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The Iliad & the Odyssey
The Iliad & the Odyssey | Homer
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I enjoyed the audiobook version of these 2 books. I feel like I was able to appreciate it more having read The song of Achilles beforehand 🥰 I love Greek mythology so this was a hit for me. Although, long at parts I‘m happy to scratch it off my poster 🥰

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Here‘s my review for a book I just finished reading.

I chose this book for the following prompts:

☑️ A book that I‘m curious about - #theunreadshelfproject
☑️ Odysseus | King Of Ithaca: The Odyssey or The Illiad by Homer, or a Greek mythology retelling - #greekmythologychallenge

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I finished The Iliad today. Now, I‘m reading The Odyssey. I‘ve listened to the first 3 books so far. This is a 27 hour audiobook. I have 10 hours left. This is the stage production of The Iliad and The Odyssey. This is a lot to listen to but I‘m enjoying it. I‘ve never listened to 2 plays that are in the same audiobook.

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I started this book. This is the stage production of The Iliad And The Odyssey presented by The Online Stage. I found this audiobook on Audible. I listened to the first 4 books and I like it so far. The play I‘m listening to first is The Iliad.

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So I‘m trying to create a mythology unit for my first graders. It started with me playing some songs from Epic: The Musical to me reading a kid version of the Odyssey to them wanting more. Trying to think of how kid-friendly I can be when Zeus did so much damage with his libido.

SamAnne What a great idea. 2y
BriannaT @SamAnne thanks! 2y
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My tentative Fall TBR stack! I actually plan on starting the Iliad next week, but the rest are some my picks for Sept-Nov, excluding my library book stack I‘m working through now. Lots of #screamathon selections as well as #darkacademia reads!

rjsthumbelina An ambitious TBR, for sure! Lots of big books there 3y
AmyG Oooooo The Secret History! Enjoy! 3y
TiredLibrarian Loved this, and The Odyssey. Enjoy! 3y
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alisiakae @rjsthumbelina I definitely won‘t be reading all of these! I like having a bunch to choose from 😃 3y
alisiakae @AmyG It‘s been languishing on my TBR for a really long time! 3y
alisiakae @TiredLibrarian the Iliad will be a reread, but I‘ve actually never read the odyssey! I‘m planning Iliad for September and Odyssey for November. I am trying a different translation from when I first read the Iliad. (edited) 3y
TheLudicReader You‘ve got some great books in that stack. The Secret History. ❤️ 3y
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#TallShipCelebration #Siren

“They approach the island of the lovely Sirens, and Odysseus, as instructed by Circe, plugs his men's ears with beeswax and has them bind him to the mast of the ship. ... Once they have passed the Sirens' island, Odysseus and his men must navigate the straits between Scylla and Charybdis.“


CrowCAH A great epic, including sirens! 5y
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What are you all reading today?

BeansPage @laundry_piles Was really good 🤘🏻 When is our discussion? 6y
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Smangela An ARC! So good - so creepy. I‘m having a hard time putting it down 6y
laundry_piles @TheReadingMermaid Sunday! Then we start the next! 6y
Sha0102 I'm just in love with these Series 6y
lostinabookbrb I love the series so far. 6y
jessinikkip Right now Im reading Apex, the end of one series. Then I'll be reading War Storm, the end of another lol 6y
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After reading Circe I've decided to get back into some Greek mythology again, so my boyfriend bought me this lovely edition 😊❤

merelybookish Sweet! And cute kitty sneaking into pic! 😻 6y
Leftcoastzen Nice edition! Cute reading buddy!👍😻 6y
BookaholicNatty Awwww 😻😻 6y
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Wonderful coming home to my parents house and seeing all my childhood books again!

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His favourite place to #sleep? By the stack of #books of course. (Nothing to do with the warm radiator - nothing at all.) #blackcat

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When I #NeedAChangeOfPace I usually turn to some kind of 'classic.' Lately, it's been The Odyssey. Nothing like a good dose of ancient mythology to help get me going again.

Oryx Some Littens are planning a buddy read of this soon, but the new translation, if you're interested? Will tag you in the post about it. 7y
writerlibrarian Definitely, i even ordered the new translation as a gift for me from me. 🤗 7y
WarpedSweetness I loved the Odyssey. I haven't read it in so long. 7y
LeahBergen I love The Odyssey ❤️ 7y
TricksyTails I love The Odyssey, too! @Oryx Will you tag me for the buddy read as well? Thank you! 7y
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Iliad and Odyssey Boxed Set | Homer, Robert Fagles
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The child again 👋

Iliad and Odyssey Boxed Set | Homer, Robert Fagles
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Having finished The Iliad I am now onto The Odyssey much better! Also TBR some Spark for her centenary and some Butler for the Feminist Lit Reading group

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Another hot, dirty day at the Michigan Renfaire... but it's harvest weekend and #SockSunday so I'm wearing my favorite socks. 🐿🦊

Book cover by #Studio42Books on etsy.

WarpedSweetness I love your socks! And that book cover is awesome! 7y
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Work is slow today because of the heat (it's 90° here!), so I'm killing time with a book. Good thing I have a few #Studio42Books in the booth. 💛

Misanthropester That‘s a cool looking edition 7y
GondorGirl @Misanthropester Thanks! It's got a custom leather cover on it. Leather smell + old book smell = 💛 7y
Crystallinegirl I keep threatening to make a case like this so I can read books in my boss's booth at the Maryland Ren Faire, lol. (or a case that will make my phone or Kindle look like an old book.) I'd just planned to find an old-looking book, though. The leather cover is beautiful. 7y
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GondorGirl @Crystallinegirl Michigan Ren here. I'm a leatherworker, so this just makes sense for us. My fiance makes the book covers. 7y
Crystallinegirl Nice! My boss focuses mostly on leather masks and codpieces. She sells a few other random bits, but masks are the bulk of her work. I doubt she'd be interested in making a book cover, but I kinda want to do it myself anyway, lol. 7y
Redjewel_7734 That is amazing 😍 (edited) 7y
kspenmoll Gorgeous cover! 7y
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I really love the cover art for both The Odyssey by Homer & The Iliad by Homer. Both books were published by Signet Classics. I'm a sucker for good cover art - as you know I tend to judge a book by its cover - a lot! I definitely shouldn't be doing that -
But what can I do? *sigh*

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This is the kind of weirdness you get when you take a threenager and a nerdy old man to the bookstore...

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"Noman is killing me by some kind of trick."
They sent their words winging back to him:
"If no man is hurting you, then your sickness
Comes from Zeus and can't be helped.
You should pray to your father, Lord Poseidon."

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#feistyfeb day 9: #deckleedge. Not many deckle edged books in my collection, but these beautiful trade paperback editions of The Iliad and The Odyssey have them.

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I-read-and-eat Read them, you won't be sorry! These are nice translations by the way 😀 8y
mhillis @I-read-and-eat Good to know! It does seem like a good reading project! 8y
LauraBeth I agree with @I-read-and-eat - these are excellent translations of these two classics. 😀 8y
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Tsubame I'm currently reading the Odyssey and it's awesome!! 8y
Reviewsbylola I only read these because I had to in college. 😂 8y
mhillis @LauraBeth Great😎📚 8y
mhillis @Tsubame Nice! I wasn't planning to read this anytime soon, but rethinking that!! 8y
Mommamanzi The odyssey is by far one of my favorite books. I love it so much I named my daughter Penelope. You won't be sorry if you read it! 8y
mhillis @Mommamanzi Penelope is a beautiful name😊 8y
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I'm finally done with this one. ⚔️

"The Iliad" can be a bit hard to get into, it has long pauses and a few pages full of names that are IMPOSSIBLE to pronounce but.. it's really a good story.

Now, I would say "The Odyssey" is the epic journey every Mythology junkie would love. Definitely my favorite. Would recommend if you're into Greek Mythology ?


Finished The Iliad earlier today. It took me FOREVER but I truly enjoyed it. I'm probably going to take a break before starting The Odyssey, tho'. I'll like to get around something less heavy for now. 🙃

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I couldn't pick anything else. My mum read a kids version of these to me and my sisters while we waited for our school ride when I was probably 7. It made me fall in love with literature, adventure, history, mythology and the ancient world. Still in my #top5 to this day and finally got them in these beautiful editions from Spain...a present from my mum, again. 🏛📚❤️ #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept

KVanRead Beautiful story ❤️ 8y
writerlibrarian So much love for these. So much. 8y
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Besides the flowers in the attic books, which I tagged for recommendsday a couple of weeks ago, these 2 were the first books that were adult to me. I was forced to read them for humanities class in high school, and sometimes I was forced to read out loud so frankly I hated it at the time. Looking back they are great adventures though. If I had them now I would appreciate them more 😎👍

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Of course this shows up the day AFTER National Donut Day.