The Bone Carver is watching you ... waiting to strike when you least expect it. 👀
Pre-order your copy today!
#youngadult #YAHorror #YAReads #EpicReads
The Bone Carver is watching you ... waiting to strike when you least expect it. 👀
Pre-order your copy today!
#youngadult #YAHorror #YAReads #EpicReads
The writing was raw, full of passion, and felt like I was in Demi's living room, hearing her story from her own mouth. It was powerful, unforgettable, and cast a spotlight on issues in Hollywood, on gender-issues, on family, and on the self.
I enjoyed this book immensely, and applaud Demi Moore for sharing her tale so openly with the rest of the world. Ms. Moore, you are brave and beautiful, and an inspiration still.
THE NIGHT WEAVER is coming October 15th, 2019 from @VesuvianMedia … Are you ready to be #scared?
Pre-order your copy of my Bram Stoker Award nominated novel from Amazon today!
#darkfantasy #ya #youngadult #books #upcomingbooks #bookish #booknerd #BramStokerAwardNominated #readersofinstagram #instabook #bookstagram #vesuvianbooks #yahorror #horrorish
Finally! Getting into the last book in the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater.
Currently listening to Salt to the Sea, and enjoying it immensely.
The Night Weaver got a billboard! 😱😱😱 Look at my pretty... LOOK AT IT! If you‘re in Los Angeles, Boston, or Hartford, keep an eye out for my pretty-pretty, okay?
#writersofinstagram #writerslife #bookish #epicbooks #instabook #bookstagram #booknerd #YA #darkfantasy #readersofinstagram
Look at all these gorgeous books! #BookExpo19 #vesuvianbooks authors will be at 775. Come join us. There are ARCs!
#bookexpo #bookexpo19 #librarians #publishersweekly #vesuvianmedia #mjcimageworks
I can finally reveal the new cover of THE NIGHT WEAVER, which will be republished by @vesuvianmedia in October! It's a gorgeous piece by Marcela Bolivar, which just screams SHADOW GROVE. 😁 And it's just in time for StokerCon. EEEP!
#bookish #booknews #epicreads #booknerd #bookstagram #instabook #horror #horrorwriter #writerslife #writersofinstagram #coverreveal #TheNightWeaver #ShadowGrove #readersofinstagram
Ahhh! My current #knittingproject and #currentread are all matchy-matchy! 🍁🍂 It looks so pretty!
#knittingaddict #knitstagram #instaknit #readersofinstagram #booknerd #bookish #yarnlove
Eeeep! Look what came from @thehorrorwritersassociation! 💃🏻😁 It‘s SO pretty! *pets my certificate through the protective sleeve* Purrrrrr
#sosexy #yahorror #readersofinstagram #booknerd #bramstokerawards #bookawards #bookish #writersofinstagram #instabook #bookstagram #epicreads #thenightweaver #shadowgrove
#happytuesday! Today, I thought I‘d celebrate Kendare Blake‘s #yahorror duology, which is actually so underrated. Anna is one of the most complex characters I‘ve ever come across in the YA genre. Definitely worth a read if you love #ghoststories 😉
#bookstagram #instabook #bookish #readersofinstagram #booknerd #epicreads
As the Northern Hemisphere enter spring, down here in the Southern Hemisphere, we‘re heading into #autumn. It‘s my favorite time of year (not too hot and not too cold). I thought I‘d celebrate the new season with an underrated #ya #horrornovel! 🍂🍁 It is loosely based on a fairy tale, but it‘s dark and rich and definitely a book you should read with the lights on. 😊
#booknerd #bookish #epicreads #yahorror #fairytale #happyfriday
Seen in the wild, this morning. #EggAndSpoon is an eggcelent fantasy novel that‘ll transport you to another world.
#booknerd #bookish #tuesdaymorning #bookstagram #instabook #readersofinstagram #fantasynovel
“In the midst of chaos, there is always opportunity.”
Happy #Monday, everyone!
#suntzu #mondayquotes #bookish #bookstagram #instabook #readersofinstagram #theartofwar #booknerd
Some #greenbooks to celebrate #stpatricksday! Watch out for all the #leprechauns lurking about, folks. 🍀😉🍀😉
#books #bookish #booknerd #allaboutthebooks #readsofinstagram #instabook #bookstagram #writerslife
For some inexplicable reason, Litsy refuses to add The Night Weaver to its database. *sigh* Well, here‘s a workaround then. 😊 If you haven‘t read it yet, now‘s a good time to grab a copy. Head on over to https://www.amazon.com/Night-Weaver-Shadow-Grove-Book-ebook/dp/B07D1R2444/ ☺
#bookish #booknerd #YADarkFantasy #HorrorWritersAssociation #YoungAdult #creepy #epicbooks #epicreads
Hello, my name‘s Monique, and I‘m a #bookhoarder. 🤣
Husband treated me to the new @therealsjmaas (#kingdomofash), AND some H.P Lovecraft. 😁 ❤️ He may be feeding my #bookaddiction, but damn it, I love him for it!
#bookish #bookstagram #instabook #lovecraft #booknerd #readersofinstagram #booklover
Books and Crochet - My Sunday evening in a nutshell.😊
#karenkingsbury #crochetstagram #instacrochet #audiobook #bookish #booknerd #bookstagram #instabook
My #currentread is The Garden of the Finzi-Continis by Georgio Bassani, and my current #knitting project is a pretty scarf. 😊
#amreading #bookish #bookstagram #instabook #instaknitting #knitstagram #knitaddict
I went #bargainhunting at the secondhand bookshop, and found some great reads for cheap! Animal Farm by George Orwell, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and Paradise Lost by John Milton. 😊
#bookish #booknerd #bookbargain #secondhandbooks #bookstagram #instabook #readersofinstagram
*happy dance* See this? This is my next novel entering its self-editing stage. 😁 I‘m so excited! 💃🏻
#writerslife #authorsofinstagram #amediting #amwriting #horrorauthor #killingit
I'm #currentlyreading RED SISTER by Mark Lawrence, the first book in The Book of the Ancestor trilogy. So far, it's rather compelling. 😊
#booknerd #readstagram #instaread #bookstagram #instabook #fantasybooks
2017 was a really bad #reading year for me. Where I usually read 120 books in a year, I struggled to hit the 25 mark. So, I‘ve decided that 2018 will be bigger and better than ever before. My first goal is to get Cassandra Clare‘s books off my TBR list by the end of January 2018, even if it kills me. 😊
Do you have any lofty #bookish goals for 2018 yet?
#booknerd #reader #cassandraclare #infernaldevices #themortalinstruments #shadowhunter
I‘ve been more inclined to listen to audiobooks lately, mostly because I‘ve had so little time to read. At least, this way, I can get my reading fix. 😊 Doctor Sleep was a magnificent sequel! I loved the narrator‘s different voices for the various characters, and the plot was just fantastic. Definitely give this one a shot if you‘re looking for a good read!
This lovely #horrornovel by South African author, Karen Runge, came yesterday. It‘s #gorgeous, inscribed with a #bloody message, and I can‘t wait to start reading it! Eeeep!! 😍
#horrorwriter #horrorauthors #booknerd #bookish #bookstagram #instabook #readstagram #readersofinstagram #areyouscaredyet
It's FINALLY here! *fangirls so hard* 😍
#readstagram #readersofinstagram #bookish #booknerd #bookstagram #booklover #instabook #sarahjmaas #towerofdawn #madlove
After watching #IT, I decided to get the book and reacquaint myself with ol' #pennywisetheclown. The movie was great, and I can't wait for Chapter 2 to hit the cinemas, though. Still, I'm so in the mood to #read this masterpiece.
#booklover #bookish #bookstagram #instabook #readersofinstagram #readstagram #booknerd #bookaholic #horror #Pennywise 🤡
It's frightening how often I need to quote the opening sentence of Muti Nation (not pictured) these days, even though it's not a WWII novel. That said, I firmly believe that through learning from the past there's still hope for a better tomorrow.
These are some of my WWII YA historical fiction books, and I cannot recommend them enough.
#WWII #bookstagram #instabook #bookish #booknerd #YAreads #historicalfiction #booklove #booklover
Growing up, #books were scarce, so I missed out on quite a few good reads. It was only a couple of years ago that I finally read Jane Eyre, and oh! What a beautiful book it is. So, this weekend I'm going to try Anne of Green Gables, because it's another book I never had the opportunity to read as a child.
#anneofgreengables #classicreads #booknerd #bookish #instabook #bookstagram #readersofinstagram #prelovedbooks #teatime #tea #greentea
It's #socksunday! My #autoauthorbuy is, of course, Sarah J. Maas, and I can't wait for #towerofdawn to come out. 😍📚 #booknerd #bookish #bookstagram #instabook #booklover #fantasyreads #queenofshadows #sjmaas #madlove
In the spirit of #litsyyearbook, I dug out my senior yearbook photo... #classof2006 🤣
This book is currently at the top of my #tbrlist. It's on my nightstand, waiting. Now, if only I could get over this flu and not see double whenever I attempt to read, that'll be great... *sigh*
#bookish #books #booknerd #booklove #booksofinstagram #readersofinstagram #instaread #bookstagram #instabook #readstagram #southafricanliterature #localislekker
Creature (my office mascot) and I have decided to embark on some light late night research for my next novel. #horror #amresearching #crime #novelresearch #writerslife #writersoflitsy #femalehorrorwriters
Time to #reread a #classic. 😊 Also, it's tea time! Yes, I drink tea on occasion, but I drink it the proper way... out of a teacup.
#janeeyre #amreading #bookish #booklove #booknerd #teatime #tea #charlottebronte #booksofinstagram #instabook
Look what came! Finally, I have a copy of @therealsjmaas' #ACOWAR. 😁 Needless to say, I'll be unavailable for the next few days.
#amreading #bookish #bookstagram #booknerds #books #booklove #fantasy #newadult
I bought my husband a new watch, so he bought me a new #book. Fair trade. 😁
#SLGrey #horrorbook #horrorreads #bookish #books #bookstagram #instabook #instaread #booknerd
My #currentread and my #workinprogress. With my day job's work done, I can finally enjoy the rest of the long weekend. Whoohoo!
#dawnstudy #booklove #bookish #bookstagram #instabook #booknerd #amreading #crochet #crochetstagram #instacrochet #yarnlove #crochetlove #mariavsnyder #bookish #crochetaddict
I finally have some time to read again. This little quote from American Gods had me laughing WAY too hard. 😂
#amreading #bookstagram #instabook #AmericanGods #NeilGaiman #booklover #booknerds #bookish #bookquote #booklove
The newest #book on my #TBR pile... I've been itching to get it for a while now.
#bookstagram #instaread #instabook #booknerd #bookish #booklover
"Please don't let the unhappiness you knew in the past keep you from accepting happiness now."
This is such a gripping read!