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My #ClassicsChallenge2020! I almost made it to 20, although my goal was two a month. Definitely want to keep track again this year! More Christie for #AgathaChristieClubR2 and Austen for #Pemberlittens, of course, and then I‘m not sure what else! I do want to try to finish the LOTR trilogy at some point though, so that might be this year. Who knows?! I always love starting a new year of reading. Feels so full of possibility! 🤓

Reviewsbylola Well done! 20 is an awesome number!! 3y
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“Everyone had always said that John would be a preacher when he grew up, just like his father.”

My first Baldwin.

#firstlinefridays #classicschallenge2020 #currentread

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Another great reading week. I‘ve been carving out time to read every morning when I wake up and it shows.

Two classics finished for #classicschallenge2020 and I also finished my December #bookspin. #bookreport

Cinfhen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Librariana Way to go! Good job 👏 👍 😊 4y
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Pizza Girl: A Novel | Jean Kyoung Frazier
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21 books in November!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

12 physical books
1 @SerialReader
8 audiobooks

4 books I‘m counting toward #classicschallenge2020 (Sense & Sensibility, The Scarlet Plague, Mansfield Park, and The Shuttle)

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉 4y
LeahBergen Nicely done! And I need to buy In a Blue Velvet Dress. 😆 4y
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The Enchanted April | Elizabeth Von Arnim
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“This was the simple happiness of complete harmony with her surroundings, the happiness that asks for nothing, that just accepts, just breathes, just is.” ~EVA
#currentlyreading #classicschallenge2020

Ruthiella This book is such a lovely story. ❤️ 4y
Read-y_Picker This book has been on my radar forever! Obsessed with all things Italy. I really should make the time. 4y
LeahBergen One of my faves! 💙 4y
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readordierachel Beautiful cover and quote 💜 This one is high on my tbr 4y
Tanisha_A What a cheerful book 4y
batsy Lovely quote. I must read this! 4y
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God's Little Acre | Erskine Caldwell
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Whoa! I'm using this as my Erotic choice for #BBRC @LibrarianRyan @Sarahreadstoomuch Very risque for 1933 and when the father-in-law kept talking about his son's wife's breasts, and when she protested, he gave her money. That isn't even the worst thing he did. Gag me with a spoon. This is supposed to be a satire, but I am offended. Was Caldwell adding to the stereotype that the Southern people were incestuous, backward people? Set in GA.

eanderson The stereotyping of people in different parts of the country or different states annoys me. I love Parks & Rec but it makes people in Indiana look like uneducated, unhealthy eaters, and lazy. I‘m from Indiana, I have a BS, I‘m a personal trainer, runner, and love helping people. It‘s crazy because we might not be in the same state that apparently we can be beneath the people that are stereotyping. Cue eye roll... 🙄 (edited) 4y
Sace As a resident of AL I can tell you the stereotyping is embarrassing yet at the same time I run into people that embrace the pigeonhole the outside world puts them in. 🙄 4y
Butterfinger @eanderson a very valid point. @sace Whoa! I just don't get it with Caldwell. He's a native of Georgia. I didn't see much humor; characters were making fun of someone. I just don't understand how he could write a satire about poor tenant farmers during the Depression. So, I googled him. According to Wikipedia (I know it isn't a valid source), he advocated for sterilization of poor Georgians. 4y
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eanderson What the actual f$&@!!! Sorry for the fowl language but I feel it warrants it. Lol! He seriously did that?! Ewww. To think he can dictate how others live/ or decide for them whether they can have children of their own is disgusting. Hopefully, it‘s wrong but I‘m not going to hold my breath. 4y
Butterfinger @eanderson I know. I won't be reading any more of his books, believe me. Even if he is dead and gone. It's not worth it. 4y
Sace @Butterfinger @eanderson Oh dear! Wow. I'm speechless. And sadly there is A LOT of forced sterilization in US history (Puerto Rico for example.) I want to say there were some cases recently at a detention center in (ironically) Georgia. It makes my blood boil. 4y
LibrarianRyan 😁❤️👍🏻 4y
Sarahreadstoomuch Sounds like an excellent one to “thumbs down” 4y
Butterfinger @Reviewsbylola I wished I hadn't read it. #ClassicsChallenge2020 4y
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Haunted Bookshop | Christopher Morley
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Another great read ruminating on books and what they mean to the world, but this time with intrigue! I must admit though, I prefer Parnassus. 📚

+16 pts #teamslaughter #scarathlon #screamathon
#cocoturns50 #readyourway #classicschallenge2020

BookInMyHands Me too, but I really enjoyed both. I read them out of order so it was probably nice to read my favorite last! 4y
TheSpineView 🧡📚🖤🎃 4y
Clwojick 🎉👏 👏 Way to go #TeamSlaughhter!! 👏 👏 🎉 4y
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Dracula Bram Stoker | Bram Stoker
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I have mixed feelings.

Pluses: modern science - blood transfusions, phonograph recordings. Great, shocking imagery.

Wishes: I could have beheaded the vampire quicker than those professional hunters and doctors. Van Helsing aggravated the snot out of me. His disuse of verb tense and his irritating way of saying - I won't tell you now, we have time to wait, it will all become clear soon.

3 hours X 4 readathons

146 points

Butterfinger I also watched 3 episodes of The Addams Family 15 points. 4y
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CocoReads I liked it when I read it but I can totally agree with you on the cons of the story. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
eeclayton I see what you mean about VH, but if he had told them his suspicions earlier, would anyone have believed him? 4y
Butterfinger @eeclayton great point. 4y
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I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
I wanted to like this memoir more than I did. I guess I expected a story of overcoming prejudice, but I was disheartened by the antagonism on both sides of the fence. I was sickened and heartbroken by Maya‘s experiences with abandonment and rape, but I don‘t feel as if I learned anything positive from the reading of this book. #readtheusa #arkansas #classicschallenge2020

Reviewsbylola It‘s been so long since I‘ve read this one! I remember liking it but that‘s about it. 4y
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Dracula | Bram Stoker
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A few people have mentioned how accessible this classic is. I agree, the story and format were much more engaging that I expected. BUT BRAM, did it need to be so long?! It dragged on. Cut it by 100 pages and it would be a pick. #booked2020 #gothichorror #classicschallenge2020

MicheleinPhilly This review made me 😂 because the Litsy description says it is 3 pages. 🤣🤣 4y
zezeki Love the review, I also found it to be too long for my liking. 4y
Hooked_on_books Your WCC edition is lovely! 😍 4y
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Cinfhen I did the audio which was great but agreed.... too long 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Oh yes, the writing style of that era ... ugh. 4y
Reviewsbylola I would have preferred that. 😂 @MicheleinPhilly 4y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen Same, and agree. 4y
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