Donating! This was also a #roll100 pick for January I didn't get to so off it goes @julieclair #readordonate
Donating! This was also a #roll100 pick for January I didn't get to so off it goes @julieclair #readordonate
started off pretty slow for me, but got better once the women were living with the Cheyenne. I quite liked many of the characters and the friendships that developed between them. I also think the book did a good job of showing the culture shock, and the women trying to fit in to this new culture. Cont in comments...
There were definitely moments I could tell this was written by a man. Moments dragged but it‘s someone‘s “journal”. I do think it‘s an interesting topic. I almost enjoyed the priest‘s section more than the rest of the book and read a book about him.
This is really going to date me, but I read this over 20 years ago and one of my IRL book groups picked it this month so I figured I‘d listen to it and see if it still held up. Still one of my all time favorites! ❤️ May Dodd was an amazing woman.
#readagain #bookgroup #alltimefavorite #standstherestoftime
6/6: Miscellaneous #noshamereadathon22
1. Western: As Good As Gone OR One Thousand White Women; very different titles I own that fall under the western category so this one will depend on what I‘m in the mood for.
2. Inspirational: When Calls the Heart; another one I don‘t own but want to read. I love the tv series and am curious about the book
All subject to change should something else catch my eye or mood. #NSR22
This book was creative and compelling. I was amazed at Fergus‘ ability to put himself in the heads & hearts of women. Nicely done!
Went into this with low expectations, came out blown away. I had no idea about this moment in US history. I am forever changed by reading this one. So good. High stakes. Such courage and humanity.
Day 20 - #AGiftedBook
This one is the first book that I read because of Litsy and it was also a gift ❤
Recommended from a friend & co-worker this book was not on my radar but the whole thing is so well described that you simultaneously want to be friends with these women and are appalled that this is a part of American history. Bartering for goods and services is one thing but trading women for horses is revolting even if some of the women went willingly. Only wish the ending was different.
What a story this was!I have a feeling it will be with me for a long time.The fact that it was written over 20 yrs ago didnt distract from the story,since its historical fiction.The characters in this novel are absolutely genuine.I loved most of them,and the ones I didnt werent meant to be loved.Im glad that a member of a bookclub that I belong to mentioned this title,otherwise I probably would never have picked up this book.Highly recommended!
I enjoyed this book. Although Fiction it sounded like it could have happened. Very entertaining. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Was gifted this book by my step mother, sounds like an interesting and unique plot. Was a bit put off by the title of the book I have to say, Goodreads has a high rating but there are some awful reviews. Guess theres only one way to decide for myself and that's to read it.Going to try to approach it as a fun fictional entertaining read instead of taking it seriously. Why does a 4 star rating have so many bad reviews?
It's a very interesting book!
I like it even if I did not always agreed with the rapresentation of the woman in the book 🤷♀️
I liked a lot Euphemia and her spirit, I would've loved to have seen her more! ❤
#onethousanwhitewomen #jimfergus #cheyenne #maydodd
Just started!
So curious about it!
(2nd Litsy's advice that I'm following)
#jimfergus #onethousanwhitewomen #maydodd #quote #litsybook #advice
First bookish gift for my birthday (that will be in 2 weeks)!
It's been quite complicated finding this book here in Italy ><
Luckily the bookshop in the nearest city have found a used copy for me 😍 and my friend bought it as a present ❤❤
#onethousanwhitewomen #jimfergus #maydodd #birthdaypresent❤
Started this a while ago & didn't get too far in it. Taking a break from Midnight in Chernobyl and trying this again. 100 pages in.
I was so captivated by this book, its long, it took me a bit to get into.... then it grabbed me, I kept going... I know this is historical fiction... BUT really? It just sucks, not the historical part... that was very interesting, and why I continued.... but the story could have been a better one.... there is a sequel, sooo not interested AT ALL. I wish I hadnt wasted my time on this one!! About 550 pages I dont get back!!!
#SeptemberSins Yup, virtual TBR 🙄 Told through fictional journals....In 1875 Little Wolf comes to Washington and suggests to President Grant that peace between the Whites and Cheyenne could be established if the Cheyenne were given white women as wives, 1000 white women for 1000 horses. Grant secretly approves the Brides For Indians treaty. Recruiting women from jails, prisons, and mental institutions Grant sends them West. #INeedAWoman
Well, well, well, doesn't that say it all...
Ohhhh yeahhhh I like that quote! Um, um, ummmm
Ending my night with a sweet treat and a book! Perfection.
Aaannnddd I'm blushing... my,oh,my,oh,myyyy
♡Just me and Sally. Chillaxing on a cool summer evening♡
Historical fiction, but a very different setting from what I normally read. An incredibly moving story. I was in tears toward the end. Beautifully written and engrossing. I was totally pulled in. Why did I wait so long to read this?
I really didn‘t expect to get so immersed in this book. It‘s not the sort of thing I would normally pick up, and I‘m also not generally a fan of epistolary novels. But I‘m fascinated. About halfway through, and anxious to read more. Picture is from Brasstown Bald in Georgia; I was looking through my albums for something atmospheric and a little bit wild.
#nextup This has been sitting on my bookshelf for a long time. Now seems like the time to give it a try.
Got to my daughter‘s gymnastics class and realized I forgot my book at home 😱
Luckily, I keep an emergency book in my car!
I wanted to share this with you guys because this is one of my all time favorite books! Since litsy doesn‘t have a video option I wanted to let you know over on Instagram bookartbookmarks I talk about the book and am hosting a giveaway with it and bookmark. I just want to share this truly life changing book!
Re-read this one. Just as good as the first time I read it.
Really good historical fiction read! Not one I would have picked up on my own, I read this for book club. I normally don't enjoy this genre, but this was a pleasant surprise
I liked this book - the narrator was really good - but had some issues with what I saw as one major character inconsistency: May never really addresses the issue of multiple wives. Not in the way I would have expected from her character. Just me?
Such great storytelling! Well written and compellingly organized! Love the characters though some are very modern in attitude and behavior! Will have you contemplating the “what if” a long time!
This book had an interesting premise. Overall, I found it an intriguing and quick book. There were times I found the main character too irreverent, but at other times I liked her very much. I found the variety of personalities of the women made me want to know more about them. I liked the idea of these strong women surviving in a tough situation. The ending of the book took me somewhat by surprise. #MountTBR
Y‘all I finally splurged and bought myself a Nespresso machine and now I‘m making fancy coffee all day!!!! ☕️☕️☕️☕️
These are some of my recent bargain books I‘ve bought recently too! Have you read any of them? If so, do you recommend them?
Beautiful day in NYC today. Went down to our pool club to read a little of this great book and look at the pretty white roses we have growing there.
Busy weekend ahead but hoping to make progress on these 2 this weekend. I've o oh read the first chapter of both but hooked already!
One of my favorite books was the inspiration for this bookmark. This is a book about how women survive in the world of men. It shows how strong physically and mentally women can be while showing a level of compassion men often can‘t meet. 15% off all things stones and sparkles on my bookartbookmarks etsy shop. Coupon code: ROCKMYWORLD
1. Meh, we‘ll put it on
2. It was 58 earlier. Colorado is actually high desert.
3. Just finished Guernsey Literary ... Starting 1000 White Women in a few minutes
4. Thailand is my newest goal
Had this on my to-read list ages ago. Forgot about it. Saw it on Litsy. Downloaded it.
This book was fascinating and heartbreaking at the same time. Much of the book I felt transported to the Great Plains and the Cheyenne culture. While I understood the author‘s reasoning to use journals and letters to convey ideas and move the story along, at times it seemed to be lacking. Also, I always appreciate insight into the author‘s inspiration and writing process. #gettoknowtheauthor
Getting close to the end. Between knowing the actual history AND the fictional events in the book, this is hard to read. My heart wishes there was a different ending.
It‘s 4 degrees outside right now. ❄️Having yummy mushroom barley soup🍲 in a bread bowl to keep us all warm! Glad I got a workout in today-Love me some carbs!!!
Listening to my nine year old daughter tell us facts about Claude Monet at dinner (thanks to the book-Who Was Claude Monet?). I am sooooooo lucky that my husband loves to cook! ❤️❤️#wellfed
I think it‘s safe to say I‘m obsessed with the fireplace on Netflix. My kids think I‘m crazy 😜 but that‘s ok. I also took a little detour with my reading. . . after starting The Vengeance of Mothers I felt like It probably makes sense to read One Thousand White Women first. I don‘t think they have to be read that way, but I own it so why not? Of course, not making headway on my #librarytbr 🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ #cozy #vacationmode
This is one of my favorite historical novels. #GIVEAWAYHISTORICAL I can't wait to read the new sequel. @Liberty