Like Mama, like daughter... she loves looking at the BAM sales flier. This is about the 6th time she's looked at this particular one 😂😂😂 To be fair, it's got some great stuff in it. It warms my heart SO much that she loves books as much as I do ❤❤❤
Like Mama, like daughter... she loves looking at the BAM sales flier. This is about the 6th time she's looked at this particular one 😂😂😂 To be fair, it's got some great stuff in it. It warms my heart SO much that she loves books as much as I do ❤❤❤
My daughter and I at the mother daughter formal ball #TheOnlyGirl #TheBaby #ShesAReaderAndWriter #GraphicNovelMiniDiva
Here's the first look at a #fandom that will be our match box... Are you a Gilmore Girls fan!??
Enchantedfandom.com to grab a Nerdy Girl box.
@Johanna414 you are awesome!!! This gift fits me perfectly! I LOVE Gilmore Girls and I had this mug but it was accidentally broken over Christmas and I was planning to buy a replacement so this is perfect!! And the pins! And the book mark...I love Jane Eyre as well!! Amazing stuff here, super excited!! #muglove
1. These are the top 4 that popped into my head! 2. Ham and mashed potatoes. 3. Yes! Just finished today! 4. Going to see the Suitcase Junket and Christmas at my dads. 5. We got snow Saturday, rained yesterday so most of it melted. #humpdaypost
We had 19 nominations for August's book - A Book from Rory Gilmore's Reading List. Use link below to rank each book from 1-5 with 1 being the book you least want to read and 5 the book you most want to read. Descriptions of the books are included in the survey AND on our website if you want to read about them before voting.
We are still taking nominations for next month's book..."A Book from Rory Gilmore's Reading List." We've had 10 excellent nominations, but would love to get some more before we vote. Anyone can nominate by tagging the book in the comments below or on our previous post. Thank you all!
Rory's Reading List:
We hope you are enjoying What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours - live discussion Sunday at 5pm ET.
It's time to pick August's book - "A Book From Rory Gilmore's Reading List." Complete rules posted above ?? but remember it must be 450 pages or less and at least 3 months old. To nominate tag the book in comments below.
Rory's reading list: https://www.buzzfeed.com/krystieyandoli/all-339-books-referenced-in-gilmore-girl...
Anyone else? I have so many thoughts and feelings!
Can't wait!! Who will be watching it too? 🤓🍿November 25th can't get soon enough !!!