Bailing on this #Roll100 / #bookspinbacklog pick. I try nonfiction and struggle. 🤷🏻♀️ I did my best.
Bailing on this #Roll100 / #bookspinbacklog pick. I try nonfiction and struggle. 🤷🏻♀️ I did my best.
I‘ve read and enjoyed Philbrick before, so I thought I‘d give this one a try. But it‘s solidly military history, a topic I have less than zero interest in. So, this one‘s on me, not the book.
Philbrick is an excellent history author, IMO. Here he informs us of the events, especially those waged at sea, of the end of the Revolutionary War. The French played a bigger part than I realized.
I didn‘t realize this was the third in a trilogy by Philbrick, even though I still have the second, “Valiant Ambition” in my TBR 😂. I‘ll definitely hunt down the first installment, “Bunker Hill”.
(Anchor lap quilt made by my mom)
3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I‘m gonna be completely honest. I only picked this one up because it was a book of the month pick. I am glad I read it because it was good, but I felt like some parts dragged while others moved faster. This was a good look into the history of Yorktown and everything that happened, but this was mostly about George Washington. The epilogue I will say is a good ending because you see so many people and their “end” years and thoughts.
Philbrick has written a few books about the American Revolutionary War, more I think related to the beginning. Here, he tackles the last year. Once again, a book I haven‘t read yet, but as a #BOTM selection awhile ago, I had to snap it up. #TalkinBoutARevolution #LilithJuly
Had to screen shot my review. I didn‘t want to sell this book short. Best Non-fiction read I‘ve read in YEARS!!!
🎶 we can end this war in Yorktown, cut them off at sea but
for this to succeed there‘s someone else we need.”🎶 I enjoy Revolutionary War history, and I learned some stuff in this one.
Cold day ❄️ good excuse to hunker down and read about the creation of 🇺🇸. It never ceases to amaze me how much of American history (and history as a whole) came down to luck & chance. That is not to say strategy, diplomacy, grit, logistics, weapons etc didn't play a major part. But luck and chance played such a critical role in the formation of America time and time again. Hope everyone has a great day 👍
I absolutely loved this #botm selection from October. Who knew naval battles could be so interesting! This was my first Philbrick, I can't wait to read his other works. Really some of the finest revolutionary war writing I've read.
Absolutely loving this book, my first by Philbrick and definitely not my last. This isn't part of any challenge-- just a #botm pick i'm behind on due to travels this fall.
My January #tbr plus 3 botm books just selected today! Starting with the book tagged. Some books for #readharder and these truths was a christmas gift! And a few other long time tbr books for good measure.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ for In the Hurricane‘s Eye. I always enjoy Philbrick‘s books, but I thought this was the weakest entry in his loose trilogy of the American Revolution. (I much preferred Bunker Hill and Valiant Ambition.) It just didn‘t really seem to have a point. #jesshowreads2018
I got three new bookcases, but I need your help, my wonderful, super smart, Litsy friends! Do I put this book with the rest of my Nathaniel Philbrick nonfiction books or do I put it with all my other #BOTM books??
Survived #BlizzardBruce but couldn‘t get to work today since the entire campus was shut down. So I‘m dreaming of warmer days while reading this delight and sipping on hot cider! 💕❄️
Excellent account of the war leading up to the victory at Yorktown. Especially learned lots in the afterword with the subsequent accounting of each of the major players up to their deaths.
My #BOTM pick was an excellent read! Revolutionary era history is always interesting and exciting. I‘m not usually drawn to naval and military histories, but Philbrick keeps the narrative together with helpful diagrams and illustrations. Lafayette In the Somewhat United States was my 1st #BOTM selection. Finally, after 3 years there is another non-fiction history book worth reading from the club! ⚓️
October #botm has arrived! Unpacked and transferred to the coffee table waiting to be read.... someday.
Is it just me or do #BOTM covers feel better than most? I love holding their books so much. #BookMail always makes me happy, but especially when two of the three books are free! There are two sections of glossy pages in the Hurricane‘s Eye book and they have portraits, etchings, diagrams, maps, and documents. Great selections this month. If for some strange reason you haven‘t joined, you really should now:
I haven‘t been this excited about #BOTM since last month. 🤣🤣 In all seriousness, though, I am super excited about this pick.
Thanks to @felinesandfiction for finding the October #botmspoilers and @TheLibrarian for the beautiful graphic!
What is with ALL the suspense/thrillers lately at BOTM?! I love this genre, but I‘m getting a little worn out. Is it just me? I was hoping for a historical fiction this month, so I guess I‘ll go with “In the Hurricane‘s Eye.” I‘m looking forward to “Lies” and “Clockmaker‘s Daughter” once I‘ve detoxed from murder novels. What about you?
Here's another one.
Looks like a nonfiction title
@Cinfhen @mrozzz @swishandflick @allthingskayla @L_auren