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Boy on the Bridge
Boy on the Bridge | Mike Carey
If you fell in love with Melanie in the million-copy-selling post-apocalyptic phenomenon The Girl With All the Gifts---there's more to the story...Once upon a time, in a land blighted by terror, there was a very clever boy. The people thought the boy could save them, so they opened their gates and sent him out into the world. To where the monsters lived.
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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I chose some english and some translated into slovenian.
Have you read any of these? Do you have many #series #bookseries #readingchallenge #readingwithmaja

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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This sequel to ‘The Girl With All the Gifts‘ picks up where that left off. Not much has changed, and for some reason, humans still think they have a fighting chance against cordyceps. One of their team members discovers infected children who have not been taken over by the fungus, and he thinks this could be it. He is forced to decide what, who, will be sacrificed, in this survival game he knows they cannot win? He soon has the bitter reminder

JenniferEgnor that actions have consequences. Shown: a variety of cordyceps. Will this be our future? 10mo
JenniferEgnor I liked this one but enjoyed the first book more. Watch the film adaptation if you haven‘t seen it! Other media about fungal pandemics that result in a terrible new world: Cargo, The Last of Us. Hulu has a disturbing film about a secretive fungal anomaly within an Indigenous community: ‘Gaia‘. 10mo
JenniferEgnor There are other novels about fungi horrors: my favorite so far is ‘Mexican Gothic‘. Read the latest articles about Cordyceps science and discoveries. This is a fungi to watch! 10mo
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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It wasn‘t fear. He didn‘t do it because he was afraid, although he is. Afraid of dying, and even more afraid of not dying—of being bitten and left abandoned up here in the north while Rosie rolls home; a living but *Cordyceps*-ridden scarecrow standing out in a field forever while the seasons wheel and turn.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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They will stand until their body‘s systems fail, barring occasional headlong sprints in pursuit of local fauna. It‘s an afterlife that not even the grimmest and least user-friendly of the old world‘s religions ever imagined.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


5feet.of.fury I finally read that one earlier this year after being enthralled with Girl With All The Gifts a few years ago. 1y
TheEllieMo @5feet.of.fury Yes, I thought The Girl With All The Gifts was excellent; this one has been on my TBR since it was published. 1y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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It wasn‘t as good as Girl With All The Gifts, which was truly unique storytelling. This has tropes on tropes from zombie fiction, catastrophic secrets, scientists vs politics, the same thing that always happens to pregnant humans in the zpoc. & the epilogue was corny.

But it was good, very immersive (I had 2 dreams about zombies in the 4 days it took me to read it) & Carey gives great unique voices to each of the characters. 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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Not as good as The Girl With All The Gifts but still enjoyable

#Bridge 🌉 #SavvySettings 💚🍀

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Eggs ❤️📚💛 2y
bookaholic1 I felt the same way 2y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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#TBRPile 📚 Once upon a time, in a land blighted by terror, there was a very clever boy. The people thought the boy could save them, so they opened their gates and sent him out into the world. To where the monsters lived...

Ruthiella I need to read this too! I liked The Girl With All the Gifts. 3y
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Boy on the Bridge | M R Carey
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This was great!

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Boy on the Bridge | M R Carey
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“He had already learned to read, but now he learned the pleasure of stories which is like no other pleasure - the experience of slipping sideways into another world and living there for as long as you want to.”

HeatherBookNerd I loved these books! 3y
Smrloomis @HeatherBookNerd loved the first one and am enjoying this one too so far! 😄👍🏽 3y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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BORING...some authors just need to stop after the first book in a series

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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I loved The Girls with All the Gifts, hoping this one is as good.

#Bridges #MagicalMay @Eggs

Eggs 👏🏻📚🤗🌉👏🏻 4y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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Set parallel(ish) to The Girl with All the Gifts, this is the second and final book on the series (or at least nothing else have been announced).

A strong follow up to TGWATG, but not quite a match for pacing. Still a very enjoyable romp through the bleak dystopian future.

#TBRChallenge #ABookThats #EasterExtravaganza

2 bingo lines complete for my 🥈challenge 😁

Andrew65 👏👏👏 4y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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People, put this book on your list! Amazing. It ticks all the boxes for me - beautiful writing, great characters, plot that keeps moving and keeps me reading, and some science stuff. Oh yeah, and apocalyptic zombies. I‘m not kidding when I say this was one of the best books I‘ve read in a while.
Read The Girl With All The Gifts first so you know the back story to this book.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Meaw_catlady I loved the Girl with all the Gifts! I need to get this one! 4y
bookaholic1 Can't wait to read this 📚📚❤❤ 4y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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A little reading with my dessert - rolled coffee ice cream with cookies. So good! I‘m enjoying the book too 🤓

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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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I need to grade papers but I just want to read.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey

This is another excellent book. However, there were a few minor plot holes, or inconsistencies with The Girl with all the Gifts. The epilogue is perfect though. So unexpected, and it really ties both books together.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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A good, but not great, zombie book that is a prequel to The Girl with all the Gifts, which tbh I enjoyed a lot more than this. The world-building is fantastic, and it was fun to spend some more time in it. But the mysteries from the first book (that the child main character is a zombie and where these second generation zombies come from) are already known to you, so there isn't much new to discover. Finty Williams is a great narrator as always.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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It isn't often that the second book - a prequel, mostly, in this case - is better than the original story, but here we are. I loved it and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoyed The Girl With All the Gifts.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Ohhh, good to know! I did like TGWATG. 5y
bookaholic1 Good to know, half way through the first one 5y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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I really enjoyed The Girl With All The Gifts so I was excited to read this one. It was great and had me staying up past my bedtime to finish it 😴😊 Not my usual genre at all. On holidays at the moment so getting more reading time! Yay 😊 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Victoria_Clyne I loved both books too. Has made a fan of Carey. 5y
Twainy I also enjoyed both books. I liked Fellside but it took me a bunch of pages to get sucked in. He has a 4th book that‘s on my TBL list too. 5y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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Trying to participate in #24b4Monday and listening to my audiobook on my commute to work. I normally don't listen to audiobooks on the way to work. Maybe that's why it takes me so long to complete them.

#currentlylistening #commuteread

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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This is the first time in a long time that I have only one book on my Goodreads Currently Reading shelf.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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I absolutely LOVED The Girl with All the Gifts, especially The excellent narration on the audiobook by Flinty Williams. So I was thrilled to listen to this companion book/prequel. It isn‘t quite as perfect as the first one, but it was pretty fantastic. Sat in my driveway to listen to the ending.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey

"It seems appropriate that emotions should have recoil in the same way guns do, because after all they‘re just as dangerous."

#quote #quotes

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey

‘Sanity is a suspended state, moored in nothing but itself. You test the ground an inch in front of you, move forward as though it‘s solid. But the whole world is in free fall and you‘re in free fall with it.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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1. Teleport
2. The Boy On the Bridge. Liked it more as it went along but still prefer The Girl With All the Gifts.
3. Be kinder to myself
4. Wallander
5. 👍

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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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This started a little slow for me and the ending seemed a bit too nicely wrapped up, but the character portrayals and storyline were well developed. I recommend this to anyone who likes post-apocalyptic novels.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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Morning reading before I have to take the dog to the groomer. I‘m finding this one to be a much slower read than The Girl With All the Gifts, which I loved. I haven‘t really connected with any of the characters yet. I‘m hoping it pulls me in soon.

Texreader Looking mighty fluffy!! 6y
tammysue ❤️🐾 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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It‘s been a long but wonderful day spent with family. Finally getting a moment to sit and relax with a good book and my little cuddle puppy. #dogsoflitsy

britt_brooke Aw! 💚🐾 6y
EchoLogical I loved the first book so much that I'm afraid to read this one! 😆 6y
DHill Me too @EchoLogical but I decided to give it a try. One of my favorite books of 2018 was (edited) 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey

Found this difficult to get through. Writing style didn‘t mesh well with my brain, it felt disjointed. I couldn‘t picture the characters well so it was difficult to get into. Enjoyed the first book more, although some of the same problems existed.

BookishMarginalia Welcome to Litsy! It‘s great Bookish fun ! 6y
direcorgi Thank you! :) 6y
RaimeyGallant Good to know. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Chelleo Welcome 🤗 6y
direcorgi Thank you everyone, and for the resources @Chelleo ! Everyone is so awesomely helpful. :) 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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For the first few chapters I thought I wasn‘t going to enjoy this one, which was disappointing as I loved GWATG. But as the story picked up I came to really like Khan and Greaves, and the different track this took than the first book. This wasn‘t quite as strong for me, but I still liked it a lot.

#zombies #Igor #catsoflitsy

Leftcoastzen So cute !but I always wanna say you are sooo naked!😀❤️😻 6y
LauraJ Kitty! It‘s been awhile. 6y
Victoriahoperose I am loving your cat. Those eyes... so cute. 6y
tammysue So adorable! 😻 My friend has two of these kitties. 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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The tagged book and some Texas Gold herbal tea are my plans for tonight. I was able to go by and pick up some loose leaf teas from Texas Coffee Traders today. This is my favorite, I‘m excited for it to cool down a little so I can taste it. Even the smell is heavenly.

EchoLogical I just finished The Girl With All The Gifts and it blew my mind! I'm not sure I wanna read this one because it's a prequel. 😖 6y
Soubhiville @EchoLogical is it a prequel? I think it actually takes place a bit later, I can‘t get a grasp on the timeline... it‘s good though, and pretty different. 6y
EchoLogical @Soubhiville I browsed through the its Goodreads entry and I thought I read it was about the Rosie's expedition before Melanie and Co. found it but I could be confused. 6y
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Mdargusch I love special teas - does this one have flavoring? 6y
Soubhiville @EchoLogical ah, that helps give me some perspective! Thanks! Yes I think that sounds right! 6y
Soubhiville @Mdargusch it‘s a rooibos- cinnamon, orange, apple, hibiscus, clove, and a Little stevia, maybe some other things. But caffeine free 😊 and so yummy! 6y
Mdargusch That sounds so good! 6y
Bklover Your tea sounds yummy! 6y
LeahBergen Great mug! 6y
CoffeeNBooks @Soubhiville That sounds so good!! 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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It seems like the right time of year to read a zombie book. 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️

Blaire Is this the sequel to girl with all the gifts? 6y
Soubhiville @Blaire yes, but I don‘t think it has the same characters, I think it takes place 100 years later... not sure yet though. 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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The best book mark!

Joriebooks I love those bookmarks. They‘re all I use now. 6y
HotMessJess @Joriebooks they‘re the best! I‘m also only using these too! 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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Focus has been so difficult for me. I am so stressed and nervous right now! But last night I made a resolve: pick out ten books. Finish Boy on The Bridge and The Outside, then attack those 10 books before this kid comes. I can do this.

minkyb I‘m rooting for you! 6y
HotMessJess Thanks @minkyb !! It‘s been a trip and we had some less than stellar news yesterday, just keeping my mind busy now! 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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Reason why I need to finish that book? Because it is just slightly too big to fit comfortably in my hand bag (I need to get back to ereading... The bag is bespoke for my ereader ;))

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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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Starting my lunch break alone with a book :)

TrishB Alone with a book sounds great 😁 6y
catsuit_mango @TrishB sadly à co-worker arrived just after the picture... 6y
TrishB That‘s not the best! 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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This book nerd went on an adventure this weekend! Back in Lake Oswego and missing my home state always #OregonGrown #BookNerdWillTravel

Boy on the Bridge | M R Carey
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A great sequel to the book called The Girl with all the Gifts. A completely enjoyable story of the end of the world. And if you ever wondered what happened to Melanie (The Girl With all the Gifts) you get some answers at the end of this book. Characters are relatable and a few military jerks thrown in for fun. Great read.

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Boy on the Bridge | Mike Carey
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So, I‘ll be honest, I lost The Outsider somewhere in my house and haven‘t been able to finish..... that being said I ALSO lost this a couple months ago and was unable to finish but found it tonight and I am so excited! Back to it I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️ (ps thanks pregnancy brain)

Jamesmelvinmitchell I wish I could use that for an excuse. 😁 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey

Man, I‘ve got to start listening to the Internet when it comes to book advice. I loved the first book in this series but this one just didn‘t do it for me. Prequels normally stink anyway and this one was no great exception. No characters really endear themselves to you and the journey just isn‘t interesting. The best part of the book is the epilogue which bridges the two books. My advice, just enjoy The Girl With All the Gifts as a stand-alone.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey

It‘s really hard to care about any of the characters in this prequel since their empty research vessel is in the first book. This one isn‘t grabbing me which is a shame. I loved The Girl With All the Gifts.

The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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“The Boy on the Bridge” didn‘t offer much in terms of action, it was bland and it was slow. The characters weren‘t likeable and many of them were completely forgettable. While I appreciate getting to read the background story, this story has nothing on the first book and left me feeling really disappointed (and angry!). It‘s 2 stars from me!

My full review is up on my blog as usual! 📚

eeclayton Why did you mark it as a "pick" then? 6y
whatrebeccasread @eeclayton whoops!! Thanks for spotting that! I definitely wouldn't consider this one a pick! 6y
Mandigolightly Did you like Girl With All The Gifts? 6y
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whatrebeccasread @Mandigolightly I absolutely loved it! 6y
eeclayton @whatrebeccasread No problem :) 6y
readordierachel I felt the same. Loved the first book, thought this one was subpar 6y
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The Boy on the Bridge | M. R. Carey
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Just finished this, relaxing in the pool. Now to nap or go into the house for another book??? If you're a fan of The Walking Dead you'll like this author....

Boy on the Bridge | M R Carey
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Boy on the Bridge
Bardugo, Leigh
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

#manicmonday @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing 😊💖 6y
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