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Efter Alaska
Efter Alaska | John Green
Starkt och trffskert om unga av fenomenet John Green Efter supersuccer som Frr eller senare exploderar jag, Pappersstder och Katherine-teorin r Printz Award-vinnaren John Green nu Sverigeaktuell med Efter Alaska. En utvecklingsroman om livsavgranden, vnskap och famous last words. Miles Halters sociala liv r ngot begrnsat. Minst sagt. Han pluggar och sitter i tevesoffan med sina frldrar. Nr han bestmmer sig fr att packa ihop biografierna i pojkrummet i Florida (ja, han r besatt av knda personers sista ord och pljer drfr biografier) och flytta till internatet Culver Creek fr att ska sitt "Stora Kanske" (japp, det var Francois Rabelais sista ord p ddsbdden) frndras hans liv fr alltid. Ett par rum ner i kooridoren p Creek presenteras han fr Alaska Young. Hon frkroppsligar allt Miles Halter aldrig har varit i nrheten av. Alaska r smart, rolig och osannolikt sexig. Och oberknelig. Med en intellektuell vits och humor som r hans signum, tecknar John Green ett genomlskvrt persongalleri: oskuldsfulle Miles Pudge Halter, dennes rumskompis Chip the Colonel Martin, ledare fr hmndaktioner och andra upptg, Lara frn Rumnien, rappande Takumi och Alaska Young, en smartasstjej med en mrk historia. versttare: Maggie Andersson, Omslagsformgivare: Sofia Scheutz
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 4w
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Looking for Alaska | John Green
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#AboutABook @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

I received this book from Misty. 🥰🥰🥰

Eggs 🖤☀️🖤 1mo
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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#Nonfiction2024 #BingoChallenge #ReadAway2024 This year‘s nonfiction challenge provides a list of books, mostly fiction, that have been banned for some reason. The challenge is to read a book of nonfiction about a similar topic. In this book teenagers at boarding school drink, smoke, cuss, and have sex. This book isn‘t about any of these things. It is about friendship, found family, death, grief, and survivors guilt. This is exactly (cont)⬇️

CatLass007 the type of literature that young people should read, books that feature people just like them coping with issues that people of all ages everywhere encounter. Recommend!! 5mo
Prairiegirl_reading I read this last summer because it has been banned and I feel the same way about it! 5mo
CatLass007 @Prairiegirl_reading This is supposed to be a prompt to read nonfiction but how can I read nonfiction without knowing what the book prompt is about? I think a Banned Book Club on Litsy would be a great idea. I tried cohosting the #BakerStreetIrregulars but it proved to be more than I could manage and my cohost was hosting so many buddy reads that she got overwhelmed. Good idea, just poor timing. 5mo
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Prairiegirl_reading Banned book club is a great idea! Understandable, I couldn‘t manage being a host either. 5mo
CatLass007 @Prairiegirl_reading Audible is advertising Banned Books and I can always google a list to create my own personal banned book reading list. (edited) 5mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 5mo
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Looking for Alaska | John Green
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Book #25 of 2023: “Looking for Alaska” by John Green

I really enjoyed the first half of the book. I‘m trying to decide how I feel about the last half. It‘s a “high school boy meets manic pixie dream girl and is forever changed” story about love, lust, and loss.

Looking for Alaska | John Green
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If you know me, you know this my absolute all time favorite book. It‘s my comfort book. It‘s my go-to book when everything else is boring. You would know that I have 3 copies of this book, ALWAYS. I have one that I‘ve highlighted, wrote it, dog-eared, cried in, and bent all to hell. I have one that‘s never been opened. And I have one to share and give away. I just love it so much

Caroline2 I love this book too. ❤️ 12mo
BooksBaby @Caroline2 it‘s definitely my comfort book ❤️ 10mo
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Looking for Alaska | John Green
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Eggs Perfection 👌🏼 13mo
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Looking for Alaska | John Green
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💨📚🖤 13mo
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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Looking for Alaska | John Green
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#VolumesAndVocals @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @eggs

This book encapsulates the teenage experience.
Loved it!

Eggs Yes quite compelling! 1y
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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3✨ The inner message here was really good. Life is hard for different reason to each person, but you have to navigate your way through it. Alaska is a fun loving girl who lives in the moment. She has a major trauma that she feels guilty for when she was a little girl, but seems to mainly live life to it‘s fullest.⬇️ #roll100 February @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Brilliant! 2y
Roary47 Part 2: Miles “pudge” meets her and other friends when he is enrolled in a boarding school. The book has a countdown to a life changing event and then the after for our characters. I disliked the smoking and alcohol for these teens, which yes very likely happens, but I have a person dislike for this particular type of characters. (edited) 2y
Roary47 Part 3: Making it seem like being a teen is only fun if you are doing the forbidden things of your age bracket. However, I did enjoy the characters and the writing that I‘m familiar with from this author. 2y
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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Sorting a huge pile of mail while sipping hot chocolate on a chilly morning. Plus listening to the tagged. Should be a good day. 🥰

BethM Yummmm 2y
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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It has been a long time since I have read this book. This was my first John Green book I ever read. I loved the characters and the plot of the story. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars!!! I also finished this book for #MarvellousMarchReadathon @Andrew65

LinesUponAPage Have you seen the television series. It was good too. 2y
Crystal83 No, I haven't. I need to look it up now. 2y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 2y
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Remember Me

Roary47 I remember gasping in the theater when the teacher revealed the date in “Remember me” They didn‘t even have to show devastation we were all balling in there. 😭 2y
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Looking for Alaska | John Green
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Words can not describe the love and admiration I have for this book; however, I‘ll type out what I can describe.
Starting off strong, I love everything about Alaska and her journey. Her character being impulsive and erratic only brings more curiosity to the reader as to what truly did happen to Alaska, and it really helped me feel the urgency Colonel felt. This book is a MUST READ. It keeps you on your toes, and god is it beautifully written.

Looking for Alaska | John Green
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“More than anything, I felt the unfairness of it, the inarguable injustice of loving someone who might have loved you back but can‘t do to deadness…”

I adore this quote, and I‘m only happy that John Green write it. Because of course, more than anything, we long for hope. Sometimes that hope can never do anything other than manifest, and it sucks even more when it does in fact, only manifest. I absolutely adore this book.

Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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So, I liked this book... not as much as I liked "Turtles All the Way Down (which I finished just prior to this one)", but enough. I think the reason that I only like rather than love this book is because I don't feel very connected to the characters; they just aren't very likeable, so the emotional attachment one would expect to feel at the outcome of events just isn't there for me. But, it's John Green, and it's solid writing.

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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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For Wednesday‘s #bookquote, I‘m sharing this quote from Looking For Alaska by John Green. I had a hard time deciding what book quote to post today. This is one of my favorite quotes from the book. I read this book in 2015 and I enjoyed it.

Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: My Girl

Klou Great choice! I haven't read this yet but I want to, and this movie... well, it's just a stab to the heart every time I watch it. 2y
TheSpineView @Klou I agree on the movie. I liked the book. 2y
Klou @TheSpineView 😊❤️ 2y
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John

But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane.

slategreyskies Love this! 🥰 2y
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John

I feel like I may have missed the point on this one … although it was good, I felt as if I was waiting for something to happen the whole time, and it never did

Looking for Alaska | John Green

This is a highly engaging and philosophical book. If you like to read to develop your perspective on the world and discover more about the truths of humanity, this book is for you! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, it's quite the page-turner.

Looking for Alaska | John Green
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With my college graduation site for a background, here are 2 books I‘ve read set on #Campus #SavvySettings @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 🏫❤️📚 3y
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Looking for Alaska | John Green

“I could try to pretend that I didn‘t care anymore, but it could never be true again.”

Looking for Alaska | Green, John

Very good. Characters were developed in more of a real sense than those of an average high school setting. The emotions and coping mechanisms as well were very real. Making one's way out of a labyrinth is quite difficult.

Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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This was without a doubt a blast-from-the-past read. I remember being in love with this book in high school, and having completely forgotten the storyline I decided to give it another shot! It didn‘t disappoint.

“How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!" to a margin note written in her loop-heavy cursive: Straight & Fast.”

Looking for Alaska | John Green
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John Green deserves another applause. This book was so good. So satisfyingly good. Every element of it was almost perfectly done, the characterization, the character development of our mc, just fantastic. And it was so beautifully written as well, there were so many powerful lines that just left me speechless. I loved the element of bringing Miles's religion class into things, tying what he learned in there to what he learned in life. Amazing.

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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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Looking for Alaska by John Green follows Miles, also known as Pudge, around his new life at Culver Creek boarding school. He meets many new people but one person seems to stand out more than the rest, this person being Alaska Young. Alaska is beautiful, unpredictable and mysterious. Miles is fascinated by her world and quickly becomes friends with her. But then a tragedy strikes and everything changes.

annika.verge I would recommend this book to those wanting a reflective and emotional read. This book is written in first person point of view as we get the thoughts of Miles and words like “I” and “we” are used. 3y
MissYaremcio Nicely done Annika! This is my favourite John Green! 6/6 3y
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Looking for Alaska | John Green
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Reading and tea, it makes a perfect evening. Life is so busy that it's hard to find time to read anymore, but when I get the chance, sitting down with warm chai tea and a John Green book is all it takes to make me happy and relaxed.

Reading is a wonderful stress reliever for me and many other book lovers, and tea can just make it all the more calming. Take a night for yourself and have some tea while you read! 🍵📖

Looking for Alaska | John Green
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So it happened. The event that the entire book was leading up to has now occurred and I am devastated to say the least. It was written very well though, John Green is a truly amazing writer. I will continue to read his books for as long as I live...I am seriously dedicated. I highly recommend his books.

This is Looking For Alaska by John Green, my current read.

Looking for Alaska | John Green

So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.

Looking for Alaska | Green, John

it applies to turtles and turtlenecks, Alaska the girl and Alaska the place, because nothing can last, not even the earth itself. The buddah said that suffering was caused by desire, we'd learned, and that the cessation of desire meant the cessation of suffering. when you stopped wishing things wouldn't fall apart, you'd stop suffering when they did.

Looking for Alaska | Green, John

Everything that comes together falls apart. Everything. The chair I‘m sitting on. It was built, and so it will fall apart. I‘m gonna fall apart, probably before this chair. And you‘re gonna fall apart. The cells and organs and systems that make you you—they came together, grew together, and so must fall apart. The Buddha knew one thing science didn‘t prove for millennia after his death: Entropy increases. Things fall apart.

Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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“everything that comes together, falls apart, when we accept that everything falls apart and life is suffering we will stop suffering when it does.”

“We are all going”

“I don‘t know where there is, but I know it‘s somewhere I Hope it‘s beautiful.”

“I go to seek a great perhaps”

Looking for Alaska | Green, John

It was a super good book. I read it all in one day. It‘s definitely a great coming-of-age story.

Looking for Alaska | Green, John

I have never had a book understand and grasp onto how your life changes and the holes people leave. The very structure of the book shows into the pain lost after tragedy and how some things will never be the same

Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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Grateful for a working stove after 2 months, and cooler weather in Michigan. @ozma.of.oz

1. Colleen Hoover - all her books bring me comfort and heartbreak.
2. Not a gratitude journal, but I do try to journal everyday.
3. Tagged book- it‘s been my favorite book for years, and I don‘t see that ever changing 🥰

BookmarkTavern John Green! Great choice! Thank you for sharing! 3y
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Looking for Alaska | John Green
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Eggs Brilliant ❤️👍🏼🥰 3y
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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Banned Books Week: Day 4!

This book won the ALA‘s prestigious Michael L. Printz Award, which is given annually to “the best book written for teens, based entirely on its literary merit.” 💕📚

Despite this however, it was banned in many places for its use of profanity and sexual content. Did you know that it was the most challenged book in 2015? 😲


Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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This is a stirring story. It discusses so many issues that teenagers deal with, drugs, sex, love, friendship, bullying and so much more. But mostly the story is about how we come to terms with our own mortality. Great read! 4.5 ⭐ Thanks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks for gifting me this book. Perfect choice and a fabulous story.

Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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Rereading Looking for Alaska for the first time in years! I am reallllyyy liking it so far ☺️ Good news; just got a new book in the mail so last reread for a sec 💕

#lookingforalaska #johngreen #fiction

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Looking for Alaska | John Green
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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Much different than the Fault in Our Stars. Excellent YA book about friendship and mental health.

Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💚💚 3y
Eggs Great pic 💚📗💚 3y
Ast_Arslan @Eggs thanks 🍀💚 3y
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it. Some will be old, some will be new - don't judge me, I have a lot of books.

Day 19th

Join the fun if you want!


Looking for Alaska | John Green
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emz711 Oh yes! My favorite of his books 3y
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John
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On this week's episode of the Unabridged Podcast, we're chatting about the pilot of the television adaptation of Looking for Alaska (available on Hulu!). We are big fans of John Green's work, and this pilot does a great job of capturing what we love about the book. We also share what we're each currently reading in our Bookish Check-in and talk exercise in our Give Me One.⠀

What are some of your favorite television adaptations of books you love?

mavey Shadow And Bone and Locke And Key! 3y
UnabridgedPod @Mavey I agree! I loved both of those. ❤️ 3y
mavey @UnabridgedPod 🤗💗 3y
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Looking for Alaska | Green, John

"Everything falls apart!"

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Looking for Alaska | Green, John

i am simply not a john green fan because i think he is insufferably pretentious, but this is arguably his least pretentious book. even in moments when it starts to become pretentious he uses his own characters to snap out of it, which i enjoyed. overall not life changing like some people say but pretty good

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I finished the Netflix series after finishing the book last week and decided to try the colonel‘s Ambrosia

Ruthiella Cheers! 🍸 4y
mandarchy I almost spit out my red wine - laughing at the description. How can sour milk and rubbing alcohol be ambrosia? Is this some kind of Alaska thing? 4y
MatchlessMarie @mandarchy 😂 Nah it‘s just a teenagers trying to hide alcohol from their school administrators thing. Alaska is a character in the book. Now that you mention it, there is a red wine quote in this book too. “I believe,” Dolores said, “that yer s‘posed to drink white with turkey, but—now I don‘t know ‘bout y‘all—but I don‘t s‘pose I give a shit.” (edited) 4y
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