Word of the month: #reflect
This is getting to be cliché.
Great book for taking about bossy behavior without using the word bossy or making it gender normative.
Word of the month: #reflect
This is getting to be cliché.
Great book for taking about bossy behavior without using the word bossy or making it gender normative.
Word of the month: #reflect
A moment of reflection in Flat Cat by Tara Lazar. When the illustration conveys meaning without words so succinctly, what is that called?
Word of the month #reflect
Leo makes a decision.
Illustrations in kid-lit are often described as simple (condescending?). The concept of reflection is not simple. In drawing, gesture is the technique used to convey meaning, but we don't label illustrations like we name literary devices. Maybe if we did, educators would teach more using graphic novels. What would you call them though?
At the end of 2021 I asked you what your word for 2021! Do you remember it?! It‘s almost May, has your word changed? I made bookmarks for the people I had addresses for and I‘m still trying to get them out!!
To list a few!
My word was “hope.” It still stands today! I still have hope for all the things I‘m going through and for all of us! 🙌🏻🙏🏻❤️