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Sweetshop of Dreams (A Novel with Recipes)
Sweetshop of Dreams (A Novel with Recipes) | Jenny Colgan
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#WinterReadathon #Adventathon #BookSpinBingo

This was a reread since I plan on reading books 2 & 3 this month. I enjoy Colgan‘s writing and found this to be a delightful read.

Andrew65 An author I am yet to read. Well done 🎄🎄🎄 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
BookmarkTavern Yay! 🎉🎉 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Normal people. Real life problems that need to be tackled. And a story from the past that still has repercussions today.

#20in4 #readathon #NewYearSpecial @Andrew65

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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Working on my physical TBR.

This book was a gift from @Sarah83.

#20in4 #readathon #NewYearSpecial @Andrew65

#TeaAndBooks #BooksAndTea

Read4life This is on my January TBR as well. Hope you enjoy it 🤓 3y
marleed Oh I read this last month after it was gifted to me by a sister. I love Jenny‘s books. Even though I had not read the first in this series, this book fully stood on its own. There‘s a talent to pull hat off. 3y
julesG @marleed Wait, this is not the first in the series? 3y
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julesG @marleed And yes, I like JC's books too. Normal people, normal-life problems, not billionaires throwing their money around. 3y
marleed Oh wait - lucky you, you do have the first in the series! It was the Christmas book that I was gifted. Haha! …Yes, I think it‘s the normal people finding joy and moving through struggles that I enjoy - and the English and Scottish countryside! 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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#QuotsyJul21 #strawberry 🍓

“Rosie filled a large bag—her first sale—with Maeve‘s mint creams while Lavender, her daughter, unwrapped her strawberry lolly. Rosie made a mental note: when offered a fruit-based choice for candy, children invariably went for strawberry.”

Actually, I invariably went for lime first, but #strawberry🍓would probably at least be in my top 5 fruit flavors for candy.🤷🏻‍♀️

LeahBergen I always went for orange and grape first. 😊 3y
TK-421 Lime for me too! 3y
DebinHawaii @LeahBergen @TK-421 I am seeing a citrus theme here! 😉 3y
Oryx Lime here. Then lemon. 3y
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Hello! This book is amazingly good if you as a person feel trap in societies must and must not do.

P.S. Ladies, Just go for it! Failure it's another form of experiencing life, don't stop, don't let anyone stop you!

Hugs everyone 💙📖💙

#JennyColgan #Mayreads #HappyReading

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I'm having the most fun with this book. 💙📖💙
Happy reading everyone 📚
#JennyColgan #Litsylove

Ellies_Books06 Lo forgot to add : "...Hallowe‘en is an ancient druidic holiday, one the Celtic peoples have celebrated for millennia. It is the crack between the last golden rays of summer and the dark of winter..." 3y
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I‘m not sure exactly why, but I loved this book. It was like a fluffy cupcake. You need it, but you don‘t really need it... and it makes you happy.


Not for me; the characters were all a wee annoying. But good writing and quite sweet.


Loved it!

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Bk9 of the #WinterGames for #TeamNutcracker is done! This was such a sweet story & brought back a lot of memories of running my lolly shop.I too had big glass jars full of every lolly you could think of, the kids faces when they came in were priceless!The characters in this were lovely, the romance was funny & very cute,I was transported back 20yrs. Loved it, highly recommend if you‘re looking for something happy. #TBRRead 16pts #PointsTotal-1,141

ladym30 Lovely photo!❤️ 5y
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“...these people are pushers and enablers and should be avoided. “
Only in the first chapters & already loving this book! It‘s highly appropriate for the #WinterGames & #TeamNutcracker coz when else can you overindulge in all things sweet.Except for Easter.My kids love the fudge I made for my lolly shop, and they‘d agree, there are no acceptable flavourings. I tried peppermint, strawberry etc, & none sold better than plain. 1pt #PointsTotal-1,037

Caroline2 I agree. Fudge is a flavour of its own, why mask it?! 😁 5y
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Welcome to Bk9 of the #WinterGames for #TeamNutcracker I have the Christmas book in this series but I just can‘t read books out of order! So it‘s this #TBRRead first before moving on to the holiday version. Idk if you knew but I used to have my own lollyshop & miss it dreadfully so this will be full of happiness & tears for me. Kinda fitting for Xmas right? 1pt + the point jackpot from mini games of 495🥳 #PointsTotal-1,036pts!🎉

Bookworm54 I bet that was wonderful. Hope it brings back some happy memories! 5y
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I have contemplated reading this one but fear all the #sweets may make it a bit too saccharin for my tastes.

#NamasteNovember @Eggs

Eggs Then you‘d have to visit the dentist 🦷 5y
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I always learn so much from these musical challenges.😉 I was not familiar with Blackpool rock by name and I don‘t think it was mentioned in the tagged book, but Rosie Hopkins‘s Sweetshop of Dreams was full of fun British candies & I think #WithMyLittleStickOfBlackpoolRock would be right at home there. 🍭🍬🍭🍬

Cinfhen #BonusCoverCrush 💜💜💜 5y
arlenefinnigan Perfect! 5y
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Jenny Colgan is one of my go to authors. I always enjoy her books. For the longest time, The Bookshop on the Corner has been one of my favorites of hers. Well, there is now a tie. I loved this book so much, I have already ordered the other 2 in the series on my kindle because our library does not carry them. I loved the characters and story, but really enjoyed looking up the various types of British sweets I‘d never heard of. 👇👇👇

AmberWB I want to order samples of every candy mentioned!! 😊 It was a lovely, warm read. I highly recommend it. 5y
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vkois88 I hear so much about her books... I need to pick some up to read! They sound so cute ❤ 6y
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Totally in love with this AMAZING #FeedAReader package from @PolaroidPoet Thank you so much Jessica! @MinDea

kgriffith What‘s the one with tiramisú in the title?? (edited) 6y
PatriciaU @kgriffith it‘s a cookbook in Italian! 6y
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#OctoberPutASpellOnYou Day 3: Fats‘ review: The novel revolves around city girl Rosie who left her life in London to help sort out her Great-aunt Lillian‘s sweetshop (selling #Candy of course). The sweetshop in the book was more than a setting. It served as “witness” to Lilian‘s life and struggles through wartime, relationship with her family, and a love story that didn‘t end happily ever after. Her full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-7Wo

vkois88 Sounds like another good one! 6y
Linsy Love that cover! ❤️ 6y
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I wouldn't call this a review as such but i did write some thoughts down about this book


BethFishReads 👏👏👏 7y
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Listening to this book has so far had me craving crunchies and now licorice allsorts. These walkways remind me of my grandfather


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Yes, there is a formula to Jenny Colgan's books but they never fail to bring cheer, offer a light breezy read & make me hungry. Rosie is a fun character as is her feisty great-aunt Lilian. No surprises in the story but it's sweet & fun.🍬🍭🍬I do feel like my Halloween candy bowl isn't nearly as interesting as the British sweets sold in the country sweetshop. It's 7:30 PM & I had about 10 trick-or-treaters an hour ago & non since. It's so humid...

DebinHawaii ...out tonight. 80 degrees F, 82% humidity that I am longing to shut the doors & turn on the air. What's the proper closing time for Halloween? 😬🎃 7y
AmyG Take 5 are@my husband's favorite. He tells me evey year...Don't get them (because he eats them all). We usually end Halloween around 6. It's ansanity from 3:15-5:30....stragglers until 6. I got about 600 kids. 😳 (edited) 7y
DebinHawaii @AmyG 600 kids is amazing!!! 😱It doesn't start here until after 5:00 and usually goes until about 8:00 PM. I had three groups & about 15 kids total--all small with parents which is unusual. I can never predict it here. I purposefully bought the Take 5 & Milky Way instead of Reese's PB cups & Snickers which I can't leave alone. 😬 7y
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Just spent the past few hours at the social security office. It turns out someone let their driver's license expire this month & to renew one has to have a social security card & guess who can't locate their card? ?Luckily I brought my Kindle. Treated myself to lunch at the local "bowl" place. This is a Thai Noodle Bowl-rice noodles, shrimp, veggies, Thai basil, peanut sauce & a fried egg on top. It hit the spot with another few chapters. ??

TK421 That looks deliscious! 7y
Zelma Yum! Now I want a noodle bowl for dinner. 😋 7y
Bookzombie That looks so good! 🤤 7y
DebinHawaii @TK421 @Zelma @Bookzombie It was good. I will go back and try some of their other bowls! 😋👍 7y
TricksyTails Your photos make me so hungry! 7y
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#Rocktober #InTheEnd In between meetings and an eye exam, I found my only free 20 minutes this morning to hit up Starbucks for a soy-maple-pecan latte & a peanut butter cup cookie because I needed ALL the sugar today! 😆😋 In the end, I only managed a few pages of this current read before needing to text back & forth with my sister about life stuff. Then it was eye exam, one more meeting, errands, & finally home... Is it Friday yet? 😬

batsy Oh my 😍 I wish the Starbucks here had pb cup cookies 😋 7y
DebinHawaii @batsy They are my favorite. When they warm them the chocolate inside the cookie gets all melty. 🍪❤️ 7y
rabbitprincess Peanut butter cups are so gooooooood! 😋 7y
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DebinHawaii @rabbitprincess Yes they are!!! 😋👍 7y
Cinfhen I haven't tried/ seen that heavenly confection although I'm terrified of the calorie count 😱looks delicious!!!!! Sorry your week has been hectic 7y
BarbaraBB Those days at work... I know what you mean 😬 7y
DebinHawaii @Cinfhen They are only occasional indulgences for that fact but boy they are good! 😆😋👍 7y
DebinHawaii @BarbaraBB it definitely takes its toll on the reading energy doesn't it?! 😬😴 7y
Cinfhen I think I‘m gonna go bake some pb cookies.... 7y
TricksyTails That's a nice sized 🍪! 7y
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Love me a #readathon & wanted to do #Deweysreadathon this round but it's been a difficult couple of life weeks & I didn't think I could focus & get up/stay up for the 2AM start time here. I'll be reading along in spirit though.💜📚This was my breakfast outside at my coffeeshop trying the owner's homemade blueberry scone (delish)😋with a cinnamon-honey soy latte & a few chapters before errands & an epic quest for veggie wontons for soup tomorrow.🍲

Cinfhen Literally drooling!!!! 7y
HKGirl Looks amazing!!! 7y
BooksForEmpathy Gorgeous. 7y
TricksyTails Where is this coffee shop? Looks like Hawaii Kai. 7y
DebinHawaii @TricksyTails Yes--good eye! 👍It's Island Brew in the Hawaii Kai Shopping Center. (edited) 7y
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#SpookyOctober #Candy
Picked up these French macaroons from Alresford apple festival today... I'm surprised I haven't eaten them all yet! 😂

LauraBrook I think Jenny Colgan will become a fun go-to author for me! 7y
Nat_Reads Adorable pic! 7y
emily_m_tubb @LauraBrook I haven't read these three yet, but I've enjoyed her other books. Nice and light hearted! 😊 7y
emily_m_tubb @Nat_Reads Thanks 😁 7y
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Just finished this sweet book. A nice, pleasant read, quite a predictable ending but I really enjoyed it. It's definitely made me crave some sweets from my childhood though!

SaraFair Love that Jenny Colgan! 7y
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I could do with a little cheering tonight, so I think a little Jenny Colgan is in order. Although I *really* ought to have some candy to go along with it.

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Ah, these two books make me happy. 😀 Delightful reads for a day at the beach or snuggle up in your bed on a winter night. #marchintoreading #happyreads @RealLifeReading

RealLifeReading Sweet! 🍭 8y
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Another win for Jenny Colgan. She is totally my "guilty pleasures" author of 2016!!

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