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The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes
The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes | Bill Watterson
21 posts | 40 read | 1 to read
Features the hyperimaginative six-year-old and his guardian tiger in their most memorable adventures from "Revenge of the Baby-Sat" and "Scientific Progress Goes Boink"
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView @DarkMina who would have tagged me but thought it was too late, but I waited until even later so I'm tagging you.
1. Calvin and Hobbes reminds me of waiting for the gravy to thicken on Thanksgiving at grandma's.
2. I'm not picky about locations, but I love recognizing landmarks or being able to Googlemap the locations.

DarkMina Sound reasoning for the tag! 😉 3y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 3y
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“The more you think about things, the weirder they seem. Take this milk. Why do we drink COW milk?? Who was the guy who first looked at a cow and said, 'I think I'll drink whatever comes out of these things when I squeeze 'em!'?”

BarbaraTheBibliophage I need to get my C & H books out!! 5y
Shay1097 They are the perfect self isolation read 5y
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Cute as ever! you can't help but love these two. This was no exception, I really love this collection of the comics!

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I‘m working on updating our emergency preparedness kit. If we have to use the kit I think humor will be important. I also need an extra copy of the first Harry Potter, and probably a book on first aid 🤣.

BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great idea! Maybe these, they are funny and useful. 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sorry, I meant to attach the survival handbook that has some first aid in it and not the travel guide... 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa But yes... in the Day After Tomorrow there are some books to burn, some to read and then burn for heat, and some that you save to read and re-read....I highly second both of your choices (although I‘d want the whole HP series, and probably a solar charger for my kindle 😉) 6y
BookInMyHands @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 😂 I‘m a worst case scenario worrier already so I‘ve intentionally stayed away from those books. I did find this book on Amazon that I‘m considering purchasing though: 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookInMyHands That one sounds interesting too! 6y
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I mean need I say more than it‘s Calvin & Hobbes? I‘m starting out my year with my collection of C&H just for a smile, a strong reading start, & just because 😊 I‘ve got 11 C&H books from when my boys were in school & it seemed we always got one at the school fair because C&H is always a perfect pick for fun!

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And tomorrow is supposed to be a rainy. ☂️🌧📚

TheWordJar Supposed to be snowy here tomorrow. Another kind of day that should be spent reading with cocoa! 6y
wanderinglynn @TheWordJar Absolutely! Tea for rainy days, cocoa for snowy ones. ☺️ 6y
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Too much Calvin & Hobbes and this is what I get...

GrilledCheeseSamurai lol. Right on. 👍 7y
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As always, Calvin trying to convince Santa he‘s been extra good this year is the height of #innocence. I always find Calvin and Hobbes to be just as wise as they are #innocent.


Book_in_hands Love Calvin and Hobbes❤️ 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Book_in_hands Me too. I reread the books I have every couple of years. 7y
Texreader ❤️❤️❤️C and H! 7y
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Tanisha_A Calvin and Hobbes, for the win! 😀 7y
MiyakoBunny Fond memories of C&H from my Moms collection ❤️❤️❤️ Wish I had more in my own 🤗 7y
Jeannie I have loved Calvin and Hobbes for so long. Now my kids are reading and loving them. (edited) 7y
HannaPolkadots I love these two! ❤❤❤ 7y
Lmstraubie I love Calvin and Hobbes. I really miss them in the daily paper. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Lmstraubie Me too! No better daily dose! 7y
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Happy Birthday Bill Watterson!

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These #besties are on a wall of my baby's bedroom ❤️ #SizzlinSummerBooks @Tiffy_Reads

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Someone at church was talking about reading Calvin and Hobbes with her grandchildren. Made me come home and dig out my collection! Love these books! They make me laugh out loud!

mcipher They are so good - I love the things the dad does, like with his eternal bike struggle or when he tells Calvin that the world used to be black&white. 8y
krismac @mcipher I agree - the dad cracks me up! 8y
KellyK My favorite comics... absolutely LOVE Calvin and Hobbs!!! 💕💕💕 8y
night_shift I'm so jealous of this collection! We only have four. 8y
AlaMich All the hearts for Calvin and Hobbes!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 8y
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I am the least Calvin person you'll meet, and I think that's why I love him so much. You know how people read inspiring books every morning? I read Calvin & Hobbes instead. Laughs are hard to come by, more now than ever.

#happybooks #marchintoreading

Centique I love these so much! Never fail to make me smile. 😋 8y
Laura317 I love C&H! I have a collection of these books. I always read them and get a laugh. 8y
erzascarletbookgasm Love C & H too! 8y
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CocoReads Love Calvin & Hobbes. 8y
Lmstraubie I love Calvin & Hobbes. The series is really profound. 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Centique @Laura317 @erzascarletbookgasm @CocoReads @Lmstraubie 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Isn't it wonderful? Fun that pulls at your heartstrings and makes you think. Or just guffaw! 8y
CocoReads My best friends son fell in love with Calvin at an early age. On our wii we still have the mii that he made for himself that he named Calvin. 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @CocoReads Aww. Such a great memory! 8y
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Don't you sit on the kitchen floor with a good book and some knitting while waiting for the cookies to bake? Just Lucy? She is a pretty unique kid. 🤓

Moray_Reads I'm impressed with her knitting skills, I'm hopeless. Excellent multitasking too ❤ 8y
Libby1 ❤️ 8y
BookishFeminist 😂😂 girl after my own heart 8y
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Cinfhen I'm glad Lucy isn't attempting to knit while sitting on her head💜🙃💜 8y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads Same here! She hates crochet, but took to knitting immediately. 8y
britt_brooke Pretty awesome kid! 8y
saresmoore @Cinfhen Hahaha! I wouldn't put it past her! 8y
saresmoore @Libby1 @britt_brooke She's something! (But don't tell her, she hasn't figured it out yet.) 8y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore ah, I'm the opposite, at least crochet is easy to undo it you go wrong 😉 8y
AmandaL Love this! That is awesome! 8y
Suet624 Sara, this just warms my heart so much. You and your family are the best. 8y
saresmoore @Suet624 Oh, thank you! Your encouragement is such a blessing. ❤ 8y
saresmoore @AmandaL This is what happens when kids don't have video games, apparently! 8y
LeahBergen I love every single thing about this photo. ❤ 8y
LauraBeth I ❤ your daughter 💕 8y
Reviewsbylola That is amazing. 💕💕💕 8y
moranadatter I didn't knit, but I used to sit on the kitchen floor and read while waiting for dinner to cook. 8y
saresmoore @kmdartist I love that! What a sweet memory. It's weird being the mom in this scenario when all I want to do is sit on the floor with my own book! (I'm still not allowed to read at the dinner table. 🙄) 8y
quietjenn That's awesome! 8y
sarielizbeth Amazing! I audio-crochet it's such a wonderful thing to be able to do! 8y
saresmoore @sarielizbeth Same here! I crochet and read a bit, too, so she probably followed my example, but the knitting is all her! @quietjenn She's self-taught, too! Crazy kid. 8y
NCNY Adorable!! 8y
Hobbinol Heartwarming!❤ 8y
Jinjer And look how she's sitting! I could sit like that as a child without my legs falling asleep but as an adult they definitely would. Why IS that? Very cute little girl. 8y
saresmoore @Jinjer Isn't it amazing? I think for me, it might be the *ahem* weight distribution shift that my body has undergone. There's a lot more resting on my heels now! 8y
saresmoore @NCNY @Hobbinol Thanks! It makes me miss childhood a bit. 8y
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So this is my book haul of December 2016. I had never buy so many books in a month!!! I think is the best way to say Happy New Year and make 2017 as bookish as possible!!!!!
PS: the 3 last books didn't fit. Including the 2 of Calvin & Hobbes

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I have to work today but I plan on 🎉partying hard🎉to ring in the new year🎊 - of course by partying hard I mean staying up late reading📚and checking in on Litsy! Anyone else going to be here?🤓

sprainedbrain 🙋🏻 That's my kind of partying! 8y
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I have been the worst about updating lately! But you all get me: reading, parenting, reading, baking, reading... 😆 Anyway, I also can't think of any #artrelatedbooks in my house right now, so we'll go with the art of comic strips for some more Calvin comic relief! #seasonsreadings2016

EnidBiteEm I'm glad it's not just me 😀 8y
christineandbooks Me too... 8y
readinginthedark @EnidBiteEm @christineandbooks Right? The holidays make it harder, I guess. 8y
christineandbooks @readinginthedark Yep the holidays definitely... 8y
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Oh, Calvin! ❤️ This book makes me want to play in some snow. #chillyreads #photoadaynov16

Suzze I was devastated when he stopped doing the comic strip. Love 'em. 8y
readinginthedark @Suzze Oh, I know. But re-reading the collections helps a bit! 8y
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Calvin, Hobbes, and Suzie all live at my house. It's never dull. Actually, life is pretty great.

dekabrista Oh!!!! 8y
Eyelit 💚🐯💚 8y
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I had a hard time choosing just one #bestsidekick so here are the threeish I narrowed the field down to: George and Bess from the Nancy Drew series, Ford Prefect from Hitchhiker series and Hobbes from Calvin & Hobbes. #booktober

RanaElizabeth Oh, Hobbes. You poor, mistreated, lovable tiger. 8y
WoodyWoodson ❤❤❤Ford!!! 8y
BookishBlonde12 Hobbes would be my #bestsidekick too. Who wouldn't want talking tiger 🐯by their side?! 8y
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Smangela I love George and Bess :) 8y
rabbitprincess Hobbes is the best! 8y
Theresa Hobbes!!! 😍 8y
GlitteryOtters Yes, Hobbes!!! 8y
Zelma Hobbes and Ford are both inspired choices! 8y
Yournewfriendsams Hobbes ❤️ 8y
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My son needed a break from The Wind in the Willows, so Calvin and Hobbes to the rescue! I'm a little concerned by how much he relates to Calvin! 😆

EnidBiteEm My younger son has a tiger costume so he and his brother can play Calvin and Hobbes ...😂 8y
BethFishReads Oooohhhhh love love love Calvin & Hobbes 8y
readinginthedark @EnidBiteEm That's adorable! Mine has a tiger costume from last Halloween, maybe he should recycle it this year, and my husband can be Calvin! 😆 8y
readinginthedark @BethFishReads I know! This is the only one I own. I have a feeling we'll be borrowing more from the library when we finish it. 8y
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#favbookishfriendships - Calvin and Hobbes! I recently reclaimed my collection from my parents and have been slowly rereading. It reminds me of my childhood and never fails to make me happy 💗

BarbaraTheBibliophage I adore these two! 8y
Caryl Oh, yes! 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub Aaw! This is the best choice. I can't believe I forgot about them. 8y
prowlix @TheSpinecrackersBookClub Aw thanks! 😳 There were so many great choices people shared 8y
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