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Sorgenfri | Jo Nesb
I en bank i Oslos centrum fr bankdirektren 25 sekunder til at tmme hveautomaten for kontanter. Han bruger 31. Bankrveren viser seks fingre til overvgningskameraet og skyder en kvindelig bankassistent. Harry Hole fra drabsafdelingen i Oslo vgner i sin lejlighed uden korttidshukommelse. De seneste tolv timer er fuldstndig vk. Han husker dog, at han var til middag hos Anna, en gammel flamme. S bliver Anna fundet dd, og alt tyder p, at hun har beget selvmord samme aften, som Harry var hjemme hos hende. Nsten alt. SORGENFRI er fjerde bind i serien om Harry Hole, politimanden med den enorme retfrdighedsflelse, et stort hjerte, og det perfekte indre kompas der bare ikke fungerer i privatlivet.
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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I‘m enamored with this series. I feel it‘s higher-level writing than most novels in the crime genre.

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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The book follows two cases. A bank robbery where a murder occurs, and the death of Harry‘s former lover Anna. Anna‘s death is ruled a suicide but Harry is sure it was murder.

I enjoyed watching Harry try to solve the two cases. The book was great until the last couple chapters. Then it was just a massive info dump as Harry explained what happened. I think fans of the series will enjoy this but it may be a bit hard to follow otherwise.

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Day 254.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Mini book haul. I went to Barnes and Noble at lunch to use my gift card. Decided there‘s no point in saving it.

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Another awesome Harry Hole thriller mystery 8/10

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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#BookReport Mar 1 - 7
Too many in progress, so only completed books. I read Miralles' charming story also titled as tagged ⬇️

Nesbo 🤔 glad tis introduced Harry Hole to me. With many clever tricks up JN's sleeve, he spins a lengthy yarn. Deftly builds suspense but to bark up wrong tree repeatedly was meh!
Lines above (or stringing a yo-yo) signify multiple culprits for same crime, all with valid evidence. Ugh! Fewer chapters = better impact

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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Think I will continue with the #currentRead
my introduction to Harry Hole, when the Dame's book comes up soon in the line of #ReadingMM
I will start reading book 10 in a few days ;)
Same title, different books for the #whimsyreader #moodreader 😁😉☺️

Nathen N
Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Genre: Crime Fiction
Author:Jo Nesbø
Start date: Sept 9, 2019
How Did I choose this book?: I choose this book because Alyk, my brother, was reading this book and when looking for a book I came across this Nemesis Jo Nesbo.
This book caught my attention because it's about a man trying to clear his name for a murder for the cashier at a bank.

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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Overall a fast paced read, but it felt like Nesbo crammed too many story lines into one book.

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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Good story but sooo many twists and turns. I would have been perfectly content if the story ended halfway through.

Reggie I was mad at this story because I felt it reinforced my idea that Nesbo is a chauvinist. What woman would kill herself just to get back at 3 lovers who had broken up with her. Didn‘t she have anything better to do?!!!! Lol that part totally rubbed me the wrong way. 6y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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I love this author. It's been a while since I read one of these. 💖📚

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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Current read.

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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Went to London for a family trip and managed to buy only two books. Found the Black Gull which I remembered from a trip ten years ago and bought the tagged book there.
#blackgull #londonbooks

mrozzz How cool! I‘m in town right now! I bought way more than 2 books.... 😅 Haven‘t made it over there though. 6y
tessavi @mrozzz The Black Gull is small, but a nice second hand bookshop. Have fun! 6y
kstadt929 We are going to Europe for our honeymoon and I can‘t wait to go to some local bookstores there ❤️❤️ 6y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Not as strong as The Redbreast, I didn‘t particularly like the incredibly convoluted storyline. But I am now firmly attached to the Harry Hole character, and will definitely continue with this series! #pop18 #heist

Reggie Sometimes, especially after reading this book, I wondered if Nesbo was a chauvinist. The gall of someone to think a woman would put all that energy for that crap. This book kinda made me mad. 6y
alisiakae @Reggie I feel like so many thrillers or police procedurals written my male authors have chauvinistic or misogynistic undertones. And I agree, that storyline was frustrating. But I do like his writing. We‘ll see what the next one holds. 6y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesb
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It‘s a good thing that hubby is on call tonight and working at the hospital, because someone is taking up my whole side of the bed. 🙀 #catsoflitsy #Isabel

Hoping to finish the tagged book before sleep hits, but some unfortunate antibiotic side effects keep hitting. 🥴

MommyWantsToReadHerBook ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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It‘s been a long few weeks! I was hoping to hop into bed earlier, but at least I‘m here by 9pm and I‘m not budging. I have asthma, and I am prone to secondary infections whenever I get something respiratory. I had been good for 3 years, but this month I ended up with bronchitis after a cold I picked up 3 weeks ago. It‘s been with me through Boston, the last weeks of campaign work, and starting my new class, but finally on the mend! G‘night! 🛌 😴

Lreads Sweet, healing dreams! 6y
gradcat I liked the book, just on the off chance that you stay in bed and take care of yourself...it would be a good escape! Hope you feel better after a good night‘s sleep! 6y
CouronneDhiver Brutal! Get better soon 6y
alisiakae @QuietlyLaura Thank you! I had a great night‘s sleep. @gradcat “on the off chance” 😂😂😂 I did practice good self-care last weekend. 😃 I like Nemesis, but I do think Redbreast is better. @CouronneDhiver Thanks! I started antibiotics and a steroid on Monday and I am feeling a lot better. 6y
tracey38 Oh, hope you feel better! That happened to me earlier this year, where a cold turned into bronchitis, a sinus infection, laryngitis, pharyngitis, almost pneumonia. I worry that is happening again so I feel ya! 6y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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With a lot of appointments on the agenda, I‘m catching some reading time when I can this week!


GatheringBooks oh my goddess, what is this delicious concoction you have here? 6y
alisiakae @GatheringBooks It‘s just hard boiled egg on GF bread. The loaf of bread is solid as a rock, but actually fairly tasty. 😂 It‘s heavy on the seeds and dates. 6y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo

I‘m beginning to think that I just can‘t get to grips with Jo Nesbo‘s writing. Lots of people rave about this series but, for the most part, it‘s deadly dull. Rating: 2 ⭐️

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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#LitsyClassics #MayLovesClassics #day11 #Crime Crime is my genre, it‘s the one I love to read the most & it takes up most room on my shelves. It‘s such a varied genre, different nationalities bring something different to the telling, plus there‘s sub genres like cozy crime, golden age crime, police procedural, paranormal crime & scifi crime. Some readers look down their noses at crime but I love it.❤️🔪🖤

TrishB My go to comfort reads 👍🏻 6y
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eanderson I love crime especially with the police procedurals. I‘m finding I‘m also enjoying the Australian authors too! 6y
TheBookAddict These past few years I‘ve been trying to be more diverse with my book choices, but when I was a teen and in my early 20s I was usually reading a Crime or mystery novel (unless I was reading HP). I definitely don‘t turn my nose up at it, because it‘s still one of my favorite genres and I sprinkle it here and there throughout the year. 6y
Lizpixie @TrishB @erzascarletbookgasm I say YES to #crimeclub @Bambolina_81 I liked it, unlike most though I preferred The Dry. She has a new one coming in October called The Lost Man I think. @eanderson there‘s a few Aussie crime writers I think are fantastic including Kerry Greenwood, Emma Vasic & Sulari Gentill @TheBookAddict I love Litsy coz there‘s more acceptance of what people like to read, not as many #booksnobs as some platforms☺️ 6y
Dragon I love mysteries and crime novels - from Agatha Christie to Ruth Ware , you have a great selection! 😀🐉 6y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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This is the 4th book in the Harry Hole series. It was not my favorite so far, mainly because the plot didn‘t do much for me. I continue to really like Hole‘s character though, so I‘m looking forward to the remaining books. The synopsis of the next book sounds more up my alley! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Irina: “This is a detective novel and a murder mystery that‘s part of a series. The story is very interesting—the characters seem very real. The detective is not a perfect hero. He has his demons and is an alcoholic. You really feel for him when he has a bad day or messes up. I like reading stories that are very different from my life. I‘m an actress-slash-waitress and I have never solved a mystery. I‘d love to have the opportunity though!”

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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Challenge | Day 04

I don‘t know about you, but there's nothing more emersive to me than reading a police thriller in a quiet place.

#silent on #readingresolutions by @Jess7

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Book 4 in the Harry Hole series!

emilyhaldi 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Omg, talk about convoluted. My brain hurts from reading this book and uncrossing all the jumbled wires. A bank robbery and a fling from Harry's past set the stage for this crazy book. Does anybody else feel like Jo is a bit of a chauvinist? I'm not gonna go so far as to say he hates women but I feel like women are just props to him. I live my reading life in in constant fear for the lives of Beate and Rakel. Lol, still pressing on.

TrishB I gave up on Jo after a couple - just didn't do it for me! 7y
Reggie @TrishB so in this story, Harry is supposed to go have dinner with an ex-flame in her flat. The next morning he can't remember anything of the night before. It is discovered that the ex-flame, Anna, is dead with a bullet through her head. It turns out in the end, she committed suicide by purposely leaving clues that would indicate she had been murdered by the 3 men who happen to be the 3 ex-lovers who broke her heart, Harry included. And it👇🏼 7y
Reggie Just makes me long for other women protagonists of the area who sodomized their attacker and left them tied in their bed with the word Rapist tattooed on their belly. Where are you Lisbeth Salander???!!!!!! All the women in Jo Nesbo's books have died horrible deaths or are raped or blackmailed or commit elaborate suicides to take revenge on men. Lol where is the feminism in Norway? Idk, this whole plot just rubbed me the wrong way. 7y
TrishB @Reggie I think you summed up why I gave them up - exactly for rubbing me up the wrong way !! 7y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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What can make you leave the house during a readathon?
Not worrying about what you'll eat tomorrow - you'll sort that out.
Not perfect summer weather - there's more where that came from.
Only one thing...


#slaythatseries #slaythatseriesreadathon

josie281 😂 7y
Bookzombie 😂 7y
sprainedbrain 😂😂😂 7y
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BibliophileMomma 🤣🤣🤣 7y
UwannaPublishme Looks familiar! 😂😂😂 7y
Sydsavvy 😂😂😂 7y
litmuggle 😂😂🤣🤣 7y
stargazerblue49 Omg 😂😂😂 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto 😂😂😂 7y
Suet624 Hysterical. 7y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Finished The Redbreast, on to Nemesis...

BibliophileMomma I just finished book 1 of this series. Loved it. Now I wanna read them all! 7y
Sweettartlaura Get on it, @Tiffy_Reads !😜. You're in for some treats - Norwegians voted The Redbreast the best crime novel ever, & I must say, it was pretty damn good. I'm catching up on all of them this month - you should, too - the newest (after a lonnnnng break and a few other books in between) is coming out in ... September, I think. 7y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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#needfulbooks Nemesis. Jo Nesbo
I enjoyed The Redbreast, and I'm struggling to understand why this one didn't quite do it for me. It read like a fairly ordinary police procedural, without any of the historical sweep of the previous book. I found the writing cliched and the plot contrived and implausible and at the same time over-complicated so that I had a real job to remember who everyone was. Not bad but not great.

OutsmartYourShelf I've just started reading this series and so far I'm not impressed. 7y
Cathythoughts I have to say I'm not a fan of Nesbo. I did read a couple of his books & in part they were good. But I don't have any desire to go back to him, not sure why 7y
wonky I love nesbo...any by him glues me to the book! 7y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo

Just a shoutout to the awesome Litsy support team who responded to my query about when the Fire app was coming out within a few minutes. And now I have Litsy on my Fire. Yay!

mjdowens That is great news! I have Fire also. Will be sure to get on it 7y
Minervasbutler It's a lot less fiddly than using my phone. 7y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Thrilling Harry Hole novel with many twists and turns. Harry has to investigation a violent bank robbery at the same time trying to clear his name from his ex girlfriends murder. Revenge is the major theme, from the name of art work to people's motives. Harry makes a lot of mistakes due to his lust for revenge which makes things worst. 8/10

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Harry's experience with suicide notes. I like the dark humor nature of this quote.

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo

Another great Jo Nesbø novel! I love Harry Hole ? The story this one told was engaging, creative, & intense. A perfect police procedural. Can't wait for the next one.

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Starting another Jo Nesbø book today ? love me some Harry Hole ??

MrBook #NiceStack! What's that bottom one about? Should I make it a #TBRtemptation? 8y
JoeStalksBeck I can't read Joe Nesbo. His character Harry Hole just doesn't sit right with me🤢🤔😬 8y
booked4life @MrBook it's called Brother by Ania Ahlborn!! You should def add it! However, it's really gruesome. It's about a family of cannibals and their youngest son feels like what they're doing is wrong. His older brother takes it upon himself to remind him who he is supposed to be. It's really good!! 8y
MrBook Ohhh yeeaaaaahhhh! I came across this title before somewhere. 8y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo

Not as good as Redbreast but solid.

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Sucked me in again.

Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Didn't finish the two books I'm ready now before the end 2016 but did surpass my original goal of 24 books. Here's to 2017 and more books and hopefully a lil peace for all of us. Happy New Year 🎉

Swati Congratulations!! Had a similar goal and completed it, so know the feeling!!! 🎉 8y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesbo
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Tanzy13 📚 8y
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Nemesis | Jo Nesb

Nesbo elevates police procedurals.

Nemesis | Jo Nesb

Currently reading this during my subway time. Enjoying it so far.