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I..... don't get what the fuss is over this novel. Sure, the descriptions of the natural world are gorgeous, but the characters are all stereotypes and the dialog is awful and this story has been told before. I rarely felt any emotional resonance. But I'm also not drawn to this kind of story, so it probably wasn't meant for me anyway.

#readingwomenchallenge #bookaboutnature @thereadingwomen

Heatherfeather I'm SO curious if my reaction will be the same 5y
ferskner @Heatherfeather you'll have to let me know! 5y
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I‘d read Upstream, a book of Oliver‘s essays, and knew I wanted to read some of her poetry. This is a lovely collection, and a perfect choice when I needed to redirect my brain and heart towards goodness and peace and gratitude.

#readharder #bookaboutnature @bookriot

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Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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What a book! I went into this thinking it would be a #bookaboutnature, but it turned out to be so much more. It is a homage to nature, but it is also a story about human nature, about being stuck and how to move on. Kingsolver writes beautifully and poetically, which left me kind of awe struck. Little and big incidents set the story in motion and it all ties together beautifully in the end 👌

#Booked2018 #RecommendationsChallenge2018

BookishBlonde12 Pretty!! 6y
Christine One of my favorites (though I haven‘t read it in years - this makes me want to reread)! And GORGEOUS photo. 6y
ju.ca.no Great photo😍 6y
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batsy This photo is too beautiful for words 💚💛 6y
DivineDiana I pulled this book from my stacks as a Summer read. You have encouraged me to read ASAP! And to use for #booked2018 ! The photo is fantastic! Can‘t tell what the flowers are? 6y
Kalalalatja @BookishBlonde12 @Christine @ju.ca.no @batsy @DivineDiana thank you all ☺️ it is a field full of rapeseed right outside my mom‘s house 👌 6y
kspenmoll What a gorgeous photo- does justice to a wonderful book! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I have not read her, will look her up. And WOW! this photo is postcard perfect! Instagram worthy, as always 👍👌 6y
TrishB Lovely pic 💕 just getting into this author myself. Read 2 in the last couple of weeks and have this one on the tbr! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review, photo and pick! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
mrp27 Great picture! 🌼🌼🌼 6y
Cinfhen @TrishB what other one did you read??? I just bought this book...great review, Katja!!! 6y
Cinfhen And STUNNING photo 😍😍😍😍😍 6y
TrishB @Cinfhen I read The Lacuna earlier this week, after giving in to kindle....It was awesome 💕 6y
Cinfhen Oh wow!!! You read that one so fast!! Need to find your review @TrishB which did u prefer Bible or Lacuna?!? Or are they both awesome!!?! 6y
TrishB @Cinfhen Lacuna is a bit slower to get into - then absolutely brilliant 💕 I shall have to give it a bit longer to think which I liked more!! I also have to tell you that Alice Hoffman just liked one of my comments on fb and it‘s made me very happy 😁😁 very cool!! 6y
Cinfhen I‘m not on FB so share what u said @TrishB 🤗are u watching #Eurovision2018 6y
TrishB She‘s reading Tinman and I put some comments about the book! (Of course!) please don‘t shout at me but I hate Eurovision.....so I‘m reading quietly on my own.,. 6y
Cinfhen It‘s total cheese @TrishB but Israel is pretty excited today, since they won last night🎵✨🏆🎤 6y
Centique That may just be the most gorgeous photo on Litsy EVER. Also that‘s amazing about Alice Hoffman @TrishB 🙌🙌 6y
Kalalalatja @kspenmoll @erzascarletbookgasm @TrishB @BarbaraTheBibliophage @mrp27 @Cinfhen @Centique you are all making me blush ☺️ Danish nature is really on point at the moment, and I‘m using it shamelessly for beautiful photos 👌😄 6y
MrsMalaprop I am about to start this today. I loved Poisonwood Bible, so am excited to finally get to this one. Amazing photo. 👏 6y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp

This book was my #bookaboutnature choice for the #readharder challenge. I found it so interesting, and it made me want to think harder about how I spend my food budget. This black thumb will never be a grower of things, but I can choose who to buy from those who do.

tammysue I see you‘re a new to Litsy, Welcome!! I hope you enjoy it here!! 👋🏻🌸 7y
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I Capture the Castle | Dodie Smith
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I‘m slowly beginning to plan for the second quarter of #booked2018, and so far, this is what I have come up with:

#Flowersoncover: Gob‘s Grief
#Friendship: The Girls
#Childhoodfavorite: I Capture the Castle
#Steampunk: Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Seas
#Bookaboutnature: Prodigal Summer
#Refugeeviewpoint: The Year of the Runaways

I‘m hoping to get the last two from my library 📚

alisiakae Love the #Folio edition! 7y
Cinfhen Year of the Runaways is a chunkster but @shawnmooney really sang it‘s praises 💗and I love your choice for #friendship (edited) 7y
ju.ca.no The Girls💚 7y
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emilyhaldi I have the same one slotted for Refugee 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
Reviewsbylola I need to start planning too. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I need to post my plans also! Yours look great. Enjoy! 👀👀 7y
Kalalalatja @4thhouseontheleft it is even prettier out of the slipcase 😍 @Cinfhen I have wanted to read it since its Man Booker nomination some years ago, so I have high hopes for it 🤞 @emilyhaldi exciting to see if we end up liking it or not! @Reviewsbylola @BarbaraTheBibliophage planning is half the fun for me 😅 @ju.ca.no you liked The Girls? I have heard so many mixed reviews 🤔 7y
ju.ca.no @Kalalalatja yes I really enjoyed it! I think I even rated it with five starts🤔 (edited) 7y
ju.ca.no @Kalalalatja but I‘m curious how you will like it, I also read very mixed reviews on it! 7y
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This made me want to keep my son out of school as long as possible (he‘s 2.5 and most kids here start preschool between 2-3). He loves to play outside all day and I wish there was a school here that catered to that. Most horrifying quote: “More than 10,000 American preschoolers are being medicated for ADHD.” 😱 Will be spending more weekends at the park and beach for sure! #readharder2018 #bookaboutnature

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I picked this up for the #readharder challenge, it fits the task for a #bookaboutnature. Overall it was fascinating, I loved the broad scope Schutt takes to his subject covering everything from wildlife, dinosaurs, cultural practices, and diseases that result from cannibalism. Super interesting!

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Two chapters in and I already know more than I ever wanted to about rain. @bookriot #2018readharderchallenge #bookaboutnature

Wolf Winter | Cecilia Ekback
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This month's #bookclubbakes are caramelitas: layers of oatmeal cookie, chocolate, and caramel sauce. I used to make these so often, I had the recipe memorized.

Our book was fabulous! Part murder mystery, part survival story, it's full of claustrophobia and fear in the dark winter of 1717, where a murderer is among the settlers in remote northern Sweden.

@BookishMarginalia #litsyAtoZ @bookriot #readharder #bookaboutnature #pop18 #alliteration

Tamra The book sounds really good and YUM on the bars! 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Jeeeeeeeez those sound good. 7y
Pamwurtzler I‘ve had those before - they‘re super addictive. So good! 7y
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RealLifeReading Sounds amazing! 7y
AmyG They look delicious. 7y
Mdargusch Yum! 7y
ferskner @Tamra @TobeyTheScavengerMonk @RealLifeReading @AmyG @Mdargusch Thank you! They are crazy easy to make, so be sure to Google a recipe! 7y
ferskner @Pamwurtzler Right????? My whole family was obsessed with them for a few years. 7y
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All these books sitting here and I'm exhausted but desperately trying to remember the romance novel I read once with a horticulturist heroine. Helppppp. #MarchMadness #BookAboutNature #DaylightSavingsTime

Lmstraubie Oh, thank goodness it's not just me! 😅 8y
Smangela @Lmstraubie there have been some titles that have escaped me FOR YEARS. I had to once ask my cousin's boyfriend to ask his friend to ask HIS mom about a book she had read to our 3rd grade class (she was the teacher haha). Didn't even care how ridiculous it was because then I got to remember Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher! 😂😂 8y
mcipher OMG Jeremy thatcher! Such a good book. 😍 8y
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Abby-J Was it historical? I just read a historical romance novel with a heroine who was a horticulturist. She was super socially awkward. 8y
readinginthedark This is the only one I've read! If this isn't the one you're talking about, you should read it! 8y
Smangela @Abby-J yes!! 8y
Smangela @readinginthedark I haven't read that, but now I'm adding it to my TBR :) 8y
Abby-J The one I read was the second in a series called The Rules of Scoundrels. It was called 8y
Smangela @Abby-J how did I not remember that?! I swear I looked at the Goodreads review for basically every other historical romance I've read but was convinced it wasn't that one?? 8y
readinginthedark @Smangela It's really fun! Can't go wrong with a little Molly Harper. 😊 8y
Abby-J @Smangela I can't believe that was the right book! 😂I've only read a grand total of seven romance novels. 8y
Smangela @Abby-J wow haha what luck! Romance (specifically historical romance) are my go to palette cleansers :) 8y
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