Welp, I‘ve officially re-entered the world of Joona Linna. Please hold my texts and emails until I return to the real world.
Welp, I‘ve officially re-entered the world of Joona Linna. Please hold my texts and emails until I return to the real world.
TIL that Lars Kepler isn't a dude, but as is the case with Nicci French the pen name of a husband and wife. Wild.
I wasn‘t aware this was a part of a series when I started it. That being said it can be read as a stand alone. Two siblings went missing 15 years ago; today one of them is found a live, wandering, and sick. Where has he been and is his sister still alive?
The suspense is good and not too contrived or forced. The story moves well. There are some trigger warnings. The writing is good.
I plan to read more within this series. 4 ⭐️
I realized that this book is part of a series 🤦🏼♀️ it‘s a character series so I‘m not lost or jumping in the middle of anything. Similar to ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo‘ series except this book hasn‘t referenced anything from previous stories as of yet.
#surpriseseries #accidentlystartedaseries
A Dollar Tree find from today. Looks like it might be a good spooky season read.
#dollartreefind #spookyseason
Praying for every soul on the planet and my fellow Indians. This too shall pass!! Needed something totally out of context to take my mind of what's been going!
Till now it's been a great choice. Thanks Lars Kepler!
Hands down, my favorite book of the year! You can feel the evil coming off the pages every time Jurek Walter (serial killer) is mentioned. So, so clever. #nordicnoir. The semester has finally ended and I have a month of freedom! So excited to get some reading done!!
I got my wisdom teeth + a molar pulled yesterday so I am feeling a bit loopy today. Going to try and do some reading today but these meds have me wanting to sleep.
I started this last night and I am already loving it. Within the first couple of chapters my heart was pounding! (And I like that the chapters are short because life happens and I hate stopping mid chapter)
I've been back in a reading slump so this book took me a long time to get through. Chilling but unrealistic premise, with effectively creepy moments. Though I do wish there were a few more clues dropped along the way. It felt like one of those mysteries where you just have to wait until the very end for the whole story to be dropped in two chapters. 3.5 ⭐️
TW: sexual assault
This was my book club book. It had a decent story (very unrealistic). I did find myself scratching my head occasionally as there were some passages that had nothing to do with anything, it was a bit bizarre.
One of the best #ArchEnemy in recent reads had to be Detective Joona Linna and Jurek Walter, a man truly to be afraid of! #NordicNoir
My #Bottom6Reads so far this year -
The Big Sleep
Space Opera
How Stella Got Her Groove Back
The Crying of Lot 49
I read this in April for the#NordicNoir discussion and it scared me. It overwhelmed me so much I won't continue the series. I decided @BarbaraTheBibliophage to use this for the scary prompt #mandmchallenge2020.
This is certainly the best in the series so far, but it is a very dark book, don‘t read it if you want a light read. 😳 At the heart of the book is an evil serial killer who is in a maximum security psychiatric hospital and has only one desire to target Joona Linna. At the same time a boy who disappeared years ago reappears. How are these events connected? This book tells a great but dangerous story and ends with a real cliff hanger. Recommended.
Still playing catch up on #NordicNoir, just starting book 4 in the Joona Linna series.
This thriller/horror reminded me of a superhero flick. You had the insane,yet highly intelligent and invincible, villain. The heroes are losing. In other words, they are broken so much that you doubt they will ever make it. But, miraculously, they do. The two main characters rise, wipe off the blood, and save some people. And just like a movie, you are left with a major cliffhanger.
Trigger Warning - violence/torture/rape
Stockholm. This is the best book of series so far. Jurek Walter has been dead for over 7 years but he shows up with hypothermia. DI Joona Linda investigates and opens a kidnap cold case from years ago. Saga volunteers to go in isolation with Walter to see what she can learn. A creepy thriller with a very surprise ending. Need to read the next book soon! Highly recommend to those who love Mystery Thrillers and #NordicNoir.
#TheSandman #LarsKepler
Finished the Sandman while doing LEGO. Great way to get lost in an audiobook. Much better than the first book in this series. Still more sexual content than I‘d care to hear. 🤣 The Sandman concept kind of creeped me out. #NordicNoir #murder2020 18/26
Book 2 of #EasterExtravaganza complete!
Trying to stay occupied while my mom has surgery. She had 2 strokes on Friday. Luckily she only will really require blood thinners and physical therapy after surgery. Sucky time to have that happen and we can‘t see her.
Started this #nordicnoir... don‘t judge me for skipping some of the books in this series. I didn‘t want to buy them and my library doesn‘t have any copies. So I‘m skipping until I can find them!
Yes, still getting better! Joona is now trying to find a girl his greatest enemy kidnapped years ago. The enemy sits isolated in a special unit. But, everything is not right. Saga is back, and ends up in isolation with the bad man. Who will survive, who will die? Brutal, deadly, bloody, nasty, intriguing, great thriller. Creepy, creepy! Joona thought he‘d gone through the worst possible years ago, sadly he wasn‘t right... 4,5 stars
#NordiNoir #BuddyRead Hopefully most of you will be able to join! Jussi 5th, Camilla 12th, Lars 19th.
I'm a huge fan of the Joona Limma series, I try to leave big gaps between reading as I know I'm almost at the end of the series. I ordered my copy of the previous one - The Fire Girl - from ebay as I wanted a hardback copy, when it arrived it was signed by the authors! Bonus!
I‘ve been crazy busy at work and have a ton to do today, but I decided to take some time to read this morning!
Continuing my serial killer book spree with this one - serial killers in Sweden! So far, it is very, very creepy.
An interesting detective story with a series killer. It was translated which was clear from the tone and choices of words, which did not always flow. But the story was super interesting and I was surprised by twists.
Wow what a twisty little story! A definite page turner. It‘s book 4 in a series that I didn‘t realize. Clever serial killer much like a Hannibal Lector meets Jo Nesbo.
Excitement at discovering a new series
Solid thriller. The short chapters kept it moving, but I think I would have preferred them to be a little longer.
1. Wendy‘s Baconator with no bun and extra pickles! Yum!
2. Creepy. Swedish. Long. ARC.
3. Still have them at 48!
4. Bugs Bunny, hands down.
5. Capricorn. “Determined, practical, know-it-all, wise, control freak”
I‘m taking a detour from my other reads to jump into The Sandman. Looks intriguing! #readingrestlessness
This book was awesome! Even though it is over 400 pages long, I read it in 3-4 days. Joona Linna and Saga Bauer were both equally interesting and strong main characters. The villain, Walter Jurek, was genuinely frightening. I also really enjoyed the structure of the novel. The book is made up of very short chapters. This made the book fly by and caused me to keep reading. This book is a definite pick for me!
5 stars!! This book is fast-paced, gruesome, and suspenseful. I loved everything about it and this series!
Soooo Lars Kepler likes the video I did for his book! Yay! He posted it on his Instagram 😱 https://instagram.com/p/BgWQqynn9rG/
I love the Detective Joona Linna series!! Can‘t wait to dive into this thriller. Undercover in a psych ward + a police investigation = the perfect crime novel
Ok so Penguin Randomhouse seen some of my book Gifs on Twitter and asked me to do a gif for the book The Sandman for one of their promotions so I did it . This is the response Email and this is the link to the finished product on my Instagram:) https://instagram.com/p/BgC_c1zDk5_/
Had to get a few things on amazon for the pupper so I ordered this 4th book. A few years ago I went through a phase where all I read for basically one entire year was Scandinavian murder mysteries and I saw that this one is coming out tomorrow so of course I added it to the cart!
Finished this book last night for book #3 of the year. I'd forgotten how much I like the Joona Linna series! This one was very psychologically disturbing and gives you a glimpse of the power of grief and despair. A great read and I hope Joona makes another appearance despite how the book ends.