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Check, Please! Book 1: # Hockey
Check, Please! Book 1: # Hockey | Ngozi Ukazu
34 posts | 53 read | 19 to read
Eric Bittle may be a former junior figure skating champion, vlogger extraordinaire, and very talented amateur ptissier, but being a freshman on the Samwell University hockey team is a whole new challenge. It is nothing like co-ed club hockey back in Georgia! First of all? Theres checking (anything that hinders the player with possession of the puck, ranging from a stick check all the way to a physical sweep). And then, there is Jackhis very attractive but moody captain. A collection of the first half, freshmen and sophomore year, of the megapopular webcomic series of the same name, Check, Please!: #Hockey is the first book of a hilarious and stirring two-volume coming-of-age story about hockey, bros, and trying to find yourself during the best four years of your life. This book includes updated art and a hilarious, curated selection of Bitty's beloved tweets.
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A little late! Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView !

1. Not really either. But I do make exceptions for things like gymnastic or figure skating events.
2. I love this webcomic. ❤️


TheSpineView Never too late to play!👍🤩🌞 13mo
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(Not the right title, but close enough.) God, the introductions the team gets are top tier, and I really appreciated how much depth Jack gets on this #reread. My latent Zimbits shipper heart is rising again! #yalit #graphicnovel

KadaGul @kissmehardy I READ #CheckPlease for Non-Binary book 📖 challenge. I couldn't stop laughing 😂. Adorable n Hilarious. It's well written graphic novel 1y
kissmehardy @KadaGul I couldn't agree more! 1y
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Back in 2021, I backed a Kickstarter for a collector's edition of my favorite web comic... today, it showed up! If you enjoy graphic novels, this one has great queer rep, positive masculinity, and lots of baking.

Time for a re-read! 💜🥧🏒

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I loved elements, but overall it didn't feel fully committed to. I liked the idea of the framing Vlog, but this was a little confusing as well because it seemed to transition back and forth between Vlog and real-time at will, implying that it was all covered in the Vlog, even stuff the vlogger didn't know. I also didn't feel like the relationship development was... developed. Cute art and adorably loveable characters though! #LGBTQ

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So sweet. There are definitely 'college-aged' moments, but this is a really heart-warming group and something of a remedy to how I usually feel about sports (and frat houses for that matter). Nothing is more adorable than Bitty, expect perhaps when paired with his love interest. Enjoyed reading author's foreword detailing research and growing interest. Really liked the different social media formats. Watch out for fatphobia in extra comics.

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This is only page 6. 😂 Oh, it's going to be a good time!

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This year broke me into being a rereader. Somehow it is impossibly even better the second time.

Saknicole So cute! I reread them recently too ❤️🏒 3y
Matilda @Saknicole my terrible memory is really making it feel like a new read 😂 3y
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1. The tagged book is a graphic novel about a gay hockey player who loves to bake. I'm not much of a sports fan, but I've reread this book more time than I can count.

2. Occasionally I'll watch golf if I'm visiting my dad, but otherwise no thank you. Though, this summer made me temporarily obsessed with synchronized swimming (such a weird sport!).

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 3y
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I may or may not have binged this yesterday off and on during a slow workday. (Working from home for the win!) Who knew I would love a graphic novel about college hockey so very much?! This volume follows the MC‘s first two years playing for Samwell‘s hockey team… making friends and baking lots of pies. It‘s light and sweet and just plain fun. 🥧🏒😍

LiteraryinPA I love the cast of characters in this series! 💗💗 3y
GondorGirl This is my go-to series for when I need something uplifting. It's so good! 3y
Johanna414 Loooove these books!!! I wish Bitty were a real person so I could hug him 3y
Saknicole I love this series so much! 3y
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A cute, light graphic novel about college hockey with a gay main character. It was a good palate cleanser between heftier reads.

Igor and Venkman are ready for lights out! (Took this at bedtime last night) #catsoflitsy

Librariana It's the little ear curl for me 🥰 And those eyes, too! Glad you liked this first volume 😊 Will you be picking up the 2nd? 3y
Soubhiville @Librariana I did read book 2. It was just as good! 3y
Librariana @Soubhiville Yay! 😄😁😊 I was sad to see Bitty's story end after the 2nd volume (should've read the book description which clearly stated that!), but hope we'll see more from this author. I love her illustrative style/character design! 3y
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This is a sweet graphic novel about a hockey player who lives to bake and his diciest season on a new team.

michellelav That face 😻 4y
DinoMom That squishy face ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
BookishTrish @michellelav @DinoMom #EarlGrey accepts your praise as his due. 4y
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britt_brooke OMG. 😍😍 4y
ladym30 What a beautiful face!❤️ 4y
JamieArc That must be the cuddliest cat ever! 4y
CBee @BookishTrish his name is Earl Grey!!! LOVE ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
CoverToCoverGirl A very majestic lad. 4y
LiteraryinPA I love this series and this picture! 4y
SamAnne That is a great cat portrait. 4y
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Onwards to volume 2 because who needs sleep. We don‘t know her.

Reggie Him trying to give sweaters and pies to the newbies was so funny to me. 4y
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I‘m loving this!

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I do hate it when I forget that I‘m baking a pie... in the library 🤣

MidnightBookGirl I've been going to the wrong libraries! 4y
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6.5 hours into the #24B4Monday readathon and three books down! Check Please was my favorite of the bunch today and I seriously need to get my hands on the second book after that cliffhanger. @Andrew65 @SumisBooks @jb72

Andrew65 Brilliant start. 👏👏👏 4y
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Bitty is as sweet as the pies he bakes, but though he looks boyish and naive, he is bright, aware, and hilarious. He knows what it is to not be accepted, but he isn't ashamed of who he is. I cared about Bitty and his teammates, especially Shitty, whose nontoxic masculinity was truly a delight. I was uncomfortable with the lack of female characters, remarks about women that went uncalled-out, and how young Bitty looked. Otherwise I loved this! 🏒🥧

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I absolutely LOVED this one. I can‘t wait until the next one comes out later this year. Highly recommend.

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“But Laura,” you say, “how could you have read and adored Heartstopper and Fence, yet never have read Check, Please?” Good question. I‘ve fixed that now. And I‘m very glad I did.

DyAnne Volume 2 is out April 7th! I‘ve got it marked on my calendar.💗 Fence Vol 4 comes out in May. 5y
Reggie This was so cute! 5y
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Shitty is like me during Thanksgiving dinner while my Dad and Uncle yell about politics 🤣🤣

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Litsy is slowly but surely getting me to give more graphic novels a chance. I am honestly surprised it took me so long to give and read this one. A gay hockey player who loves to bake? I should have stormed my library after reading the first Litsy review. This was pretty much as adorable as all of the Litsy love proclaims and you can bet I will be keeping an eye out for book two.

mrp27 I really enjoyed this one too! 5y
Reggie I love when he‘s getting chastised for trying to give the hazed new recruits pie and jackets. He‘s so funny. 5y
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This was one of the cutest graphic novels I have ever read - how am I supposed to go back to work after finishing this over lunch? Can‘t wait for volume 2!!!

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Y‘all, believe the hype on this one. Such a cute and fun read! So good. The only downside is the wait for volume 2. 🤣

Mandigolightly Oh I have an ARC of this one that floated in from a patron, but I never cracked it open. I think I‘ll have to now 5y
Eyelit Do! It really is the sweetest thing 😁 @Mandigolightly (edited) 5y
Sarahreadstoomuch I love this book! I was so glad when we were able to make it a finalist for the Morris Award this year! (First graphic novel in that award history) 5y
Peddler410 I‘ve been eyeing it. I‘ll need to check it out from the library — it‘s not appropriate for MS so I haven‘t purchased it. 5y
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Spent my #audiowalk adding to my TBR with the help of Modern Mrs. Darcy. The tagged book is the one I want to read the most. Also, said hi to a cat and really enjoyed the flowers.

Crazeedi Such a lovely walk! 5y
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OMG! What a sweet and delightful comic! I read it straight through this afternoon and can‘t wait to read what happens next. Escapist romance with a queer bent and a great supporting cast of silly bros.

Librariana Perfect review! 5y
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Library book haul! Not pictured: all of the beastie‘s selections.

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#booked2019 #comicorgraphicnovel

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bitty is a former figure skater who loves to bake and vlog. He joins his college hockey team and fraternity and makes new friends. I love that a female author captured the fraternity and brohood of team sports perfectly.

Cinfhen Cute!!! 5y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Loved this one ❤️ 5y
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O. M. G. This was adorable. How long do I have to wait for book 2?

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This. Is. Freaking. Adorable. I‘m trying to go slow.

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Look. I was in Redmond, so I had to go to the indie bookstore. It‘s like a rule. (Finished my punch card. Next time I go back, the card is worth $20!) Look at that adorable Pride & Prejudice pin. ❤️

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Y'all, this is a sports comic about a gay baker who's obsessed with pie. It should've been my thing to the core.

But here we are. It was cute and I very much appreciated the slow burn romance, but I felt the character development lacked punch. Ukazu told me these characters were BFFs, but I saw little evidence of it on the page until well over halfway through. The story plays out in fragments; understandable, given the book's webcomics roots, ⬇️

xicanti but frustrating in that so many telling moments obviously happen off panel.

Sometimes I find this between-the-lines approach super effective. Here, it hampered my connection to the characters.

I did like the ending enough that I'll try vol 2, though, and I LOVED Bitty's tweets in the back matter. #caseyplusbooks
Bklover ❤️🐶❤️ 6y
wanderinglynn What a cutie! ❤️🐶 6y
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Every once in a while I stumble across this "Canadian milk comes in bags" thing, and it low key frustrates me because I've never ever ever seen bagged milk in either MB or BC. And I do a LOT of grocery shopping.

So, what's the deal here? Is this something the easterners do and just assume the rest of us are in on, or does the conspiracy go deeper? Is it one of those ON-only things that gets cited as Canada-wide because of Torontorosis?

tournevis I have personally seen bagged milk in MB, ON, QC, NB, NS and PEI. 6y
xicanti @tournevis but WHERE in MB? Up north? In the country? None of my Winnipeg grocery stores carry it. All our milk comes in jugs and cartons. 6y
tournevis @xicanti I a Great Canadian Superstore in Winnipeg 6y
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xicanti @tournevis this is so weird. Was it recently? Or many years ago? 6y
9999 I was an American awestruck at bagged milk in Toronto. It completely threw me. Then it took me months to figure out they sold a pitcher to place the bag of milk in while you snip the corner. That pitcher was a total gamechanger. 6y
xicanti @sskk I once saw a demo with the pitcher, but the whole thing still struck me as unnecessarily complicated. 6y
Ysabet Last time I paid attention, milk came both ways in NS. 6y
night_shift The only times I've ever seen bagged milk is when I lived in North Carolina, they gave them to us at lunch at school, and in pictures my brother brought back from Singapore. I had no idea this was a Canadian thing? 6y
xicanti @Ysabet I asked another NS friend about it this morning and she said her mom used to buy the bagged stuff for the family because it was cheaper. 6y
xicanti @tournevis the plot thickens. 6y
xicanti @UnidragonFrag it's definitely not a pan-Canadian thing. 6y
9999 In Ontario when you want to purchase roughly the equivalent of a gallon of milk, it is only sold bagged. If you want a smaller amount than 4 liters you can find it in the cartons. I have never seen this in the states 6y
xicanti @sskk y'see, I'd think large quantities of any liquid would be awkward in bagged form. I always imagined this bagged milk at 2L. 6y
9999 Its a larger bag containing 3 smaller bags that equal 4L in total. The pitcher is made so that one of the (smaller) bags fit inside it. Then you snip the corner and pour the milk. You never empty the milk out of the bag into the pitcher. It just holds it upright. The milk always tastes fresh and I am told the waste from the bags is more environmentally friendly than the hard plastic gallons. 6y
xicanti @sskk ahhhhh. That makes a bit more sense. 6y
tournevis @sskk @xicanti I've seen in in London as well, come to think of it. 6y
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I did the beer & comics thing last night.

It pains me to say it, but I'm on the fence about this book. It feels fragmented, and while the text tells me certain characters have particular relationships, I don't see it for myself. I'll give it another go tonight and hope I click with it.

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I went to place a hold on CHECK, PLEASE! and discovered it was on the shelving cart at my usual branch! Hurray! I headed over there this afternoon, snatched it up, and found my hold on DARK NIGHTS: METAL waiting for me when I went to check out. Double hurray!

writerlibrarian It's quite good. 😁 6y
xicanti @writerlibrarian I'm excited it's finally in my hands. I've got a couple of friends who've been gushing about it since it was a webcomic. 6y
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This was such a cute story. I am not a big sports person, but the characters were hilarious and compelling. I love Bitty and Jack and I need volume 2 immediately.

Overall 5*

Plot 5*
Characters 5*
Writing 5*
Art 5*