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Water Dancer
Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
In his boldly imagined first novel, Ta-Nehisi Coates, the National Book Award-winning author of Between the World and Me, brings home the most intimate evil of enslavement: the cleaving and separation of families. Young Hiram Walker was born into bondage. When his mother was sold away, Hiram was robbed of all memory of her--but was gifted with a mysterious power. Years later, when Hiram almost drowns in a river, that same power saves his life. This brush with death births an urgency in Hiram and a daring scheme: to escape from the only home he's ever known. So begins an unexpected journey that takes Hiram from the corrupt grandeur of Virginia's proud plantations to desperate guerrilla cells in the wilderness, from the coffin of the deep South to dangerously utopic movements in the North. Even as he's enlisted in the underground war between slavers and the enslaved, Hiram's resolve to rescue the family he left behind endures. This is the dramatic story of an atrocity inflicted on generations of women, men, and children--the violent and capricious separation of families--and the war they waged to simply make lives with the people they loved. Written by one of today's most exciting thinkers and writers, The Water Dancer is a propulsive, transcendent work that restores the humanity of those from whom everything was stolen.
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates

DNF at page 10/chapter 2 - I‘m just not in the mood for this one at the moment

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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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I was anticipating more from Hiram Walker's mysterious power. Ultimately, I felt my attention while reading this book was constantly out of focus. I wanted to be interested in the plot, yet I found myself not feeling connected to the characters or their stories. 

Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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This is the story of Hiram, born into slavery from his black mother while his white father sat with the Quality up at the big house. As Hiram gets older he starts to understand he has a gift and he also learns of the Underground, the network of people working to liberate the enslaved.

I loved this book and learnt so much.

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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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My #blitsyswap arrived. I am so excited to read all these books! I love all the treats and bag. However, I do not know who to tag in this as the name of postage doesn‘t search on here and no name on the card. @Chelleo can you let me know who I can thank for this ❤️

Chelleo Your match was @bcncookbookclub and looks like she put together a lovely package! 3y
DinoMom Thanks you @bcncookbookclub I absolutely love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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The Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Obviously this is just my POV but I urge you to read and listen to what Black reviewers, specifically Black women, have to say about the book.

So I'm glad I didn't read this book when it just came out coz I likely would have gotten caught up in the hype. Having some distance from its release allowed for interesting perspective. Coates is undoubtedly a master at beautiful prose and delivers stunning moments in the novel. (Cont'd in comments)

theshrinkette The magical realism parts of the novel did give me pause. Portraying Harriet Tubman as magical, to me, watered down the very real ramifications of her role as a spy and abolitionist. I loved the aspect of conduction that required stories being told for it to work–a wonderful way to pay homage to a culture of oral history. Other aspects of it felt too neatly tied up. (2/3) 3y
theshrinkette Colson Whitehead's The Underground Railroad had a much stronger fantastical construct that honored this important piece of history, so if you're looking for fictionalized work around the Underground Railroad, Whitehead is my recommendation. (3/3) 3y
SamAnne Appreciate this review. Loved Underground Railroad and plan to read this one too. Will check out the commentary around it. 3y
MicheleinPhilly This was my indie‘s book club pick exactly a year ago and sadly, I bailed. I found the prose breathtaking in spots, but I just could not connect with the story. It‘s still on my shelves so never say never, but I don‘t know if I can bring myself to try again. 3y
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The Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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I thorougly enjoyed this! Ta-Nehisi Coates brings a great, magical, lens to fictional slave narratives and the Underground Railroad, but does so without taking away from the rightfully felt discontent of the enslaved or the injustices they faced.

Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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This was an intense, troubling book. Coates did a nice job of pulling in many factual elements of slavery, but also combined magic and spiritualism.

Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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This was an excellent October #Bookspin. Really interesting to read this after “Between the World and Me“: the theme of how the black person's body is central to oppression that's explored analytically in Between is palpable in this narrative of enslavement (it's intriguing that the world Coates always uses is “tasked“) and liberation. I had a hard time with the magic realism, feeling it detracted from the characters' strength. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Book 141
This was my first by Coates. It's a well-done, abolitionist novel, reminiscent of the movie, Harriet (historical fiction about the Underground Railroad with magical elements). The audiobook is excellent; the voice actor sings. The content is disturbing; reading it got me thinking about why so many historical fiction authors from the United States choose to write about the atrocities perpetrated by other countries rather than our own.

Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates

My #Bookspin list for November:
1. Love, Loss, What We Ate
2. The Innocents
3. Fierce Femmes
4. Talk About Race
5. H is for Hawk
6. Say Nothing
7. Me and White Supremacy
8. The Salt Path
9. Haunting of Hill House
10. Warlight
11. When the Body Says No
12. Call You a Terrorist
13. Bush Runner
14. Education of an Idealist
15. The Mosquito
16. Reality Bubble
17. Furious Hours
18. Pull of hte Stars
19. Resilience is Futile
20. Gathering Moss

The Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Going into a book blind can often be beneficial, but not always. The only thing that I knew about Water Dancer is that it is set in the US during slavery & that there are Magical Realist elements. I was in a mini-book slump this week, which could effect how I felt about this book. Really the only work that was holding my interest last week is the “Collected Stories of JG Ballard Vol. 1“ that I have been dipping into during work breaks.👇

vivastory I started Coates' novel yesterday & finished it just now. Admittedly it took me a bit to find the rhythm of the story as it felt a bit jarring. Hiram, a slave on a Virginia plantation called Lockless, discovers he has an ability to transport across distances. He soon comes into contact with members of the Underground & the book shifts into a mashup between Colson Whitehead & John Le Carré. On the one hand Coates' novel is a slave narrative with a 4y
vivastory speculative bent, in the tradition of Morrison, Butler & Whitehead. On the other hand, The Water Dancer is jarring & has a few cliches, despite the grand moments of lyricism & insight. People often complain of the GR star rating, & for good reason, but I think the Litsy rating is even worse. There should really be a rating between pick & so-so, That is where The Water Dancer falls. Ultimately it is worth reading, but falls short of 4y
vivastory the tradition it aspires to. Still, Coates is one one hell of a writer as his essays attests to. *On a superficial note I find the color schemes of this extremely pleasing. This is my favorite color, esp under the dust jacket* 4y
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ValerieAndBooks We have all been saying the past four years that there needs to be a rating between pick and so-so. I wonder if Litsy will ever have another update 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
vivastory @ValerieAndBooks Honestly most of the books (probably 85-90%) would fall in this range.... 4y
Scochrane26 I really liked this book, but it took awhile to get into & read. I agree w/ your review. I adore Coates‘ NF. 4y
vivastory @Scochrane26 It's def an interesting entry in the novels of the experience of slavery in America. That seems hard to pull off at this point having such luminaries produce works, but he has produced a book that I think is worthwhile, if not nec one of the best 4y
KVanRead Felt the same way about this one. It‘s good but some of the best parts are really “speechifying” They‘re wonderful but felt like the non fiction writer in him coming through — I think that‘s where his true strength lies. 4y
vivastory @KVanRead I'm relieved to have my thoughts be validated & know that it wasn't my mood! I will def keep reading what he writes, but I think we agree his strengths are with the nf 4y
Tanisha_A Wow! Great review! I did read Between the World and Me by him, and found it a very engaging read (because of his writing) but of course so important too. Looking forward to read this 4y
Hooked_on_books I totally agree that there should be a rating between pick and so-so. I usually do what you did and put it in the higher category, but I‘d like more wiggle room. I haven‘t read this on yet, but it‘s waiting on my shelves. Hopefully this means your slump is over! 4y
BarbaraBB I agree on the review and the rating. Now when I really love a book I always feel the need to do an extra shoutout added to the pick! So many books would rate between a pick and a so-so. Among them this one. 4y
Megabooks I have this book, but I have been putting it off due to mixed reviews. I‘m one of those readers who is terrible at reading a book once it goes on the backlist. Sigh. I appreciate the honest review. 4y
mom2bugnbee What a great, thorough review! Thank you! I also vote for a category called "It's Fine". ☺ 4y
vivastory @mom2bugnbee It's Fine would make a great addition 👍 4y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates

What a gorgeous novel. Heartbreaking and beautifully told. This struck me as a redemptive, more hopeful Beloved. Even knowing how strong Coates‘s nonfiction is, this is one impressive debut novel.

The Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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This is my #Bookspin title, which I'm excited about because i just finished a good discussion of “Between the World and Me“ with some thoughtful people dedicated to undoing racism. I also thought I'd try the bingo card this month!

Scochrane26 I liked The Water Dancer a lot. 4y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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An excellent read that with a mystical thrill, added details to the life under slavery that did well in revealing the horrors of that oppression. So powerful at points that I am more than willing to forgive any sap or predictability as I steel myself for his other book: “Between the World and Me”.

Texreader I want to read this and your review is excellent. But I‘m not sure my heart can handle it. Maybe when the world is in a better place? Will that ever happen? 4y
Creadnorthey #texreader it will get better. It might be a bit different than we expected and our hearts can handle a lot- stay well. 4y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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I know a few people expressed interest, so I have provided a link below to the video of the Greenlight Virtual Reopening Party. Also posting an article about their pledge to improve treatment of Black customers and employees.



BarbaraBB Thanks!!! 4y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Good so far

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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates

Blessed because we do not bear the weight of pretending pure.

Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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We are what we always were .... underground. Last line of this book..... I loved it! Here‘s a picture of my book and my oddly placed book lamp!

mariaku21 I've been wanting to read that 4y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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It‘s been a full morning of house cleaning. Now time for a short break while lunch is in the oven.

Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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I‘ve read everything that Ta-Nehisi Coates has published. I know him to be a gifted essayist and writer of non-fiction but now fiction ... I want many more.

Hiram has the power of conduction, passed down to him from generations of water dancers. We meet the malicious Quality, the corrupt Low Whites, and come to grieve with, and celebrate those born to the Task. Coates tells us of an Underground, as magnificent and flawed as those who create it

Jee_HookedOnBookz I really enjoyed this too 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Pretty sure this was my favorite fiction book last year. I need to finalize my picks! 4y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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This is book is so beautifully written, it hooked me immediately. The protagonist, Hiram, is born a slave in Virginia with an incredible photographic memory who, as an adult, participates in assisting with the Underground Railroad. I simultaneously wanted more events out of the story because it‘s such a complicated historical event, but also think it‘s worth a re-read because I found some parts quite dense.

LoverOfLearning Great review! Adding to my TBR! 5y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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November 2019 reading wrap-up:
The Water Dancer: Ta-Nehis Coates 5 🌟🎧
Heavy:Kiese Laymon 📖
The Less People Know About Us: Axton Betz-Hamilton 3 🌟📖
I Am I Am I Am : Maggie O‘Farrell 5 🌟🎧
The Fire Next TIme: James Baldwin 🎧
Happiness: Aminatta Forna 3.5 🌟📖
Galore: Michael Crummy 3.5 🌟🎧
Men We Reaped: Jesymyn Ward 3.5 🌟🎧
The Name Of The Wind: Patrick Rothfuss 2.5 🌟📖🎧
#bookreport #NFNov ##nonfictionnovember

Clwojick way to go! 1 pt. 5y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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What I appreciated: while the physical brutality of slavery is noted, it‘s the emotional brutality that Coates focuses on. The devastation of having your spouse and children sold, the riches acquired through the work and sale of you and your loved ones. The book had a bit more magical realism to it than I expected but it works. I have also realized that I have an elementary knowledge of Harriet Tubman and want to research her in greater depth.

AmyG Good review. I look forward to reading this. 5y
Suet624 @AmyG Thanks, Amy. I hope you like it. I liked the characters a lot but actually enjoyed the book more after I had finished and spent some time thinking about it in greater depth. (edited) 5y
ValerieAndBooks I thought I had stacked this already...but your review made sure I am now. And, agree with you on Harriet Tubman. I should know more about her -- we all should, I'm sure. 5y
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Suet624 @ValerieAndBooks if you know of a good book on her, I‘d appreciate any suggestion. Thanks! 5y
kspenmoll Wonderful thoughtful review! ❤️ 5y
Suet624 @kspenmoll thank you, Katherine. 5y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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I was looking for pictures of water for this post. Came across a photo of two of my grandkids, cousins, this summer. Well they‘re close to water! 😀 But very far removed from the reality of this book I‘m reading. Holy Toledo. When I‘m not reading I‘m thinking about the characters and just want to get back to it. Coates has me completely wrapped up in the story.

LeahBergen Awww! What a gorgeous photo! 😍😍 5y
Suet624 @LeahBergen Sam, the 10 year old, made that girl laugh so much for a full week. I‘ve never been around an 18 month old who laughed so hard or a 10 year old who had no qualms about making her his sidekick. 5y
kspenmoll Adorable!!! 5y
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batsy This is so cute! Love the photo 💕 5y
Tanisha_A Just so cute! 😍 5y
Reggie Omg, sooo cute!!! 5y
Jeg Beautiful pic. 5y
britt_brooke Adorable! 5y
sisilia How adorable! 😍 5y
youneverarrived Gorgeous photo! 5y
Mdargusch So cute!!! 💞 5y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Sad & difficult to hear, as any tale of slavery must be, this is also a tale of triumph. Elements of magic realism help lift it to higher level. I found the #audiobook slow to get into, but Joe Morton‘s narration carried me until I was completely immersed. The story is like a cross between Edward P Jones‘ The Known World and Colson Whitehead‘s Underground Railroad.

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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Twelve napkins dyed indigo yesterday while listening to the tagged audiobook.

Sace 💙💙💙 5y
LibrarianRyan It looks like your table is covered in Denim. 5y
AmyG Lovely! 5y
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Lindy @LibrarianRyan Indigo and denim go together like a reader and a book. 😊 5y
Lindy @AmyG Thanks! 5y
Cinfhen That‘s great!!!! 5y
Lindy @Cinfhen 🤗 5y
arubabookwoman Beautiful! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Well done! Love them! 💙 5y
batsy These are so lovely. 5y
LeahBergen I love them! 😍 5y
Tanisha_A Beautiful! 5y
AmyRebecca Wow! 5y
Mdargusch Those turned out great! 💙 5y
Come-read-with-me @lindy beautifully done! 5y
Lindy @Come-read-with-me Thank you! 5y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Spent today #audiodyeing with a vat of indigo. More photos tomorrow.

Tanisha_A Indigooooo! 🔵 5y
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Cathythoughts Pretty 💙 5y
saresmoore I love this! 5y
Lindy @saresmoore Thanks! Making an indigo vat intimidated me, but I‘m glad I decided to try it because the results are satisfying. I started at 10 am yesterday and wasn‘t finished until 8:30, with only a couple of short breaks to eat. Listened to a big chunk of 5y
saresmoore My goodness, that‘s some dedication! I‘m still tempted to try it for myself. 5y
Lindy @saresmoore I‘m going to heat up the vat again today to do a little more. I already have two handkerchiefs, 12 napkins and a two-metre length of muslin... but the blue is so pretty I want more. 5y
ReadingEnvy Oh I love real indigo! 5y
Lindy @ReadingEnvy I gave some of my dyed handiwork away as Christmas gifts. 😊 5y
ReadingEnvy @Lindy lovely...I've purchased a few tea towels around here dyed in indigo because of course that was one of the traditional plantation crops in SC 5y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Great options for Book of the Month this month! The Coates was a no brainer for me and I couldn‘t resist adding just one more. What did all you other #botm clubbers choose?!

thebluestocking I picked these two as well!! 💙 5y
BarbaraBB @thebluestocking If the both of you chose them I‘ll probably like them too. #stacked 5y
thebluestocking @BarbaraBB I really hope all three of us like them! 💙 5y
Rachel_nyc @thebluestocking @BarbaraBB Me too! I am hoping to get to The Water Dancer later this month or early next. 5y
BarbaraBB Hi Rachel, you‘ve been quiet lately. All well? 😘 5y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Excellent! Award material for sure. 🎖Don‘t let the wordy first chapter intimidate you. It settles down into a very readable book.

thebluestocking Thanks for the review. This will definitely be one of my October #botm picks!! I can‘t wait. 5y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
Lindy I hadn‘t planned on reading Patchett‘s new novel (real estate & inheritance, ho-hum) but that cover is so beautiful … 5y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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A challenging book but well worth the effort. One of the best this year. Review at https://itsallaboutthebook.org/2019/09/19/water-dancer-by-ta-nehisi-coates/

Becker Glad to hear your thoughts. I‘m reading it now. The opening chapter is challenging but it seems to be settling down now so I‘m hopeful that I will be able to enjoy it. 5y
PatriciaU I finished this a couple weeks ago, but this week I was in a 2-day conference on race where I listened to Dr. Ken Hardy talk about the 3 things people of color have to do - stop taking care of white people, find their voice, and manage rage. As I listened to Dr. Hardy, I realized Coates used all of this in Water Dancer. If you ever get a chance to hear Dr. Hardy, do it. 5y
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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Starting this, and a bit worried it is going to be over my head.

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Water Dancer | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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I have been thinking about what to say about this book for the last hour while I‘ve been cleaning my house. It‘s not perfect, but the story is powerful and the characters will stick with me.

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