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An Easy Death
An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
A BRAND NEW supernatural series by the #1 New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse series The Dark Tower meets True Blood in this gritty and wildly entertaining tale of Gunnie Rose. A woman fighting unimaginable odds to keep her people alive after the disintegration of America, this is a surefire hit for fans of The Walking Dead or Westworld.
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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This was a fun fantasy novel - an alternate US, kind of supernatural western feel. I liked it more than I expected to, considering I‘m not a Sookie Stackhouse fan. I liked the setting and the characters, while not exactly likeable were complex and interesting. I no long dread the aging ARC of book 3 sitting in my NetGalley queue, but I do think I‘ll stick to audio as I enjoyed Eva Kaminsky‘s narration.

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Decided to read some of Charliane Harris‘s books that aren‘t Sookie stackhouse.

This one is a western with magic. No one trusts the magic and the US is all broken up differently and I think Mexico took over Texas. Lizbeth crew dies so she takes up a job with Russian wizards to track done someone.

It was pretty interesting and I liked it. A lot of shooting and death though.

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Okay first of all, pretty cover. I like. Second of all, the r word; an action which in my opinion is so heinous that death is too good for the perpetrators, is mentioned frequently, but not in detail. Just makes one rather uncomfy. Thirdly, I enjoyed this one. I am seriously nervous about the next two…. But I‘m not a coward. Imma keep on keeping on.

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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I‘ve been reading the Gunnie Rose series on Kindle and thoroughly enjoying it, but not moved to review. They‘re fun books with twisty plots and engaging characters. I dunno. Worth a look if you like a dystopian future with a little magic lots of hijinks.

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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@Avanders send me this book. I liked the story. It was a bit different from her other books. I didn't really enjoy the parts were the two main characters suddenly had sex. It felt a bit forced. I might be done with all the sex in her books. Here and there it felt a bit choppy, like the subject suddenly changed. Overall okay. I will be reading the second book, but I'm not going to put them on my wishlist.
TBR since July 2021; 306 pages.

Avanders Yay I‘m glad it made it to you! ☺️ 3y
Tineke @Avanders.. I did tell you that before. Right?😨 3y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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This was excuted poorly. I was excited about fractured America, the survival of the Romanov family, and wizards.. but this was not it. It was written real simple and boring. The characters where dull. I didn't care for any of them especially Gunnie Rose.

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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While not a western, technically, considering the year, this book is written in a violent, rough-and-tumble “western” setting. But with a young female protagonist (with a pretty big chip on her shoulder and shooting skill to spare) and…. Wizards. Intrigued, started, finished. Book 2 coming up! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

PS - would make an excellent tv show. Anyone know if that‘s coming?

PPS - anyone want it? First to respond gets it!

Tineke I would love to read it, but I'm guessing US only? I didn't know there was a new series out. I just took book 4 of the Sookie Stackhouse series to read some time this month. 3y
Avanders @Tineke oh, I‘m sorry, I should have thought to say so .. unfortunately the cost for international shipping from the US tends to be so much higher than several times the cost of the book itself — I don‘t know when that happened! But let me check — what country? 3y
Tineke @Avanders I figured as much. I know the shipping prizes in the US are absurd. But if you want to check it out, I'm in the Netherlands. I'll put this book on my wishlist anyway. 3y
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Avanders @Tineke you know, it might be ok! I‘ll check it out at the actual post office (online info is not always as clear or accurate as I‘d like 😜). Would you email me your address? Leathy18 at gmail. 💃🏽 3y
BethM My fave author is doing a book club with this book at the end of the month and Charlaine is coming! (All virtual) 3y
Avanders @BethM ooh very cool! 😄 3y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Also, I accidentally started this in the middle of my other book… so a quick deviation into a western with wizards it is! 😳🤠🧙🏻‍♂️

rwmg Another Charlaine Harris series. Wishlisted 3y
Avanders @rwmg I hope you like it! 😄 3y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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I legit fangirled when I opened my #hauntedhollowswap from @Hazel2019 so much fun in one place! And popcorn balls! Omg so much fun! I can‘t wait to read these! Thank you for an amazing swap and thanks to @wanderinglynn for organizing!! #teamslaughter #scarathlon2020 @Clwojick

wanderinglynn Great box! 🎃🖤🧡☠️ 4y
Hazel2019 Yay! Enjoy! 😁🖤🦇👻🎃 4y
Clwojick Those pens look like so much fun! 😍 4y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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🎧 I read the 1st Sookie book, I liked the writing not the MC.

This book is an alternate history western. Post-FDR assassination in the 30‘s the US is divided by UK, MX, Canada & Russia. Gunnie Rose provides security. Sorcery & the occasional zombie seem common place.

Lizbeth (MC) spends time in Texoma (current southern US/Mexico) in the employ of a Russian wizard. Everyone has secrets. Good world building. Strong MC. Lots of killing. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Interesting read, but much different than the Aurora Teagarden books, which are the books that got me hooked on Charlaine Harris. +16pts #teamslaughter #scarathlon @Clwojick 🎃📖📚

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Clwojick 😍 4y
NikkiM5 Great book and beautiful pictures 😊 4y
Charityann @NikkiM5 Thanks!😊 4y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Lizbeth was an interesting character; however, I do know how I feel about her yet. She is a definite realist and she is a badass with a gun, but sometimes her dialogue was a little rude, especially for her hate for Paulina. I thought the author didn‘t do Paulina justice. I also thought the romance between Lizbeth and Eli was lame and wasn‘t necessary. They just all of the sudden boned and then it was over. I hope the next one will be better.

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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My June tbr pile. Not going to lie, the month is half way over and I have not started any of these BUT The Vampire Knitting Club has me so excited! #junetbr2020

ravenlee I enjoyed An Easy Death, but I read it when it was brand new (stumbled across it at the library) and the wait for the next installment has been brutal. Now I‘m just gonna wait and reread it when there are more available. 😩 4y
Mommamanzi @ravenlee I‘ll hold off a bit then. I usually have so many books going that if I read a book and have to wait an unusually long time I can‘t keep the story straight. Any idea why it‘s taking so long? 4y
ravenlee Ok, it looks like the second book did actually come out on schedule and I didn‘t see it, because I‘d gotten distracted by shiny things. But I don‘t see a pub date for book three yet. I don‘t usually follow in-progress series, so it just feels like forever when it‘s really only a year or so. 4y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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In an alt-universe, America is fractured due to the Great Depression & the assassination of Teddy Roosevelt, there now exists several new countries. In the middle of it all is a place called Texoma where we find gunslinger Gunnie Rose. After a job goes badly & Gunnie loses her crew she takes up with magic-weilding Grigori who need help tracking down a fella whose blood may save the royal line. A fun new series from Harris!

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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The other two that called to me at the book store Sunday. A Ladies Guide to Etiquette and Murder was a blame it on litsy from a few of you! And I love Charlaine Harris so the first of her new series was a must! #newbooksmell

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Starting a new one. Found this on #kindleunlimited love #CharlaineHarris books, pretty stoked to start.

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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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I found this book completely by chance and now I‘m obsessed with it! It‘s different from the Sookie Stackhouse series that I loved, but entertaining for sure!

ravenlee I stumbled across this at the library, totally by chance, and really enjoyed it. I‘m frustrated by having to wait for the rest of the books, though. 5y
LA_Mead @ravenlee me too!!! I think the next one is coming in 2020 now 5y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Cowboys, Wizards and Russian Royalty may sound like an odd combo but they have come together perfectly in this alternative history story.
When Gunnie Rose suddenly finds herself in the employ of two Gregori, Russian wizards, she knows its never been more important to keep the story of her own magical blood - and the man responsible for it - a secret.

An awesome introduction to a whole new world from Charlaine Harris. Can‘t wait for the next one!

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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Happy Memorial Day!

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Her newest book. It was pretty good. Story about a gunnie hired for a job with some wizards. Very violent. The characters were great and the story flowed along. Not as good as Sookie or Midnight TX but not that bad that i was able to finish it. 3 stars.

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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In this #alternatehistory the Romanov family survived but FDR died before taking office. There‘s also magic. Lizbeth Rose (AKA Gunnie) is part of a crew escorting a family from Texoma to New America. When that goes sideways she ends up on a road trip with a pair of Russian wizards looking for a descendant of Rasputin. Many folks don‘t want them to succeed. This was a fun magical adventure story with interesting characters. ⬇️ #roses #literarylove

Susanita It appears to be the start of a series, but it stands on its own as well. I‘d read more in this world. 6y
vkois88 I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THIS! I usually read all her books, but I haven't stated up to date for a while. Definitely #Stacked though 6y
Susanita @vkois88 I think @Liberty mentioned it during one of her podcasts? It sounded intriguing, so I pounced when I saw it was available at the library. 6y
vkois88 I'll have to see if ours has it! 6y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Yep! This is good 😉☕📚

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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It took a while to get wrapped up in the story, but I‘m glad I stuck it out. Lizbeth is feisty and capable. The world-building took a while, I disliked Paulina, Eli was awfully slow on the uptake; but overall this was good. Now it‘s a waiting game for the rest of the trilogy.
3.5/5 ⭐️

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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As usual, this author has created an entirely believable alternate universe from her imagination and shared it with us for our entertainment. Never knowing who the enemy may be or what they will look like while traveling makes for a page-turning adventure with a strong, female lead wearing a pair of Colt pistols on her hips. I loved this new, desert locale tale from Charlaine and give it five stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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My first read of the year and #TheGoldenGlobes. ❤❤❤

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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I love books by Charlaine Harris and I was super excited when I found out there would be a new series. This is book one in the Gunnie Rose series. I was a little hesitant about it at first but the further I read the more I fell in love with her character. She is a tough as nails gunslinger and fights to protect anyone she works for. I am excited to see what her story holds and I hope there will be more books!

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Lizbeth Rose is a woman who does what needs doing, even when it hurts. Loved the world building, the characters, and the story. I‘ve read Harris‘s Lily Bard, Aurora Teagarden, Harper Connelly, and Sookie Stackhouse books, as well as Midnight, Texas but this might be my favorite.

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Usually, I can breeze through a #charlaineharris book in like, a day. This one took me a good long while to really get into; once I did, though, it was a quick read the rest of the way through, w/ a pretty likable pair of characters at the forefront. Gunslinging lady badass Lizbeth is pretty much everything I love in heroines, and Eli is a charmer. Follows the same formula Harris does best, so sometimes super-predictable, but fun. #aneasydeath

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris

Interesting worldbuilding. Lizbeth is GREAT. I am...cautiously excited? Let's just say that, different author, I would be excited, but Charlaine Harris has burned me before. I am still genuinely enraged when I think about the last Sookie book. #readathon

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris

Almost halfway through the readathon and sitting at only 7hr42m. Proooobably not going to be the recordbreaker I hoped for. Just finished Elliott Kay's Run Like Hell and now for some magic gunslinging!

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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In an alternate history of the US, President Roosevelt was assassinated and the VP along with a huge portion of the US population died in an influenza outbreak during the Great Depression. Other countries have taken over portions of the US and in an area known as Texoma, we follow Lizbeth Rose, a young gun for hire, as she protects two Russians searching for a relative of Rasputin in order to save their tsar.

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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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A western with wizards. It was a fun and easy read. I found this new world created by Charlaine Harris interesting and unique. I look forward to more in this series.

Caroline2 Ohhh interesting!! 😯 stacked!! 😉 6y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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It was tightly-plotted, but I didn‘t like the first person POV, or the short, choppy sentences. They do make an easy read, so I think that will help it sell well. I‘m tired of reading about teenagers. I‘m unsure how I feel about Charlaine Harris writing characters who are people of color in Mexico, even in alternate histories—racism was strictly confined to Dixie, and no Native Americans existed.

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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A new Charlaine Harris series?! Yes please!!!

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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Post #SDCC2018 reading

An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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#TBRtemptation post 2! #BEA18 Edition! The first installment in the Gunnie Rose series. To be released in October. Set in a fractured US, Lizabeth Rose is a young gunslinging mercenary distrustful of magic, so she's not thrilled when she's a guide for two Russian wizards who are looking for a low-level magic practitioner, whose blood can save their tsar, along the US-Mexico border. The task is more than she bargained. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Silvia.Baltazar Love her books. 6y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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This is me within an hour of sending an #arc request, waiting for the response 😜

LauraBeth 😂 6y
britt_brooke 😆👏🏻 6y
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An Easy Death | Charlaine Harris
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As a lover of all things Charlaine Harris I am so excited for this!!

readinginthedark I have mixed feelings about Harris‘s books, but she‘s lovely in person, and this one sounds fun! 7y
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