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Exquisite Corpse
Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
13 posts | 21 read | 29 to read
Zoe unwittingly stumbles into the literary scandal of the century when she befriends an author who faked his death years before in order to make money selling his new works as lost manuscripts.
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Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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Fun graphic novel revenge fantasy, taking a sly swipe at literary men.


willaful 10. New Book published in a different decade than Last Book. Here For It

11. A name of New Book's main character starts with the same letter as a name of Last Book's main character. Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy

12. New Book longer than Last Book. Love and Other Scandals by Caroline Linden

13. New Book is the same format as Last Book. Every Time I Fall by Lexi Ryan (ebook)
(edited) 5mo
willaful 14. New Book's cover has something the same or similar as Last Book's cover. Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh. Both have “bestselling author†on the cover.

15. New Book is a different genre from Last Book. Still Missing by Beth Gutcheon. Humorous memoir/thriller

16. New Book is set in a different time period from Last Book. Between, Georgia by Joshilyn Jackson. 1970s/present day
(edited) 5mo
willaful 17. New Book's page count is within 20 pages of Last Book's page count. A First Time for Everything by Dan Santat

18. New Book's title starts with one letter above or below the first letter in Last Book's title. Exquisite Corpse
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! You are flying through this challenge!!! 5mo
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Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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A quick afternoon read in the autumn sunshine. I‘m not a graphic novel fan but my partner is and we have shelves of them. Decided to try some. This was a quick read, delightful art work and my kind of ending. Perfect. @MrsMalaprop

Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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Quick read via Libby and my library in between rounds of Dead By Daylight I‘m playing. I really loved the art style a lot. Surprise ending too lol
#graphicnovel #exquisitecorpse #penelopebagieu #libby #library #videogames #gaming #deadbydaylight #samsung #tablet #ereader #graphicnovels #art #comic #comics

MrBook Nice review! 5y
allureofbeauty @MrBook thank you 🖤 5y
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Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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Hey, #ScreamsByMail #HorrorPostalBookClub book tribe, I just realized that our Round 2 will most likely happen in 2019 when GatheringBooks is doing a Year Of Women Reading Women theme. Hence, I am changing my pick to this one instead, if ok with everyone? If any of you have picked out male authors for Round 2, pls let me know asap so I can start reading them before year ends if I still want to join you guys. 🤣😭.

scripturient Sounds good to me. When exactly are we sending out 2 anyways? I thought that it might make sense to send it along with the last book, i.e. when I‘ve received and reread the Fireman and send it home to Myra, I could also put my round 2 in the package. This may save on shipping and we won‘t have any break. What‘s the general opinion here? 😊 6y
BookishTrish Do you want us to re-pick in solidarity? 6y
GatheringBooks @scripturient my understanding is that we send in the “opposite†direction this time around?? 6y
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scripturient @GatheringBooks Aaaah, right! I remember someone saying that. Sorry. It‘s still early here. 🙈 6y
GatheringBooks @BookishTrish awww. i wouldn‘t want to impose. but right now, i am more concerned with making sure i find the male-authored books stat so i can devour them before 2019. plus, i realized that there are few female horror authors! 😱 reading in advance is the only way i think i can still join the club. 💕😘 i checked our library. we have frankenstein in baghdad and universal harvester. which one have you decided on? 😘 6y
BookishTrish I‘m leaning toward 6y
BookishTrish What does everyone else think? 6y
GatheringBooks @BookishTrish oooohlala!!! i likey! hopefully it‘s fine with the others as well. it would be interesting to read female horror authors too! hehehhee. 6y
ephemeralwaltz This is great Myra! Definitely start reading, we wouldn't want you to not be able to join us! It would be great to send everything in the opposite direction but my problem is that I'm not sure I'd be able to afford shipping to Canada each time... I signed up with shipping within Europe in mind. I wasn't aware of this switch. 6y
GatheringBooks @ephemeralwaltz i am actually ok with just sticking to the same rotation just so everyone can still join in. i know that @kamoorephoto has similar concerns. any thoughts from @danibolahood @BookishTrish @Reggie @scripturient ? 🧚ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸ðŸ’•ðŸ˜˜ 6y
Reggie The same rotation is fine. 6y
GatheringBooks @Reggie whee!! looking forward to everyone else‘s inputs. 🧚ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸ 6y
scripturient This book looks good to me and I‘m fine with whatever rotation we choose. :) 6y
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Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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#ReadingResolutions Day 2: I anticipate that there will be loads of #CreepyCharacters in these gorgeously illustrated middle grade novels. These are still part of my #BigBadWolf book finds.

TracyReadsBooks Love Warren the 13th! 6y
charl08 I want to read Exquisite corpse after enjoying 6y
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Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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Hair in messy bun. Headphones in. Books in hand! This is me.

Blaire Yes! 7y
KathyWheeler Me too — except for the messy bun, but only because I just got my hair cut too short for it. 😄 7y
SassyPants617 Yuuuup! That‘s me at the library. Also, me on my commute to work. ðŸ’ðŸ»ðŸ¤— 7y
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Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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Loved the art in this one 🙌👌

Schlinkles Have you read the biography she did of Mama Cass from the Mamas and the Papas? It‘s fantastic and the art is so cute 7y
Clwojick @Schlinkles thanks for the recommendation! Stacked 7y
SilversReviews Great art!! 7y
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Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu

Cute book. Really liked the end!

Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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Anyone up for a round of Exquisite Corpse? I'll write 1 sentence to start the story, then you write 1 sentence in the comments to continue the story. #ExquisiteCorpse

Carly hitches her backpack and strides into the audition that could change everything.

tournevis Her backpack not being zipped, all its contents are for everyone to see. 7y
MidnightBookGirl The backpack is more than just a prop to help her get into character, it contains the one item that will guarantee that she will get this role. 7y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage She didn't realize it was open until she caught the eye of the cute blonde boy sitting in the first seat in the back row. 7y
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Jess_Read_This She doesn't even notice his look, she has her eyes on the prize- a role she was born to play. (edited) 7y
LittleWonder Carly feels through the backpack and grasps the item while patiently waiting for her name to be called. 7y
RaimeyGallant It's a jar of beetles, though, looking around at the other hopefuls, she notes that hers isn't the largest of the containers. 7y
AmyG She pulls the jar out of her backpack and her eyes widen as she notices the jar is empty. 7y
RaimeyGallant "I'm going to count to three," she warns the beetles swimming around the bottom of the pack, and in military formation, they march back into the safety of the jar. (edited) 7y
Jess_Read_This These aren't any normal beetles... these are magical Egyptian Scarabs. 7y
Hooked_on_books As soon as she utters there name aloud, each beetle starts to pulsate a different color: green, orange, and purple. 7y
RaimeyGallant Good, she thinks. They drank enough Kool-Aid this morning. 7y
everythingbookish Then her name is called, she breathes deeply and walk onto stage, beetles in tow. 7y
RaimeyGallant The director picks up her headshot--a 4-D number she paid a fortune for--and says, "I hope to hell your beetles are better trained than the last batch." 7y
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Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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Green tea, tiny brownie and a fun graphic novel make for a #sweet Sunday

Jeg My graphic novel reading partner just got this at a book sale yesterday. 7y
RealLifeReading @Jeg it's a fun read! 7y
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Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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Anyone want to play Exquisite Corpse? I'll write 1 sentence to start the story, then you write 1 sentence in the comments to continue the story. Get as crazy as you want. #ExquisiteCorpse

The day Maisy turned fifteen, the foot of a rainbow staircase plunked down on her windowsill.

RebeccasReading It bore the vestiges of some long ago tale, but she recognized it for what it was easily enough, and reconciled herself to climbing it. 7y
queerbookreader Heaving her way up the stairs, Maisy soon realized that she really needed to hit the treadmill more often. 7y
monkeygirlsmama Little did she know how many more times she'd have this same epiphany while on her journey. (edited) 7y
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vivastory Maisy was distracted from her epiphany by a bat flying right at her 7y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks "Don't bats have echolocation," Maisy thought just before the bat crashed into her forehead. 7y
thestarslisten She felt a sudden pain on her forehead and realized the bat bit her. 7y
TK421 She had fleeting moment of fear before she realized that the bat was trying to apologize for biting her. 7y
Avanders It took Maisy a moment of smiling at the cute apologizing bat before it suddenly dawned on her that she could understand the bat's entreaties! (edited) 7y
RaimeyGallant "Sorry about that," said the bat, "but I thought you would taste like bubblegum." 7y
dayanaqela "Perhaps you are a cursed bat who is going to transform to a charming prince after biting a bubblegum-scented girl I suppose?" 7y
ScientistSam "Don't be silly!" the bat replied. "That only works for princes who were turned into kittens." 7y
Bette Nevertheless, this rainbow staircase won't climb itself, I must be on my way, Maisy said to the bat. 7y
Tertubotn "Oh but why?" said the bat. "I can fly you there! Just allow me to grab you by the nose, and we'll be there in no time! " 7y
ChristinaF With that, she grabbed her golden key, a banana, and two packs of Bubble Yum. After lacing them in her drawstring bag, she scooped up Claude, her tabby cat, and jumped on the bat's nose. (edited) 7y
RaimeyGallant When they reached the clouds, the bat put her down and waved goodbye with a wing. 7y
thoulivesreads "Now," she wondered out aloud, stroking Claude absent-mindedly, as she stared ahead, "will be find a pot of gold?" 7y
Billypar She ducked her head down to get below the clouds blocking her vision. A light rainbow mist rose from the ground and what she saw in the distance made her wonder if she had perhaps gotten off on the wrong floor. 7y
ptkpepe98 Because while she saw pot, it wasn't gold. It was green, tall, and ready to harvest. "Am I in Colorado?" 7y
RaimeyGallant "Are you our new harvest queen?" asked a man in coveralls. 7y
litmuggle Really Claude said, one week of rule below this girl and you will all be dead, now bow and call me King you all my slaves now. 7y
ChristinaF At this, everyone charged Claude and he grabbed his mighty Loki staff and Thor's hammer, because he was the worthy one. 7y
TK421 As the battle raged on, Maisy watched while the mighty Claude smote wave after wave of Rainbow land pot farmers. 7y
Avanders Maisy was surprised and, if she was honest with herself, a little sad at the sudden change in Claude's personality, and she considered wandering off and exploring the rest of Rainbow land without him... (edited) 7y
RaimeyGallant The puffy floor beneath Claude opened up, and he was swallowed whole, his screams echoing throughout the land. 7y
edavisbooks After watching him disappear, Maisy turned and came face to face with an angel. Long locks of lavendar cascaded down her back and and exquisite gold adorned her bodice. 7y
RaimeyGallant "Hey," said the angel, "you got a light?" 7y
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Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu
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Meh. Cute but I kind of hated the ending. Quick Saturday morning read.

Exquisite Corpse | Pénélope Bagieu

I'm glad I read this book before I got onto Litsy because the description gives away a huge plot point. (Jacket doesn't mention the spoiler.) The twist at the end was great, but the rest of the story was too thin for me. It's translated from French, so I'll fully admit something was lost in English.