology #Anthologies 💘💘💘💘💘

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A collection of Asian myths and legends in which beloved stories of spirits, magic, family, love, and heartbreak are combined with elements from modern teens' lives. In this anthology, Asian authors from a variety of backgrounds retell some of their cultures' favorite myths and legends.
#AThousandBeginningsAndEndings #EllenOh #EliseChapman #book #books #Fantasy #ShortStories #YoungAdult #Mythology #Anthologies #Fiction #Retellings #FairyTales 💖💖

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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This was an interesting read, taking a modern spin on traditional Asain legends. I enjoyed some short stories more than others, which is to be expected. I like the way these authors brought the stories to life and provided a different context. Each legend was described at the end to discuss the adaptation, which I appreciated as well.

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Sixteen bestselling and acclaimed authors reimagine the folklore and mythology of East and South Asia in short stories that are by turns enchanting, heartbreaking, romantic, and passionate.
#AThousandBeginningsAndEndings #book #books #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookworld #bookword #epicreads #bookend #Fantasy #ShortStories #YoungAdult 💞💞💞💞💞

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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Excellent retellings of East Asian folktales and myths. YA authors placed sci-fi twists to make new stories. I truly liked each one. #YAshortstories #BBRC @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan I have this book. I‘ll eventually get to reading it. I‘m glad you liked it. 2y
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Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Rene Ahdieh, Julie Kagawa, Sona Charaipotra, Roshani Chokshi, Cindy Pon, Aliette de Bodard, Melissa de la Cruz, Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh, Aisha Saeed, Alyssa Wong, Rahul Kanakia, Preeti Chhibber, Lori M Lee, E C Myers, Shveta Thakrar
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I was expecting these to be more direct retellings of Asian legends, but many ended up as stories surrounding them, some told alongside modern celebrations of the tales, or just incorporating creatures of the myths.

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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh

It was an ill-fated thing to claim that a heart is safe. Hearts are rebellious. The moment they feel trapped, they will strain against their bindings.

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh

A interesting collection of stories. Overall it‘s a 3.5 for me. Read for the #ReadHarderChallenge2021 #HeyReaderathon and my final book for #spoopathon

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Finished in November 2020:
#Lumberjanes issues 65-72🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
#AThousandBeginningsandEndings🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟
#TheBadBeginning (#ASeriesOfUnfortunateEvents 1)🌟🌟🌟🌟
#TheReptileRoom (Series of Unfortunate Events 2)🌟🌟🌟🌟
#ToilandTroubleToil 15 Tales of Women & Witchcraft🌟🌟🌟🌟

My fav this month was A Thousand Beginnings and Endings. To me, it had the best range of stories I've read recently. I did like Toil & Trouble but it left me a bit angry 🤷

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Sometimes, things just work out: you cried all the tears in your body while watching Hotel Del Luna, and it just so happens that you have an anthology about star-crossed lovers just waiting to be picked up. It's like it was meant to be!


▶️🎧 Summer Kpop Readathon:
[CHUNGHA-Flourishing] something that blooms (and I chose love because, apparently, I'm a sap, now) ✔

#summerreadathon #roshanichokshi #reneeahdieh #juliekagawa #aishasaeed

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Thank you @JaclynW for the tag and @Eggs for the questions. Sorry for the late post, was taking a break

1. The picture is a quote by Oscar Wilde, “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”

2. Cleopatra from Asterix and Obelix. Or Hermione or Dr. Watson. Can‘t choose only one 😭

3. Tagged and Fierce Fairytales by Nikita Gill.

As this is late, consider yourself tagged if you haven‘t played.

JaclynW I love that quote! It hard to pick only ONE of anything for me!! Good choices. 4y
Eggs Lovely 😊 - thanks for joining in 👏🏻📚🤗 4y
sudi Love the picture 😍 4y
NeedsMoreBooks Thank you @JaclynW and @sudi It is hard to pick one but this post was recently on Insta. @Eggs ❤️❤️ 4y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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9/20 for #bookspinbonanza was this lovely anthology I received from the lovelier @jpmcwisemorgan in last year‘s myths and legends swap. Some stories are better than others, but I enjoyed most and have several authors to look into now. Favorite by far was Olivia‘s Table.

This gets me another bingo on my social distancing bingo card - only three spaces left!

TheAromaofBooks Great review & I quite like that cover! 4y
jpmcwisemorgan Yay! I‘m glad you enjoyed it. And finding new authors is always great, although a bit dangerous because then it seems like the TBR just explodes! 4y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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This anthology consisted of 15 retellings of Asian fairy tales. Although touted as YA, this book appealed to me. Each retelling is accompanied by the actual fairy tale that helped to understand the other version. Love and relationships, time travel, families, and multiple identities were common themes in the stories. Many were from the perspective of the woman in the stories or a contemporary retelling.

madams421 @Hestapleton this looks like something you would like! We should read it! 4y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh

Calling it a night, and the end of #nutsinMay readathon. I started and finished five books, finished the last Nancy Drew with the kiddo, and am about 1/3 into the tagged. That‘s about 1500 pages! Thanks to @Andrew65 for hosting. Always a pleasure!

Oh yes, and midway through the readathon I conquered Mt Ararat in my unofficial Mount TBR challenge!

BookishMe Wow! 👏🏽👏🏽 4y
Andrew65 Fantastic, well done. Thanks for playing along. 🍾🥂👏👏👏🙌🥳🥳🥳 4y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Thank you for the tags @MoonWitch94 and @Mishu94 Sorry it‘s a day late.

I had some short trips planned that are on hold.

The tagged books, Garnethill by Denise Mina, and Fierce Fairytales by Nikita Gill.

I celebrated my 34th birthday yesterday, had a chocolate lava cake ☺️

If anyone hasn‘t played, consider yourself tagged 💖

MoonWitch94 Happy Birthday!!! 🎈🎂🎁 4y
Hazel2019 Happy belated birthday! 🎂 🎈 🎉 4y
NeedsMoreBooks Thank you so much @MoonWitch94 and @Hazel2019 💖❤️💖❤️ 4y
Centique Happy birthday for a few days ago - from your fellow May birthday Litten 💕😄 4y
NeedsMoreBooks @Centique thank you so much! 💖❤️ Hope you had a wonderful birthday! 🎂🎊 (edited) 4y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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I didn't realize "man tries to explain taxes to a fox" was an interaction I wanted to read but it's very good.

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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I‘m. It really a fan of short stories but I loved this collection. 15 reimagined myths from Asian culture introduced me to new writers as well as stories I had never heard of before - each had a couple of pages explaining which I liked. I think this is. YA collection and some end a little abruptly but overall a pick #booked2020 #covercrush

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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Getting in a little reading before work today. Loving this gorgeous cover of my #doublespin pick. It's a book of 15 retellings of Asian myths and legends. I'm only on the second story but so far it is fascinating.

rubyslippersreads 😍📚😍 4y
NeedsMoreBooks Gorgeous cover 😍😍 4y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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I loved this collection. Growing up with the Grimm fairy tales and Aesop‘s fables, I am not as familiar with a lot of the stories from other places in the world and it was amazing to be able to read these stories and see what kinds of lessons were passed down in other cultures through story. My favorite stories were Olivia‘s Table by Alyssa Wong, The Land of the Morning Calm by E.C. Myers, and Girls Who Twirl and Other Dangers by Preeti Chhibber.

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh

A gift from dear @Sarah83 that I finally finished😊 retellings of asian fairytales and myths, by asian writers. Some stories I loved a lot, some a bit less but it is certainly a great book for any lover of asian myths! 4/5⭐️

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A gift from dear @Sarah83 that I finally finished😊 retellings of asian fairytales and myths, by asian writers. Some stories I loved a lot, some a bit less but it is certainly a great book for any lover of asian myths! 4/5⭐️

Sarah83 So great you like it 😍 5y
tpixie @ju.ca.no Lovely cover! @Sarah83 great find! 5y
Cathythoughts Lovely review! Great cover & title ♥️👍🏻 5y
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fleeting Oh yay, this one just came in the mail! Glad to hear you liked it; now I'm more keen on reading it! 5y
ju.ca.no @Sarah83 it was really perfect😍 5y
ju.ca.no @fleeting ooh enjoy it!! I hope you‘ll like it as much as I did! 5y
RadicalReader @ju.ca.no beautiful cover 5y
ju.ca.no @RadicalReader yes, I think so too😍 5y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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3/3 @jpmcwisemorgan You have spoiled me! Thank you so much for all the amazing things. This is my first Pop, and I adore Giles. I love the bag - Dracula is one of my favorite books ever. The books are fantastic (I‘ve been wanting to read Jackaby) and the goodies - yum! Beautiful journal and bookmarks; I love Celtic knots so much I have a tattoo! I just love everything. I‘m so grateful.

jpmcwisemorgan Yay! I‘m so glad it all worked! 5y
MeganAnn Great package! 💙🎉✨👏🏻⚡️🎉💙 5y
jpmcwisemorgan You said you liked Buffy and you have all sorts of books so you needed a librarian! I saw you read to your kiddo and while Jackaby is YA I figure they might grow into it so it‘s for you and maybe something you can someday share with them if it‘s of interest to them. Also, it has some Buffy-ish vibes to it. It‘s a 4-book and maybe 2 short stories series and is complete so if you get sucked in you‘re not stuck waiting forever for the next book. 5y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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I really enjoyed this collection of short stories! I read about one a day before going to bed and it was a really nice way to end the day, learning more about other cultures while reading great plots and characters. Of course, there are some I enjoyed more than others!

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A thousand thank yous to @Sarah83 for my lovely birthday present😍 asian myth retellings - perfect book for me😍 and I love the cover! Also thank you for all the other gifts, I love them all❤️

MayJasper Happy birthday my dear 😘 I love that cover too. 5y
iread2much Looks super cool! 5y
ju.ca.no @MayJasper thank you☺️ 5y
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Tanisha_A Hello! You address hasn't changed right? 5y
Tanisha_A *your 5y
ju.ca.no @Tanisha_A nope, it‘s still the same😊 5y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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This collection of short stories features twists on mythologies and tales from East and South Asia. A strong array of YA authors presents their updates on inspirational source material and then provides a note explaining the original stories and why they chose that story in particular. (continued in comments)

UnabridgedPod My favorites were Roshani Chokshi's "Forbidden Fruit," Alyssa Wong's "Olivia's Table," Renee Ahdieh's "Nothing into All," Cindy Pon's "The Crimson Cloak," and Julie Kagawa's "Eyes like Candlelight." I was only marginally familiar with a few of the original stories, and I thoroughly enjoyed both the modern reimaginings and the beautiful original tales. 5y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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🏵An excellent anthology of #OwnVoices Asian YA fantasy stories.
🏵Based off Asian mythos & folklore from Eastern & Southern Asia.
🏵Many stories are marvellously written.
🏵Packed w/lush traditional, cultural, & social traits unique to each country/culture‘s specific focus.
🏵Great variety of romance, friendships, self-discovery, & family dynamics.
🏵Highly rec‘d for fans of YA narratives &/or Asian Lit.

#diversebooks #diverseya

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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Checked out this #OwnVoices Asian anthology of short stories about/inspired by various Asian mythos after reading a few brilliant reviews on it. The goal is to read a story a day (minimum).

Sorry I‘ve been MIA. Been on bedrest and playing more video games than reading lately, oops. Hope you‘re all well! Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year! 💙💙

#diversebooks #asianlit #shortstories

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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As a lover of retellings of fairy tales, myths, and legends, I had to own this collection of short stories based in Asia. The book was very interesting, and I especially enjoyed how the end of each story had a synopsis of the original myth/legend and why the author chose to do a retelling of it.

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Next up! From the flyleaf: “Fifteen acclaimed authors reimagine tales from their own East and South Asian cultures.” #ownvoices

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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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If you like retold tales as much as I do, I suggest this collection of 15 stories based on Asian mythology. A feast for hungry ghosts and readers alike, written by YA luminaries like Roshani Chokshi, Julie Kogawa, Cindy Pon, Melissa de la Cruz, Aisha Saeed & Aliette de Bodard. They include fox spirits & other shapeshifters, familiar tales like the Cowherd & the Weaver, and 2 from the Mahabharata. #diversevoices #audiobook

Lindy I ran out of room to mention that the audiobook narrators are Kim Mai Guest and Vikas Adam, depending on whether the story is from a female or a male point of view. (edited) 6y
LoveToReadLiveToRead Sounds great. Beautiful cover! 6y
Tonton @Lindy whoa, this is on my TBR; are we on the same wavelength this week? 6y
Lindy @Tonton Ha! I guess we are. 👯‍♂️ 6y
Lindy @LoveToReadLiveToRead I appreciate covers like this that actually are relevant to the stories inside. 6y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Still chugging away on my qiviut & cashmere undervest. A good #audiobook helps! #knittersofLitsy

Texreader Looks comfy!! 6y
Lindy @Texreader Thanks. The weather is getting cold and I want to be wearing it instead of knitting it! 6y
Texreader @Lindy It‘s so gorgeous. You‘ll look great 6y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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This was an excellent collection of Asian folk tales reimagined and retold by young adult authors. After each story the authors pay tribute to the original story, giving the reader a better understanding of the folk tale.

Edited in part by Ellen Oh of #weneeddiversebooks this #ownvoices collection is worth the read.

#crossculturalstories 62 of 100 read

iread2much Looks like a fascinating read! 6y
Peddler410 I just bought this! 6y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Some recent things I‘ve acquired! Today, actually. Release day for Pride and the Check, Please! vol 1 graphic novel!! Excited to get to these but who knows when I will. So many books, too little time.

I was like “I just culled my shelves so I can get more books right??” 🙄 #bookhaul #newreleases

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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This book is a fantastic and magical collection of short stories. The retellings span many aspects of Asian folklore, myths, religious texts, and fairy tales which makes it hard to pick favorites. I was easily transported to new worlds while also learning more about Asian cultures. I highly recommend it for everyone. #AThousandBeginningsandEndings #EllenOh #ElsieChapman #VariousAuthors

Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Rene Ahdieh, Julie Kagawa, Sona Charaipotra, Roshani Chokshi, Cindy Pon, Aliette de Bodard, Melissa de la Cruz, Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh, Aisha Saeed, Alyssa Wong, Rahul Kanakia, Preeti Chhibber, Lori M Lee, E C Myers, Shveta Thakrar

I love the entire collection. I refuse to pick a favorite.

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Woke up to book mail this morning! My wife Sheri and I both wanted this book (that rarely happens these days, especially without either of us mentioning the book to the other beforehand), so Sheri ordered it along with her textbooks for college for this semester. #bookmail #WeNeedDiverseBooks

LazyDays Wonderful cover! 6y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh

"Fill your pockets with salt. Turn your shirt inside out. Tell Maria you have taken nothing.
But when you walk away, say a prayer.
For it is not her fault."

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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I had put myself on a book buying ban whilst I complete #backpackeurope which I am tying to do using only already owned books but then I read about this one and all promised flew out of the window !

KellyHunsakerReads That cover is lovely! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart Beautiful cover 😍🖤 6y
mhillis This sounds so good! 6y
Itchyfeetreader @mhillis I am super excited about this one and @Hunsakermountain and @Sorceryandswords the cover is more beautiful than my photo gives credit to! 6y
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