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Joined May 2016

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." --C.S. Lewis / A reader and tea lover in Connecticut
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Novel based on the true story of the Jane Collective, a group of women who provided abortions in Chicago in the 1970s before Roe v Wade. The story is interesting but the writing is rather flat —in places it reads more like a women‘s health pamphlet than realistic dialogue. Still a pick because the topic and the history are important—especially now.

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There‘s a trend at medical schools to seek applicants who have a strong foundation in the arts and humanities. Research shows this creates doctors with greater teamwork and communication skills as well as empathy and tolerance for ambiguity. I think another benefit is that we get memoirs like this one from doctors who write wonderful and sensitive patient stories.

Book 4 ✔️ for #DiseaseofTheMonthBookClub
Prompt: A book by a doctor or a nurse

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Ordinary Thunderstorms | William Boyd
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When the world outside is in chaos, it‘s necessary to retreat for a while and escape into another reality.

MallenNC I read this one years ago! It was advertised on posters on the tube during a vacation in London so I felt compelled to read it. I don‘t remember much about it so maybe I should reread it. 5d
Amiable @MallenNC Frankly, it‘s okay. I likely won‘t remember it 6 months from now. I‘m just trying to get through some of the books that have been sitting on my shelves for too long. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5d
MallenNC @Amiable That‘s a constant struggle for me. I have so many books that keep getting pushed aside for shiny new ones 5d
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Amiable @MallenNC Yes! The Libby app from the library is both a blessing and a curse. 😖😀 5d
dabbe You. Are. Adorable. LOVE the hat! 🩵💙🩵 5d
Amiable @dabbe 😘 Gracias, amiga! I got it on the Olympic Peninsula last year. 🙂 5d
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I didn‘t keep track of the exact number, but I also have at least 10 more books from the NYT list sitting in my TBR shelves. Now I want to find and read them so I can re-do this checklist. 😄

readmyeyes Wow 30! 🙌 How did you make this graphic, it‘s super cool! 2w
BarbaraBB @readmyeyes There‘s a free link today to the list and the graphic on https://modernmrsdarcy.com 2w
readmyeyes ⬆️ I figured out the graphic is on the NYT site lol 🤪 2w
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readmyeyes Thank you!! 😊 @BarbaraBB 2w
Laughterhp I‘ve read 8 😬😬😬 2w
Amiable @readmyeyes Yes! Thankfully the NYT did the graphic for me because there is no way I could do anything like that myself. 😄 2w
kspenmoll Yay for you!🙌🏻 2w
Amiable @kspenmoll It seems like an odd list. But every “best of” list is so subjective, anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2w
5feet.of.fury …2. Lol Station Eleven & Fifth Season 2w
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Stoner | John Williams
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A friend has been urging me for years to read this, and I finally did. My first thought was “what took me so long??” And then my second was, “I‘m so glad I read it now.” This is a book that will hit you differently depending on where you are in your life when you read it. For me in my 50s, it packed a punch. (Review continues) ⬇

Amiable It‘s the story of a man named William Stoner. Born at the end of the 19th-century into a poor Missouri farming family, he‘s sent to the state university to study agronomy. Instead, he falls in love with English literature and becomes a professor, which creates a permanent rift between him and his parents. Over the years, Stoner marries, has a child, experiences disappointments and frustrations and despair and all-too-brief moments of happiness. ⬇ 2w
Amiable And that‘s pretty much the plot – 65 years of a man‘s life in less than 300 pages. Where the book shines is in Williams‘ prose and narration. Every single word is precisely chosen for maximum impact in a compressed space. He uses words simultaneously as the hammer and the nails to create an existential hero out of William Stoner. Stoner is uniquely Stoner, and yet Stoner is all of us. ⬇ 2w
Amiable There is a line that conveys the bleakness of approaching middle-age: “He was 42 years old and he could see nothing before him he wished to enjoy and little behind him he cared to remember.” And then he lives for another nearly 25 years. And Williams carries you along the relentless flow of those years. This novel is perfection. And I don‘t use that term lightly.

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TheBookHippie One of my all time favorites. 2w
PurpleyPumpkin Excellent review! I really enjoyed this one as well. 2w
CindyMyLifeIsLit One of my favorite books!! ❤️ 2w
Tamra This is my favorite novel. 💙 2w
BarbaraBB Such a great novel. Glad you read it ! 2w
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Table For Two | Amor Towles
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The FICTION bracket had all the action for June! There were 3 novels that could have taken the top spot, and I struggled to crown one. So 2 ended up in the bonus spots to battle each other! After much deliberation, the tagged book got the nod. It was a tough pick. And it was difficult to choose the one to move into the finals. In the end, though, my heart had to go with the Thornton Wilder-Ann Patchett two-fer.


Sociopath: A Memoir | Patric Gagne
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Here‘s my NONFICTION bracket for June. The tagged book was the winner, but only because most of the nonfiction I read this month was merely OK. It won‘t progress to the finals. Hoping for a better July with NF picks.


Fairy Tale | Stephen King
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I waffled on a rating for this — was going to give it a “so-so” but settled on a low pick because there were some parts I liked in the beginning and at the end. However, throughout a large portion of the middle I was simply bored. And when the book is 600 pages long, that‘s a lot of time to not be invested in the story. But I have read worse books by King, so there‘s that.

AlaMich Beautiful pool! 🌞 3w
Amiable @AlaMich Thanks! My husband works really hard to make it look good. 😀 3w
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Delicious! | Ruth Reichl
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I enjoy Reichl‘s nonfiction so I thought I‘d give her fiction debut a go. Not sure what she was thinking. This book suffers from a smorgasbord of genres. Is it romance? Historical fiction? Mystery? An epistolary novel? A cookbook? A coming-of-age story? It‘s all over the place. The way one character speaks induces eyeball rolls, and several plot lines strain credibility. What a disappointment.

JamieArc Hmmm. She has a new fiction book out (tagged). Have you read this one? 3w
Amiable @JamieArc No -- her fiction debut is this month's selection for our library book club, so that's mostly why I picked it up. Is the new one any good? 3w
JamieArc @Amiable Not sure, haven‘t read it yet. But as someone who is a complete Francophile and loves food writing, fingers crossed 🤞🏻 it is! 3w
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willaful I love her nonfiction too but had already decided against this one... maybe started it? 3w
ErikasMindfulShelf I read Delicious a long time ago and really liked it. Haven‘t read any of her nonfiction yet. 3w
Tamra You get the kudos for trying! 3w
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I alternated between the hardcover and the audiobook for this —because although I don‘t normally like audiobooks, who doesn‘t want to hear Henry Winkler tell his own story? This is a soft pick for me, however. I enjoyed the first few chapters where he talks about his difficult childhood and demanding parents and school challenges, but the later chapters seemed to devolve into rambling musings. At least it was short.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Really enjoyed this time-traveling thriller! Jen is shocked when her teen son commits a murder. Why did he do it? The next day, she wakes up —yesterday. Before the crime. Then several days before, then months, then years. Can she learn things from the past to prevent it from happening? There were twists that I didn‘t see coming —maybe because they‘d already occurred … 🧐 An edge-of-your-seat ride.

LiteraryinLawrence I was really impressed with this one! 1mo
Amiable @LiteraryinLawrence It was way better than I expected! A pleasant surprise. 1mo
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Table For Two | Amor Towles
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I‘m not normally a fan of short stories—just when I get into the plot, it‘s over. But I enjoyed this collection from Towles. I read a different one every day instead of trying to plow straight through. He does a wonderful job of character building. My favorite story was the novella titled “Eve in Hollywood.” I could definitely go for more Evelyn Ross.

vivastory If you haven't yet read “Gentleman In Moscow“ do you think it's ok to go ahead & read this one? 1mo
Amiable @vivastory I‘d say yes. I don‘t think there are any storylines that continue from “Gentleman.” The Evelyn Ross character is from “Rules of Civility.” And honestly, I read that so long ago that I don‘t even remember the plot, anyway. It didn‘t detract from my enjoyment of the novella. 1mo
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I couldn‘t choose just one NONFICTION for May —so I picked two! The tagged book for the May slot, and “The Wide Wide Sea” for the wildcard bonus slot. Which also advances to the quarterfinals by taking out the April winner. This bracket may be the most interesting race of the year!


Bright Young Women | Jessica Knoll
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I think I forgot to post my brackets for April. Oops! And I‘m late with May. Oh, well. Here‘s where my FICTION bracket stands currently. I‘ve got a few good contenders for June already!


CBee I‘m excited that you liked Bright Young Women! I thought it was really well done. 2mo
Amiable @CBee It kind of gave me nightmares, though! Since I knew it was based on real life. I remember going through a true-crime phase in my 20s where I read about serial killers all the time. I don't know what I was thinking. I'd have to sleep with the lights on if I regularly read that stuff now! 😳 (edited) 2mo
CBee @Amiable we are so similar - I was the same and even wrote a research paper on serial killers for an abnormal psychology class! But now, it‘s harder for me to read about those things. 2mo
Amiable @CBee I think we gain more empathy and understanding as we get older because now we know what heartbreak and tragedy feel like. So we can put ourselves in the shoes of the victims and their families. It‘s not abstract “entertainment” thrills anymore. (edited) 2mo
CBee @Amiable well said 💯👍🏻 1mo
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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Great read. It sucked me in on page 1. My only complaint would be that the ending felt rushed. Now I‘m off to get a copy of “Huck Finn” for a (long overdue) re-read.

JLaurenceCohen That's interesting about the ending because most people complain that the ending of Huck Finn is too drawn out 2mo
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I Love the 80s | Megan Crane
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Doing this now because I‘ll be traveling tomorrow! #TLT

75/100–and I left off a few that I think maybe I saw but I wasn‘t totally sure? The ‘80s were my decade: high school and college years!

Three faves:
1. Airplane: “I am serious, and don‘t call me Shirley.”
2. Footloose: I had the soundtrack and played it in my car All. The. Time. 😀
3. Good Morning, Vietnam! I mean, ROBIN WILLIAMS. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Ruthiella OMG. Airplane! On bad days I often quote, “I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue”. 😆 2mo
Amiable @Ruthiella It‘s the best! 😄 2mo
willaful Surely you can't be serious! 2mo
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dabbe We must be close to the same age, m'dear! HS and college = the 80s! 🤩🤩🤩 #1: 😂 #2: soundtrack meaning cassette or 8-track? 😂😂😂 #3: Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning, Vietnam! 🤩 Thanks for sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Amiable @dabbe Ha ha! Cassette in the car, but my sister and I did have an 8-track player in our bedroom! 😄 And also, I can‘t even look at the title of “Good Morning, Vietnam” without hearing it that way in my head. 😀 2mo
dabbe @Amiable And I've been hearing it all day yesterday and today! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Real Americans | Rachel Khong
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I‘m not totally sure what I just read. Individually, I enjoyed the stories of Lily, Nick and May and how they each navigated their ways in the world. But the big reveal involving science and genetics left me scratching my head. And the decisions made by several characters seemed contrary to their natures. I was left feeling confused, unsatisfied and wanting more.

Ruthiella I‘m reading this now and couldn‘t agree more. It‘s like three different approaches to the same concept and she couldn‘t decide which was best, so kept them all? Very unsatisfying and way too long as a result, IMO. 54m
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Thanks for the tag, @Read4life !

Three college friends and I just got tickets to see Billy Joel and Rod Stewart in September! We‘re all road tripping from both coasts to meet up in Cleveland. 🙂 The best part? My friends haven‘t seen each other since college — 35 years ago! 😳


Suet624 Fantastic! 2mo
booksellerbooster Amazing! 2mo
KadaGul Amazing 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Ruthiella Wow! Sounds like fun! 🤩 2mo
Read4life That‘s awesome! 🤓🤓🤓 2mo
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It‘s history, so you think you already know how the story goes. But Hampton Sides somehow always manages to imbue his nonfiction accounts with suspense and a propulsive narrative that reads like a thriller. This details the third and final voyage of Capt. James Cook, which ended with his death in Hawaii in 1778. What precipitated that violent and tragic encounter on the beach? I couldn‘t put it down.

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Real Americans | Rachel Khong
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When you‘re reading your current book and suddenly stumble across the place where you work! 🤯

I had to look up the author‘s bio—yep, she went to Yale. Of course. Lots of references to New Haven locations in here.

Aims42 That‘s so fun! Like a little Easter egg just for you 🥰 Whenever a book mentions towns in Iowa I smile and my mental rating for it always goes up half a star lol 2mo
Amiable @Aims42
Me: “I‘m going to relax and read a book and not think about work.”
The book: 🤗

(edited) 2mo
Aims42 @Amiable 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2mo
Jerdencon Love when things like that happen! 2mo
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When your boss messages and says, “log off at 2 pm and enjoy the holiday weekend!” And by 2:05 you are on the back patio with a book and a cold drink basking in the glorious 79-degrees-with-no-humidity weather. 🥰

LeahBergen Perfect! 2mo
sarahbarnes The best kind of message! 2mo
Aimeesue Nice! 2mo
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Leftcoastzen Yay! 2mo
MallenNC Great way to start a long weekend! 2mo
BarbaraBB Perfect!! 2mo
Velvetfur I wish we had that weather right now in England! Enjoy 😁 2mo
Tamra 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 2mo
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Oh, how I love it when a box of books arrives in my mailbox. 😍

Suet624 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 2mo
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Bright Young Women | Jessica Knoll
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Are there a few style issues with this book? Yes. But I appreciate the angle taken, one that focuses on the WOMEN —those who were victimized by The Defendant, those who survived and those who didn‘t. Their stories always deserve to be told, but too often are not. Why is it that things a woman sees and experiences with her own eyes are dismissed as less relevant than something a man says or believes? It‘s infuriating. This book will stay with me.

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Bright Young Women | Jessica Knoll
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YES. THIS. So much this.

As a woman in my 50s who has witnessed and experienced decades of misogyny and mansplaining and “there-there-little-lady” pats on the head of condescension and dismissal of our thoughts and feelings and fears, so much of this book resonates with me. And angers me.

TrishB I think it‘s worse now than in my teens 😞 2mo
Amiable @TrishB It‘s absolutely feels like we are going backwards at a rapid pace. 😠 2mo
TrishB It definitely does. 2mo
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Megabooks 💯💯🙌🏻🙌🏻 2mo
quietlycuriouskate Wish I could say I have no idea what you are talking about, but alas... 😠 2mo
UwannaPublishme 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2mo
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Funny Story | Emily Henry
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I‘m not a fan of the romance genre. But I picked up “Book Lovers” on a whim —and loved it. So I thought, maybe I like romance if it‘s written by Emily Henry? Alas, every other book by her has been just a soft pick for me. I guess it‘s difficult to repeatedly capture lightning in a bottle. 🤷🏻‍♀️ A quick, predictable read. I won‘t remember the plot in a few months, but it was frothy fun while it lasted.

Aims42 I‘m a fellow “some but not all romance is for me” member 😁 They‘re a good palate cleanser for sure! 2mo
Amiable @Aims42 I‘m mostly “meh” about romance, to be honest. I don‘t ever seek it out on its own. Usually I end up with it because I‘m reading something that‘s in the realm of “chick lit” and it‘s cross-tagged as romance. 2mo
Aims42 @Amiable Totally get that 👍 2mo
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The Hunter: A Novel | Tana French
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Some reviews complain that nothing happens in this book. But I think that‘s the point. It goes deeper under the surface than just a whodunnit. It‘s about what people think and plan and believe and the actions they may or may not take based on those inner monologues. It‘s about community and your place in it. What is an outsider? Can you can ever fit in if you are one – even if you‘ve lived there your whole life? I couldn‘t put it down.

Susanita She is the queen of the slow burn 2mo
Amiable @Susanita She's the best! 2mo
Crazeedi I just looked at this at the library, but didn't get it. May have to get! Thanks for the review 2mo
Amiable @Crazeedi Definitely read the first one before this if you haven't already -- it will explain the motives for several characters: 2mo
Hooked_on_books I loved this one! 2mo
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Excellent account of the months leading up to April 12, 1861, when the first shells were launched by Confederate forces on Fort Sumter and the U.S. Civil War began. Larson draws on diaries and various narratives from both sides to show how they danced warily around each other until the inevitable clash. I was most fascinated by the parts about Lincoln‘s preparations for his arrival into DC for his inauguration.

Karisimo I'm halfway through it right now! I like how the intro encouraged readers to forget they know the outcome and view it as the people of the day would have. 2mo
Amiable @Karisimo Yes! I was also amazed that Larson could maintain a sense of tension throughout the book when we do all know how it ends. And also -- it's fascinating to see how much circling around and “nothingness“ happened in the months leading up to the attack. Makes you really think about how wars start and what the final straw is that nudges the parties over that final cliff to the land of no return. (edited) 2mo
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Every spring I wait for this cherry tree to bloom in our front yard. It puts on a glorious show for about 2-3 weeks. And I think, how lucky are we to live in a world that offers glimpses of beauty like this? 🥰


Clare-Dragonfly These are my favorite trees ever 😍🌸❤️ 3mo
dabbe #absolutelygobsmacked 🩷🩷🩷 3mo
RaeLovesToRead Gorgeous 😍😍 3mo
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peanutnine So beautiful! 😍💖 3mo
Cupcake12 Stunning photo x 3mo
JenReadsAlot Beautiful! 3mo
CarolynM Glorious! 3mo
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After Annie: A Novel | Anna Quindlen
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I‘m calling this a pick even though it left me wanting more in ways I can‘t quite articulate. It‘s the story of a family as they struggle to deal with the sudden death of their mother, wife and best friend. The tone of it felt almost dispassionate at times, though —I felt emotionally detached in a way that surprised me, given the subject. A decent read, although I likely won‘t remember the plot in 6 months.

CBee I liked it but I also completely agree with your review - it felt like it needed something more. 3mo
Amiable @CBee And the situation with Jenny, the friend? It seemed odd to insert that as a side thread. It kind of confused me. 3mo
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This is a what I‘d call a niche book about an event in U.S. history that‘s been largely forgotten —the attack by French and Indian forces on the village of Deerfield, MA, in 1704. Half the villagers were taken captive and brought to Canada. I‘m a direct descendant of two of them, so this story has personal relevance. From a writing perspective, though, the book is repetitive in parts. I‘d call it a soft pick if esoteric history is your jam.

LeahBergen This sounds fascinating! I‘ve been a bit obsessed since my early teens with the history of (what used to be called) “Indian captivity” tales. It all started when I read this book in junior high … 3mo
Amiable @LeahBergen You‘ll definitely enjoy, then! John Williams, who was the minister and was taken in the raid, wrote what became a Puritan bestseller captivity account called “The Redeemed Captive” after his release. It was apparently one of the sources that inspired James Fenimore Cooper to write “The Last of the Mohicans.” (Williams was also my 8x-great-grandfather.) 🙂 His son, Stephen (my 7x gg), wrote his own account as well. 3mo
Amiable @LeahBergen I‘d also recommend this book about the Deerfield event 3mo
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LeahBergen Thank you! I‘ll look into that one. 3mo
Suet624 This post is really freaky to see. I lived in Deerfield as a teenager, loved the place. But I always felt a spookiness there. Hard to describe. (I also lived in Gettysburg for 2 years and talk about spooky! Walking through the battlefield on a misty morning you could feel the spirits all around you. Anyway! I actually have a distant relative who was kidnapped by the Indians -there is a plaque in NH outlining his name and experience. Not sure how 3mo
Suet624 @amiable @leahbergen But the event is connected to Deerfield. My mother‘s side if the family is full of wild historic events. 3mo
Amiable @Suet624 Maybe we‘re related! 🙂 I agree with you about Gettysburg —that battlefield really does feel alive in a very mystical way. 3mo
LeahBergen @Suet624 That‘s so cool! The novel that I tagged above is set in NH and based (loosely perhaps?) on real events. I wonder if it is the same time period, etc. as Deerfield? And Gettysburg is on my bucket list of places to visit! 3mo
Suet624 @LeahBergen I think it is the same time period… 3w
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Big Books for Little Readers | Robin Works Davis
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I think #Clarissa would get them over the top as well. 😄

BarbaraJean 😂😂 3mo
dabbe So would THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV. #thebros 😂 3mo
CarolynM 🤣 3mo
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When She Woke: A Novel | Hillary Jordan
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Written before Roe v. Wade was overturned, this book envisions a U.S. controlled by the religious right. Women who have abortions must have their skin turned red as evidence of their “crime.” As we sat in line at the U.S.-Canadian border today, a chill went down my spine. This page describes the path that the protagonist must take to escape to freedom — directly through the town where we were. It made the horror of this world feel very real. 🥺

Amiable @TEArificbooks Ugh, it‘s all terrible because it feels like these books were a prediction rather than works of fiction. 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures I read this years ago when it first came out and it still sticks with me. Jordan did an excellent job here. 3mo
TEArificbooks @Amiable they could be moved to the “current events” section of the library 3mo
JenniferEgnor I read this one several years back and it was intense, very disturbing. Sadly, it feels all too real. How they would love to shame us in this way. In a way, they are I guess they are already reddening us, by letting us die. But, we won‘t need to be painted red. Our blood will stain us at their own will. (edited) 3mo
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Paragraphe Bookstore Librairie | Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Bookstore)
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Spending the weekend in Montreal. Of course I had to stop into this bookstore located near the campus of McGill University. And buy a book by a Canadian author.

Ruthiella Naturally, you had to! 😄 3mo
youneverarrived Lovely photos 🥰 3mo
Pruzy Wow looks amazing! I‘ve been to Montreal a couple times and never been! 3mo
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Julsmarshall Ooh! I popped in there when I visited too-so lovely! 3mo
tpixie What a great looking store!! You look lovely & happy! 3mo
LeahBergen Happy Birthday! ❤️❤️ I love Montreal. 3mo
Cathythoughts I just bought that one too a few days ago ♥️ Happy Birthday 🎂 3mo
Amiable @tpixie @youneverarrived Aww, thank you! 😘 (edited) 3mo
Amiable @LeahBergen Thank you! 😊 3mo
Amiable @Cathythoughts I hadn‘t heard anything about it until I saw the display, but it has really good reviews so I figured why not! Thanks! 3mo
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When She Woke: A Novel | Hillary Jordan
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Hubby: “Why do you have a bag full of books? We‘re only going away for a 4-day weekend.”
Me: “I don‘t understand the question.” 🤷🏻‍♀️

marleed I hear you! 3mo
TEArificbooks Don‘t underestimate me 3mo
Amiable @marleed @TEArificbooks It‘s like he‘s never met me. I wanted to say, “Are you new here??” 😄 3mo
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AmyG Only 4? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (edited) 3mo
Suet624 I‘m here for this. 3mo
Amiable @AmyG Spot the iPad (loaded with my Barnes & Noble, Kindle, Libby and Hoopla apps) stuffed in there as well! 😄 3mo
Deblovestoread I definitely would have been asking “Do you know me at all?” 😂 3mo
sarahbarnes I too do not understand the question. 🤓 3mo
Ruthiella The answer to the question is “yes”. 😆 3mo
UwannaPublishme 😁😁😁 3mo
Aimeesue How is that even enough??? 😂😂😂 3mo
Larkken Good call on the iPad. You never know when an emergency new book may be needed! 3mo
BarbaraJean I feel this in my soul. Last week I spent a day pet-sitting my friend‘s puppy. I got nervous looking at the two print books I planned to take, and promptly downloaded two library books onto my Kindle just in case. Because what if I needed them? During that one day? More precisely, during that 8 hours? 😂😂 3mo
Hooked_on_books What a silly man! 3mo
CarolynM 😆 3mo
Amiable @marleed @TEArificbooks @willaful @AmyG @Suet624 @Deblovestoread @sarahbarnes @Ruthiella @UwannaPublishme @Aimeesue @Larkken @BarbaraJean @Hooked_on_books @CarolynM He actually said, “can‘t you just take 1 book that you‘re enjoying and read that until you‘re done with it?” And I was like, you‘re so cute. That‘s not how any of this works. 😄 (edited) 3mo
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I dragged my feet on picking a NONFICTION winner for #2024ReadingBrackets to move on. For March, the clear winner was the tagged book, a true story about police corruption in Baltimore. I first saw the HBO series about the scandal, produced by David Simon (“The Wire”). Once I heard it was based on a book … I flew through it. It was a great read (and TV show). But I keep thinking about Raskin's book, so I had to move that through.

Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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So far I‘ve been late with every single one of my # #2024ReadingBrackets. #Consistency! 😊 For my March FICTION bracket, I went with a two-fer. Before reading “Tom Lake,” I took @dabbe ‘s advice and read “Our Town.” And I loved them both. You don‘t need to read “Our Town” first—but I believe it adds an even richer, deeper dimension to an enjoyable reading experience.

dabbe Yay! I love how you positioned them side-by-side in your grid, too! 💙🩵💙 3mo
Amiable @dabbe That took some finesse, let me tell you! I made the image on my phone using PicCollage. Navigating with my fat fingers. 😄 3mo
dabbe @Amiable You da #fancyfinesser 🤩😘🤗 3mo
Clare-Dragonfly I struggle so much trying to get these images the right size and aligned on my phone in PicCollage! 😂 3mo
Amiable @Clare-Dragonfly RIGHT?? Is there a secret to making the pictures smaller without them suddenly skewing sideways and getting larger? 😖😀 3mo
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One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote | Bonnie Worth, Katherine Ross
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When you work at the polls for your state‘s primary elections and the candidates for both parties are already decided, you‘d better bring a large book. And a fully charged e-reader that‘s loaded with more. Yawn. 🥱

thewallflower0707 Hold on tight, you‘re doing important work 🙌 4mo
JamieArc Sounds like good #chunkster reading time! 4mo
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Have library book and full travel mug of tea, will wait 3 hours at car dealership for service. 😖

Tamra Oh good grief, that‘s ridiculous! So thankful for books! 4mo
Ruthiella A three hour wait is no service at all! ☹️ Thank goodness you had a book. 4mo
Amiable @Tamra @Ruthiella I was positive my car would need new brakes so when I made the service appointment for its regular maintenance check, I booked the extra time. But the service technician said I don‘t need to replace the brakes yet —so I got that time back AND kept the extra money in my pocket. Score! 🙂 4mo
Tamra @Amiable woot! 🎉 4mo
Ruthiella Yahoo! 4mo
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The irony of this made me laugh. 😄


CBee This is a great one 😂😁 4mo
Tamra 😳say that ten times fast! 4mo
Amiable @Tamra I‘m not even sure I can say it once! 😀 4mo
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1. “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption” by Stephen King
2. “Night” by Elie Wiesel
3. “Pale Horse, Pale Rider” by Katherine Ann Porter
And a bonus:
4. “The Bridge of San Luis Rey” by Thornton Wilder

Thanks for the tag, @dabbe !

dabbe #2: 😭 #1: only saw the movie, and I loved it--I need to read the novella! And the others are on the TBR! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 4mo
AmyG I forgot Night. 🙌🏻 4mo
Amiable @AmyG Elie Wiesel was a professor at Boston University when I was an undergraduate there. 4mo
AmyG Did you ever get to see him speak? Wow. 4mo
Amiable @AmyG Yes, but I was too young to appreciate the experience. What I wouldn‘t give to do it over again. 4mo
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Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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I have a love ❤️/ meh 😏 relationship with Ann Patchett. (The Dutch House: ❤️; Bel Canto, Commonwealth and State of Wonder: 😏). Add this to the ❤️ pile. I adored this story—how it unfolded, the characters, the plot, everything. Read it! And take @dabbe ‘s advice and read “Our Town” first if you haven‘t already —it definitely adds a richer dimension to the experience.

dabbe This was my FIRST Patchett read; I got lucky! ☘️ I'll take your advice and read THE DUTCH HOUSE next. 💚💙💚 4mo
Amiable @dabbe “Bel Canto“ is my aunt's all-time favorite book -- so while it wasn't a hit for me, I feel compelled to point out that it was a home run for others. For what it's worth. 😃 (edited) 4mo
BarbaraBB I have a similar relationship with Ann Patchett. I liked this one best I think but she‘s still no favorite of mine. 4mo
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Amiable @BarbaraBB I always feel like I SHOULD love her but then I usually end up feeling meh about the book. This one was great, though. 4mo
BarbaraBB I know that feeling! I want to love her 😄. I feel the same about Barbara Kingsolver by the way! 4mo
Amiable @BarbaraBB Ha ha, I‘ve been reading “Demon Copperhead” for 4 months now so I think I‘m with you on that one, too! 😄 4mo
BarbaraBB 🤣🤣 4mo
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Book 3 ✔️ for #DiseaseoftheMonthBookClub (prompt: Read a book about the brain)

This is a memoir of Rosen‘s friendship with Michael Laudor, who, despite being diagnosed with schizophrenia, breezed through Yale as an undergrad and law student and was heralded as an example of how people can triumph over the stigma of mental illness—until he killed his girlfriend. It‘s also an examination of how society has failed those with mental illnesses.

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I decided to mix it up and use a different template for my NONFICTION reads in #2024ReadingBrackets because why not? 🤷🏻‍♀️ February‘s pick was this detailed biography of baseball legend Ted Williams. And I don‘t have to pick between it and January‘s book by Jamie Raskin, which was also great. Winning! 🏆

CatLass007 I read Ted Williams autobiography, My Turn At Bat, years ago. I probably still have the copy of the book packed away in a box. Now you‘ve got me wanting to read The Kid. 4mo
Amiable @CatLass007 It‘s really good, and shows how very complicated Ted was as a human being. 4mo
CatLass007 I think My Turn At Bat also shows how complicated he was, although it‘s been so long since I read it that I only remember how he felt when BoSox fans booed him and after that he refused to tip his hat no matter how loudly he they cheered. 4mo
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I made my #2024ReadingBrackets for February and then forgot to post them. Sheesh. 🙄 For FICTION, my pick was “The Marriage Portrait.” O‘Farrell does a masterful job of creating tension throughout a book whose end we already know from the very beginning. That‘s a talent, for sure. But in the matchup I had to lean towards “Wellness” to move on.

youneverarrived I thought that was such a great element of The Marriage Portrait. Wellness is high on my tbr 👍 4mo
Amiable @youneverarrived Wellness“ is weird and witty and snarky -- I loved it! 4mo
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Yesterday a friend called and said, “wanna do breakfast and bookstores tomorrow?” Um, YEAH. 😍 So we drove up to Providence, had brunch in a hipster-y restaurant near Brown University, and browsed through two used bookstores (one of which had a furry, fairly friendly bouncer at the front door. 🐈) Based on my stacks I‘m apparently in a nonfiction state of mind right now. 🤷🏻‍♀️

TrishB Sounds like a fab day. 5mo
marleed A perfect day! 5mo
Tamra That isn‘t really a question. 😜 5mo
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Amiable @Tamra This is what I‘m saying! I mean, duh. 😀 5mo
TheBookHippie What a perfect day. 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
ncsufoxes My kind of day. My son goes to URI, I‘ll have to make a stop in Providence when going down to Kingston. 5mo
Amiable @ncsufoxes There‘s a nice Barnes & Noble in Warwick, too. 5mo
Leftcoastzen Great day ! Love the kitty! 5mo
batsy Your friend knows what's up 🥰 Perfect day. 5mo
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Guilty Not Guilty | Felix Francis
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I regret nothing.

dabbe 😂😂😂 5mo
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I adore good narrative nonfiction, so picking only 3 is very difficult! So I‘m going to cheat. 😀

1. Tagged
2. “And the Band Played On”
3. “My Own Country: A Doctor‘s Story”
4. “The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl”
5. “Eleni”

@dabbe #ThreeListThursday

TheBookHippie Oh #2 for sure!!! 5mo
AmyG #2 is a great book! Forgot about that one. 5mo
dabbe Whew! You gave me some great ones to look into! Thanks for sharing! 💚💙💚 5mo
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kspenmoll Agree with you @TheBookHippie @AmyG about #2 5mo
monalyisha Definitely almost chose five, too. Should‘ve waited until tomorrow & tagged it #FLF. 😂 5mo
Amiable @monalyisha I could have kept going! 😀 5mo
monalyisha @Amiable Oh, I know. I‘m still tempted to just make another one. 🙈 5mo
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Completed my “Chunkster” read for #ChunksterChallenge2024. This biography of Red Sox great Ted Williams is well-written and very readable. A lot about baseball, yes —but also much about Ted‘s childhood, his troubled personal life —and all the gory details you can handle about his head being frozen for posterity. 😳 Definitely recommend, @GinaKButler !


GinaKButler It‘s on my list!!! Thank you! 5mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
UwannaPublishme 😳🥶😵‍💫 5mo
Amiable @UwannaPublishme Right? It‘s weird and cringey—you almost can‘t believe it‘s true, but it is! Ted‘s head is in a deep-freeze container somewhere in Arizona. 😬 5mo
UwannaPublishme Very creepy! I had no idea! 😬 5mo
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Book 2 ✔️ for #DiseaseoftheMonthBookClub
(Prompt: Read a book about a virus)

Fascinating look at the scientific research that was being conducted on coronaviruses after the SARS and MERS outbreaks, which enabled scientists to quickly pivot to create a vaccine when COVID-19 spilled over into the human population. A bit technical so I‘m glad I had at least a semester of college-level biology.

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There‘s a word for everything! Even a word for things that aren‘t words.


Deblovestoread Something I didn‘t know I needed to know! Love it 💜 5mo
monalyisha Thanks for this super fun fact! 5mo
Amiable @monalyisha This would be an awesome Scrabble word, too. If I played Scrabble. 😃 5mo
monalyisha @Amiable Omg, 7 letters too (which would get you a 50 point bonus)! Salivating at the prospect… (edited) 5mo
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