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Echoes in Death: Chapter 1
Echoes in Death: Chapter 1 | J.D. Robb
44 posts | 38 read | 12 to read
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I‘m in a slump…of sorts. I tried to read 8-10 different books in the past month and couldn‘t get past the first chapter in any. I think I‘m so overloaded that nothing new sinks in. Fortunately, I‘ve been able to enjoy my ongoing series. I read the above 6 books in quick succession. Echoes in Death is book #44…and still going strong! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ it‘s been just 3 years in Eve and Roarke time. Yay. Hope that means another 44 books. 😜

TheSpineView So glad you are in enjoying the series. ❤️📚 2mo
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I don‘t know why I‘m not keeping up with my reading maybe because I‘m reading them so fast while I‘m also working 🤦🏼‍♀️ but finished this so I liked this as I have all of the rest of the in death series I‘m almost at the 50 mark 😊📖

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I finished two books that I had in progress and hopefully will add a few more hours. #20in4 This was another great installment in the series. @Andrew65

Andrew65 Great progress 👏👏👏 3y
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We haven‘t done a marathon in a long time. So, we have two books we have in progress to finish and will decide where the mood takes us this weekend 🙂 #20in4 readathon @Andrew65

sharread What a cute kitty. 3y
Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 3y
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Roarke let‘s watch the Avengers and Eve response Is this porn😂😂😂 This is why they are my favorite fiction couple❤️ And let‘s be honest on some level the amount of Eye Candy in the Marvel movies might be PG Porn lol

wanderinglynn I love how Eve always questions idioms and sayings. Those conversations always make me laugh. 3y
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Friday‘s 3:27 plus Saturday and Sunday‘s time puts me at 16:08. Not too shabby #24b4monday @Andrew65 @ReadingMermaid

Andrew65 That‘s a fantastic time, well done. 👏👏👏🙌🙌🎉🎊🥳 Hope to see you next month. 😊 5y
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I love these characters so much but the stories are getting stale 🙁

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I picked this up at the library even though I skipped 35 or 36 books in the series. I left off around book 7 or 8.

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I have the greatest Mom and Sister, why because August the 15th was my birthday and unfortunately they both had to work. So today they give me my birthday gifts new books, a top , birthday cake and a card.

SpookyHouseofBooks I'm loving the In Death series, it's the only Series of hers I want to read and own, slowly getting them 7y
SpookyHouseofBooks Loved it 7y
tpixie Love JD ROBB! 7y
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Echoes in Death finally came available from the library so I grabbed it for my holiday weekend. This book wasn't about the mystery as much as the investigation and the impact on Dallas. Definitely not a stand alone. I prefer the storylines that focus on Dallas' relationships but this worked.

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One of my very favorite series - every one feels like a visit from an old friend. I enjoy the way Eve interacts with the other cops, victims, witnesses, suspects, and ESPECIALLY Roarke.

tpixie Yes and Peabody! 7y
tpixie NR & JD ROBB knows how to make great characters with great relationships and dialogue. (edited) 7y
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This sounds crazy but reading each new In Death book feels like coming home....it's like the best comfort food, my most favorite pajamas and a totally silent house, all rolled into one. ❤️ I had pretty much pegged the bad guy early on here, but that's not the point. These characters are like family, and as long as I can visit with them, I don't really care so much who the bad guy is. #romantsy #osrbc

Lauren_reading Yes!!! I feel the same way. 7y
CoverToCoverGirl Especially love Peabody and the resident cat of course 🤓😻 7y
robinb @CoverToCoverGirl I ❤️ all of the regulars and She-Body is wonderful!!! Galahad Rules! 😺 7y
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tpixie @CoverToCoverGirl @LaurenReads @robinb I live Dallas, Peabody, etc. ! 7y
robinb @tpixie 🙌🙌🙌👍 7y
CoverToCoverGirl @robinb What you said.. I couldn't agree with you more 😁😎 7y
robinb @CoverToCoverGirl thanks! It's one series that I have stuck faithfully to and STILL anxiously await the next one. Hard to believe its consistently great longevity....😮😮😮 (edited) 7y
tpixie Yes i'm halfway through echoes. I feel like there was another book where there was a devil face mask, so I'm worried I may have read this when the book came out, but the rest of the book does not seem familiar!! Lol 😝 @robinb @CoverToCoverGirl @LaurenReads (edited) 7y
robinb @tpixie 🤣🤣 I know what you mean! I think Echoes is the most recent that I've read. I try to wait until either the price comes down a little or I can get it from the library. You're right though. I know there have been some masked villains in the past, but the stories are always original and fresh so I can immediately tell if I've read them before...thank goodness! 😳 7y
tpixie @robinb yes! I probably remember all the social life stuff the most!! And I guess if I've read it and forgotten then I might as well be reading it again! 7y
robinb @tpixie I like your thinking and totally agree! 😉 I look forward to going back and re-reading the entire series at some point. For those first ones, it's been a looong time! 7y
tpixie @robinb yes!! I'd especially like to read those first few ones as all the characters are introduced! 7y
robinb @tpixie 👍🙌😊 7y
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*sigh* Eve, Roarke, Peabody and all the gang. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I finally decided on which books I will be reading this weekend for #Readathon

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This was such a good book! It was a great addition to the series! Can't wait for the next one.

robinb Just got this from the library...can't wait! Such a wonderful series!!! 7y
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Another enjoyable excursion into Dallas and Roarke's world. More snark than the last one (yay for the witty banter!), but still on the serious side. I liked not knowing the UNSUB till close to the end, as it left me trying to guess.

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Book 44 in the series, I've been a fan for years. Nora Roberts aka JD Robb never disappoints. Chapters 2 and I'm already pulled into this case🤓💙☕️

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You have no idea how good it is seeing my 89-yo mom able to read again!!! I got my love of reading from her. She read to me even after I could read on my own just because I loved hearing her read aloud. We went to the used bookstore and library every week when I was a kid. An evil medication called Amiodarone took reading from her but she's off that now & back to the books! Monitor your loved ones meds!

Bookworm83 This is the most heartwarming photo! I got my love of reading from my grandma...who reads 30+ books a month. It would break my heart if she couldn't read for whatever reason, so I can only imagine what they must have been like for both you and her. 7y
DGRachel ❤❤ 7y
TrishB I got mine from my Mum too. This is a lovely pic 💓 7y
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Dolly We've recently been that route. No reading problems here (which was minimal anyway) but balance, lucidity and overall wellbeing. Now have 97 yr old only on a tiny dose of maintenance. ALL of us need someone to watch the meds. 💕👏💕 7y
TheBookAddict Just lovely! 💕 So glad that you're there for her. My mom also introduced me to books, even though she didn't read much, but she read to me. 😊💕 7y
Zelma Excellent news for you and your mom! 💕 7y
LeahBergen 💗💗💗 7y
DebinHawaii Such a great photo & post. I'm happy for you and your mom. 💜💜💜 7y
Jinjer @Bookworm83 wow 30 books a month! Your granny rocks! 7y
Jinjer @TrishB thank u! 7y
Jinjer @Dolly wow...you too, huh? It's like the doctors don't think about adjusting for age & weight and how little food they eat, etc. smh 7y
Jinjer @Zelma thank u! 7y
Jinjer @DebinHawaii aw thx! 7y
jfalkens I used to read a book with my mom too ☺ we did it thru high school during the summers with my sister, all three of us would have two books going- one to read by ourselves and one to read together. Of course mom would make us take turns reading out loud once we were old enough to read. 7y
Jinjer @jfalkens oh that's so nice!! What great memories! 7y
tpixie Heartwarming 💕💕💕 7y
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The In Death books are predictable in the best way. Loved this one. After a slower start this reading year is picking up. I'm working to balance my book choices between comfort reads and more diverse picks. It's working for me. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Sharing my #bookishpetpeeve for #marchingintoreading #dogearedpage

Don't do this to your library books.

LeeRHarry This is my number one bookish pet peev too - aarrggghh! 😏 (edited) 7y
CouronneDhiver I'm a bit of a monster but only with my own books... never something borrowed. Lol 🤷🏽‍♀️ 7y
lisakoby @CouronneDhiver What happens to or with privately owned books stays private. 😉 7y
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DragonSadhana But it's a built-in bookmark!!! 😂😜 7y
lisakoby @DragonSadhana Noooo! Your poor books. 😭 7y
DragonSadhana Lol, I kid, I kid. I don't use bookmarks at all. I have some part of my brain dedicated to the page number from where I left off. Seems like it's the only part of my brain working some days! 7y
tpixie @DragonSadhana wow impressive! 7y
DragonSadhana @tpixie My memory is terrible otherwise, so it's just the one superpower. 😂 7y
tpixie @DragonSadhana One superpower is better than none! 7y
DragonSadhana @tpixie You're right about that! 👍🏾 7y
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44 books in and I still love this series. Eve is such a badass and I would marry Roarke in a second😍😍 the storyline is great, but the characters keep me invested. #litsyatoz

LittleBowBook You can't marry Roarke. He will only love Eve. 😉 Great series! 7y
Lauren_reading @LittleBowBook True - the biggest part of his awesomeness is how he is with Eve! 7y
BethFishReads I love Eve. Well, maybe Roarke 7y
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Bookcation74 LOVE this series - it's my go to for comfort reading and when I'm having a self doubting day I try to channel Eve! 7y
Dragon Yes Roarke is my book husband 👍 7y
ScientistSam Love the series and am almost caught up! How can you not love the snark and awesome cast of characters?! 7y
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When this email makes my Friday night!!! #bookworm


"Holy sacred stilleto" -Detective D. Peabody

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I am a solid fan of the series, audio reader, & author. This book is titled based on the crumbs the writer started to drop in book 4 of the series regarding the main character and her past... its an underlined theme.

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There's something amazing about a book series comprised of 44 books focused on the same characters. Eve, Roarke, Peabody, McNab, Mira, Mavis, and so many more wonderful characters from this series feel like family. Every book Nora puts out as Robb is a chance to visit old friends. ❤️❤️❤️

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My #literarycrush is Eve Dallas's mega-fine husband, Roarke. This is the 44th book I've read starring the couple, and I'm still not tired of him. 😜 #FeistyFeb

Liatrek I'm on book 22 I'm glad to hear this love affair will never end ❤️❤️ 7y
Celeste57 @Liatrek You definitely have nothing to worry about on that front! 😉 7y
Melissa_J Holy cow! I didn't realize the series is up to 44 books. I'm only one book five 😳 7y
Celeste57 @Melissa_J You have so much to look forward to!! 🤓 7y
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Another excellent installment in the series! I did know who the murderer was from the first meeting and I guessed the twist pretty early as well but it was still a very enjoyable read. Also, the change to St. Martin's Press seems to have decreased the number of typos. I guess they still have copy editing unlike PRH :)


You would think I would have learned by now not to read murder mysteries before bed but apparently not so much. #needmorecoffee #blamingJDRobb

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Epigraphs are one of my favorite things in the world. #epigraph #echoesindeath #iloveepigraphs


I should not have started reading this tonight because now I'm not going to want to stop reading to go to sleep.

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Got my library requests! #weekendreading

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Love this series, interesting case great characters. My only thing is I want more Roarke 😍. The good thing was so many book you see the evolution of the characters, which see with Eve and this case.
5 Star

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So excited to start this!!!! #bookmail #newrelease #evedallas

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All in all, Echoes in Death is a solid 4 star read. JD Robb/Nora Roberts has hit a home run. ~Jess

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I can't believe I'm still up to date on this series! Love Eve, Roarke, and their group of friends... it's like visiting with old friends.

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Just got an ARC of Echoes in Death by J.D. Robb and it came with a cool and comfy t-shirt! Can't wait to get to this read.

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Instead of buying books, I had to get a new hot water heater. Going to curl up and read my book instead of thinking of all that money spent on something other than books.

CocoReads That's a much less fun purchase. 😟on the other hand, hot water is quite a nice thing to have! 7y
Debiw781 @CocoReads True... the cold shower this morning was pretty miserable ☹️ 7y
Notafraidofwords I'll take the hot water ! I love bathing in hot water. 7y
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Debiw781 @Notafraidofwords I definitely have a better appreciation for hot water after this morning! 7y
melrailey Ha! I woke up this morning without water at all! Fortunately for me it was a water main busted down the street. Got water back in the early afternoon but the morning was rough. 7y
NovelGirl82 Ugh! I'm sorry! I had to replace my a/c a couple of years ago, and I was so depressed! 7y
Debiw781 @melrailey no water is rough! @NovelGirl82 I just put in a new AC in November ☹️☹️ 7y
Bostonmomx2 @Debiw781 the whole water heater thing sucks but I had to laugh at the book title connection to the dead h2o heater 😂 7y
Debiw781 @Bostonmomx2 I thought the book title fit the situation 😂 7y
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Came home to this lovely surprise in the mail! I'm going to start reading it right after my hair appointment 😊

Bostonmomx2 Is this #874 in the series? 😉 7y
Debiw781 @Bostonmomx2 😂😂 I think it's like #44. I can't believe I've kept up with a series this long! 7y
Bostonmomx2 @Debiw781 lol me either. I think I quit about 8 or so. 7y
Debiw781 @Bostonmomx2 normally I don't last this long with a series. At one point I did get behind a book or two but as you can see I'm now caught up 7y
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Brilliant marketing but I have to wonder what would happen if the publisher spent this much time, effort, and money on marketing for midlist authors.

melissanorr Well that's weird - the photo didn't upload. Anyone else having problems with photos posting or is it just me? 8y
BookishMarginalia Edit the post and add the picture again. That usually solves the problem. 8y
melissanorr Thanks for the tip @BookishMarginalia. It didn't work this time but I will keep it in mind for the future. 8y
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