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Bleak House by Charles Dickens
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A short but powerful read with very scary statistics around birth and motherhood for black women in the UK. #booked2021 #antiracist

rockpools Just popping in to say hi. Hope you‘re doing well. 🌻 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Canal Dreams | Iain Banks
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This was the only book on my shelf with a #MusicalInstrumentOnCover so had to be my choice for #booked2021 I wasn‘t too keen as I‘d tried to start it a few years back and given up but it was better than I expected. Found myself skimming over the descriptions of shipping stuff but liked the bits in between. Still not as enjoyable for me as others I‘ve read by him.

Cinfhen Glad you were able to use a book from your shelf ☘️too bad it wasn‘t a solid pick 3y
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Pretty sure the author‘s motto is ‘why write one joke when you can write three in a row?‘ Every other sentence was a metaphor/simile/sarcastic comment and it was grating. The son with asperger‘s kept being blamed as the reason her dating life was unsuccessful but I‘m pretty sure it was mainly down to her. The son was the most likeable character!

smalldogs_bigbooks2419 That title really caught my attention. Bummer to hear it wasn‘t what you had hoped for. 3y
Helen19 @smalldogs_bigbooks2419 I just wanted more of an insight to the character with asperger‘s and felt it was more of a tale of the dating life of his mother! I totally get that people use humour to cope but it was like the author wanted a chance to show how funny she is. I grabbed it in the library for the same reason but it didn‘t work for me! 3y
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Mobile Library: A Novel | David Whitehouse
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Well… this was not the ‘book about books‘ I was expecting when the title caught my eye at the library! Comes with a lot of trigger warnings, a really heartfelt story about found family.

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What a wonderful thing to come home to - thank you so much @TheBookHippie this was a lovely surprise. I will do my best to catch up for #sundaybuddyread but even if I don‘t manage it, I still really appreciate your generosity and kindness!

TheBookHippie Yay so excited it made it!!! Phew that took a bit 😂🎉💙📘 3y
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Lighthousekeeping | Jeanette Winterson
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I‘m not sure Winterson‘s books are for me… they always make me feel like I‘m missing something! I enjoyed most of the story for the story‘s sake but I kept feeling like there was a deeper meaning that I just wasn‘t spotting!

Indiscretion: A Novel | Jude Morgan
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I just loved this. It was so funny and I fell for the main characters completely. I‘m itching to watch something regency based now! Thank you for sending this in a swap, @Cupcake12 - perfect choice!

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Could pretty much have just posted the same list I used in May as didn‘t get very far this month but here are my choices for June‘s #bookspin and #bookspinbingo

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Small Kindnesses | Fiona Robyn
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Thank you for the tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I see you and lots of people on here practising this all the time!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww 💗💗💗 3y
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The Promise | Katerina Diamond
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This is the fourth in a series and while none of them have been as good as the first, I am still enjoying and continuing them. I think I read this one after too long a gap though, I‘d forgotten a bit of the back story which probably would have made it even better. Read for #booked2021 #hear/here - creepy murders set in the city where I live!

Cinfhen I love a hometown setting & it‘s even better when the book is good too 😁 3y
Helen19 @Cinfhen My sense of direction is not great but even I could keep up with where the MC was most of the time!! 3y
Cinfhen I like when they mention local hangout spots or the mini market or pizza place / a long time ago, a neighbor wrote a book and she very thinly disguised names of places but it was SO EASY to pickup on where and who she was describing 😂like all the moms used to hang out at coffee planet and she renamed it coffee world and all the kids went to Miss Cathy‘s dance studio and she called it Ms. Katy‘s ballet studio. 3y
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Sing, Unburied, Sing | Jesmyn Ward
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I didn‘t quite manage to finish this in April for #authoramonth but I‘m so glad I‘ve read it. The relationships in this book are beautiful and heartbreaking. There were many lumps in throat and needing tissue moments. I think I need to re-read the ending though, some of it was lost on me as I pushed through to finish whilst half nodding off!

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My list for May‘s #bookspin and #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Finishing this one a little late for #sundaybuddyread. I really liked it to begin with but the ‘disappearing‘ characters and plot lines brought it down a notch.

TheAromaofBooks The “so-so“ rating seems popular for this one... 3y
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks It is accurate. For sure. A good edit would get it a better rating 😬 3y
TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - sometimes one does wonder what an author's editor was even thinking - like... your job is to EDIT?! 😂 3y
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks It seems to be worse as of late… in many books I‘ve read 🤦🏽‍♀️ 3y
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The Library Book | Susan Orlean
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Thankfully our libraries opened up just as I started this one - it made me desperate to go! Took my 20 month old for the first time since he was a little baby and he kept looking around saying ‘wow!‘ 😍 Arthur loves his digger book, I‘m not sure how he will react when I tell him we have to return it... #booked2021 library in title

Cinfhen So wonderful to see the little ones enjoying the library 💜 3y
Bookwormjillk 💜💜 3y
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The White Tiger: A Novel | Aravind Adiga
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Didn‘t expect to find myself on the side of a murderer but this book had me sort of rooting for the main character, wanting him to escape the life he was describing. #booked2021 Set in UN peacekeeping country.

Cinfhen This is meant to be a classic ❣️it‘s been on my TBR forever 3y
Helen19 @Cinfhen I have had it for ages but this challenge has been great for my TBR so far. I think I might have to buy for the ‘Appalachian noir‘ one but all the rest should be TBR or library 🤞 3y
Cinfhen Awesomeness!!! 3y
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This month will be a year since I lost both my grandma and grandad and I‘m not sure I would have read this book right now had I known more of what it was about! An emotional start to my next #booked2021 season! #translatedtofirstlanguage

Cinfhen I‘m sorry you chose a book with such a sensitive topic/ but glad you enjoyed the book 💕Im also sorry for the difficult year you had. 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage So sorry for your losses. 😢 3y
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My list for April‘s #bookspin and #bookspinbingo mainly showing how far behind I am with #whattheDickens read along!

Lucy_Anywhere You and me both! I‘m just on Chapter 24 of Bleak House 🙈 3y
Helen19 @Lucy_Anywhere I‘m on 22 🤦🏼‍♀️It‘s not even as though I‘m not enjoying it, I‘ve just committed to reading way too many other books which seem to get picked up first! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! And I'm a big fan of splitting up chunksters across multiple squares. It really helps me get through them sometimes! 3y
Helen19 @TheAromaofBooks I think it will be a good motivation. If I haven‘t read much more by May then my whole book spin list might be Bleak House next month 😂 3y
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes it's just what you need. I gave Moby-Dick five squares & it still didn't feel like enough 😂 3y
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My #bookspin choice, just in time! I liked most of it but it didn‘t match up to the previous Peter May‘s I‘ve read.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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The Breakthrough | Daphne Du Maurier
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For saying I don‘t normally read short stories or sci-fi, I didn‘t dislike this, but I didn‘t love it. Scientists experimenting with life after death. Dubious ethics and outdated mindsets made me feel equally uncomfortable! #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

The Wonder | Emma Donoghue
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A bit repetitive at times but intriguing storyline and kept me wondering! My final pick for Winter #booked2021 #covidheroes nurse as MC.

Crazeedi 🎉🎉👏👏 3y
Cinfhen Yay!! This wasn‘t my favorite of hers but it was still intriguing 3y
Cinfhen Don‘t forget ❣️❣️❣️You have until midnight, April 3 to fill out the first quarter form to be entered in our drawing ?

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BarbaraBB I read this one too for this prompt! 3y
Helen19 @BarbaraBB Did you enjoy it? I‘m trying to use my TBR shelves for this challenge so it was this or an Elly Griffiths one but I didn‘t really want to use a Dr of archeology for Covid Heroes prompt - didn‘t feel quite right! 3y
BarbaraBB I did. Definitely not an all time favorite but like you I wanted to use my TBR shelves! 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! Confirming that we have your entry! 🤓🎉📚 3y
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Thank you so much @DinoMom for my #litsylovespringswap
The books are especially great choices - I‘ve been so intrigued by all the reviews for Braiding Sweetgrass, glad to hear you enjoyed it. And I‘ve wanted the other for ages! I‘m already wearing the socks and as soon as my toddler gets taken for a walk in a minute I‘m going to be opening the fudge with a cup of tea. Thank you!

DinoMom Hope you enjoy the reads. Enjoy your walk and as a toddler mom you deserve to sit down with some tea and a treat! 3y
Mitch Great book choices 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 3y
Bookgoil Such fun goodies!!! 3y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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Thank you ever so much for the birthday cards #litsylove folks! Really appreciated 😊

Helen19 Also @cozypunk ! I was just checking the name change 😊 x 3y
BookwormAHN Happy Birthday ✨🎇🎆 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!!! It made it! 3y
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Helen19 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thank you for sending and thinking of me when you‘re going through tough times x 3y
Helen19 @Crazeedi your beautiful card has also arrived, thank you 😊 3y
Crazeedi @Helen19 💗💗💗 3y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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All the reviews and quotes say how ‘spellbinding‘ and ‘magical‘ this book is, which it was but the magic was mostly used to control and manipulate people and I found it more sinister and sad than spellbinding. A good read though! #booked2021 Author‘s name begins with A/B/C

Cinfhen Nice review/ the cover sucked me in but I didn‘t care for the story ☹️ 3y
Cathythoughts I‘ve been drawn to this one because of the cover ... 3y
Helen19 @Cinfhen @Cathythoughts I did enjoy it but it wasn‘t what I was made to expect based on things I‘d read/the cover! 3y
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I went for this one as I used it in a presentation to parents this week about helping their children to love reading. Which I think would be a positive thing!! #ThinkPositiveBePositive @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks for the tag 😊

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That‘s a very positive thing!! 📚 3y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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📖 forbidden
📖 sinister
📖 secretive
Thanks for the tag @Cupcake12
#3WordReviews @ShyBookOwl

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@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks these are some of my favourite reading quotes which I have as prints, waiting to be framed and put up! Hope you‘re doing ok! #ThinkPositiveBePositive

mavey Love these!!💗 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome quotes! Love these! 3y
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The Rosie Project | Simsion, Graeme
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I am loving the #booked2021 challenge for getting through books that have been on my shelf for years! Here‘s another for #SetInAustralia. I wonder how long it will take me to get to the next in the trilogy!

Cinfhen Yay!!!!! So happy to hear you‘re reading your shelf 💗🙌🏻 3y
Helen19 @Cinfhen I am determined to take part in the challenge while trying not to buy any more new books. The COVID heroes one is causing me difficulties at the moment, regretting reading This Is Going To Hurt last year now 😂 3y
Cinfhen Ha!!! I might have a book or two that works for that prompt/ I‘ll check and let you know♥️I‘m happy to send it your way if it‘s a book you‘re interested in 3y
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Cinfhen I looked and unfortunately all my #covidHero books were either on kindle or audio...sorry!! I can recommend a few that you might be able to borrow from the library....one that pops to mind is 3y
Cinfhen Your tagged book sounds excellent @BarbaraTheBibliophage ❤️ 3y
rockpools Do you do cozy mysteries, Helen? This was lots of fun, the main character‘s a retired nurse (so meets the prompt but no actual nursing involved) and (if I remember where you are) it‘s available from your local friendly public library in print (no reservation fees at the moment), audio (BorrowBox) or ebook (Libby) form! (Urr, yes, I might work for them 😉) 3y
Helen19 @Cinfhen that was so kind, thank you very much 😊❤️ right, time to go library browsing. Virtually! 3y
Helen19 @BarbaraTheBibliophage This sounds great! I‘m going to check library catalogues now. Thank you! I‘ve just joined the booked2021 goodreads group as well so that‘s going to help me get organised! 3y
Helen19 @rockpools I do! Actually I first looked at the category because I thought I had Death of a Nurse by M.C Beaton. Turns out I‘ve already read it and I don‘t think the nurse lasted very long! I can‘t see which book you‘ve tagged but I‘m interested! My back up plan is a Dr Ruth Galloway mystery although that‘s cheating a bit! 3y
rockpools @Helen19 oh yeah. I forgot to put the tag in. I could blame it being the end of a long day, but that‘d actually be rubbish!! 🙄 3y
Helen19 @rockpools I thought you were just adding to the mystery aspect 😉 Right, first plan is look for these suggestions in my library and if they don‘t arrive in time then I‘ll cheat with Elly Griffiths and read these ones when they get in! 3y
Helen19 @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @rockpools So after all that I‘ve just found this one on my shelf with a nurse MC. All three of your suggestions added to my TBR list though, thank you! 3y
Cinfhen Yay!!! The wonder was good too!!!! 3y
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Queenie | Candice Carty-Williams
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I didn‘t know much about this before going in. Everything I‘d heard made me expect a light hearted, unlucky in love type romance. Nope! So much more than that, so much deeper and more important. And all the better for it. Great pick #sundaybuddyread

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March #bookspin and #bookspinbingo list. I have a good feeling about this month!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Today one thing arrived in the post and one thing was sent off!
Looking forward to the next #sundaybuddyread, I love Spain!
#litsylovespringswap on its way.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!!! 📚❤️ 3y
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Not quite as productive as I was hoping for Feb #bookspinbingo but that‘s ok! On to March‘s list! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Still a great month!!! 3y
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Thanks for the tag @Cuilin - sorry for late response! #Two4Tuesday

1. I have a soft spot for reading about Spain as I lived there for a year but anywhere that‘s described well enough for me to picture is good enough for me!

2. It‘s definitely not something I consciously think about when choosing books, no. 😊


TheSpineView Never too late! Thanks for playing! 🤩📚 3y
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All That She Can See | Carrie Hope Fletcher
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Started off thinking this would be a bit like Chocolat or Like water for chocolate but not quite as good. Then it got bizarre!! It was an easy read and removes a book from my shelf as well as meeting #bakedgoodsoncover prompt for #booked2021

Cinfhen Well that‘s a plus 💗👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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Thanks for the tag @Cupcake12 !
1. Try out some new toddler snack recipes for batch baking. 🥣
2. No! I would have liked a cat, my partner wants a dog... we compromised and said one day we‘d get a rabbit. I do have an 18 month old who waits by the door for walks and wraps himself round my leg when hungry though so...
3. Complete Jane Austen if that‘s not cheating!
Tag @DinoMom @Cuilin @Mrs_B

Mrs_B Thanks for the tag! 3y
Cupcake12 Love answer 2...I remember those days, literally have to tube my eldest to go out on a walk. What recipes are you hoping to try? Mine loved anything with sweet potato! Thanks for playing x 3y
Helen19 @Cupcake12 definitely! Lockdown is not helping with the clinginess ha. Ooh funny you should say that, I was looking up sweet potato and apple fritters this morning! And found some cheesy carrot stars. Think I‘ll start with those and see how they go down! 3y
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I am so blown away to have received this gift in the post! Thank you so much @Cuilin it‘s incredibly kind and generous. We have just read the Alfie story before nap time which was a big success and there are so many practical ideas I can crack on with straight away in the Montessori book. Arthur and I are very lucky! Thank you!

Cuilin You‘re so very welcome. Enjoy! They grow up so fast. 💗 3y
Mrs_B OMG Alfie!!! 😍😍😍. Whenever I put my shoes on the wrong feet it‘s always been called “doing an Alfie”. 3y
Helen19 @mrs_b I put Arthur‘s wellies on the wrong feet today. I‘d like to think I was making a nice literary reference but actually I was just tired and rushing ha. 3y
Mrs_B @Helen19 awwwww we can call it a nice literary reference. Hope you‘re looking after yourself this week! 3y
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On Beauty | Zadie Smith
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It took me a while to get into this, I think I probably need more plot-driven reads at a time when my life doesn‘t involve much plot! I was convinced that I didn‘t like any of these characters up until the last 50 pages when I was welling up, rooting for and worrying for some of them. It‘s been on my shelf for such a long time, now ticked off thanks to #authoramonth ! @Soubhiville

Caroline2 I‘ve had this on my shelf for ages too. 🙄 3y
Helen19 @Caroline2 If you‘re wanting fast paced reads then now is not the time to go for it but it was a good read. It would probably still be on my shelf if not for the challenge though! 3y
AmyG I enjoyed this book, too....but wow, some of the characters made some bad, bad choices. 🤣 3y
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Anxious People: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Thank you for the lovely delivery @Mrs_B !
I‘m off to check reading challenge categories to see if this fits any so I can get to it sooner!

Mrs_B Glad it‘s there safe! Enjoy! 3y
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Thank you so much Kay @kaysworld1 - I really can‘t wait to read this. Some chocolates were eaten in the making of this photo. #bookcupidswap

candority Happy Valentine‘s Day! 💘💘💘 3y
Helen19 @candority And to you! Thank you for organising the swap! ❤️ 3y
candority @Helen19 It has been my pleasure! 💕 3y
kaysworld1 I'm glad you liked it because I didn't see it I sent it straight from Amazon it was easier 🥰 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY 3y
Helen19 @kaysworld1 it‘s perfect!! 3y
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Gulp | Mary Roach
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I found this book so fascinating. I thought it might be a ‘dipping in‘ book where I‘d only fancy reading a chapter every so often but I wanted to read it cover to cover! This is my #booked2021 choice for science non-fiction by a woman.
I‘d never heard of this author until I saw the 2020 author a month posts by @Eggs so I will have to thank you and @Soubhiville for a great choice!

Cinfhen Great choice!! Everyone loves her books!! 3y
Soubhiville I‘m so glad you found her! She has so many really great books and her writing style makes it fun to be learning. 3y
alisiakae Great pick for this prompt! Glad you enjoyed it! 3y
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Eggs She‘s one of a kind! Be sure to read her My Planet-so good and 😆 3y
Helen19 @Cinfhen I‘m including myself in that group now! 3y
Helen19 @Soubhiville I‘ve already ordered a copy of this one to give to my brother. Spreading the word! 3y
Helen19 @4thhouseontheleft I think it would have been a while before I got round to it without the challenge so thank you! 3y
Helen19 @Eggs I think I‘ll be putting them all on my TBR from now! 3y
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The Familiars | Stacey Halls
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I enjoyed this but would have liked even more of an insight into the witchcraft and suspicions of the time and felt the part about the actual trials was a bit rushed. It‘s a good job I have other read that will do that bit! Gives me a line in #bookspinbingo at least!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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February #bookspin and space for #bookspinbingo !


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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The Familiars | Stacey Halls
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1. My current read is set to the backdrop of the Pendle witch trials - lots of women being accused of having the ‘devil in her heart‘.
2. I think I have more mugs than anything else!
3. I‘ve never really thought about it. I think their character matters more than their age.

Thanks for the tag @EadieB ! @Eggs

Mrs_B Thanks for the tag! Love the marauders map mug. 3y
Helen19 @Mrs_B it holds so much tea! I use this mug a lot less since having Arthur - it causes way too many toilet trips than are practical with a toddler. 3y
EadieB @Helen19 You're welcome! Arthur is so cute! 3y
Eggs Very nicely done ✅❣️🎶 Love the mugs ☕️ 3y
Helen19 @EadieB @Eggs 😊 💕 3y
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#bookcupidswap sent off yesterday @candority

candority Yay! 💕 4y
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I nearly skipped on this #sundaybuddyread when I couldn‘t get a physical copy but I‘m so glad I didn‘t. Thank you for choosing it and for the discussions so far @TheBookHippie - looking forward to the next two in the schedule by same author.

TheBookHippie YAY!!! 4y
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Ending Up | Kingsley Amis
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This was my #bookspin choice and another box on #bookspinbingo.
I‘m also using it as my first #booked2021 for #moustacheoncover
It was short and bizarre but I think I enjoyed it!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Your review made me smile ... so many books are like that. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
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Match matched, book bought. Chocolate will have to wait until last minute or I‘ll just end up eating it. @candority #BookCupidSwap

AmyG Ha! I am happy when my match requests treats I don‘t eat!!! 4y
candority Ahaha it definitely is a struggle. I‘m going to wrap the goodies for my match today so I‘m not tempted before I go to the post office! 4y
Helen19 @AmyG if it‘s something sweet then I don‘t stand a chance with resisting! 4y
Helen19 @candority that‘s a good idea. I have been known to unwrap chocolate meant as a present in desperate times but it definitely slows me down at least! 4y
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Nap time. Finally starting this for #whattheDickens

Cuilin Enjoy! Looking forward to your thoughts. 4y
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Washington Black | Esi Edugyan
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Just finished this for my IRL book club which has been postponed because every member just felt this week was too much! We have all enjoyed the book though! Some awful plantation scenes which were hard to read. Still can‘t decide if I‘m left feeling vaguely hopeful or desperately sad for the main character.

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I was given this for Christmas by my brother, without him even knowing it was on my wishlist! Really enjoyed it and makes me feel I should move ‘how to stop time‘ higher up my TBR as I also own that one.

First box ticked off for #bookspinbingo

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