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My Life in Lists | Guy Browning
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This year I...
- read 50+ books (63 so far!)
- attended a book festival (#BooksbytheBanks)
- bought from an indie bookstore
- hit up a book sale (several, including #friendswarehouse )
- met an author ( #KateMorton and several others)
- gave up on a book ( #TheFavoriteSister)
- read a classic ( #JaneEyre , still reading)
- met a litten in person (I met several incl. @Chelleo )
- read outside my comfort zone ( #Circe)
... etc. (see above) #in2018

RealLifeReading Hooray! 😀 6y
JaclynW Awesome! 6y
britt_brooke How‘s Jane Eyre going? 6y
Freespirit What a great year you‘ve had 6y
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The Favorite Sister | Jessica Knoll
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Currently reading: #TheFavoriteSister 💁🏻‍♀️ I‘m not sure what I think so far. I‘ve never been a fan of shows like Real House Wives of (insert city). This book does contain some intellectual observations about feminism, intersectionality, and tokenism, etc., but ALL of these characters are so hypocritical, catty and annoying! Not sure I‘ll make it through this one. Goodnight Littens! 😴😴 #arc #24in48 #24in48readathon

Jess7 Stopped at almost 3 am this morning with 16 hours, 36 mins. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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The Favorite Sister | Jessica Knoll
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Decided to switch up my #24in48 TBR and read some of this #arc. I have been meaning to get around to reading #TheFavoriteSister for awhile— so I figured I might as well use this opportunity to make a dent in it.

Total reading time for 24in48: 14 h, 16 m of 25 h (almost)

#advancedreaderscopy #24in48readathon

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The Favorite Sister | Jessica Knoll
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I have too many books that I want to read, and frankly, I don‘t feel like spending any more time with this catty group of women who are supposedly all about ~empowering each other~. How? By being massively horrible to each other? Maybe I‘ll come back to it at some point if feedback says I should, but for now? It‘s a DNF. #thefavoritesister #jessicaknoll

Bookgirl Good choice. I hated this 6y
Miss_Gilmore I am about to bail on this book! I just can‘t get into it 6y
actualdisneyprincess @Miss_Gilmore I‘m so glad it wasn‘t just me! Like, I hated everyone, and I thought the writing was only “meh.” 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
Miss_Gilmore @actualdisneyprincess I wanted to like it but the characters were annoying! 6y
actualdisneyprincess @Miss_Gilmore 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 amen sister!!!!! 6y
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The Favorite Sister | Jessica Knoll
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Y‘all, I‘m not sure I care at all about any of these women. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #thefavoritesister #jessicaknoll #todnfornottodnf

The Favorite Sister | Jessica Knoll
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Even though “The Fiery Cross” is due before this, I have the feeling I can start and finish this today and still have time to make more progress with Jamie and Claire. #somanybookssolittletime #thefavoritesister #jessicaknoll

The Favorite Sister | Jessica Knoll
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🎧 Listening to author #JessicaKnoll on #FullyBooked by #KirkusReviews 🎧 Every time I listen to her in an interview I like her as a person even more! I haven‘t read her new book #TheFavoriteSister yet, but I keep hearing it covers themes of #feminism. I am excited to read it.

📚 Have any of you listened to this #podcast or read Knoll‘s new book? 📖

KarenUK No, but I just bought it yesterday... I‘ll have to check out the podcast 👍😊 6y
janeycanuck I dumped Fully Booked a couple of weeks ago - the amount of advertising has become completely absurd. How is ~8 minutes of ads in a 50 minute podcast “minimal interruptions”? 6y
Jess7 I didn‘t notice a bunch but I only listened to the section with Jessica Knoll. So I fast forwarded to that part and stopped after it was over. @janeycanuck 6y
janeycanuck @Jess7 ahh... they put about 4 minutes at the beginning of each episode along with another 2 or 3 at the end and then sometimes another ad break in the middle. It drove me nuts. 6y
Jess7 Yeah that would get old! Maybe try looking at the notes about whichever author is going to be there and fast forward to the part you‘re into if any of the guests seem interesting. I thought the Jessica Knoll interview was good. Highly recommend if you want to fast forward to it. She was the first guest I think so like 4 minutes in. @janeycanuck 6y
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Girls' Night Out | Liz Fenton, Lisa Steinke
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Happy pub day to #TheFavoriteSister by #JessicaKnoll!Slowly, but surely, I am making some progress on #ARCs. All of these are on my immediate radar.

I am starting the tagged book tonight. Have you read it yet?
#GirlsNightOut is “a chilling page-turner full of secrets and hostility that will leave readers shocked again and again…and again. (Mary Kubica) It will make you think twice about what your friend may be hiding.” #TBR #netgalley #arc

laundry_piles Ooo how for you get hard copy ARC's? Mine are all ebooks 6y
LiteraryinLawrence I can‘t wait to read the new Ruth Ware! Hope you like it! 6y
Jess7 Giveaways and also interaction with my favorite authors and publishers. @laundry_piles 6y
Jess7 Thanks. I‘m excited about it. @LiteraryinLititz - I want to read it but I need to get caught up on my NetGalley arcs! I‘m really behind. 6y
Stacia_Manion I just got news of Jessica Knolls's new book and was REALLY sad to see just okay reviews. Can't wait to hear what you think, once you get to it. 6y
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Yay!! 🎉Look what arrived in the mail today— three new #ARCs courtesy of @SimonSchuster and author Robyn Harding! Thank you! 🤗 I am so excited to read these new thrillers! #Bookmail is the best mail! 📚📬 #TBR #ARC

#newbooks #bookhaul #suspense #psychological #thriller #TheDeathofMrsWestaway #TheFavoriteSister #HerPrettyFace

TheLibrarian How awesome!! I‘m super jealous. 6y
kamoorephoto OMG. Ruth Ware. That‘s the ARC highest on my wishlist. 6y
kamoorephoto PS. On Twitter, I realize I already follow you! My name on there though is romans_mama - I also just clicked to follow your blog, since I‘m Wordpress too (but that‘s my photography blog). My book blog is http://kamoorephoto.booklikes.com 😊📚 6y
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Jess7 🤗🤗 awesome @kamoorephoto - thanks! I‘m new to blogging. I need to update my blog and post some reviews. Hopefully I can get that done in May! Thanks for following 🤗🤗 and thanks for posting the link to your blog. I will look check it out. 📚 (edited) 6y
Jess7 Thanks @TheLibrarian I‘m really excited. 🤗 6y
kate_reads YES to all! 6y
lil_ms_spitfire Jealous for sure. They all seem like good books. Can't wait! 6y
Morr_Books So lucky! I definitely want to know how the Ruth Ware book is. 6y
Vertabrain So jealous! 😍 6y
Slajaunie Okay, I see so many people with arcs. I used to get them all the time from a friends bookstore but I moved. Is there a way to sign up to get them? 6y
Jess7 You can participate in #giveaways, follow the authors, request them from the publisher, etc. @Slajaunie 6y
Slajaunie Thank you! 6y
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Her Pretty Face | Robyn Harding
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Yay! I‘m so excited!!! Robyn Harding just hosted an awesome giveaway for #TheDeathofMrsWestaway, #TheFavoriteSister, and her book, #HerPrettyFace... and I won!!🎉🎉🎉 I can‘t wait to receive these!!! If you‘re on instagram, I recommend you follow her! She wrote, The Party, called “tense and riveting” by Megan Miranda. Her Pretty Face is a chilling new domestic drama about two women whose deep friendship is threatened by dark, long-buried secrets.”

Jess7 Her Pretty Face will be available wherever books are sold this summer!! #ARC 6y
AmyG Congrats🎉 6y
swishandflick Score!!! 6y
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aschermetz How fun! Congrats! *Runs to follow* 6y
wanderinglynn Congrats! 🎉🙌🏻🎉 6y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Jess7 Thanks her Instagram account is @rhardingwriter ! She is always reading the types of books I like to read! She is great to follow! Super nice and incredibly generous! @AmyG @swishandflick @aschermetz @wanderinglynn @LeahBergen —- I‘m @thegreeneyedreader on insta too! 🤗🤗 6y
Li_21 I can't wait to get my hands on Her Pretty Face. Congrats on the win! 6y
Jas16 🙌🏽 6y
JoScho Yay!!! Congratulations! 6y
Pamwurtzler Yay!! 6y
TNbookworm Awesome🌟 6y
Clwojick I loved this book! 6y
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