#litsyhumor #autocorrect
#litsyhumor #autocorrect
😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LitsyHumor
Autocorrect is my bane. 😂👏🏻 #LitsyHumor
I'm not quite certain about this autocorrect 🤔🤔🤔
There are words I use repeatedly, every freakin‘ day that my iPhone has yet to learn. But you use the word “stabby” once and it pops up EVERY time I type “sta”. I‘m probably on some watch list now. Thanks a lot @GrilledCheeseSamurai !!! @TricksyTails was probably in on it too.
Dear autocorrect, I've never once meant to type "ducking."
Autocorrect, the bane of basic text communication 😂👏🏻. This is not me and @BookBabe , despite the same names, though we do enjoy Motts applesauce. 😋😉👍🏻 #LitsyHumor
Uh, it's the ole switcheroo! 😁 #LitsyHumor
Do I get three? And does sand HAVE to be involved? It gets in everything 😑. #LitsyHumor
Well, I don't wanna be marred! What the heck! 😳😆 #LitsyHumor
What does that stand for? 🤔 #LitsyHumor
Hmmm. Why would someone want to spend $8.99/pound (plus sales tax) on crap? Even if it is fresh? Why would someone spend any money on it, except the farmers where I grew up? 😂 #LitsyHumor
Unclear why Litsy's spell-checker suggests I replace the perfectly correct "cinnamon muffin" with the also correct but much more mysterious "cunning muffin."
I always suspected there were more to muffins than they let on, but now at last some solid evidence!
How I feel everytime I reread a response I've made on Litsy...