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Girl Mans Up
Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
Like Julie Anne Peters Keeping You a Secret, Girl Mans Up is a totally engrossing portrayal of a gay teens coming of age. Pen is only comfortable dressing like a boy, but its confusing to her friends and unacceptable to her family. And then one day she meets Blake, and little by little, it all begins to make sense. Pen Oliviera is sort of chunky, an amazing gamer and a girl. Mistaken for a boy in restaurants, bathrooms and everywhere elseall she wants is to be the kind of girl she is. So, youre like, a girl? Avery asks. Like a gay girl? Uh I say, staring back at her, pulling the straw in and out of my cup, making it squeak against the plastic lid. Colby takes a drag, and exhales liquid smoke in swirls. I just didnt want to assume Avery says, frowning. Assume Im a girl? I am, so thats cool, I say. Do your parents know? That Im a girl? Colby snorts a laugh. That youre gay, Avery says. I dont really know. I guess its obvious, I say, but I dont think of myself as being gay, because that word sounds like it belongs to some guy. And lesbian sounds like its some forty-year-old womans. And queer feels like it can mean anything, but like, am I queer because I like girls, or because I look the way I do? Maybe I dont know enough words. Pen is used to catching hell for looking and acting like a boyespecially from her parentsbut in the Canadian suburbs where she lives, theres nowhere to escape to. No Greenwich Village. No Castro. No LGBT club at school. No one to talk to, either. Her pal Colby, from two doors down, gave Pen respect from the first time he met her playing hockey when they were small, but Colby has become conflicted about Pens value to him, and hes really nasty. Lucky for Penshes met Blakealso a gamer, and a girl who Pen says wins everything. Can Pen manage to respect Colbys loyalty code even though his jealousy of her has become cruel and toxic? Pen has to man up and figure it out.
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard

An example of an allusion in this book is when Pen says Blake looks like a typical rock band singer.

TheMrsShaw If he or she referenced a specific rock band, then yes, this would be an allusion. If it's just generic, then that really isn't an allusion, unfortunately. 2y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard

The denotative (literal) meaning of “girl mans up” would be a girl turning into a man but when you add connotation (figurative) to the phrase, it could mean a girl being tough or a girl being brave.

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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A true coming of age book and trying to figure out where you belong. Family, relationships, and friend drama all in one story.

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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I think A Man Alone is a perfectly good early DS9 ep! It's a great set up for Odo. Also: good luck out there in the world, random evidence clone! (Book chosen -entirely- for the Man in the title - it's another tbr pick and I don't think there's a murder investigation in it!)

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Random YA audiobook that I picked on Overdrive and I loved it. Generally YA with a romance at the center I'm not a fan of, but following Pen as she figures out who she is while facing ridicule from friends and family, and navigating her first love was a truly enlightening experience.

Great book for high school teachers to offer in their classrooms. Lots of thought provoking topics are covered in this one.

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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This book is hella fun and relatable! I enjoyed every bits of it. First of all, we have our LGBT+ Tommy girl named Pen. Then, we have her annoying ass mother. And her fake ass best friend. And her kawaii girlfriend. And some ups and downs. Pen is not your typical one here. She belongs to the LGBT family. With short hair and rocking her brother's tee, she had all the girls' eyes on her; and my heart too 🖤

Pic: google

cokersam Hello nice book 5y
cokersam This book as been a source of motivation to me and I see myself differently in the aspect of success. It‘s a book everybody needs to read.

Amazing book for every reader, visit this link, you will love and thank me later https://okadabooks.com/book/about/you_can_the_linda_ikeji_experience/25486

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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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This book is my goddamn guardian angel. Or guardian Satan. From the very beginning I felt the teenage drama of being a member of the LGBT+ and I could relate. The book highlights a lot of parent-mistakes and fake friends. But my girl, Pen — is a boy and I love it!

#books #teenfiction #lgbtq #romance #youngadult #bookgeek #bookstagram #goodreads #bookslut

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Pen is a genderqueer teen navigating her first girlfriend, a bully of a best friend, traditional Portuguese parents, and prejudice from strangers. I really liked Pen and think her story feels real. What great representation in YA literature.

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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My #bookstack from my library visit today. Only Heretics Anonymous was a hold, rest I just picked up. Also, came home to #bookmail from @Bookzombie - thanks again! I'll have to read it and pass it on as soon as I get these library books read lol

(Also, blur of excited #Gremlin in the background lol)

That-Bookish-Hiker Are you going to the used book sale that Multnomah county library is doing 10/27? 6y
night_shift @That-Bookish-Hiker unfortunately, no. I have to work all that weekend, which is a real bummer. I'm trying to convince my people to go with a list for me lol 6y
Bookzombie Yay! Glad it got there. 🙂 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker @UnidragonFrag that‘s so nice of them! I hope they find some books for you. Are you thinking of going to the Portland Book Festival? 6y
night_shift @bookzombie 👍👍🎉 @That-Bookish-Hiker I hope so too! We'll see lol .. I'd love to, but same problem with it being on the weekend. I might try and go though, still. Just be tired at work that night Haha 6y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Thank you to everyone who entered the #giveaway for GMU! The winner, drawn by my husband, is @UnidragonFrag . Please send an email to bookzombieonlitsy@gmail.com with your mailing info and I will get it out to you. 🙂 Thanks again!

MirrorMask Congratulations, @UnidragonFrag 6y
AmyG Yay🎉 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Congratulations 🎉🍾🎊🎈 6y
night_shift 😮 ah, thank you! I'll email you right away :) 6y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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#LitsyConfession Last November (11 months ago!) the lovely @heidifk had a #giveaway for this book. The winner was to read it and pass it along, but I put it on my shelf and neglected it. I finally read it and now I want to pass it along. If you would like to read this book and pass it along, please comment below with “I will pass it along faster than you.” I set the bar pretty low. The giveaway is open until 11:59pm Wednesday, Oct. 3rd. US only.

jessinikkip I will pass it along faster than you 😝 One deadline I think I can meet haha 6y
night_shift I think I could pass it along.. somewhat faster 😆 6y
phatsallylee It looks interesting and i hope i will pass it along faster than you! 😉🤞 6y
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Shmemilina I will pass it along faster than you (hopefully)!!! 6y
Reggie I will pass it along faster than you. 6y
Bklover I will pass it along faster than you!! 6y
TheBookAddict I will pass it along faster than you! 😆 6y
Bookzombie @Bklover @TheBookAddict Thank you so much for entering! 🦄 6y
CatLass007 I will pass it along faster than you! 6y
Dr._Who_number10 I will pass it along faster than you!! 6y
Bookzombie @CatLass007 @Dr.Who_number10 Thank you for entering! 6y
Bookzombie @UnidragonFrag You are the winner! 🙂 Please see my new post for email info. 6y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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I finished my final book for the 3rd quarter of #booked2018 late last night. I enjoyed all of them.

#blameitonLitsy - Sky in the Deep
#diversenonfiction - Yes, My Accent Is Real And Some Other Things I haven‘t Told You
#setatschool - Shut Out
#LGBTQIA+MC - Girl Mans Up
#Japanesethriller - Out
#beachread - The Many Sins Of Lord Cameron

**See next post for giveaway!

Cinfhen Well done 💚 6y
Bookzombie @Cinfhen Thank you! 💗 6y
DivineDiana As did I! 😉👏🏻📚 6y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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So I seriously hate the title of this book and unfortunately it did put a weird line in the sand about boy things and girl things while trying to critique them BUT I did think it was an accurate representation of what it can be like growing up butch and there are NOT many of those at all, especially in YA.

Overall good and I really enjoyed that it was a Portuguese family perspective.

#queerbooks #lgbtq #ya

GatheringBooks ooooh! i have this one on my shelf! 😍 glad to hear that you like it. 6y
SkeletonKey @GatheringBooks - I‘m still disappointed in how femininity was represented but I still think it was worthwhile! Hope you enjoy it. 🙂 6y
alisiakae That title is really a turn off. 6y
SkeletonKey @4thhouseontheleft - I was hoping they might analyze the use of these phrases but it just kinda gets worse in the book 😢 6y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Currently reading.

Sometimes books like this enforce gender stereotypes while trying to critique them (“‘girl things‘ are dumb, I can be like a boy if I want to”) so I‘m praaaaaaying that this one flips around to realize that gender nonconforming does not mean gender bashing. We‘ll see!

#lgbtq #ya #queerbooks

RealLifeReading Let us know how it goes! 6y
Soubhiville I really liked this when I read it, but now, months later, I can‘t remember anything about it... 🤔 6y
SkeletonKey @Soubhiville - so far it‘s eerily accurate about what it‘s like growing up liking girls lol 6y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Saturday book buyin' at Inkwood Books.

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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#FierceFeb Day 7: This book which I got my 16 year old girl for Christmas seems perfect for #ImEveryWoman - made me think, really. I have yet to read this novel but am hearing all kinds of good things about it.

batsy I would love to read this! Great pick. 6y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Girly voice just does NOT suit us haha. I like how I can relate to this whole darn book! Oh shiz, guess I found out who the fiction version of me is (!)
#books #hushhush #bookslut #goodreads #bookstagram #bookgeek #bookworm #divergent #twilight #booklover #tea #bookish #read #booknerd #litsybook #harrypotter #angel #bigbooks

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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Louise Welcome to Litsy! Glad you have joined our merry bookish community! 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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@heidifk I received the book today! Thank you for passing it on! I will get it read and repost for passing it on again soon. 😊

slategreyskies This looks really good! I‘m gonna have to track down a copy of it!! :) 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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And listening as the husband drives.... one headphone in and one so I can pretend to listen to conversation 😉

Tamra 😝 I've been there. But then again, so has my husband. 7y
DebbieGrillo I suck at pretending! 7y
josie281 After 15 years, smile and nod is acceptable 😂 7y
Cathythoughts Absolutely great pic ❤️( sure we can‘t listen ALL the time 🙄) 7y
minkyb I really liked this book. Don‘t pay attention to your husband! 😜 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Started this on a random grab. I‘m really hooked. Think I will download it and listen to it on the drive tonight!
Pen wants to be the girl who she always has been. Yet everyone has a problem with it. She‘s not trying to be a boy yet she has no desire to dress like a girl to please her parents. Friendships are changing and Pen realizes she needs to make changes to be the person who she wants to be (summary from HarperCollins)#queerbooks #roadtrip

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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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@heidifk is generously giving away this book to a lucky US Litten! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Head over to her page for details. And, if you‘re not already, follow her while you‘re at it!

Cinfhen Thanks for the heads up! 7y
Bookzombie Thanks! 7y
heidisreads Thanks for the shout-out, @britt_brooke 😎 7y
britt_brooke @heidifk ☺️👍🏻 7y
minkyb Love this book! 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Who wants to read this and pass it on? I'll send it anywhere in the US! Comment below and I'll draw a random name on the evening of Wednesday 10/18. #giveaway

readordierachel I'd love to read this :) 7y
Cinfhen I'm down for the read and then thrilled to pass it along #payingitforward 7y
Morr_Books Sounds great! I'd love it! 7y
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Bookzombie I'd love to read this and then pass it along. 🙂 7y
ChasingOm This is a fun idea! 7y
Sharpeipup What a fun idea! 7y
ElishaLovesBooks I‘ve heard this book is great! 7y
2BR02B I'd love to read it. Thanks for doing this! 😁 7y
Suet624 Sure! I'd love to read this! 💕💕 7y
heidisreads @Bookzombie You are the winner! 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈Email me a mailing address and I'll send it out asap! heidifk@gmail.com Thanks! 7y
Bookzombie @heidifk Wow! That‘s awesome! Thank you for doing this! I will do the same. Emailing you now. 😊 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard

This book has a lot going on, involving issues relating to gender identity, dealing with immigrant parents, sexual orientation, bullying, sexual assault, and abortion. As a result, it‘s a pretty intense read, and is very much more of a high school YA than a middle school one.

Full review: http://mrskaoreads.com/book/girl-mans-up/

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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High school is difficult enough without having to deal with a friend who demands loyalty above all else and parents who demand respect without offering much in return but that is what Pen Oliveira is dealing with even as she longs for everyone to accept her for who she is. Pen is a strong, dynamic character easy to root for as she navigates high school, new and old friendships, and relationships. I enjoyed this well-written, engaging book.

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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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I love Pen! It‘s not easy discovering who you are in high school when you are different than everyone around you. Especially when your family is very traditional and in denial about who you are.

This is a great YA about being true to yourself, and it‘s a great LGBTQ first love story. And there‘s a gaming element for a bonus!

@Simona made me that adorable bookmark 😊

Simona 😊😊😊 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Today‘s reading brought to you by a dive into and random selection from my ever growing TBR pile. The reviews on this one were very positive so looking forward to seeing what it‘s all about.

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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I‘m about to dive into Girl Man‘s Up. I learned of it at Texas Book Fest last fall, and it‘s been sitting on my TBR since then. I‘m looking forward to it!

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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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I appreciate that this book exists and there were some sweet and lovely parts the this YA story about a masc-of-centre queer girl named Pen and some of her high school hijinks with love and friendship. I wasn't a fan of how "Manning up" was such an unchallenged theme throughout the book and how "pussy" was used as a derogatory term throughout. Being non-feminine doesn't have to mean being misogynistic. I'm glad there's so many YA #queerbooks.

Jokila That sounds very annoying 😑 7y
tournevis Well said 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Cottage reading 😍

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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My reading spot from the canoe trip. Wish I was back there!

britt_brooke 😍😍😍 7y
Melissa_J How peaceful! 7y
TrishB Lovely 💓 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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#RiotGrams, Day 3: Today's prompt is "three-word titles." I grabbed the ones closest to where I'm sitting right now, because I'm lazy, but it's a great mix of old and new. ❤️??

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My own personal reading for our canoe trip. #queerbooks

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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard

4.5/5 stars

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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I have so many thoughts. This book is messy and complicated. People make mistakes in it. People are jerks in it. Not everything ends up in a perfect bow. That's why I loved it. I listened to the audio... so here is a pic of me on my morning hike finishing Girl Mans Up. #ya #lgbtq

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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This one rambles a bit and the dialogue was written oddly in places but it was an interesting LGBTQ story. I loved Pen and reading all her struggles and wishing that people would just let her be who she wanted to be. I hated Colby with a fiery passion though. Wow what a complete ahole. #litsypartyofone

heidisreads This is next to my bed but I haven't started it yet! Soon! 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Excellent novel about a young butch Canadian lesbian. She is struggling coming to terms with her sexuality and more so about the stigma from strangers, friends and even her own family. Very refreshing same sex relationship between two young women. Very interesting perspective on the way society treats young women who aren't acting "as they should." Highly recommend. I chose this book to highlight for #juneprideweek

MrBook Great review! 😊👍🏻 7y
TbrandBeyond @MrBook Thanks!! 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard

This was an unexpected and extremely insightful read. I loved the interactions, the careful dealing with big BIG topics for young people, and the immersion into Pen's life and feelings.

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Looking forward to starting this. Have a touch of a migraine and everyone is sooooo loud today lol. Stopped by the library and spotted this interesting looking book.

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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I had a moment of weakness recently and ordered from both Powell's and Book Outlet. Although in both cases I trimmed down the carts before ordering. That's good, right? Here's my Powell's haul. The tagged book was recommended by the inimitable @Liberty on the All the Books podcast. How could I resist?

Suet624 Great choices!!! 7y
ohyeahthatgirl Tell Me How It Ends is sososo important. 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Overall a good book. The teen angst got a bit annoying but not a big deal. It's a book about teenagers so it's expected.

I liked how this one was less about sexuality and more about identity. About accepting yourself, and for friends and family to accept you for you. I think the story made good points. Just because you dress a certain way doesn't make you less. Pen is a girl whether she wears dresses or wears jeans and T-shirts. #litsypartyofone

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Totally forgot it was #litsypartyofone tonight! Hoping to finish this one and since it's Friday I think I deserve some ice cream. 😉

EmilyChristine And it posted twice. Sorry! 7y
CoverToCoverGirl 😜🙃 7y
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Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Totally forgot it was #litsypartyofone tonight! Hoping to finish this one and since it's Friday I think I deserve some ice cream. 😉

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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This blurb I think sums up this book. Penelope aka Pen is a girl but dresses and acts more masculine often being mistaken for a boy. She's comfortable in her body but other people don't understand her or know how to label her.

Almost half way done. So far not too bad though Pen needs some better friends. Boys are jerks.

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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Trying this out at lunch today.

Girl Mans Up | M-E Girard
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This has been on my radar for a long time. While reading other posts I discovered @MrBook used #YA How did I not know there was a ya hashtag!? Love it!