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Veronika decide di morire
Veronika decide di morire | Paulo Coelho
Veronika has everything she could wish for - but is not happy. One morning she decides to die and she takes an overdose, only to wake up in hospital where she realises she has only days to live. The story follows Veronika through these intense days.
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I appreciate Paulo Coelho as an author. He‘s not timid about writing about deep matters concerning the philosophy of society all wrapped in fiction. This particular book is related and loosely based on his own lived experience which makes it even more profound.

#PauloCoelho #AddToYourTBR


It was a quick read

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I finished listening to this while catching up with my laundry. I am gonna try to re-visit books in Spanish in 2023 to help emerge myself :)


Lobster making himself at home

Cosmos_Moon_River That is a great idea! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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I listened to a lot of this while grocery shopping and getting my car cleaned (the salts on the roads, my car was all icky!)


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I‘ve decided to try to immerse myself in Spanish more. Been watching more Spanish TV and decided to pick up a re-visit #AudioCommute in Spanish :)

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As I keep reading this, it's bringing a whole new perspective. I spent minutes in between reading, thinking about what's said in here. Loving this book!!

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Oh my GOSH. This is going on the list of books that stay in the forefront of my consciousness for the rest of my life. This novel examines how we look at sanity & also how we approach life itself. Do we value our lives more when faced with the loss of it? Veronika decides to die, but she awakens in an asylum & is told she only has days to live. The impact this has on Veronika & the other inmates is what follows & it‘s lovely. 213/1,001 #1001Books

BarbaraBB I loved this book too 🤍 3y
AshleyHoss820 @BarbaraBB Yay!! I love when that happens! ☺️ It was just so good and thought-provoking! 3y
BarbaraBB Such an original book, while I am not a real Coelho fan. 3y
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AshleyHoss820 @BarbaraBB This is my first Coelho, and I was very nervous because he gets pretty mixed reviews. There‘s quite a few of his works on The List too! (edited) 3y
BarbaraBB Indeed! I wouldn‘t have read this one if it weren‘t on the list to be honest but I am very glad I did! 3y
AshleyHoss820 @BarbaraBB I‘m a little nervous to read his other books since I enjoyed this one so much! McEwan is another List author I go back and forth with. I loved Black Dogs and Amsterdam but had a hard time with Enduring Love. 3y
BarbaraBB Same re McEwan. And he has so many books on the list! My favorites are Atonement and 3y
AshleyHoss820 @BarbaraBB I‘m super glad to hear you like those because I still have those to read! I was thinking of sneaking in Child in Time and see how it goes! 😄 3y
tokorowilliamwallace Ah, this might resonate, with my living with a newly-diagnosed schizophrenic best friend and roommate, and working as a caregiver in memory care for those with dementia, in the recent past! 3y
AshleyHoss820 @tokorowilliamwallace I just finished a book that might be interesting to you, then! This: 3y
tokorowilliamwallace @AshleyHoss820, thank you for the recommendation. I will look it up on both thriftbooks and Amazon. I did forget that this Coelho book was available for sale at the library, but in Spanish. 3y
AshleyHoss820 @tokorowilliamwallace ThriftBooks is my absolute go-to! It‘s almost solely where I get books! ☺️ 3y
tokorowilliamwallace @AshleyHoss820, do you have a review of it up on Goodreads?
Yeah, thinking about insulin shock therapy is unconscionable since I'm a diabetic and have to worry about drops in blood sugar levels while sleeping, while in stress, or exerting myself too much; always making sure to have glucose tablets or quick-glucose absorption snacks on me for common sudden episodes
(edited) 3y
AshleyHoss820 @tokorowilliamwallace I rarely write reviews on GR, just star ratings. But I have a review of it on here! My mother-in-law is diabetic and we just lost a niece to it. The shock her body would go through in DK is no joke. (edited) 3y
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Wow..... The prose in this book! So beautiful & lyrical, & the ending, the ending! I thought the big 'm' scene was a bit vulgar & unnecessary I won't give any spoilers but if you've read the book you know which scene I'm talking about. I'm willing to overlook it though because of the wonderful prose & the fact that this book has so many quotables in it! 🌟🌟🌟 Taking two stars off for the yuck scene but otherwise it's beautiful 😊📚💖

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So many quotables in this book 📖💘

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I'm back after months of study. Time for some quality reading time!! 😊📚💗

Chrissyreadit 👏🙌🥳 3y
CarolynM Welcome back 👋🙂 3y
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An awareness of death, encourage us to live more intensely.

-- 4⭐️

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‘Stay mad, but behave like normal people. Run the risk of being different, but learn to do so without attracting attention.‘

Read on: June, 2021

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A philosophical story of a young girl and her exploration of life and death. One thing I‘ve never really spent the time thinking about was what happiness is. At one point, Paulo wrote, “The happier people can be, the unhappier they are”. Left me with something to think about.

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Just finished The Witch of Portobello and started this! I am really enjoying his books! This will be the third of his that I've read.
What are your favorite Paulo Coelho books?

Photo of my fur babies for cuteness factor 😍

AloraGrey @Chrissyreadit Yes! That was my first of his. And loved it. 4y
AloraGrey @Chrissyreadit Ohhh! I'll add The Spy to my list! Thank you! 4y
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This was a reread for me but I loved it! I am super thankful for #FoodandLit for encouraging me to revisit this one! Now I NEED Brazilian food!

@Butterfinger @Texreader @jb72

jb72 That is definitely one I enjoyed. I just finished The Midnight Library which isn‘t the same but had a similar feel to it. 4y
Butterfinger I liked this book a lot. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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jb72 More women should read that statement. 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I agree!!! 4y
TheBookHippie YAAAAAS. 4y
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Something I should really look into.

#FoodandLit @Butterfinger @Texreader @jb72

Butterfinger I try to take this to heart. But, it doesn't last long. 4y
Avanders Hiya lady - just checking to make sure you received your #cbbc package? Usps says it was delivered yesterday morning.. 🤞🏽🤞🏽 4y
ElizaMarie @Butterfinger Ha yes! I need to be re-reminded of these things all the time! 4y
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ElizaMarie @Avanders Yes I did! I am so sorry I haven't posted yet! I just moved into the house and my mother is in town “helping“ me and kinda driving me crazy with all the work she is helping with and the “go-go-go“ attitude and I am exhausted and just wanted to nap! Okay all excuses, but I started it last night and will post soon :) 4y
Avanders @ElizaMarie oh no worries at all! I totally get it — we moved ~6 months ago and we‘re definitely still settling in! 🤪 Is your address going to stay the same? You can email me at Leathy18 at gmail if you prefer :) 4y
ElizaMarie @Avanders I will have my PO Box still for a bit. But I will send you my official address too! 4y
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I am going to be starting this as soon as Hoopla lets me download it :)

#FoodandLit @Butterfinger , @Texreader @jb72

jb72 I‘ve read that one and actually enjoyed it. 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 This is going to be a re-vist for me. I have been meaning to revisit it and now that I am participating in this challenge and Coehlo is Brazilian I am using this as an “excuse“ to reread this one (well I will be listening to it this time around) 4y
Butterfinger I am one who enjoys Coelho. I read it awhile back. It was strange and beautiful. 4y
ElizaMarie @Butterfinger Thats what I felt when I read it way long ago. I am hoping that the memory is accurate and I enjoy the rereading of this one. 4y
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I enjoyed this but didn‘t love it. The ending was obvious. But had great discussions on life and death and beauty and love and sanity. I finished the book while my students were taking a practice test... for 6 hours... on zoom
I saw a review of the book that said it is mix of Girl, Interrupted and Catcher In The Rye and that is.. extremely accurate.

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Starting to read this Coelho book. Not a fan of the title- it's particularly triggering for me- but this read has been on my shelf for ages and has that low page count I'm after to complete my #MountTBR challenge. Sometimes you have to read things you're uncomfortable with to be exposed to other views. #currentlyreading

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BarbaraBB Looking forward to your choices 💕 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
Librarybelle I‘m interested to see your selections! 4y
BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Did you finish the challenge? Remember to update your form by 1/1/2021 for a chance at a $25 Amazon Gift card (link on my wall!) 4y
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Who is mad? People inside the walls of asylum or outside those walls? What is reality? What is life? Who are you?

If any of these questions ever crossed your mind, just go, grab and read this boook. Not the best of #paulocoelho but definitely worth a read.

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Thanks for the tag @jb72 and @eggs for this #WonderousWednesday prompt!

1. Mid 40s (but I feel like I am freezing to death)
2. Sunflowers are always fun to see (my fav flower is tulips but never seen them in the wild)
3. I recommend the tagged book a lot, try to recommend a Stephen King, or a classic like the Johnathan Livingston Seagull

Tagging: @Chrissyreadit , @jessinikkip , @Bookworm54

jb72 The tagged book is pretty good. I read it years ago. 4y
Eggs How was your move across the states? 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 its been a long time since I read it but I really loved it then. Perhaps its time for a reread! 4y
ElizaMarie @Eggs it isn't a move move. I have a contract for about 3 months so its a quick relocation for that much time. But it was okay. I am trying to adjust to all this cold! South Texas is nothing like Vermont! The drive was long but it wasn't bad 4y
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I just didn't enjoy this I thought it was so one dimensional and boring. It's only a short book and its took me over a week to finish it 🙃
#ReadingEurope2020 #Slovenia 🇸🇮 (35th country)

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New book to start set in #Slovenia for #ReadingEurope2020 will probably take me all week as I'm away with school for residential then away at the weekend with the family 😊

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Beautiful, infuriating, thought provoking, and bizarre. My first Coelho book but certainly not my last.

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"I never used to suffer from depression on cold, gray, cloudy days like this. I felt as if nature was in harmony with me, that it reflected my soul. On the other hand, when the sun appeared, the children would come out to play in the streets, and everyone was happy that it was such a lovely day, and then I would feel terrible, as if that display of exuberance in which I could not participate was somehow unfair."

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"Everyone has their own theory about everything, and they believed that their truth was the only one that mattered."
I have no words to fully describe this book. It forces you to change your outlook towards things and brings about a new dimension to things around you.

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11-12-19: My 92nd finished book of 2019! #veronikadecidestodie #paulocoelho 👍🏼📖#️⃣9️⃣2️⃣

ElizaMarie This is one of my fav books! Hope you enjoyed it! 5y
GidgetsTreasures75 @ElizaMarie I did! It was wonderful! 👏🏼 5y
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11-10-19: “Nothing in this world happens by chance.”

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24 yo Veronika seems to have everything—youth and beauty, boyfriends and a loving family, a fulfilling job. But something is missing in her life. One cold November morning, she takes a handful of sleeping pills expecting never to wake up. But she does—at a mental hospital where she is told that she has only days to live. Book questions the meaning of madness and celebrates individuals who do not fit into patterns society considers to be normal.

jb72 I ended up liking this book. 5y
EadieB @jb72 Good to hear! 5y
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#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush Day 7

@AkashaVampie thanks again for the tag sweetie!
@SW-T thanks again for the tag hon!

Post 7 book covers that you love over 7 days, with no explanation. Tag someone new each day

@Kachenii tag your it


“We all live in our own world. But if you look up at the starry sky, you‘ll see that all the different worlds up there combine to form constellations, solar systems, galaxies”

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I picked up and didn‘t finish this book years ago. I finished it this time. I liked the ending and some of the Villete characters but I thought the book tried too hard to be meaningful and philosophical. It came off as forced through the characters not natural. I will pass this book on to someone that appreciates Coelho more than I do.

Veronika Decide Morir | Paulo Coelho

Love it

CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌷 6y
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I enjoyed this Coelho although I did not find it to be realistic in regards mental health issues. Also, I don‘t think it really covers Slovenia as it could have taken place in any country recently torn apart by political issues PLUS it was a running joke that no one in the world knew where Slovenia was. I think I need to find another book for #slovenia #readaroundtheworld

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For #ReadAroundTheWorld this month the country is #Slovenia so I rooted around my basement books to unearth this - part of a three book compilation. It‘s been probably on my TBR for a decade, so I was excited to read it- but I‘m not sure that it gave me that much of a sense of the setting and more of a jumping off place to pondering bigger issues like mental illness, treatments, life and relationships... definitely one that begs to be discussed!

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Is Ljubljana, Slovenia a hidden gem or am I just not aware? Lovely place! The tagged book was more enjoyable than The Alchemist in my opinion but still not my favorite.

#Slovenia #Reading1001 #1001books #backpackEurope

Simona I can confirm that - it‘s a hidden gem😘 6y
KellyHunsakerReads @Simona where are you from? 6y
Jen_Reads Ljubljana is one of my absolute favorite places to visit. It‘s beautiful. 6y
Simona From Slovenija, but I live in Maribor. 6y
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If I were younger I would stay in this hostel located in a renovated prison! #Slovenia

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With Bowie‘s company, I breezed through this inspiring book. Coelho definitely left his heart on the page here. Much of Eduard‘s story mirrors his own experiences growing up and being institutionalized. In the beginning I found Veronika both confusing and annoying,but grew fond of her while she discovered who she really was and what she wanted from life. I‘m also here for any tale encouraging people to let their weird flag fly. #bowie #catsoflitsy

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