Yikes! I need to upload my June book purchases … as I put them away today … here are 6 manga that I got in the Amazon 3 for 2 sale! ❣️
#FMA #FullMetalAlchemist #Saga
Yikes! I need to upload my June book purchases … as I put them away today … here are 6 manga that I got in the Amazon 3 for 2 sale! ❣️
#FMA #FullMetalAlchemist #Saga
Been one of my favourite series for a while, but haven't gotten past volume 4 before. I now have 9 volumes (7 from the library) and planning to read them in increments of 3.
Just finished these for my #friendrecchallenge. Comics aren‘t really my thing, but Book One managed to get me out of my typical lukewarm feelings for them. I liked it. Not enough to rave about it or anything, but I liked it. I‘d give it a pick. With Book Two I was back to feeling lukewarm again. I just lost interest. I think I may continue the series since I actually liked book one, but I haven‘t totally decided yet.
#catsoflitsy #Phoenix
#SeptemberSenses Day 7: These graphic novels have continually kept me #OffBalance. The premise is fairly straightforward and may even be considered trite by others. Yet, Vaughan and Staples have proven through this series that it isn‘t so much the trope of star-crossed lovers that carries the story forward, but how it is repackaged in a credible and contemporary way. My review: https://wp.me/sDlzr-saga
I finished my physical copy of Volume One yesterday, and luckily Hoopla has the rest of the series, so I started on Book One where I left off. Enjoying the afternoon sun from inside (still a bit cold to be sitting outside without moving around).
4/5 ⭐️ I was just going to read Vol 1 for the buddy read for Reading Rivalry this month, but then I kept reading. Now I'm invested in this story! It's different from other graphic novels/comics I typically read. It's nice to have something I can go through quick during this time though.
#7days7books Day 3 (tho cheating a bit by picturing multiple volumes....)
We present here 7 books that will remain in our minds, because they touched us so much, changed us. No further comments!
@Ishimama I know you want in on the fun 😁
If you haven‘t yet embarked on the Saga bandwagon, what are you waiting for? Adventure, great characters of all types, family dynamics of all types, humour, pathos, a vivid universe and fantastic art. Rereading issues 1-18 in digital format was such a pleasure. Sigh. I‘m ready for the next deluxe compilation now. Available through Hoopla at the library. #comics
Younger writers are always looking for “blurbs,“ one of the few words that sounds exactly as awful as the crime it's describing.
Your name again?
The Will. As in losing mine to live.
McHenry's unconvinced face when Alana tries to convince her to read a particular book... 😆
#comfort #rereading
#FebruaryFeels #FavGraphicNovel
Okay. Haaaallo? Seriously. It's time to bring back Saga tyvm.
I absolutely loved this. It's a sci-fi comic about two soldiers from opposing armies who fall in love. One is a prisoner the other is a guard. They break free and go on the run, get married, and have a baby. It has beautiful artwork and the story is just engrossing. I cannot wait to read the rest of the series.
My favourite graphic novels of the past decade. #top10ofthedecade (plus the manga series Dead Dead Demons by Inio Asano) #graphicnoveledition
Wow just wow! I‘ve read so many great reviews and this stands up to those! Such beautiful art. A unique and interesting story! So excited for book 2!
So... I bought myself an iPad for art... but we all kno it‘s really so can read digital comic books... 🖤
Flying through this graphic novel on #Hoopla one-handed while #Pippin sleeps on my hand. He loves sleeping like this, he's got me wrapped around his paw. 😂😍 #dogsoflitsy #bostonterriersoflitsy This snuggle time is a reward for working out so much this morning. 😊 #BookFitnessChallenge #BFC @wanderinglynn
I'm gonna start by saying that I CANNOT WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON BOOK 2!!! I loved this book so much! It pulled no punches, kept me in suspense, made me laugh and left me needing more! I loved the extra sketches at the end as well... they were a brilliant bonus when I found them. I will be reading the rest of this series at the first given opportunity!
This is the 2nd book I've manage to tick off my #TBRChallenge 😊
Todays blog is all about Comics! Let me know what your favorites are so I can check them out! Link is in my bio.
Today‘s #libraryhaul and #blameitonLitsy... Thanks, @GrilledCheeseSamurai for the #Saga Rex! Picked it up today....and they FINALLY had #ScottPilgrimVol4 on the shelf...been waiting for a year. #LeaveMeAlone was a cute selection for my son. #libraryforthewin! 🙌🏼
After a year long hiatus, I‘ve finally read a whole book! This is a graphic novel of course but it brought me back into the fold. (My wife‘s dog agrees) This was a 2017 Christmas gift from my brother. Once I started reading I couldn‘t put it down, I read it all in one sitting. Great sci/fi story with amazing character design. (The Stalk) this is a series that I will definitely follow up on.
One of my favorite collected comics series of all time (and the second text I used in my dissertation). The ability of Vaughan and Staples to create such a rich speculative world with a story which will take your emotions from laughter to tears within a few pages is nothing short of spectacular.
Amazon Cyber Monday lightning deal!
Idk what I can say about this series that hasn‘t already been said but count me the newest among its legions of fans! I read volume 1 a while back and liked it, but reading this collection of volumes 1-3 on hoopla really made me love the story, the art, and the characters.
I also really enjoyed the bonus section at the end of this edition where Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples walk you through the process of creating the comic.
Ahh, look at my boyfriend surprised me with today. 😍
We had talked a few weeks ago about how we need the physical copies of Saga (which we either have digital copies or borrowed from the library), and he went ahead and got me the first book as a surprise. ❤️
SAGA alert!! Check out the cocktail menu from a coffee shop in Portland, OR called Guilder. This place totally radiates geek 🤓 That, and that I‘m pretty confident that the name of this establishment is reference to The Princess Bride 😆
Conclusion: I will have to check out this place tomorrow 😆😆😆 Bwahahaha!!!
#saga #princessbride #portland #coffeeshops
My all time favorite graphic novel series! Crass, violent, feminist, and rarely predictable. This book compiles the first three volumes (18 issues) of the ongoing series. 10/10! The best! Read it!
#saga #briankvaughan #fionastaples #image #graphicnovel