In all logical reason, I should have hated this book. Immortal relationship with a teen, a Luke and Leia situation that the dude keeps trying to make work, and so much plot that I can‘t tell what‘s happening. Can‘t wait to buy the next one! Something about these books just keeps me hooked. They‘re horrible. I love them. 5🌟
I forgot how quickly everything HAPPENS in this series. Simon's development in particular just starts rocketing off here. And the ending! I suffer! #yafantasy #reread
Loved this! Why have I never read Shadowhunters until this year? Love the fantasy world-building and the characters. Not so much the incest. This isn't Game of Thrones.
The 2nd installment of The Mortal Instruments, and a great continuation of the series! I love the direction she‘s taking some of the characters (forever shipping Alec & Magnus) and they all have amazing chemistry together. Their bantering is witty and enjoyable. Simon better get a happy ending! More thoughts and spoilers below ⬇️
3✨ I‘ve been trying to figure out what to say about this book all day. Changes happen, relationships develop, friendships are made, and a deeper mystery is still not revealed. There was some upsets for me with Simon. Plus the epilogue gives new hope into the next book.
The characters in this series are the best and I was so happy to read another one of thier adventures. This read a tad slower than book 1, but was still dotted with harrowing moments that had me wide-eyed and page turning. It ends on a cliffhanger that's left me looking forward to book 3!
I really liked this as a second book. It didn‘t feel it lagged of excitement nor intrigue. I really liked how difficult the process Clary had with dealing with her feelings about the news from the first book. It made her feel more genuine in my eyes. Confusion and missteps all through this one. Next up book 3. 🙌🏻🧛🏻♀️🧚🏻♀️🧜🏻♀️
Continuing with my reread of this series, I had to knock it down a little. The first time I read this book I rated it a 5 star. Now I have to rate it a 4 store. Mostly because of Clary. I felt her character development to take a huge nose dive in this book, and it was bordering on ridiculous. Jace was about the same to me, but a little more bearable towards the end.
I think this is my next best series after Harry Potter. Cant wait to read the rest of the series. I love Clary and Luke is such an amazing guy. Really wish that Jace and Clary aren't really siblings....because its really akward between them.
Simon....him and Clary can really hook it off....but he has some issues that he has to sort out and Clary is in love with someone else....feels like real world love.
Book 77 audio
This one completely lost me, I nearly bailed on it several times but stuck it out. Almost ruined my enjoyment of the first book.
The characters are all 15-18 years old, don't seem to have any kind of school to go to, are running around New York City at any hour of the day or night, parents don't seem to care what they're doing. And then the author had 3 different times to kill one of them but kept saving him in the knick of time 🙄
110-2020 ⭐️⭐️. Audiobook 27
I'm not going to lie...I really don't get how people love this series, the Netflix series is actually much better, but I will continue on as from what I have read the first three books are the weakest of the series.
I am still not liking this series. I still don‘t like Clary and now I don‘t like her more with this whole “zero training but she can make her own special Runes that no one else can” ugh. I don‘t like the Magnus/Alex thing, it‘s so out of left field. The fight scenes are lackluster. Also a lot of story reveal buildup that gets cut off and NEVER revealed. I hate that. You gotta balance that kind of writing or else it just gets frustrating.
Book 2 of my binge is complete! I thought this was a very slight step up from City of Bones, so I‘m eager to see how Clare keeps improving. I‘m having a lot of fun with this! https://amysbookreviews.com/2020/05/30/i-got-bored-and-decided-to-binge-the-enti...
Book 2 was truly a page turner. Super creative world and I totally recommend this book and the Immortal Instrument series. Off to download Book 3
I'm loving my reread of The Mortal Instruments! The characters really make the series for me. I still think Valentine is one of the best written villains of the YA genre. I already know the lies and the truths, but Valentine has a smooth way of talking that made me contemplate if I remember the series as well as I do. #youngadult #fantasy
Full review https://www.behindthepages.org/post/city-of-ashes-by-cassandra-clare
Clary just wants her life to go back to the way it was. She wishes that she hadn‘t learned the truth about what and who she really was. Jace has been accused of siding with Valentine and stole the Soul Sword. Could Jace be capable of such a thing?
This is the second book in The Mortal Instruments series. Clary and Jace's relationship gets more complicated and new hints appear as to Jace's heritage.
#BBRC #TeenAngst
Due to complicated family issues: a murderous father and a brother and sister who really love each other. Although that last part works itself out, it's still weird at this point.
@LibrarianRyan @RachelO
This is the second book in the Mortal Instruments series. I really enjoyed this novel and the story moved along in leaps and bounds. The character development is fantastic and I cannot wait to read the next one.
I saw this at BookishFirst on Facebook. It would make a good bingo! How many have you done?
I finished my #reread of this tonight along with the last of the woolly socks. I have to say that I remembered very little of this book but I liked it a lot better than City of Bones. Still not the hugest fan of the main characters which makes me glad that the side characters have so much more going on in this one! #audioknitting #shadowhunterchronicles
1. Reading socks. They are the best.
2.I drink hot tea and read or I take a bubble bath. I‘m not brave enough to read in the bath lol.
3. It‘s very cold today. For here anyway. It‘s 31F
Thanks for the tag @MoonWitch94
@Mishu94 Do you want to play?
I decided to do some #audioknitting this morning and continue my Mortal Instruments #reread! I‘m desperately trying to finish three woolly socks and two more books before the year is out🧶📚 #shadowhunterchronicles
Sneaking in a few chapters while testing out a new recipe for my blog. It‘s a hard job sometimes. 😉
young adult fiction 464pgs 11/27/19-12/15/19
recommended by a friend
Write a brief summary of the novel;
The two book “City of Ashes“ and “City of Bones“ are books based from the television series “Shadowhunters“. It is about hunters who search for demons and kill them to try and save the world. The demons are being summoned from another realm and Valentine (the main character) and her group of friends all try and kill and demolish those demons.
Ok guys I need help. I am starting a self-imposed book buying ban this Sunday. I have several books on my physical tbr I need to read. I am doing the ban for three weeks. Saturday I am going to pick up a couple more books just to make sure I have enough to read during the ban. I have a couple of books I know I‘m going to get, but I can‘t decide between these two. City of Ashes? Or Trials of Apollo? Which should I get? Let me know your thoughts!
I enjoyed this one even more than the first one! I highly recommend reading the series if you haven‘t! I also love the sarcasm that Jace has. His character is my absolute favorite thus far! #youngadult #demonology #cassandraclare #mortalinstruments
Surprisingly... I do enjoy this compare to the last time I‘ve read the book. Most probably I listened to the story like 3/4 of it. And it‘s very fascinating compare to reading it word by word. 😜 #paranormal #audiobook
I've decided to re-read the first three books of The Mortal Instruments. After reading and LOVING The Infernal Devices I decided to give these books one more chance.
After this re-reading, I've come to realize that this book is not as bad as I remember.
-That is if I ignore the Jace / Clary saga -
It is fast paced and full of action; and when you know what it all amounts to it is a pretty good addition to the series.