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Eric: A Novel of Discworld | Terry Pratchett
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Since I just started reading Interesting Times, I guess I‘d better get around to reviewing Eric! I liked Rincewind better here than in Sourcery, but am still finding the Rincewind books underwhelming. This has humorous takes on Faust and Troy and Hell, but it all feels rather thin—more jokey “bits” than story or characterization. But it‘s fun and it‘s Pratchett, and I‘ll keep reading! #OokBookClub @julesG

julesG Rincewind's adventures are funny, but I agree underwhelming 4d
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Here is my #BookSpinBingo list for July. Mostly book club picks and reading challenges. I did leave five spaces for impulse reads. @TheAromaofBooks

#OokBookClub @julesG #ClassicSciFiBookClub @RamsFan1963 #ReadYourKindle @CBee #TwinPeaksReadingChallenge @Yuki_Onna #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 7d
dabbe Your handwriting: 🤩🤩🤩 6d
TheSpineView @dabbe Thanks! 6d
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Mollyanna One of my absolute favorite podcasts. I adore the deep breath at the beginning 😊. 1w
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Weekly Forecast | Thomas Gibson Inc
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Coming up next, I‘ve got my #OokBOokclub read, my choice for the #QueerBC , and my third #JuneOfARC read! Let‘s go! 😎

The Last Continent | Terry Pratchett
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repost for @julesG


Just a friendly reminder that we'll be reading #TheLastContinent next! Dig out your books, put in your library holds, or place your orders! The next Discworld adventure continues on July 8th! Woohoo!

If anyone wants to be tagged/untagged for future posts please let me know! Happy to oblige!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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The Last Continent | Terry Pratchett
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Just a friendly reminder that we'll be reading #TheLastContinent next! Dig out your books, put in your library holds, or place your orders! The next Discworld adventure continues on July 8th! Woohoo!

If anyone wants to be tagged/untagged for future posts please let me know! Happy to oblige!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Interesting Times | Terry Pratchett
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#OokBOokClub-ers, our Discworld adventure continues TODAY with #InterestingTimes and #TrollBridge!

Looking forward to our discussion next month!

Happy reading!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

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Welcome to the #OokBOokClub open discussion for #Eric feel free to discuss anything! Don't forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead

willaful Eric definitely feels slight after the high stakes of Sourcery. It is very funny though. 4w
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julesG Re-reading the Rincewind books, Rincewind is slowly growing on me. I enjoyed reading my illustrated edition alongside the audiobook. 4w
willaful I thought the character of the Creator was very similar to Slartibartfast from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 3w
TheSpineView I agree with @julesG that Rincewind is growing on me too. I liked this take on Hell is paved with good intentions. However, it did get a bit confusing and convuled bit always humorous. 3w
willaful @TheSpineView The hell is wonderful. I found myself wondering if this had provided some inspiration for “The Good Place.“ 3w
BookWrym I was more caught up by the Greek mythology. Hell reminded me of Dante‘s Inferno. I did enjoy the demons as well and how easy they were to confuse. 3w
julesG @kwmg40 I had to read Goethe's Faust in school. Which means we also talked about the other Faust/Bargain with the Devil stories. 3w
julesG Eric summoning a demon always brings up Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus trilogy (YA, definitely darker than Pratchett). There's a summoning scene at the beginning of Bartimaeus that is very similar, probably because Bartimaeus is a very sarcastic demon. 😁 3w
julesG @BookWrym What Hell would look like if Dante had had Cheerios for breakfast. 😁 3w
kwmg40 Sorry for commenting on the wrong thread! As you can tell, I‘m not all that good at reading instructions. 😂 Anyhow, I‘m enjoying reading the comments here! 3w
BookmarkTavern I think this is my favorite Rincewind book! It‘s so humorous, and I‘ve read Faustian stories before, so I thought I knew where everything would go, but the sort of djinn interpretation of Eric‘s wishes just made me laugh out loud. 3w
julesG @kwmg40 no problem, that's why I answered here. 😉 3w
BarbaraJean @julesG @TheSpineView I definitely liked Rincewind better here than in Sourcery, but I kind of feel like I'm marking time until I can get to the Pratchett I really like. I'm interested to make my way through the Discworld beyond my previous brief forays, but I'm understanding what people mean when they've said I'll prefer certain sub-series to others. @willaful I wondered the same thing about this maybe being an influence on The Good Place! 2w
willaful @BarbaraJean It's interesting how many of us fans aren't really into the Rincewind books.

I searched but couldn't anything specifically saying TGP created mentioned Pratchett, but definitely a lot of people have seen the similarities.
julesG @willaful wouldn't be the first TV series borrowing ideas from books without acknowledging it. 2w
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#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

I finished two books yesterday. I will probably start another book today. So far this month I have been focusing on getting books read for challenges.

#OoKBookClub @julesG

DieAReader ❤️‍🔥🥳Great! 4w
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Eric: A Novel of Discworld | Terry Pratchett
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Kind of slight as Discworld novels go, but certainly very funny. The ruler of Hell going all corporate is hilarious. “'This is really horrible,' said Eric, as they walked away. 'It gives evil a bad name.'“


Aimeesue +500 points for the The Good Place pics! 4w
Tamra The Good Place! 🤣 4w
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julesG 🤣🤣 4w
CarolynM My lasting memory of this one is of Rincewind exiting the Trojan Horse then looking back at where he‘d exited from and thinking “Says it all, really”🤣 4w
willaful @CarolynM 🤣🤣 4w
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