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Caleb's Crossing
Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
A bestselling tale of passion and belief, magic and adventure from the Pulitzer Prizewinning author of Marchand The Secret Chord, coming from Viking in October 2015Bethia Mayfield is a restless and curious young woman growing up in Martha's vineyard in the 1660s amid a small band of pioneering English Puritans. At age twelve, she meets Caleb, the young son of a chieftain, and the two forge a secret bond that draws each into the alien world of the other. Bethia's father is a Calvinist minister who seeks to convert the native Wampanoag, and Caleb becomes a prize in the contest between old ways and new, eventually becoming the first Native American graduate of Harvard College. Inspired by a true story and narrated by the irresistible Bethia, Calebs Crossing brilliantly captures the triumphs and turmoil of two brave, openhearted spirits who risk everything in a search for knowledge at a time of superstition and ignorance.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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I didn‘t care for this one at all, which is unfortunate because I loved People of the Book and Horse. The story had a lot of potential, but I found it to be a boring and annoying read. At least I completed #Pop23 ~a book with an alliteration in the title

Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Geraldine Brooks is always hit-or-miss with me. I'm only in the first chapter but I'm thinking to let this one go.

Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Finished this two weeks ago. Tells the story of Caleb, a Native American, and Bethia, a young Pilgrim woman. Brooks folds in stories of life in Massachusetts for both parties: expectations of each other, the life of young women, what neither of them are allowed to do because of their status in relation to white men and religion, and finally what it‘s like for Caleb who goes to university in Boston. A soft pick and a good companion while driving.

shawnmooney Oh, great review! Sounds like I might like it. Apologies if I have asked you in the past and you have declined, but at the risk of repeating myself, I would love to have you come on my Bite-sized Book Chats series and talk about this book for 10 or 15 minutes! Let me know if you‘d be up for that! 😀 2y
Suet624 @shawnmooney hi Shawn. FYI: I can‘t imagine you actually liking this book too much. It‘s a bit unrealistic. I saw your request on Goodreads about being on your series and I appreciate you thinking of me. I‘ll write back this weekend on Goodreads. 2y
BkClubCare You read great stuff! 2y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Here are a few options I was thinking about for #lmpbc #round12 #groupi

What do you think, @Susanita @robinb @megnews

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Susanita All of these look good, especially Caleb‘s Crossing 3y
robinb These all sound great to me. Haven't ready any, so I'm open for anything. 😊 3y
megnews The Orphan‘s Tale has been on my TBR for awhile. Ive read Caleb‘s Crossing but would read again. Love Brooks. I be fine with either of the other 2 as well. 3y
BridgetteM @Susanita @robinb @megnews How about The Orphan‘s Tale? I‘m pretty open to feedback, so if that book doesn‘t seem like it‘s up your alley, let me know. :) 3y
megnews @BridgetteM I‘m happy with it. I‘ve wanted to read it for awhile 3y
Susanita It‘s fine with me. 3y
robinb Works for me too! 3y
johncadams Great selection! 3y
BridgetteM @johncadams Thank you! 3y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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This was my first Geraldine Brooks and I can't believe I've waited so long. I've heard some people say that this isn't her best and if that's the case I'm in for a real treat when I read another.

A really interesting story about a part of history I don't often consider. I found it descriptive and a compelling story.

megnews I love Brooks. And I agree. I liked this but nowhere near her best. The Year of Wonders was excellent!! I felt like I was there. 4y
Cinfhen My FAVORITE Brooks is 4y
Victoria_Clyne @megnews and @Cinfhen its good to know good books are to come. I've got People of the Book on my shelf. Hoping to read it this year. 4y
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Cinfhen I hope you love it half as much as I did!! It‘s one of my favorite books ♥️ 4y
Victoria_Clyne @Cinfhen I'm looking forward to it but I'm hoping my expectations aren't too high. 4y
Cinfhen Yes.... that ALWAYS happens to me when I get excited about a book #BookNerdProblems 🤪 4y
Victoria_Clyne @Cinfhen I've had it happen a few times too and it makes me nervous when I read books that have received a lot of love. 4y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Disappointingly not so riveting as her others... I found it slow in the middle and almost bailed. The final quarter improved as the female narrator matured and moved away.

TrishB I struggled with this one too! 4y
rachaich @TrishB phew! Not just me 😂😂 4y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Wading through this... can't say I'm particularly enjoying it which saddens me. 🤨🤔
Using the night shift to bulk read to see if the pace changes...

Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Adored March and People of the Book. High expectations for this one!

Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Thank you Geraldine Brooks for dragging me out of my reading slump! Loved this book! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Is anyone else finding it hard to concentrate on reading during isolation? I haven‘t really enjoyed the last two books I‘ve read. I‘ve just started this one and I‘m hoping Geraldine Brooks can pull me out of my isolation reading slump.

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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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I'm a huge fan of #geraldinebrooks but i find it very difficult to empathize with the main character because her value system - a puritan woman in the 1600s - is so austere, strict, and submissive. The decisions she makes while under the bootheel of inane men who clutch their pearls at her intellect. Its just blech.
I do love the writing and sense of place. Islands of of Massachusetts in the 17th cent must have been wild windswept places

PurpleTulipGirl I have a lot of trouble sticking with books about people I don‘t like. I‘m still not sure how I made it through Gone Girl. 5y
canbku @PurpleTulipGirl I understand that feeling for sure. I shouldn't have stuck with this one. Though isn't the main character of Gone Girl intentionally complicated and doesn't really invite people to like her? This one was practically begging you to see the world through her eyes and I just couldn't get in that head space. 5y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Ok it's getting better! Still slow, but the main character is getting more interesting. Dealing with so much oppressive religious guilt is hard to slog through. I'll keep going!

Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Off to a slow start. Should i stay with it? I have loved other books by Geraldine Brooks. Maybe I'm just turned off by the initial character losing their mother on the first page. Why do so many mothers have to die for the sake of character development? #tiredtropes

tpixie Yes exactly! Every Disney story every child adventure story requires a dead mother iit seems !!!????!! 5y
canbku @tpixie really turning into a pet peeve! 5y
tpixie @canbku yes!! Unfortunately we better brush it off because I don‘t think it‘s going to change anytime soon! 5y
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tpixie I guess tragedy leads to adventure and growth??? what could be worse than a dead mother? 5y
GHABI4ROSES Well, that explains why my four “Babies“ are so overprotective and paranoid! Maybe I should have let them have TV! 5y
canbku @tpixie i just wish it wasnt always women who had to be the victim of someone else's character development! 😝 5y
canbku @GHABI4ROSES you need someone to be protective of you! Writers aren't, haha 5y
GHABI4ROSES @canbku I definitely prefer the kids‘ protectiveness, they are something fierce💪🏾 5y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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I really liked this book, and everything I‘ve read by this author. The ebook is on sale today.

megnews I love Geraldine Brooks 5y
CoffeeCatsBooks She is such a great writer! 5y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks

It seems I could weep forever, and yet not empty the reservoir of my grief.

Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Early AM urgent care appointment = book reading time. 📚 🏥

IamIamIam Good luck!!! 5y
kspenmoll Take care! 5y
ValerieAndBooks Hope all‘s well now! 5y
mrsmarch @ValerieAndBooks X-ray....nothing broken or dislocated...just sore and a little swollen. I wore a thumb brace for a couple of days and now I am babying it along. 🌞 5y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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5💫 novel! It‘s left me conflicted about so many things of American colonial history worth with mulling over, which is a gift. ‘‘Tis the reason to read. 😊

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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Sorry @Momreviews , you‘re just wrong about this one. It got a strong four stars from me. #momreviews

MelissaSue81 Is this really your mom that leaves these reviews? This might be the cutest thing ever! My mom and I swap books a lot. I usually only bother giving her things I loved, but maybe we should do this. 6y
Texreader @MelissaSue81 Yes we‘ve been doing this for years and then a couple of years ago I started posting them on Litsy. They‘re a huge hit! I‘m sure to love these notes someday in the future. 6y
Daisey I always enjoy the mom reviews you share, but this one made me laugh too! 😂 6y
Tamra Love the sticky reviews! 6y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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This was a really good and SAD book but I had a hard time getting through it. I think I had a case of "It's not you it's me" with this one. I just needed to be in a different headspace I guess ?‍♀️ #63

DivineDiana This was a favorite of this year‘s reading! ❤️ 6y
moon110581 Geraldine Brooks is one of my favorite authors, and her book March is one of my favorite books! 6y
kricheal @moon110581 I added that to my to read stack, I'll check that out. Thanks for the recommendation! 6y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Starting this next on #overdrive #currentlylistening

Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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I liked it. Very masterful historical fiction. I‘ve seen reviews saying it‘s slow, and it is, but that how I like history portraits. I read this because, as Thanksgiving approaches, I wanted a realistic depiction of some of the first interactions between Native Americans and the Europeans who arrived and began taking over. There are some elements that troubled me, but generally I found Brooks‘s treatment of her subject deft and thoughtful.

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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Day 4 of #31bookpics - orange books! My stack includes 2 TBR on the bottom, one atmospheric historical fiction in the middle, and 2 beloved middle grade/YA on the top. I think of both Caleb‘s Crossing and The Witch of Blackbird Pond as autumnal - I wonder if thats why the publishers made them orange? 🤔🍁

SilversReviews LOVE the photo and the orange. 6y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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I finished my last read for #booked2018 at about 10:30 last night. Was too tired to post, not realizing until this morning that it was to be posted at that time. 🙁 That last to finish one, “Just Mercy” was a 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 read and also from #mounttbr!
Set in School- Caleb‘s Crossing
Japanese Thriller- Real World
LGBTQIA- Aristotle and Dante
Beach Read- The Girls of August
Blame It On Litsy- Artemis
Diverse Nonfiction - Just Mercy

Crazeedi Great job, I liked Caleb's crossing. The others look intriguing 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Okay, those will squeak in under the wire for this quarter! Great job! 👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉📚📚 6y
Cinfhen YAy!!! U made it❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ 6y
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DivineDiana @Crazeedi Thank you! I loved that book! 6y
DivineDiana @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Thank you, my Philly friends! I chose to complete your challenge and skip one of my IRL Book Club meetings this week. Just couldn‘t do both! 😉 6y
Cinfhen Such devotion ⭕️❌⭕️❌ 6y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Historical fiction based on the first Native American to graduate from Harvard, Caleb Cheeshahteaumauk. His story is told from the perspective of Bethia Mayfield, a minister‘s daughter who chafes against the narrow roles permitted for women in Puritan America. The two become friends as they explore each other‘s worlds. Bethia‘s father eventually makes a project out of educating Caleb as a way to bring his religion to the Wampanoag.

Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Set in mid 17th century New England (Martha‘s Vineyard and Harvard University)Bethia, a settler from England befriends a Native American boy, Caleb,son of the leader of the local tribe. Based on a true story, this slow, beautiful tale of their relationship and their paths to an education. My favorite type of book. One where I am fully invested in the characters and place. History, the plight of “the other” and Love. #booked2018 #setinschool

Cinfhen Can‘t wait to get to this one!! I just read and loved this book by her 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen This was my first book by her, but definitely not the last! I have Year of Wonders on my #TBR shelves! Hope to get to it soon! 6y
Cinfhen And don‘t forget 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen I won‘t! 😀📚👍🏻 6y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Audio walk today on a nature trail at a local college.

batsy That looks so green and peaceful and lovely! 6y
BookaholicNatty Beautiful!!!!! 6y
DivineDiana @batsy @BookaholicNatty It is an arboretum, and I am so fortunate that it is close by. 🌲🌳🌱 (edited) 6y
callielafleur I loved this book, it has stuck with me for a long time. 6y
DivineDiana @callelafleur I am enjoying it! Can‘t wait to find out what happens to Caleb and Bethia! 6y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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My new “audio”on the go and my first Geraldine Brooks. #playaway

Texreader I enjoyed the book. A bit slow but really good. I hope you like it 6y
DivineDiana @Texreader Thank you for letting me know! So far:so good! 6y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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I decided to read this book one night to put me to sleep as my mother had bailed on it as very slow and not terribly interesting. It is a slow read but if you stick with it, it is very satisfying from an accomplished writer. It‘s the story of America in the 1600s told by a teen girl, too smart for the times in which she lived, how she managed to thrive, and the American Indians with whom she grew up.

Centique Definitely sounds like my kind of book! Thanks for the recc 😍 6y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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First of my uni novels. I ended up liking it a lot more than I expected to; the story (in part) of one of the first native american graduates of Harvard. While the language sometimes made it feel overly dramatic, it worked well to keep the setting straight. The narrator tends to move back and forth in time which results in repetitiveness and distraction, but it still manages to offer a beautiful story steeped in rich visuals and an engaging story.

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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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HPB purchases yesterday

MinDea 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 6y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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I loved the beautiful descriptive language about the island and the historical moment that this book explores. The characters Caleb and Joel were fascinating to me. The only thing I could wish for would be to go just a little deeper with them, but since this is really Bethia's story, I'm satisfied.

saresmoore Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Libby1 Welcome to Litsy! ❤️📚❤️ 6y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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I love her books. Expanding my ribbon color collection. These aren‘t on my site quite yet, but will be up tonight. :)

SheilaChew Me too! That book stayed with me. Thought about it for weeks. 7y
TommieMarie74 Gorgeous!! 7y
SilversReviews Beautiful photo. I wasn‘t too thrilled with the book, though. 😍😍😍 7y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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I've read a couple other books by Geraldine Brooks, & adored them. But this one didn't do it for me 😕. It dragged - I'm not even sure why I finished it.
I would still recommend Brooks - she's fantastic - just not this one. Hopefully I'll love the next one I read by her like I did the last two.

TrishB I struggled with this one, in fact I think I actually bailed. 8y
Cinfhen I love Brooks but couldn't get into this one either 8y
BennettBookworm I had to bail on this, too- which others by Brooks would you recommend? 7y
Sweettartlaura @BennettBookworm Definitely read People of the Book & The Secret Chord. They live up to all the hype - promise 🙂 7y
BennettBookworm Amazing, thanks! 7y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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I've read a couple of Brooks' books, & loved them. I hope this one turns out to be as dear to me.
#litsyatoz #letterc

Joanne1 I enjoyed this one. 7y
Sweettartlaura @Joanne1 Turns out I didn't 😕. But I'm not giving up on Brooks - she deserves at least one more chance 🙂 7y
Joanne1 @Sweettartlaura Year of wonders, followed by March are my favourites. I wasn't that into People of the Book. 7y
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Caleb's Crossing: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Saw Geraldine Brooks at the One Book, One San Diego Event

LeahBergen Lucky you! 8y
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