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Niente di nuovo sul fronte occidentale
Niente di nuovo sul fronte occidentale | Erich Maria Remarque
Gli orrori del conflitto 1914-18, attraverso le vicende di un gruppo di studenti tedeschi. Un drammatico messaggio di pace, un'appassionata requisitoria contro le spaventose conseguenze della guerra.
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Let's see if I can get around to September's picks in a timely manner.
All Quiet is for the #192025 challenge that may turn into the #192026 challenge if I don't get my shit together.
Summer Heat was supposed to be July's #foodandlit read for Turkey.
No, I'm not behind...

#bookspinbingo #bookspin #doublespin

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TheSpineView Beautiful poem! ❤️ 2mo
lil1inblue 💙 💖 💙 2mo
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Im Westen Nichts Neues | Erich Maria Remarque
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Finally finished this one with my own class of 8th graders this week. Most of the boys wanted to read it because they have watched the movie. They thought it would be easy read, but they forgot Mrs Wolff is their teacher. Of course I had them tackle different problems while reading, not only consuming it. We‘ll see if it was worth it.

All Quiet on the Western Front | Erich Maria Remarque
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Eggs Brilliant 👌🏼 7mo
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚❤️📚 7mo
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Monica5 This has been on my TBR list forever 7mo
lil1inblue Great minds! Such a powerful book. 💙 💖 💙 7mo
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Im Westen Nichts Neues | Erich Maria Remarque
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This is how it looks like when a teacher reads a book. 🙈

Im Westen Nichts Neues | Erich Maria Remarque
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Started to read All Quiet on the Western Front yesterday because my students want to read it. Even though it is part of the German so-called „canon of literature“ I never read it in school. Especially the boys in my class want to read ot because they have a weird fascination of the World Wars. Hopwfully the novel will teach them otherwise.

Tamra It should take the shine out of that young bravado. 9mo
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When will humanity learn?

This book should be required reading in high school. A brutal, honest, unflinching glimpse of what war really is and does.

Readerann An excellent book… 9mo
Tamra @Readerann this was on my bucket list for quite awhile. After I saw the film I was convinced I wouldn‘t want to read it for how hopelessly depressing it is, but changed my mind. 9mo
DGRachel It was required reading when I was in 9th grade (way too many years ago). I reread it last year and it is still very powerful. 9mo
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Tamra @DGRachel very impactful. 9mo
MaureenMc It was required reading for me, too, in high school. (And also for a German history class in college.) 9mo
Tamra @MaureenMc I‘m glad to know! I‘d be glad for my kids to read it, but I can see parents objecting to it. 9mo
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And for a complete turnabout from D.E. Stevenson.

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This was assigned reading my freshman year of high school and I‘ve wanted to reread it for years. It is gruesome and heartbreaking. It paints the grim reality of trench warfare without any sugar coating and you can‘t help but mourn not only the loss of life, but also the loss of innocence and the fracturing of humanity. Brutal, but beautifully written. It‘s a classic for a reason.

AshleyHoss820 Love this review. This book is so important! ☺️ 12mo
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This book is rough.
#wwi #germanauthor 🇩🇪 #catsoflitsy

dabbe Hello there, sweetest kitty! 🖤🐾🖤 13mo
starlight97 @dabbe 🥰🐾 13mo
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Needed to escape to the cabin this weekend

pr.alm One of my favorite books! 14mo
HotMessJess @pr.alm will report back. The movie was the reason I started reading it! What an INCREDIBLE film. I‘m sure the book is better, but I was truly blown away by the cinematography and music in the film. 14mo
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Den handler om krig, men den handler mest om menneskelig brutalitet, om at vænne sig til for meget og om at bevare en sidste rest af den, man er, når alting eksploderer omkring en. Fantastisk bog med passager, jeg måtte læse flere gange for at forstå hvor smukt og vanvittigt, man kunne fortælle en historie på samme tid.

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My book purchase today. I know I said I wouldn‘t read this after watching the film, but I‘m curious. At least I‘m prepared for the temporary depression this time around.

Leftcoastzen Love that bookmark! 1y
jlhammar Great bookmark! 1y
Tamra @Leftcoastzen it‘s 👌🏾 1y
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Tamra @jlhammar we hadn‘t been to Midway in years! It was conveniently located around the corner to Fasika. 1y
jlhammar @Tamra Sounds like a nice afternoon. I actually haven‘t ever been in Midway! I drive by it all the time and have always been curious. You reminded me that I still want to watch this film. Have you seen the Peter Jackson documentary They Shall Not Grow Old yet? I think you‘d appreciate it. I thought it was amazing. 1y
batsy Fab bookmark! I've yet to read or watch this, too. . 1y
Tamra @jlhammar it is jam packed in the space! Upstairs has a decent literary fiction selection and quite a lot of nonfiction on the main level I didn‘t get to. It is worth a stop sometime. My favorite fun place is - has a small adult section. But you go for the animals and atmosphere. That and Birchbark Books. 1y
jlhammar @Tamra Good to know! Wild Rumpus is wonderful (though I haven‘t been there in ages). And I was so excited to finally visit Birchbark last summer! 1y
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Not really my book, but it is well written.

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4✨ Soldiers face a lot when they are in battle or war. This is a taste of what soldiers may have seen/heard/witnessed themselves through WW1 from the German‘s perspective. It was very sad, and many times graphic. It helps you see the dark sides of war to understand what others went through. This was my #BookSpin and last #roll100 for May @TheAromaofBooks @PuddleJumper

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
PuddleJumper Well done! 1y
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I didn't finish as many books as I wanted to during #AwesomeApril, but that is because I needed to start reading the tagged book for a book club. I believe I am now in the middle of more than 10 books. #bookishproblem

Andrew65 That‘s still brilliant, well done 👏👏👏🙌🥳🎉🍾🥂 (edited) 1y
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💔 I had never read it and the guilt finally got to me. I understand why many believed when it was first release that this would help eliminate war. Sadly, we humans aren‘t smart enough to do that. 💔

RebL Have you heard about the podcast, Overdue? They read all the books they (and maybe we) feel like they should have read. 1y
Twocougs I haven‘t but now I have to check it out. My next unread classic is Don Quixote but I need a little time before I start that (I‘m a teacher, so I‘m thinking it‘s a good Summer Break book). 1y
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This flows so well, it's just beautifully written and it's one of the best books I've ever read.

Check out my full review if you want:


Daisey I completely agree about this being amazingly written! 2y
TheNeverendingTBR @Daisey It feel contemporary. 2y
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Visceral and inevitable.

All Quiet on the Western Front | Erich Maria Remarque
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Still deeply disturbed by the senselessness of WWI after watching the new movie and even more disturbed by the question whether humanity (leaders) learn any lessons about peace from it. This as I listen to a report on recovering Ukrainian soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital.

Last night I had planned to read the novel. Now I don‘t know.

Aimeesue Wow, I didn't know some were at Walter Reed. I hope they get to spend some time with the therapy dogs - they have a great program there, and I love seeing them when I'm there. 💙 2y
Tamra @Aimeesue I didn‘t know they had therapy dogs! I‘ve never visited the hospital, but my understanding it has a great reputation. 2y
Daisey I read this book early last year but I‘ve been nervous to watch the new movie because the book was so well written. 2y
Tamra @Daisey obviously I can‘t compare, but I will say the film is captivating & devastating. It‘s made a lasting impression - I‘m still upset. 2y
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Wow. Whoa. The devastation, the loss of life! Unfathomable horrors of war. Told in such a way that hurts the heart. I can‘t make sense of it. (And maybe, just perhaps, why Goose Book didn‘t land right with me.) Which also makes me question myself and timing and mood…

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Starting the actual novel this time. 🤣
Maybe I should have brushed Esther before having her model with book… #WW1lit #Classic #CC50_part2 #ClassicsClub #DogsofLitsy #EstherFest #WiaN2023 QXZ category

CBee It‘s Esther‘s bedhead chic look 😂😍 2y
BkClubCare @CBee - She‘s definitely rockin‘ the look all day long. 2y
DivineDiana That expression is priceless! Definitely a model‘s look! 2y
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batsy Her expression 😁💜 2y
dabbe If looks could ... talk! She's rockin' the shag haircut that everyone seems to be getting these days! Esther the Influencer! ❣️🐾❣️ 2y
BkClubCare @dabbe - I am sure she would roll her eyes at you for that (but secretly quite pleased you acknowledge her importance.) She is more cat like as she ages?! She is 12 2y
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I love classics. This has been a book I‘ve wanted to read for many reasons: anti-war, translated work, and now because. . . I have a challenge with category of book title with a Q! Just reading this Editor‘s Note has me chilled, apprehensive 😕
#wian2023 #whatsinaName #classic #cc50_2 #translated #WiaN_QXZ

BarbaraBB Such an impressive book 2y
BkClubCare “… it hardly compares with Hemingway‘s *Farewell to Arms* or even Norman Mailer‘s *The Naked and the Dead* . . . harold bloom is a pompous ass, yes? 2y
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I‘m not sure why it took me so long to get to “All Quiet On The Western Front” but I‘m so glad I finally read it, and that it‘s most likely going to be my final read of 2022. I‘m not sure if I have anything to add that hasn‘t been said before so I‘ll leave it with a quote. Just know this book has become a favorite of mine. 🖤
“Our hands are earth, our bodies clay and our eyes pools of rain. We do not know whether we still live.”

Leftcoastzen It‘s a great book 2y
Daisey This was one of my favorites of 2022! 2y
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“We are little flames poorly sheltered by frail walls against the storm of dissolution and madness, in which we flicker and sometimes almost go out”


WW1, trench warfare, chemical attacks. You feel for the young men fighting a war when they have yet to experience life. The war is all they know, and all they have is each other. Death is abundant, and conditions are terrible. Great book, couldn't put it down.

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Starting my new book.

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An excellent reread of this novel that I can now appreciate it a little more than when I read it the first time. The author has an uncanny knack for writing almost nonchalantly about the horrors of the Great War only because the main character knows no different in his adult life. A hard read but an important one nonetheless. A story of a young German man, Paul, and his comrades‘ lives while on the Western frontline during WWI.

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In a week of vacation, I have read all of three chapters. But today is off to a rainy start so getting a few chapters in now. 📖 🙂

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#manicmonday #LetterA
Thanks for the tag @sprainedbrain and @vivastory 📖tagged
🖋Jane Austen
🎬Animal House (I know, sorry , not sorry)😄
🎶The Animals
🎤And It Stoned Me Van Morrison
Late to the party , join in!

CBee Van Morrison 😍😍😍 Thanks for playing!! 2y
vivastory Great choices! I need to listen to more Van Morrison 2y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory Moondance album is hella old , 1970 , but it is so good. 2y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory kinda blue eyed soul Celtic perfection. 2y
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A classic for #LetterA in the #AlphabetGame

Thanks for the tag, @CoverToCoverGirl !

CoverToCoverGirl That book is on my shelf, I just need to get to it. Excellent choice! 2y
Amiable @CoverToCoverGirl I finally read it for the first time last year. I don‘t know why it took me so long! 2y
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13 books completed in February
Favorite: All Quiet on the Western Front
It was a good #1001books month with 6 new reads from the list as well as progress on Ulysses.

#ReadingStats #MonthlyStats #BookSpinBingo

Suet624 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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This is a powerful book about the harsh reality of war and the way in which it impacts young soldiers. It will be one I‘ll continue to think about as I read other stories that speak of war with a lighter touch.

#1001books #ReadTheWorld #ReadingTheWorld #Germany #translated #WWI
#Reading1001 #TBRTakedown February 2022

Goleemn I love this book! It‘s great because the protagonist is “just a guy,” not a super man nor a wimp, an ordinary man trying to survive the horror of war. Highly recommend. 3y
Daisey @Goleemn I completely agree! 3y
AshleyHoss820 This is one of my favorites! I still think about it often. I need to revisit it soon. 😊 3y
Daisey @AshleyHoss820 Yes, it‘s absolutely one I will plan to revisit as well. 3y
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I don‘t tend to mark or highlight a lot as I read, but I noted several quotes in this book that expressed thoughts about war very clearly. This scene of the soldier thinking about why he does not want to talk about what he has seen and done at the front is one of those.

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Today is a virtual snow day so I had time this morning for a few pages of my book with breakfast before online classes. I‘ve had this book on my TBR for a while, and it is completely living up to my expectations. I‘m about halfway through, and it clearly describes the horror endured as well as the camaraderie of soldiers at the front.

#BookAndBreakfast #translated #Germany #WWI #1001books #Reading1001
#TBRTakedown February 2022

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Why has it taken me so long to read this book, was an excellent read, and is in fact a must read. No wonder Hitler didn‘t want Germans to read this book. Frank Muller did an excellent job as narrator.

Now I need to get hold of the sequel.

Allylu I really liked this book, too. 3y
Velvetfur I just thought - I've just finished reading my book for Angola, do you want it? I loved it but I won't be keeping it, so I don't mind posting it to you if you want it 😊 3y
AllDebooks A literary masterpiece. 3y
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julesG One of the many required reads of my school years that I remember the most about and still recommend. 3y
DGRachel I had to read this freshman year of high school and I‘ve been thinking of rereading it for years. I didn‘t know Frank Muller narrated an audiobook version. I love his work. Hmm… 3y
Andrew65 @DGRachel Certainly worth a listen. He does do good audiobook. (edited) 3y
Andrew65 @AllDebooks I would now agree. 3y
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All Quiet on the Western Front | Erich Maria Remarque
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This was quoted and mentioned in a book I read at the weekend. Never read it so thought I‘d address this by listening to the audiobook.

MommyOfTwo I read this in high school and remember liking it: 3y
Andrew65 @MommyOfTwo Very different, but enjoying it so far. 3y
Bookwomble It's a fabulous book, and got Remarque in trouble with the Nazis (always a recommendation) for lifting the cover off gung-go nationalistic warmongering. I've had the (tagged) sequel on my tbr for ages and really must get to it this year! 3y
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Daisey This one is on my list for February! It‘s been one I‘ve been meaning to read for years. 3y
Andrew65 @Bookwomble Thanks for letting me know about the sequel. 3y
Andrew65 @Daisey It was a good read. 3y
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One of the great theme‘s in all of Hemingway‘s books was the Lost Generation - referring to those who fought and returned from WWI. It seems that this sense of lost-ness was not unique to the Allied Powers. This novel reveals how a war desired by the elite was fought by commoners on both sides who had nothing to gain but everything to lose and nothing to come home too after their sacrifice. If they came home at all.

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A harrowing read about World War I by a German author who went through it. Very well written, but reading this made me have to set it aside now and then. Read for #1001Books

julesG It is a very difficult but very important read. 3y
ValerieAndBooks @julesG yes. More people should read this — war is truly terrible. 3y
JazzFeathers Ever since l started researching WWI a couple of years ago, l've thought to read it. I will, one day. 3y
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BarbaraBB So heartbreaking good 3y
BookwormM OMG I have possibly? Just twigged you are Valerie from Reading 1001 on Goodreads at least I think you are 🤣🤣🤣 3y
ValerieAndBooks @BookwormM I‘m not on goodreads, so it‘s another Valerie 😊 3y
BookwormM It must be 🤣🤣 3y
ValerieAndBooks @JazzFeathers The author experienced WWI himself, so this novel felt very accurate. 3y
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I read this with a much deeper appreciation than when I read it in high school ( 50+ years ago). Deservedly a must read classic.

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Tonight‘s movie

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I‘m not sure why it took me so long to read this classic. But the writing simply blew me away. A stark, sobering narrative that earns the praise on its cover as “The Greatest War Novel of All Time.”

CoverToCoverGirl I need to get this one off my shelf and read. 4y
GinaKButler I need to get to this one soon! Thanks for the nudge! 4y
Amiable @CoverToCoverGirl @GinaKButler An amazing book. And less than 300 pages. It would have been a fast read except for the fact that I kept stopping to go back and reread various passages because they were so well written. 4y
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Today‘s plans. 👍🏼

Cathythoughts Looking good ! I‘m relaxing too with a book .... ❤️👍🏻 4y
Amiable @Cathythoughts It‘s going to rain all day here —perfect reading weather! 👍🏼❤️ 4y
batsy Perfect! So cozy. 4y
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Amiable @batsy My goal today is to move just enough that my health tracker app doesn‘t think I‘m dead. 😉 4y
melissajayne Can we start another chunkster when we have finished our first one? 4y
Amiable @melissajayne Of course! A few people are reading more than one. Spread the chunkster love! 4y
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We are little flames poorly sheltered by frail walls against the storm of dissolution and madness, in which we flicker and sometimes almost go out.

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I never had to read this book during school so I picked it up as a quick read. Wow. It is heavy. Wonderfully written, but heavy.

Erinsuereads Thats one of my favorites 😍 4y
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Well, that was depressing. Beautiful words to describe an ugly subject.

llcoolnate Cant believe I still haven't read this! 4y
Twainy OMG when I saw this I thought ... well there‘s an uplifting book. Not. 🤗 4y
Nebklvr @llcoolnate Oh, it is very good. 4y
Nebklvr @Twainy Your warning comes too late! 😂 4y
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How have I never read this before?! This is one of my top reads now. It really shed light on what an individual thinks during combat warfare and how they change throughout their service.