Chapter 7: y‘all. I just can‘t with this chapter. I‘m glad it was short. Seriously, in any other book, a girl telling a guy she won‘t be naughty would be a whole other animal 🙄🙄 #thatsallivegot #toomuch #pemberlittens
Chapter 7: y‘all. I just can‘t with this chapter. I‘m glad it was short. Seriously, in any other book, a girl telling a guy she won‘t be naughty would be a whole other animal 🙄🙄 #thatsallivegot #toomuch #pemberlittens
Chapter 26: I have so many feelings about this chapter! #beckstolelucysletters #wtf #paulemanuelhelpedher #andheisapyingonlucy #creeper #lucyhadtoburyherletters #ginevralyingtopolly #toomuch #poorlucy #poorpolly #pemberlittens
I was going to start this audiobook today but it‘s 24 hours and I cannot make that commitment today. I think I‘ll return this and check it out another time.
#TooMuch #NotCommited
I enjoyed the first 2/3 of this (once I got over the absurdity of the hospital releasing her in her condition) but then it became #toomuch
Too ridiculous
Too convoluted
Too hard to believe
I guess I wanted a little more depth. Still, it was entertaining and contains several truth bombs about our image obsessed society.
I read the whole thing because I kept feeling like I was about to get the story I was promised but it never quite materialized. Our cast is at a resort in Switzerland when nuclear bombs (with no real explanation) fall all over the world. Are they the last people alive? If that's not enough for them to deal with the body of a child is discovered a couple weeks into their ordeal. Who is she? Was she murdered? If so is one of them a murderer? If ⬇️
There are not enough hours in the day for me to get through my proposed October TBR, but I‘m all for trying. I may be buying copies of a couple more of my print books on audio. 😂 #settingmyselfupforfailure #toomuch #sleepisfortheweak #screamathon