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Kafka op het strand
Kafka op het strand | Haruki Murakami
Kafka Tamura loopt op zijn vijftiende verjaardag van huis weg om te ontsnappen aan de sombere voorspellingen van zijn onmogelijke vader. Zijn reis voert hem naar een vreemde stad, waar hij de oude man Nakata ontmoet die met katten kan spreken. Er wordt een brute moord gepleegd, maar de identiteit van zowel dader als slachtoffer is een groot raadsel.
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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Eggs Perfect❣️ 1mo
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Kafka sulla spiaggia | Murakami Haruki,
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?/ ⭐️
Penso che lo dovrò rileggere
Fino alla fine ho aspettato mi spiegasse qualcosa, ma quel qualcosa non è mai arrivato
Un libro che ti lascia senza fiato e piuttosto perplessa, con passaggi straordinariamente toccanti e profondi e altri che ti fanno dubitare di quello che stai leggendo
Ho la sensazione di non aver recepito tutto quello che il libro voleva dirmi, e per questo ci vediamo alla prossima lettura per una recensione finale

giulia.mosna L'ho quasi comprato un paio di volte ma non ero sicura, adesso però sono curiosa di leggerlo e parlarne con te :) di Murakami avevo letto "la fine del mondo e il paese delle meraviglie" e mi ricordo che anche quello mi era piaciuto ma mi aveva anche lasciata molto perplessa/confusa 2mo
iaietta @giulia.mosna sarei molto curiosa di sapere le tue opinioni :) 2mo
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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7-11 May 24 (audiobook)
The story of two men, a teenage boy named Kafka who runs away from home and a man named Nakata who suffers from an intellectual impairment as a result of a strange accident during WWII as their lives seemingly draw to an inevitable intersection.
Murakami‘s writing is at times beautiful and did mostly maintain my interest, but I found the Oedipal storyline a bit much. I also found the way Murakami writes about sex jarring.

mjtwo The story of two men, a teenage boy named Kafka who runs away from home and a man named Nakata who suffers from an intellectual impairment as a result of a strange accident during WWII as their lives converge. 5mo
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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A thought-provoking story about the power of an individual's spirit to enact change outside of the physical body. There's so much more to this story than just that, though. It captivated me in a way I can't quite explain.

I'm working on reading the books used for this year's #nonfiction2024 prompts.

AmyG My most favorite Murakami. 7mo
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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Present read. Autumn feels like melancholy, felt like going to Japan 🗾, so picked up Murakami. VINTAGE edition. So far so good. Happy Autumn🍂🍁 Happy Reading 📚📖

Parvez My first Murakami. Loved it
epsitawithane @Parvez I'm actually looking for rustic picaresque Japanese novels . Do you have any idea or recommendations? Short stories will do as well. 11mo
Parvez @epsitawithane I have read mainly Murakami's work. There is a Penguin book of Japanese Short stories book 11mo
epsitawithane Yeah, there is a penguin collection. Ok thanks 👍 11mo
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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What an unexpected surprise! This story was so deep and magical! Another book that I didn‘t think I‘d like based on the cover. Silly me. I won this on Goodreads, and am so glad that I did! I loved so many of the characters! I‘d like to try another book by this author. There were some very strange parts that I didn‘t quite understand, I‘d like to hear others thoughts on what this story really meant. I feel that some of up is up to interpretation.

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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#MayMontage Day 6: #SunSunglassesOnCover - didn‘t know about this book cover version. Interesting.

Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 1y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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This is the second book by this author I've read this year and I have to say I enjoyed this one more than Strange Library. There is just something about the way he writes really distorts the line between reality and a dreamlike world. Very easy to get caught up in the world he's crafted. #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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Eggs ❤️🧡❤️ 2y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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📚 tagged
✍️ Marian Keyes
🎥 The Karate Kid
🧑‍🎤 K D Lang
🎵 Killing Me Softly
#manicmonday #letterK @CBee
A bit late but …

wanderinglynn Have you received your #HHS package yet? 2y
Teresereading Yes thanks it arrived midweek 2y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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I haven‘t particularly enjoyed previous novels by Murakami, so I didn‘t start with high expectations. It has the uncomfortable sex scenes I‘ve come to expect in his writing, but other than that I was completely caught up in the story. It‘s strange with the line between reality and dream often blurred, and I enjoyed following every unique character‘s story.

#audiobook #1001books #translated #FoodAndLit #Japan #ReadTheWorld #ReadingTheWorld

Currey @Daisey this has been on my TBR shelf for a long time. Hopefully your review will get me to read it 2y
Daisey @Currey It really was a fascinating story! 2y
tphil10283 He‘s a great author and it‘s a great book. The only thing that could perhaps be a little off putting for some people may be that he‘s only 15 and has sexual encounters in the story. Maybe because I was a 15 year old fifty years ago and times were different it doesn‘t seem wrong to me. I also looked up the legality of that in Japan and apparently it‘s not a big deal. The story is really out of the box and I appreciate the brain behind his work. 2y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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Man alive, Murakami talks about c**k a lot! I‘m no stranger to his work so I know he can get explicit, but seriously…
All joking aside, Kafka On the Shore is pure Murakami—either you‘re along for the ride or you might as well not get on the train. I‘m always excited about a Murakami novel and there is some great stuff here—talking cats. A fairly satisfying end— But if this is your first date with Murakami, you might wait a bit to meet Kafka.

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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Finally! My wife and I bought this almost six months ago and it‘s taken her that long to get through it. (Don‘t judge; her schedule is fuller than mine). But now, the wait is over; my turn has come!

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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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@Hazel2019 @TheBookHippie @Pogue
Here are my suggestions for our #LMPBC group. Anything look interesting?


Pogue I have read Furiously Happy. But they all look good. 2y
Hazel2019 Cutting for Stone and Spies of the Balkans would be my top two. I‘ve read Kafka on the shore but wouldn‘t mind rereading if that‘s what the group picks. 🙂 2y
TheBookHippie I‘ve read Cutting for Stone and Furiously Happy but they all look good to me as well. I‘d reread anything. 2y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami

This is one of the best i have readed. Great story line, interesting and thrilling i just loved it

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami

This is easily a five star book. It‘s not exactly fantasy or science fiction but has elements of both. It‘s basically about being a human being. There‘s a certain amount of cat in the story as well. So if you‘re a cat you will enjoy it also.

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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1. Tagged. I love books featuring road trips mixed with magical realism.

2. That was a tough one. I think either Walter Hartright from Wilkie Collins's
'The woman in white' (one of my few fictional crushes) or Sakura from the tagged book.

3. Through time! And mostly backwards to past time periods please! Ancient Egypt? Ancient Rome? The 1960s? The 1980s? Hell yeah!!!

Wanna play, @RaeLovesToRead and @MySharonaK ?

RaeLovesToRead Thanks for the tag... I'll have to have a think! 3y
BookmarkTavern I‘m always looking for magical realism books! I‘ll have to look into your first answer more! Thanks for sharing! 3y
Yuki_Onna @Ozma.of.Oz Thank you Krysta! I hope you'll like it! 'Kafka' features two trips that can be classified as road trips and is considered a modern classic in terms of magical realism...
It's certainly a weird, strange ride - in a quiet, but very cool way... 💖
hannah-leeloo Thank you for the follow. Nice to meet you and happy reading 📚❤📖 3y
Yuki_Onna @hannah-leeloo You're very welcome! Thank YOU! 😀❤ 3y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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TK-421 Great quote! 💚 3y
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Kafka sulla spiaggia | Murakami Haruki,


Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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This book has been loved immensely, but it did not go too well with me. It is in my list of 'to be re-reading' and then let's see what happens of my opinion.
Tell me about the books that you've read thrice or more.

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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This was the most intense, absorbing, mesmerising, and strange book I've read in a very long time! Perhaps ever. I loved that it was strange but you could still follow the story, if that makes any sense. It had an odd emotional effect on me and I spent a large part of today (reading the last 30% or so) in a bit of a daze that I had to tear myself away from to look after my children, attend to life. Definitely memorable. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Tove_Reads I couldn‘t stand this book. It‘s like you‘re talking about a totally different book. How differently two people can see a book... 😊 4y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @Tove_Reads oh my word, that's so interesting! I guess it came along at a time that it would work for me 4y
AmyG Ha...lI loved this book. It will always be my favorite Murakami. 4y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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This is my first Murakami! I've always been intimidated for some reason. So far, I'm really enjoying this one.

BookDragonNotWorm Definitely one of the odder books I've read! 😂 Glad you're enjoying it! 4y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @BookDragonNotWorm maybe I was naive? It's definitely getting stranger. But still good 🙂 4y
BookDragonNotWorm I don't think you're naive at all! I thought it was good! But definitely a departure from what I normally read, which seems bland and boring in comparison. 4y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @BookDragonNotWorm 🙂 thanks for the reassurance. I can't wait to see how it turns out as I'm pleasantly muddled right now 4y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami

This book is weird because Murakami‘s style always has some level of weird. It‘s tender and soft and sexually uncomfortable. It‘s blurry and lovely and surreal. It dips and weaves and stares you straight in the eye. I have a nostalgic spot for this book that I can‘t explain

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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami

There was nothing wrong with the book, it just isn‘t my style. I didn‘t find it compelling to read or particularly easy to follow. A lot of the symbols and metaphors went over my head.

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami

Yes, the majority of reviews will wax rhapsodic about how poetic and breathtakingly consciousness expanding this book is, and it truly is a page-turner with some beautiful passages. But it is also willfully obscure, maddeningly oblique, and at times terribly off-putting.

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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My package arrived! 💃💃💃

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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Thank you @Cupcake12 and @nanuska_153 for the tag and @BayouGirl85 for the question.

This is one of my favorite quotes from the tagged book: “Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting.”


Cathythoughts Interesting one 👍🏻❤️ 4y
BayouGirl85 💜💜 4y
Cupcake12 I like this quote...never heard it before x 4y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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"We soon forget about things that are not necessary."

WONDERFUL! Murakami creates a unique universe (again), captivating characters and a very touching storyline. "The odyssey of these characters, as mysterious to them as to us, will be punctuated by trials and discoveries in one of the most surprising works of literature in recent years." (Back cover)
#books # Sha2020

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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No one else could have done it as well as you did, Murakami. Only you could make the reality and metaphor become a part of each other. Only you could let your readers have this stellar journey. Only you could turn a "not so bright" character into "the dearest".Only you could articulate feelings so well!, to give things like, "Memories warm you up from the inside. But, they also tear you apart".

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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This is where you'll fall for this book! 🌈

Danielthewriter Wow. Great quote. 👏👏👏 4y
purplle.wolf The way Murakami writes about emotions and inner conflicts ❄💜 3y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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I just love Murakami so much 🐱 🎶 👂 ❤️

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami

I loved this book, within it I felt almost trapped, it's captivating and very fulfilling. Both characters are lovable and interesting, which makes the experience of reading their stories so much better. Murakami has a way with words and connections, this book is an amazing read.

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great quote ❤️ 4y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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I finished all of my books for Spring for #Booked2020 earlier this week!

1. Makes you LOL: The Impossible Fortress
2. Parent & child memoir: The Glass Castle
3. Tartan Noir: The Blackhouse
4. About genocide: The Rape of Nanking
5. Pan Asian author: Kafka on the Shore
6. Animal on the cover: Shiver

Cinfhen Woohoo 🙌🏻congrats on completing #Spring #Booked2020 🌻🧡🌈📚This is your #OfficialSecondQuarterEntry 🎊🎊

Cathythoughts Well done ! These all look great ! I‘m stacking Black House 👍🏻 4y
sprainedbrain @Cathythoughts it‘s SO GOOD. I can‘t wait to read the rest of the series. 4y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job!! 4y
KVanRead Never heard of tartan noir before but I like the sound of it!! 4y
sprainedbrain @KVanRead I hadn‘t either, before the challenge! I‘m glad I did because I loved that book. 4y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami

So wonderful. So wonderful. It‘s whole hearted, the world is so magical. I loved it.

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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Thanks to @Buechersuechtling for the tag - sorry it‘s a late post!

•Greece! No plans due to COVID and grad school
• almost done my assignments before reading week
 @ephemeralwaltz @Rachel.Rencher want to play?

#thankfulthursday @Cosmos_Moon

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami


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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon
@Powered_By_Plants thank you ❤
1. I've added Chile to my long list of countries to visit since the time I read #motorcyclediaries

2. This week it has to be Litsy! So glad to have found this community and @Powered_By_Plants - You are awesome ❤

3. Tagging @RedJhon @Mishu94 @NeedsMoreBooks @Eggs @limada @MySharonaK

MySharonaK Thank you 💙 4y
Powered_By_Plants 🥰🥰 book friends 💕 . Ahh Iv heard chile is beautiful , is it the marble caves they have? 4y
Mishu94 Thank you for the tag! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Eggs Thanks for tagging me 🏷👍🏼🤗 4y
Cosmos_Moon_River I LOVE motorcycle diaries! Thanks for playing along 🥰 4y
RedJhon Thanks for the tag. I honestly am not a much of a traveler, but given the opportunity I'd wanna visit Britain maybe 4y
achalla @RedJhon No harm dreaming about travelling to another country, isn't it 😀 4y
achalla Hope you all are safe and having a great weekend ❤ @MySharonaK @Eggs @Mishu94 @RedJhon @Cosmos_Moon 4y
achalla @Powered_By_Plants Yes 😀 The pictures look amazing! 4y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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📖 Kafka on the Shore by Murakami

🖊 Steven King (by sheer volume of books I loved) but Barbara Kingsolver is a sentimental favorite

📺 Key and Peele

🎤 The Killers ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

🎶 Karma Police by Radiohead

JoScho 🖤🖤🖤 4y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami

Reading now

AmyG Such a wonderful book. My favorite Murakami. 4y
rakeshpm @AmyG wonderful to hear. Let me see how it goes... 4y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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It's my 3rd time to read this💘✨#harukist #haruki #murakami

Yuki_Onna @yuka It's always great to read/reread Murakami! I could read his books always and forever. Enjoy your 3rd read of Kafka! #harukist #harukimurakami #haruki #murakami 4y
yuka @Yuki_Onna Thanks for your comment, Yuki! I'm a huge fun of him and suppose you are so as well🥰 thinking of reading 1q84 parallelly now☺️ 4y
Yuki_Onna @yuka You're very welcome! 😊 Yes, I am a huge Murakami fan, too! It's so nice to find another fan - there are no readers in my family and among my friends... Most people around me haven't even heard of him...
So if you'd ever like to discuss or are in the mood for a buddy read of one of his books, you're very welcome! 😍
I have read all of his books at least once - the only one I haven't read yet are Killing Commendatore. Stay safe! 🤘
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yuka @Yuki_Onna Yeah, I'm very happy too that I met you on this app😍 Killing commendatore is also worth reading✨I love the feeling when I start to read his new book, so i'm so jealous that there is still his book you haven't read...😘 4y
Yuki_Onna @yuka Thanks, the same to you!!! Oh, yes, I'm a little “scared“ , too, of reading Killing Commendatore, because after that I won't have any new book of his left to read and explore... 😌
I will most definitely tell you when I start reading it! Just trying to get in the perfect mood for a Murakami book, because I want to celebrate my reading of it! 😍
Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend, Yuka!
Yuki_Onna @yuka Oh, and if you really start rereading 1Q84, tell me, will you? It's one of my faves by him - maybe I'll start rereading it, too, then. 🌞 4y
yuka @Yuki_Onna Absolutely, Yuki!! I wanted to get a paperback of 1q84 but it's unavailable due to lockdown (am living in India), so thinking now to get a Kindle ver. Will let you know when I start reading it🥰 4y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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My order came in, yes!!!!😊📚

marleed I wanted to visit Portland some day and this will be my #1 destination. 4y
Sungirl79 @marleed Love this bookstore! Highly recommended going when you visit.😊📚 4y
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Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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#7days7books Day 3. Books that changed me or left a lasting impact on me.

AmyG My favorote of his. 4y
NeedsMoreBooks This is one of my favorites 💖 4y
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