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Black Bird of the Gallows
Black Bird of the Gallows | Meg Kassel
Her love breaks his curse. But his love spells her death. A simple but forgotten truth: Where harbingers of death appear, the morgues will soon be full. Angie Dovage can tell the mysterious new boy next door is more than he appears, but she can't imagine his presence signals a tragedy that will devastate her small town. But when a grotesque, otherworldly man tries to attack her and Reece comes to her rescue, everything changes. Any minute, chaos could rain down on her town, on her family, on everyone she cares about. But that's only half as dangerous as falling in love with a harbinger of death.
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Awesome book w an even more awesome cover!

Read my review!

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Between a pick and a so so but leans more toward a so so. This was good, could have been great. Easy read. It felt Twilight-ish but the plot was entertaining. It got a tad messy in parts, and the writing style was plain. The end was corny and didn't flow well with the rest of the story as if the writer didn't know how to wrap it up. I wanted to love this book but I couldn't.

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That was really fun! The plot was very predictable, what with it being patterned off of Twilight & all, but the MC, Angie, was really engaging, so her relationship with Reece felt believable without skirting over the line to eye-rolly. The world building was also solid, though I kind of wanted to know more about the politics of the otherworldly characters. A fun, slightly dark read perfect for a stormy night. ★★★☆☆.

Last of #2018!

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#currentlyreading | with a title like that, I‘m not sure what to expect but I‘m into it! Last of #2018 😊

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Angie Dovage can tell there‘s more to Reece Fernandez, but she can‘t imagine his presence signals a tragedy that will devastate her small town. Angie is thrown into a battle between good and evil she never saw coming.

What‘s more, she knows something most don‘t. That the secrets her town holds could kill them all...

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Snowy work day read

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Thank you so much @inwhichHeikereadsharder my box for #booktoteswap came today. I love everything especially Frodo. I love the tote, I've been wanting to read Black Bird of the Gallows, The Child Finder sounds awesome, love the Star Wars pins and everything else. Twix are my favs.
#booktoteswap @cobwebmoth 😸😸😸

heikemarie Yay! So sorry it was late :( I hope you and Frodo enjoy, it was fun shopping for you!! 7y
kamoorephoto Good book choices!! 7y
LeahBergen Wow! ❤️ What book is on the tote? 7y
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BookwormAHN @LeahBergen Frankenstein one of my favorites 💙 7y
CouronneDhiver That‘s a great bunch of gifts - wow! 😍 7y
LeahBergen I was wondering if that was what it was! It‘s amazing. 😍 7y
eanderson The little pins!!! So cute!!! Twix rocks and you have plenty for snacking and reading!!! 👍🤗 7y
Kaye Twix are for kids... sorry. Couldn‘t resist. Twix are for anyone with a mouth 👄 7y
KirstieE Holy moly those pins !!! 😍 and frodo omg 💜 7y
Avanders 😍😍 7y
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It is a gorgeous day for December and I should be out doing SOMETHING but instead I have barely left the couch. I have finished a novella and I am almost done with the tagged book so at least I have some reading accomplishments. Also, who could leave these two snuggle kitties?!

CareBear He/she is so high up on you! 😻 7y
AmyG Your cats ❤️ 7y
MarriedtoMrT @CareBear It‘s pretty much her current favorite place. She get right up under my chin. It‘s cute but sometimes difficult to work around. 7y
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After what seems like a long hiatus, to the point where I was worried I might have forgotten how to read a print book, I think I‘ve found a winner! 💃🏻

PenguinInFlight Pretty pages, too! 😍 7y
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"Balckbird singing in the dead of night. Takes these broken wings and learn to fly. All your life. You are only waiting for this moment to arise." ~ The Beatles
#bookblogger #bookreview #booknerdigans #bloggerstribe #bookstagrammer #like #followme #bookstagram #pagehabit #purple

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A unique and interesting read that will take you on an adventure and sweet romance.
3/5 ⭐️

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Currently reading. 🎃😄

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My @Pagehabit box came in today! Double win. I won some upgrades during their 365 days of books giveaway, so it was an extra special box. Look at that neat mug cover and tea diffuser! Really looking forward to reading these with annotations from the authors. #Pagehabit

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This was an interesting book and in a good way. Can't remember the last time I read a book with magic and without vampires/werewolves/faeries. I am 100% terrified of bees now though so there's that. I also really enjoyed the romance...like a lot!
The overall wrap up and conclusion wasn't perfect. Definitely showed her lack of experience but that comes with time. I'll definitely pick up the companion book and it's got a gorgeous cover!

minkyb No bees. No bees. No bees. 7y
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I made the mistake of missing 3 weeks of yoga and then going back for a class. Can't feel my legs or arms so bath and book!

kamoorephoto I really want this book too....so many... 7y
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This week's reading plan

kamoorephoto Oh I so want to read and OWN that book! I‘ve been ogling it for a while! 💓 7y
DrJAdMerricksson Black Bird was good! 7y
Batakris Graveyard Book=awesomeness! 7y
wonderlandchick Neil Gaiman is one of my favorites. I've read and listened and both experiences are satisfying. Neil Gaiman's voice is magical. 7y
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Thank you, @Pagehabit ! In the post-hurricane days without electricity, drinking water, or consistent internet, receiving your box(es) made my day!

emilyhaldi 💙💙💙 7y
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I got this book in my PageHabit box. Anyway, I do feel like the beginning and ending was a bit flat and it did somewhat feel like a bit like Twilight. With that aside, I could not put the book down and enjoyed learning about Harbingers and having a little bit of an eerie feel for this time of year.
#bookstagram #pagehabit #ya #paranormal #yaparanormal #bookreview #read #bookworm #booknerd #bookporn #bibliophile

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This book started off a little slow, but picked up after about 40 pages. If you like paranormal YA, this is for you!! This came in my PageHabit box and I can't wait for the second book!

kamoorephoto I want to read this badly!! 7y
RadicalReader @Meghan1 absolutely stunningly gorgeous book cover 6y
Meghan1 @RadicalReader it was! Good book, too! 6y
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TaylorMay Ooh pretty. I wonder if thw owner is a #Litten? 7y
Pagehabit @TaylorMay Hi! I don‘t know what a “litten” is or what it means. Can you explain? 7y
TaylorMay Oh no problem. Well, this is Litsy and the term most people have been using the term to explain a user of the app. Ex. My friend Jessie is a new Litten so make sure to say hi! 7y
TaylorMay I was wondering if the owner of this beautiful set up uses Litsy. 7y
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I can‘t believe I forgot to share my PageHabit box with you all this month. This was September‘s Young adult box. I didn‘t really like the bookish items (I like the HP key chain though). I started the book and it is meh so far.
#pagehabit #mypagehabit #youngadult #ya #fantasy #youngadultfantasy #bookstagram #booknerd #bookworm #bibliophile #spooky

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I love this book and think it‘s perfect for #macrabemonday #hallowreads @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck

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#currentlyreading It's weird interesting but I'm liking it so far

MidnightBookGirl I'm kind of sold based on the title and cover! 7y
sincerelykarenjo @MidnightBookGirl I love the cover! It's gorgeous!! 😊 7y
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If you enjoy paranormal romance stories and magical realism, I highly recommend grabbing a copy of this beauty! I had so much fun with it and could barely put it down. It is a little cheesy at times and there isn't much world building, which is why I knocked it down to 4 stars, but still a super fun and quick stand-alone. Full review @ howlinglibraries.com!

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Here are my September #TBR 🤗 I've already finished two which I really enjoyed and currently reading two. Trying to knock off as many of my Netgalley #eARCS as I can 😂🙈

Blog Post - https://sincerelykarenjo.wordpress.com/2017/09/07/september-tbr/

What's on your TBR?

#books #booklover #booknerd #bookhoarder #reader #reading #bookreviewer #bookaddict #bookworm #readallthebooks

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I started out reading this book really annoyed with aspects of Angie but, it was more of an eye roll and continue reading kind of thing.
The night I started this i stayed up all night reading and even with the things that bothered me about the character, all I wanted to do was read and I ended up really enjoying it. If I had read this when I was 14 I would have really loved it.

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Out of all the covers I'm posting this is my absolute favorite. I would have it as an art print hanging on my wall. Dark and bright, menacing but hopeful ... #coverlove #YAedition

JazzFeathers 😍😍😍😍 7y
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Monday, why must you come so fast! I really enjoyed setting up this picture, so many purple things! I especially adore my Boo funko pop, she's too adorable!
QOTD: What's your favorite funko pop that you own?
#bookishthisorthat- Purple vs Orange
#grimdragon - Right in the feels! What I Thought Was True
#literaryjune17 - Favorite friendship: Denton Littles Deathdate
#allthebooksjune - New to you author: Lyndsay Ely & Meg Kassel

MrBook You make awesome posts! You should check out @NovelPairing 👍🏻. Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay with us 😊👍🏻. We're the most positive, tight-knit, passionate bibliophile community you'll meet. Careful: this'll take over your life. 😂👏🏻🙌🏻 7y
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