I saw this at the library today and thought of you and your epic hate read of the first book @Yossarian
3 ⭐️ - I much preferred the first book whose plot was easier to follow. This seemed to be unnecessarily complex and dare I say pointless by the time you get to the end. But I do want to read the next book to see what becomes of our jet setting, art loving, ruthless sociopath, Judith.
Thank you @LibrarianRyan for the #bookmail . I love The Wonder pouch and the book sounds like a great thriller!
Not even "so bad it's good" like Meastra was -- this sort of meandered boringly through sex and murder, sometimes half-heartedly stopping halfway through to blandly discuss Caravaggio. The plot revolved too highly around half-remembered poorly-reiterated minor characters from the first book, to the extend that the Whodunit reveal wasn't even a character I remembered.
If you want literary porn, look at this picture instead.
Domina was a highly satisfactory read for me. If you love your occasional indulgences in thriller and psychological mind games then pick the book up for a quick read this summer.
Physical Therapy = reading time, although I hate reading on the Aldiko app #smallfont
In the first third of the book, Hilton has described a corpse's skin as disgustingly "puffed out like new bread" and her lover's belly deliciously "puffed out like new bread."
So do we like new puffy bread or not?
You can try to distract me with an orgasmic, menstrual, lesbian cunnilingus sex scene, but you can't pull the wool over my eyes.
"Nidoric" isn't a word.
#LitsyAfterDark #ButLightEnoughToCheckTheDictionary
"The tarts were directing operations with all the conviction and enthusiasm of motivational dancers at Hieronymus Bosch's Bar-Mitzvah. . ."
The plot has taken an unfortunately expected turn.
Love this #booksleeve and still not sure about this book, enjoyed the first book but this one not so much so far. This sleeve is available in small and large http://etsy.me/2qEZ8GV #bookgogo
Exactly how does butter's colour change as it ages?
Last thoughts for Chapter One:
Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 non-sequitur false starts before you can finally settle down and decide what your paragraph is actually going to be about.
Also, "gaping prole." You keep saying "gaping." I do not think it means what you think it means. /inigomontoya
Google gives me about a dozen hits for the metaphor "burning coal of shame."
"Domina" is the sole source, however, of the metaphorically dyslexic "freezing coal of shame." Maybe coal works differently in England?
Ok- I was trying to wait until closer to pub date to share, it today's prompt is making forget that! #sobaditsgood #maybookflowers
Finally have the time I need to devote to a close reading of "Domina." By page 5, I have already settled into the perfect mix of bad sex, inexplicable murder, and horrible writing that the author mastered in "Maestra." I think this quote fully encapsulates all three elements. #litsyafterdark
And I got happy mail today?! 🤗🤗🤗🤗
It's here! I couldn't wait for the U.S. version to come out this summer, so I ordered it from Amazon.uk. The slow boat from London has finally arrived!
Ok- so you know when you're a kid and you get a gigantic mosquito bite and it itches like the devil? And you scratch it and scratch it and scratch it to smithereens? And then you get a scab, and you just can't help but pick at it until you bleed. Yeah. God have mercy on my soul- I've gone in. Can I explain this? Hangs head, sighs, thinks of all the amazing things she could be reading but nope, she is an idiot. 😔🤔😫😱
Not sure when I'll be able to get Domina. It seems to have different release dates in different countries. Anyone going to Europe want to sneak in a copy through customs for me?