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Das Erbe des Zauberers
Das Erbe des Zauberers: Ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt | Terry Pratchett
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Als der Magier Drum Billet seinen Zauberstab gem guter Sitte an den achten Sohn eines achten Sohnes bergeben will, macht er einen folgenschweren Fehler: Denn das Neugeborene ist ein Mdchen, und diesen ist der Zutritt zur Unsichtbaren Universitt verwehrt. Nun kann nur noch Oma Wetterwachs den Zauberern in Sachen Gleichberechtigung auf die Sprnge helfen ...
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Discworld 03 - Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Comfort books.

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Terry Pratchett wrote strong and independent women before it was cool 😁 I prefer the English title to the German one, since it shows more what the book is about. Still an ongoing topic, even though the book was published in 1987. Pratchett is timeless.

#roll100 @PuddleJumper
#serieslove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

Ruthiella I also just read this (and loved it) And yes, the pun in the English title is perfect! 🤩 I was happy to meet Granny Weatherwax since I know she turns up in later books. 6mo
Jari-chan @Ruthiella Granny is such an awesome character! 🤩 6mo
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 6mo
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Jari-chan @PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 6mo
TheSpineView Well done! 6mo
Jari-chan @TheSpineView Thank you ❤️ 6mo
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett

Leave it to Pratchett to write a book about gender roles that is… somehow both nuanced and charming? I mean, you generally expect a book with this premise to be “ultra-skilled girl shows up stupid men who won‘t let her join the boys‘ club.” And it is that. Sort of. But it‘s also much more than that, and frankly way more respectful to women (and women‘s historical skills more generally) than most of the established tropes.

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Here we meet Granny Weatherwax—a grumpy old witch and a mistress of “headology”. She‘s taking care of Esk, a girl from a village called Bad Ass, who is heading to become the Discworld‘s first female mage.

The first Discworld book I‘ve ever read, thus buried deep under a pile of nostalgia. The confrontation with reality took off some of its imaginary charm, but not much. It‘s still funny, and Granny is already shaping up to be a star.


Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Book 1/14 done! Loved this book the first time i read it, but needed to reread before continuing the arc...

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Here's the three Terry Pratchett books I ordered for myself: the first three in the witches series of Discworld. I adore them! 😍🧙

wildwoodreads They‘re so pretty omg. 😍 1y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Enjoying spring by reading a humorous, lighthearted book outside under the cherry tree 🌸

dabbe Gorgeous! 🤩 1y
UwannaPublishme So pretty! 1y
CSeydel Great book, great tree! 🌸 1y
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bibliothecarivs Wow! Here in northern Utah, it snowed this morning and I don't think my cherry tree even has leaves yet, let alone blossoms. 1y
StaceGhost @dabbe @UwannaPublishme @CSeydel thank you! This tree is just outside of my work, and I love it! There are a bunch of them all over. 1y
StaceGhost @bibliothecarivs I have to admit, I‘m actually jealous of your snow! We didn‘t get any at all this year and it didn‘t feel like winter. I really don‘t like the climate in the mid Atlantic lol Give me mountains any day! 1y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Comfort re-read of Discworld #3 and this is where Pratchett really begins to hit his stride with the series.

I'm slowly re reading all the books in order as and when the mood takes me.

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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks #LetterE

Had a long think about it, and a long scroll through Goodreads! 😁

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing!! 2y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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I love going back to these early Discworld novels. Yes, they‘re a little rougher, but I enjoy seeing how it all began.

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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“This was the time, when night wasn‘t quite over but day hadn‘t quite begun, when thoughts stood out bright and clear and without #disguise.” #QuotsyOct21

Discworld 03 - Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett


Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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My plans for #joysofjune

☀️Finish Equal Rites by Pratchett
☀️Read at least one of my BOTM books (How Lucky or Arsenic and Adobo, most likely)
☀️Buy a new set of earbuds so I can finish Float Plan
☀️Finish 5 books total


Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 3y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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“There are storms that are frankly theatrical, all sheet lightning & metallic thunder rolls...But this was a storm of the Circle Sea plains & its main #ambition was to hit the ground with as much rain as possible. It was the kind of storm that suggests that the whole sky has swallowed a diuretic. The thunder & lightning hung around in the background, supplying a sort of chorus, but the rain was the star of the show. It tap-danced across the land.”

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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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My #bookspin book for March - I'm happy that this got picked, it's a really fun read, I enjoyed every second of it. While it has less "action" than the first two Discworld books Terry Pratchett's fun style still makes it worth the read.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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I enjoy the Discworld books to a degree. They are short easy reads, good to read after a heavy epic fantasy book, but for some reason I just don't seem to get into them or love them the same as others

I enjoy the humour of the books but not overly so & I definitely cant claim they make me laugh out loud

This takes us away from Rincewind & introduces us to a girl with wizard powers in a world not yet accepting of females as wizards.

LazyOwl I enjoyed this, but found myself missing the story of rincewind as I found I enjoyed those Discworld books more so. 4y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Book 3️⃣ of the #12booksof2020

This is a sentimental selection, falling as it does in what I‘m calling my #discwhirled (re)read. There are better Discworld books and better books featuring the Witches (IMO this book is a prototype for the eventual Tiffany Aching subseries). However, I needed Granny Weatherwax this year. Looking forward to continuing my Discworld reading at a faster pace in 2021.

Andrew65 Can‘t beat Terry Pritchett. 4y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett

Very fun Discworld novel, but not in his elite tier.

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Another #bookspinbingo space! I‘m going to work on the bottom row and keep my fingers crossed... we‘ll see! The witches and the Tiffany Aching books are definitely favourites from the Discworld series.

TheAromaofBooks Awesome progress!! 4y
Helen19 @TheAromaofBooks thank you 😊 Wise children took me half the month by itself but I‘m back on track now! 4y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Maybe a loose fit for the #justice prompt! The next book in my slow travels through the Discworld. #flyhighjuly

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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This year‘s #tbrbingo has been going a lot better than my efforts in previous years. I‘m just over halfway done as of the halfway mark in the year.

If you look closely, you‘ll see that I skipped one of my #bookclub books. Also: I‘m only one book away from the end of the #modernlibrarytop100 ‼️

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Well Litsy, it‘s been a long time. Not sure whether I‘m really “back” but @Lindy tagged me in a post and I decided to say hello.

How are you all doing? Anything exciting going on over the last few months?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Just hiding from the real world 😉. It‘s crazy out there. 4y
Leftcoastzen Pretty planter. 4y
Lindy Hello! 🤗 4y
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julesG Welcome back! You know, there's this pandemic going on out there, but it's the perfect excuse for staying in and reading. Social Distancing for the win. 😉 4y
batsy Hello 👋🏽 4y
twohectobooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I wish I could do more hiding to be honest! I‘ve been working in an office throughout the craziness and it‘s been really busy and stressful :( Glad you seem to be doing (relatively) ok! 4y
twohectobooks @Leftcoastzen thank you! Pretty silly to come back to litsy without a book photo but I‘ve gotten out of the habit of taking them! Anyway I‘m also proud that I finally seem to have found a spot in my yard that a coleus will enjoy. 4y
twohectobooks @julesG haha yes, I *have* noticed the global pandemic! I‘ve had to continue working in an office building the whole time however, and putting in lots of overtime lately, so not too much extra reading time. 4y
twohectobooks @batsy it‘s taken a while to respond because I‘m definitely taking a while to get back into the swing of things. I‘ve been following your reviews on goodreads at least! Always enjoy your thoughts on books. 4y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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“The universe is littered with them: hidden villages, windswept little towns under wide skies, isolated cabins on chilly mountains, whose only mark on history is to be the incredibly ordinary place where something extraordinary started to happen.” #cabin #QuotsyJun20

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett

Book 29

Back to playing catch up.

Im torn on this one. I love the plot, especially since my husband and I are bad at gender rolls (he's a nurse who loves to cook and I'm aspiring to become a carpenter/furniture builder) we are trying to raise our kids to do what they're best at, not what their gender dictates. Which is absolutely what Sir Terry is going for. He just can't write a realistic female character, which is his biggest short coming.

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Very much enjoying this rainy day by sitting outside and reading before trying to do anything more productive.

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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“It is well known that a #vital ingredient of success is not knowing that what you're attempting can't be done.” #QuotsyApr20

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett

This book follows a young girl who wants nothing more than to become a wizard. In this world, wizardry is a masculine magic, as apposed to the feminine witchcraft. With an old witch, Granny Weatherwax, guiding her, the girl navigates becoming a wizard against all odds. This book explores gender roles in a magical way. A must read by the always astounding, Terry Pratchett.

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Pratchett never disappoints. Quick and easy read that puts a smile on your face. I laughed out loud on more than one occasion.

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett

"Esk gazed down defiantly. Granny glared up sternly. Their wills clanged like cymbals and the air between them thickened. But Granny had spent a lifetime bending recalcitrant creatures to her bidding and, while Esk was a surprisingly strong opponent, it was obvious that she would give in before the end of the paragraph." Ha! Gotta love Terry Pratchett's wit.

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Spent about an hour this evening outside reading with Minerva 😊 #CatsofLitsy #CatwithBook

Annl Love the name and I walk my cat outside also! 5y
TK-421 @Annl Thanks! 5y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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The #epicreread continues! Inspired by my husband‘s first reading of #Discworld, I decided I‘ll reread the books in the same order my hubby chooses to read them. So far, he‘s read the first couple of City Watch books, the first two Witches books, and just started Mort, the first Death book. It‘s been years since I first read Equal Rites so I‘m really looking forward to this rereading! Minerva‘s keeping me company 😻 #CatsofLitsy

Leftcoastzen Beautiful Minerva !😻 5y
aprilpohren I have never heard of these. Do they need to be read in a certain order? 5y
Catsandbooks Cute kitty! 💕 5y
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twohectobooks This is such a great idea! I‘m also doing a (very slow) reread in publication order and will be filling in the gaps of the ones I‘ve missed as I go. It‘s so fun to share Discworld, though. 5y
TK-421 @aprilpohren usually refer people to this helpful reading order guide (2.0) http://www.lspace.org/books/reading-order-guides/the-discworld-reading-order-gui.... It doesn‘t include some of his later novels, but it‘s a good starting point. I also found an updated reading order guide (3.0) on Wikipedia but I think it sort of complicates things.

I‘d say choose one of the "starter novels" from any of the Discworld threads (except Rincewind*) ?
TK-421 and read it. If you‘re not interested in those characters, try jumping to a different thread. Some people read in publication order, but I personally think one shouldn‘t do that the first time around. 5y
TK-421 *Terry Pratchett himself said, “I find it now rather embarrassing that people beginning the Discworld series start with The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic, which I don‘t think are some of the best books to start with. This is the author saying this, folks. Do not start at the beginning with Discworld.” 5y
TK-421 @twohectobooks It is a lot of fun! I also need to fill in some gaps. There‘s still 7 or 8 books I haven‘t read yet. Some I own but can‘t read until I find a copy of the book that takes place beforehand. Doing a reread is a great way to bide my time until I can buy or borrow the missing books 😊 5y
aprilpohren Thank you @TK-421 5y
gradcat Your cat & cat photos are so sweet—I get a big smile on my face every time you post them. Looking forward to #QuotsySept19 ... sorry to have missed so many days this month! Hope things come back to earth for me very soon! 😂 5y
TK-421 @gradcat Aww thank you! 😊 I‘m glad they make you smile 😃 I‘ve missed some days this month too because of life stuff so don‘t feel bad! I‘m a bit behind with posting Sept‘s list but should have it ready later today 🤞 5y
gradcat No pressure...just as you please. I‘ll be there whenever it comes. And, as always, thank you for doing Quotsy...I really enjoy participating in it! ♥️ 5y
TK-421 @gradcat You‘re welcome & thank you! that means a lot to me 🤗 I always enjoy seeing your posts! The #QuotsySept19 list is ready & posted 😀 5y
gradcat Yay!! 😁 5y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Going to start reading this book. I have an hour before I have to get ready for work and reading seems like a good pastime.

TK421 I loved this one. Enjoy!☺ 5y
booksandsympathy @TK421 thanks! So far I'm enjoying it. Laughing from the first paragraph. 5y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett

Book 55 of the year finished July 16, audio

A girl is bequeathed a wizards staff at the hour of her birth, causing all sorts of drama when she gets a bit older, because as everyone knows, girls can't be wizards.

The one liners in this are fantastic. Pratchett's early discworld books were packed to the brim with them.

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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A couple years ago I tried to reread this, didn't really make progress, left it half-read. Now I picked it up again, started from the beginning, and finished it in 2 or 3 days. Granny Weatherwax is in it, but she's not quite the Granny we know and love. There's a scene where she's out borrowing that now made me sad.


julesG Granny in her early stages. 😉 5y
PickwickPlockPlock @julesG I love Granny in all her stages 😁 5y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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My husband and I went on a road trip today. We went to an independent local bookstore and this is what we bought.

Heideschrampf What a find! Too bad Pratchett never got round to writing an episode of Doctor Who 5y
booksandsympathy @Heideschrampf That would've been amazing. 5y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Welp, I'll be honest: this was not my favorite of dear TP's. I love Granny and I love the concept and it had some funny, insightful moments, but dare I say...it felt boring? Do we ever see Esk and Simon again? Do we learn more about her training? Why don't we ever see other women at the academy in any of the other books? I always love TP so I'll give it a pick...but it fell pretty flat for me compared to some of his other work.

Cheshirecat913 I had to push through this one myself. There are fun parts and I always love the inanimate, animate objects (the staff and castle). But I agree it was a bit flat and dragged. 5y
IndyHannaJones @Cheshirecat913 I did love the castle 5y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Comforting reread

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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“He had the kind of real deep tan that rich people spent ages trying to achieve with expensive holidays and bits of tinfoil, when really all you need to do to obtain one is work your arse off in the open air everyday.”

#SongsOfTheSummer | 10: #SoakUpTheSun

#30JuneBooks | 10: #Summer

📷: Made with Typorama

OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🎶😎 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🤣🤣🤣 5y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Granny is great and this was a lot of clever fun. There are quite a few pointed messages here but Pratchett manages to always deliver them in an easy, fun manner. I didn't love the reading of this though. Starting to worry I might like Sir Terry more than I like his books. (Note: I didn't dislike reading this, but when I put it down I wasn't anxious to get back to it.)

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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“He had the kind of real deep tan that rich people spent ages trying to achieve with expensive holidays and bits of tinfoil, when really all you need to do to obtain one is work your arse off in the open air everyday.” #holiday #QuotsyMay19

Discworld 03 - Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Another sort of "filler" book and a reread for me as I can't seem to land on something that fits my current reading mood...

Discworld 03 - Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Hilarious. Brilliant as ever..🌟

Vansa SUCH. A good book. So insightful as well 5y
Severnmeadows @Vansa Yes! 😊 5y
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Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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Hoping for another evening like this 😊

Equal Rites | Terry Pratchett
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This was absolutely awesome and such a quick read. My favorite so far. 😎😎😎

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