Bombogenesis cancelled school tomorrow! So excited for my free reading day! No snow dance needed!
Bombogenesis cancelled school tomorrow! So excited for my free reading day! No snow dance needed!
Hope all my fellow Ontarian littens stay safe tonight! It‘s been snowing in my area for about an hour and the roads are already terrible and we have no water. Crossing our fingers and knocking on wood that the power stays on. If it‘s a snow day tomorrow, at least I‘ll be able to read 🤷🏻♀️📖❄️
Some people head for the grocery store, I must get to the library. Thank goodness I made it. 🙃 Snowing again with below 0 temps. 🥶❄️⛄️💨🌬 Won‘t be going anywhere else soon. 😜😎
#WinterWonderland Day 2: 1st book that came to mind with #WinterKills. I so enjoyed these folded pages here – detailing the young Rocco‘s map and how he managed to help not just his family, but his neighbors as well, and how he obtained the much-needed supplies from the store. There is childlike joy here, but there is also resolve, and a sense of determination. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-9aD
❄️ Yay, if it is rare
🌧 Occasionally- usually we get one or two good snow days
☃️ Snuggle on the couch with the fur baby beasts and read or watch epic fantasy movies
❄️ Watching the doggo revel in the snow!
It doesn‘t look like I‘ll be getting much reading done today! This is a shot of the end of my driveway- multiple trees have fallen across it. At least we didn‘t lose power. I would say it‘s beautiful if I didn‘t have to go clean it up. I hope everyone else who got hit weathered the storm ok.
Finally have generators going and have power. We lost it Friday and they said we won't get it back until Wednesday. I missed my Litsy friends. Hope everyone who had to deal with this noreaster is safe! #blizzard2018 #winter #snowstorm
Holy sheep!!! 😱 After several mild days from the 50s up to the 70s, we just suddenly got hit with this monster snowstorm! Huge flakes, crazy fierce winds, total whiteout. Yowza!! Pic on the left is from 6:30, the pics on the right just 3 hours later. #blizzard #snow
So we ended up getting a little over 20 inches of snow here on top of our mountain, when all was said and done. Did you get snowed in too? How much did you get? 🌨❄️☃️
Received word that my work is closed tomorrow thanks to the upcoming blizzard. 👏🏻👏🏻Anyone else going to be snowed in with a stack of books? If so, what's your Storm TBR?⛄️❄️⛄️❄️📚 #stellatbr
Even the kitty is amazed by the blizzard outside. 70cm in some parts of the province today. Another work from home/read books/knot day for me AND the hubs. Haha. Work. Maybe.
This was the weather as we drove 90 miles home from meeting my surgeon yesterday... Buffalo ended up getting 24 inches in places! And I've got a 20x22cm ovarian cyst... And since it's so big, I get to make the return journey to meet a second surgeon next week!
I've been reading this to my third graders, and the more I read it, the more I really want a really BIG snowstorm this year! 😂☃️