Decided to pick this up after a while. I know I disappeared, but things got hectic. Time to get back to relaxing. 😁😁😁
Decided to pick this up after a while. I know I disappeared, but things got hectic. Time to get back to relaxing. 😁😁😁
He passed away on the 19th. One of the good guys . This book was significant to me.Wrote one about Sundown towns still on my TBR. https://www.npr.org/2021/08/23/1030442282/james-loewen-author-of-lies-my-teacher...
Quite excellent. We are teaching our kids a very white washed, dumbed down one dimensional version of our history. This is doing them, and our country, no favors. This is a very dense read. I learned so much and I wish I had a history teacher that didn't rely on terrible text books like the ones referenced. A great read if you want to learn more true history, and how to think critically. I wish all history teachers read this one. Highly recommend.
This book was painfully long. It made good points, but there were too many unnecessary ones in between. I‘m glad I stuck with it, and felt like I had to finish it once I started it. I would not recommend it or suggest anyone else suffer. 😊
Domestic terrorism isn't patriotic. As a matter of fact it makes you a traitor. Step away from the YouTube conspiracy videos and educate yourselves.
"The antidote to feel-good history is not feel-bad history but honest and inclusive history."
Wow, this book was really eye-opening for me! The way US history is traditionally taught in the United States is nothing less than outright propaganda.
Finished this one off at the beach today #womenreading . Not really my type of nonfiction, but I read the whole thing and learned some stuff. @Julie548, I will be sending this your way on Monday when I return home.
@Melismatic @TheReadingMermaid
I picked up this book because it was featured on the npr codeswitch podcast. It was super interesting. The author reviewed history text books and found incorrect information and missed events. He talks about how history is taught in the US and I defiantly learned a lot.
I've been meaning to read This for years and finally got to it via audible. Very thoughtful, passionate and well-supported book. Anyone who cares about American history and how it is taught in high schools ought to read this book.
Book and a brew this dreary Sunday morning
Now serving salad with a side of social justice! #workingontheweekend #alwayslearning
Just read an article about this book and plan to read it soon. American History is seriously whitewashed to reflect only the good (if any in certain circumstances) and none of the bad things we‘ve done since the United States creation and the road taken to get there. Since then, it‘s more of the same. The US collective memory is ridiculously shallow - and we don‘t learn from our mistakes. https://apple.news/AZTisJGKxTBykS_WJFwkx9g
If we look Indian history squarely in the eye, we are going to get red eyes. This is our past, however, and we must acknowledge it. It is time for textbooks to send white children home, if not with red eyes, at least with though-provoking questions.
Yes 🙌🏻🙌🏻
“Most textbook authors protect us from a racist Lincoln. By so doing, they diminish students‘ capacity to recognize racism as a force in American life. For if Lincoln could be racist, then so might the rest of us be. And if Lincoln could transcend racism, as he did on occasion, then so might the rest of us.”
Unpacking books in the new apartment, and came across this one that I don't recall having and have no idea when, where, how, or why I obtained it. Please tell me I'm not the only one this happens to.
When someone tries to tell you that you don‘t need to take US history classes to get your history degree. You have said history degree and took over 6 classes of US history. She learned fast to not say it again.
“Five-sixths of all Americans never take a course in American history beyond high school. What our citizens “learn” in high school forms much of what they know about our past.” Yikes 😬
Oh boy. I‘m so excited to read this!
I‘m always amazed at the historical facts avoided in school history classes. It wasn‘t until further college level classes and my own reading that I learned the truth about so much, mostly focusing on American history. This book will tell #nolies ...a look at where the history texts got the history wrong, or perhaps glided over the truth. I have an older edition of the pictured cover and have pages through it - interesting! #marchintooz
I now loathe Woodrow Wilson thanks to the first chapter... on to Christopher Columbus!
When my niece and nephew are old enough, I will be giving them a copy of this book. I did learn new things from it, but I suppose it‘s sad that I wasn‘t surprised at the whitewashing and how toned down history textbooks are. The book doesn‘t go into a ton of depth on all issues, like women, lgbtq or hispanic history, but it‘s enough to infer why books stay neutral or leave them out all together.
I may not be showing any symptoms, but I‘m not 100% and I‘m worried about exposing the ladies at my weekly knit group to the flu so I‘m staying home today and finishing this book. Loki is keeping me company, Luna is somewhere else causing mischief. #catsoflitsy
My husband caught the flu last week, I‘m feeling a bit off today, and I forgot to get my flu shot this year. I‘m keeping my fingers crossed that taking Tamiflu will help me! Meanwhile I‘ll just keep reading with my snuggle kitties. #catsoflitsy
I know this picture is supposed to be an example of class differences show in advertising, but it mostly just made me want one of my favorite beers. 🤤🍺 #beer
I started reading this on Hoopla. Still prefer the physical to e-books.
I'm upset with myself for not having read this sooner.
History book haul!
So, I was watching Mad Men and saw the episode where everyone was in a panic over the Cuban Missile Crisis. I has to ask Lucas what that was, because I genuinely had no idea as it was never covered in school. Needless to say, he looked at me like I was insane.
Time to self-educate!
My #starsandstripes pick today is a book that changed my entire view of American history when I was in high school. It challenged the nationalistic view of history I'd been spoon-fed, while making me think critically about the things I learned.
Great nonfiction about the American history that textbooks get wrong, ignore, sanitize, etc. from Columbus to Native Americans to presidents. #maybookflowers #lies
As I am going to Washington DC in April I decided I should brush up on my history.
Joining my #BookRiot fam in #riotgrams and posting a #shelfie from my office. Very slowing building books in my office. The problem is I end up taking them home! #bookstagram #professorlife #jamesbaldwin
Piggybacking off @radishandhare with #BooksToReadDuringATrumpPresidency ....Because it's important to be able to delineate between what really happened and what you're told.
Thinking about the years of colonialism, manifest destiny, slavery, conquest, and general fuckery that people have participated in. Vowing to do better with the time I have. #diversity
Essential reading. #DiversityMonday
This book contains a LOT of information so I am reading it little by little. However, I recommend it to anyone who is interested in History and reading Nonfiction. This book is now a very popular read. There are even classes taught that use this book as the required reading.