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Sacred Games
Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
An enormously satisfying, exciting and enriching book, Vikram Chandra's novel draws the reader deep into the lives of detective Sartaj Singh and Ganesh Gaitonde, the most wanted gangster in India. Sartaj, the only Sikh inspector in the whole of Mumbai, is used to being identified by his turban, beard and the sharp cut of his trousers. But 'the silky Sikh' is now past forty, his marriage is over and his career prospects are on the slide. When Sartaj gets an anonymous tip off as to the secret hideout of the legendary boss of the G-company, he's determined that he'll be the one to collect the prize. This is a sprawling, epic novel of friendships and betrayals, of terrible violence, of an astonishing modern city and its underworld. Drawing on the best of Victorian fiction, mystery novels, Bollywood movies and Vikram Chandra's years of first hand research on the streets of Mumbai, this novel reads like a potboiling page-turner but resonates with the intelligence and emotional depth of the best of literature.
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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Fascinating! Family went to see Knives Out tonight, which got us talking about how mystery writers need timelines to keep all their facts straight. Then I saw this a few minutes ago: I‘d love to try this software out!


Crazeedi That's pretty cool 5y
Sace I haven't read the article yet, but my first reaction is if the author needs a bot to keep up with the plot, then how will my little simpleton self keep up? Now let me actually read the article 🤣 5y
julesG "Chandra, by his own admission, can‘t abide the thought of even the smallest continuity errors or internal contradictions in his own work. From practically the beginning of his love affair with computers, Chandra has lusted after a word processor that will keep him from making inadvertent mistakes. So he built one." - that sounds so so much like the perfect tool for me. Like Chandra I hate continuity errors in my writing and that of others. 5y
GingerAntics I don‘t know if I want a robot writing the books I read (or write for that matter). 5y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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My #redcover for today‘s #fallisbooked prompt. I loved this book when I read it back in 2012. 5/5⭐️

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I spy Jodi 😊📚🙌🏻 5y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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1. Sacred Games by Vikram Chandra (now an Indian web tv show!) 📖
2. Why, to fly, of course 😂
3. Capricorn ♑️ 🐐
4. Reading, reading, & reading
5. @Crazeedi @EadieB @Andrew65


Andrew65 Thanks for the tag. 😊👍 5y
Crazeedi Thanks for tag!!❤ have a wonderful weekend, you and I doing the same thing, reading!! 5y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra

The characters are so good and the story is amazing.

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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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I really wanted to like this book. Excellent plot of an underworld gangster , Ganesh Gaitonde, who is chased by Inspector Sartaj Singh, with detailed background and character development, that still felt too long. There seemed to be long descriptions and hurried action. It was reading like an epic where both the characters are grey. The ending was abrupt. The Netflix adaptation scratched the surface and has some major changes.

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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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Thank you @REPollock for this book for #JustABookSwap ! It sure is a whopper of a book! Lol ❤❤

TheBookKeepers ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
REPollock It‘s a big one, but I loved it! 6y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra

Just continuing with this book. Already halfway through and simply cannot wait to get done with it. What are you all currently reading?🙈
#currentlyreading #nowreading #sacredgames #justagirlhighonbooks #kindle

Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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A giant, sprawling novel (900-plus pages). It details the lives of Police Inspector Sartaj Singh and Ganesh Gaitonde, the most wanted gangster in India. It starts with a fateful meeting between Singh and Gaitonde, and then goes back and explains in alternating chapters the events that led up to their final encounter. Good, but if you love novels set in India I'd recommend "A Suitable Boy" over this one.

Naj This is on Netflix and it's great! Do see it if you can. 6y
Amiable @Naj Ooh, I didn't know that! Thanks for the heads up! 6y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra

Ahh! The review.

I loved it!

There is nothing extra in this book, nothing unnecessary.

It was interesting to read something positive about Indian police, breaking so many prejudices. We do treat them as if they are some different breed, forgetting that they are mere humans, just like the rest of us. I am not much acquainted with Mumbai and I am sure I missed out a lot.

The whole book was very realistic.

Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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My escape! Somewhere in Maharashtra.

There are so many stories, at times I lose track of the actual book that I am reading. Loving every bit of it. And, no, *** should not have died. 😔 Not just 30% into the book.

#books #booklove #book #kobo #sacredgames #vikramchandra #blackandwhite #greyscale #trainjourney #train #ilovereading #reading

RaimeyGallant Nice pic! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 📚🎈 6y
Lel2403 Welcome to Litsy 📖 6y
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Dr._Who_number10 Welcome to Litsy!!!📚❤️📚❤️📚🎉🎉🎉 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
julesG Welcome to Litsy! 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy 🌼 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 6y
BookaholicNatty Welcome to Litsy! Hope you love it here as much as I do! ❤️🎉📚 6y
bookcollecter Welcome to Litsy 😀 6y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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1. Inspector Sartaj Singh from Sacred Games! I hope the Netflix adaptation is good.
2. Blue. Khaki.
3. Apple and a bagel with cream cheese
4. I make costumes for professional theater as a day job. I‘m also an author. I dunno if either of those are “my craft” tho.
5. I always wear a hat.

Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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Congratulations to @BarbaraBB on 1001 followers!

I‘m going to spotlight the tagged book, which is hugely long but I absolutely LOVED it and am so excited it‘s apparently going to be a Netflix series soon! Inspector Singh is such a flawed but fantastic sleuth and Ganesh Gaitonde is such an evil bastard...but also sympathetic. I‘ll read it again, and again too.


BarbaraBB Thank you for entering! Definitely must look this up! 6y
Cathythoughts It is very long 😱. Sounds great though , stacking 👍🏻 6y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra

Just finished watching the first episode of Sacred Games on Netflix。 Whoa, brilliant! Binge planned tomorrow; and buying book tonight😎

batsy Oh, cool! I'm going to have to check it out. After reading the book that's been sitting on my shelf for YEARS. 🤦🏾‍♀️ 6y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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This was an awesome book that I read more than 10 years ago and I just found out it‘s a series on Netflix! Has anyone seen it? Is it good?

Tanisha_A I didn't know this was based on a book. Everyone here is going mad about that show. It's pretty good is what i have heard! 6y
Yeah_I_Read @Tanisha_A the book was excellent! I‘m definitely going to check out the series 6y
sudi I heard some great reviews about this show, i haven't read the book though 6y
singhaniashares The Netflix series is amazing. I'll read the book now! 6y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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Go to californiamag.org to read a fascinating article on Cal creative writing professor Vikram Chandra. He is also a tech guy, and is developing a program to help authors have consistency in their work. As a writer/editor (not of fiction, however) I don't know how I feel about this--he admits if it takes off it will "reduce the work" if fact checkers and copy editors (i.e. Eliminate jobs). But fascinating stuff nonetheless.

Deochar Thank you for the link about Chandra and Granthika. Simply fascinating. 6y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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Works of #SouthAsianWriters from my shelf. I ❤️ India 🇮🇳 forever. #anditsaugust @RealLifeReading

MrBook Nice!!! 7y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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#southasianwriters #anditsaugust
A Litsy gift that I haven't read yet - its over 1000 pages so I'm waiting for a clear weekend to start it!

Balibee146 Stacked because....it looks brilliant and..... Well I might have nothing to read one day ye ken ;-) 7y
TrishB @Balibee146 lol! Not long odds on that happening!! 7y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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A gorgeous book. The reviews I saw called it Dickensian, akin to the reviews for the last epic Indian novel I read, A Suitable Boy. Both comparisons make sense but I would argue A Suitable Boy is more a combination of Dickens and Eliot with a sharper focus on women's inner lives, whereas Sacred Games is more like Dickens meets Wilkie Collins, with more intrigue and violence but also with the more feminist perspective of Collins' books. Love it.

Parvez Sacred games series coming this July in Netflix 6y
schmia 😮🤗did not know that! I‘m so excited! 6y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra

I did it! Finished this one with 6 hours to spare before the new year officially begins. Now I can get started on my #LitsyAtoZ with a clean slate! This was quite a project and took till I was 2/3 of the way in to truly be engaged. But as hoped, I did end up getting absorbed and liking it!

Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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This one is proving to be a challenge for me... it's so long!! I felt the same about Red Earth and Pouring Rain. After four tries I finally finished and liked that one! Hoping for the same here - but only one try! Want to finish before starting my AtoZ!

Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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For today's #ilikebigbooks prompt, I thought I'd stack some of the tomes I've read over the years. And I recommend all of them! #booktober #day25

Suzze That's a lot of pages! 8y
RealLifeReading That's a lovely sight! 😍😍 8y
ApoptyGina69 Awesome picks!! 8y
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UwannaPublishme 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 8y
PurpleyPumpkin @Suzze I hadn't really thought about it, but you're right! 8y
saresmoore These are great choices! I really loved The Historian. 8y
AllieOCO Pillars and Mists are two of my favorites also!! 8y
PurpleyPumpkin @saresmoore @AllieOCO Glad you agree that these are great books!😊 I'd love to reread them at some point, but it's hard to find the time. And there's so many other books to read! Decisions, decisions. 🤔 8y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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My first day on my new job as an assistant reference librarian, and I give my employer money before it gives me money 😆😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. One of those #YouKnowYoureABibliophileWhen moments 😎👌🏻. 3 for $3. Nice haul?

teainthelibrary Yay for librarians! Do you have your MLIS?? I'm sooo closeeeee to finishing!! 8y
Zelma They used to poke fun at me at my last job about my book buying habit. I apparently contributed to the book sale fund far and above all the other staff members put together! 👍 😂 8y
BooksRockMyWorld Just reading Paradise... it's incredible! 8y
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ValerieAndBooks Good luck with your job! And yes, definitely nice haul. Some people buy candy bars from the vending machine at work; just think of this of the cost equivalent of three candy bars 😉 8y
Amandajoy I imagine if I worked in a place that sold books I'd never have a paycheck! 8y
wildfireheart I love the mysterious benedict society, good pick! 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 Good luck with the job! I loved my time working at the library! And supported the ongoing book sale pretty well too! 😉 8y
MrBook @teainthelibrary No 😕, but they want me to go for certification. I already have 2 degrees and 5 years' librarian experience under my belt, so that help offset the lack of the MLS 😊. @Zelma I've received similar pokes most everywhere 😂. I've been known as Mr. Book long before @Litsy ☺️🙌🏻! @BooksRockMyWorld Well, I already knew you have great bookish taste that leaves me in awed recognition 😊😎👌🏻🙌🏻!!! 8y
MrBook @ValerieAndBooks Thank you 😊!!! I would literally rather go hungry and wear beat-up clothing so I can spend my $$$ on books 😎👍🏻. @Amandajoy 😂👏🏻🙌🏻!!! @wildfireheart Thank you! Looking forward to that one 😁👌🏻👍🏻🙌🏻! @kaysreadinglife 😂👏🏻 Thank you!!! @melbeautyandbooks Indubitably 😎👌🏻! 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 👍🏻 8y
teainthelibrary That's awesome!! Maybe they'll let you get an emergency degree?! I would love to work in reference. 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess Cool! I love when you find great book deals!📚 8y
MrBook @teainthelibrary That would be swell 😁👍🏻!!! @Graciouswarriorprincess 😁👏🏻🙌🏻👍🏻👌🏻!!! 8y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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It took me two starts to get into this book, but when the right time had come I thoroughly dove in and let the characters, their fears, longings and desires steeped in the heat and dust of Mumbay enveloped me. Many cups of home-made chai later I'm sad to see them go.

Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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The eternal struggle: what on earth to read next!! I'm behind on my reading for the pace I've been getting new books!

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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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3am and still reading. It's going to be a hard day tomorrow.

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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra
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So glad for the kindle at this moment. Having it means I can have a lovely lunch and continue reading about murders, gangsters and a Sikh detective. Another espresso please. 😎

Pagesflutter +5 for e-reader conversion! *slips away before too much gloating begins* 8y
SarahKat84 @Pagesflutter I applaud your restraint lol. Though the physical book is still king especially when I'm not constantly in need of more space in my suitcase 8y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra

A 900-page book that took me longer to read than I expected but it was worth it. High stakes conspiracy, gangsters, blood and gore, and mystery. All set to the backdrop of Mumbia, a setting that engrosses you from the beginning. Made me want to read more stories set in India.

singhaniashares *Mumbai 6y
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Sacred Games | Vikram Chandra

This is the third book in a row I've read with narrative point of view switches, even one with third and second POV in one book. Must be a lucky streak.