This is how I feel about donating books, even while feeling overwhelmed by my tbr pile/shelves/mount doom.
This is how I feel about donating books, even while feeling overwhelmed by my tbr pile/shelves/mount doom.
My TBR jar for 2018! I have such trouble choosing a book that I'll often reread an old favorite to avoid making a decision lol Rest assured my comfort reads are well-loved. This year, I grabbed a $1 jar from Target, wrote the book (or series) down on a 1/2in slip of paper and folded them all into origami lucky stars! I know it doesn't look like it but there are 50+ books in that jar lol #tbr2018
#DoIWannaKnow how long it is going to take me to read all my unread books? Not really. But since I don't have hundreds of unread books, I think I'm going to be okay 😄📚
#tbrshelf #shelfie #TuneintoNovember
#thankstoLitsy I've gone from barely dipping my toe back into post-college reading-for-pleasure waters with the odd audiobook while commuting to reading dozens of books a month; participating in challenges, swaps, and buddyreads; buying upwards of 30 books in the past month (😱) and getting to know some of you lovely people so well that I get personally tagged for challenges now, which I never expected and never fails to delight me. #1000reasons
1. @nadine_swartz told me about it 2. Through Goodreads 3. Real live books 4. Multiple times 5. I'm currently in 6 of them. The last book I read for one of them was Gulp. by Mary Roach. 6. The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien needed an editor. 7. The footnotes in Gulp. definitely made me laugh out loud a few times. 8. A Gentleman in Moscow 9. The Night Circus 10. Kitty Porn #tbrboost
Not bad. Totally doable!
Here's what I'm hoping to read in May, although it's my #birthdaymonth so it may change. I have said that I'll take Queen of the Tearling into June as it's over 400 pages, but if I get into it, I expect I'll finish it in May too. @RealLifeReading #maybookflowers
I woke up a number of times last night and, in that half-dream state, I found I was worrying about the number of library books I needed to read before their due date. I was also concerned I wouldn't read all of the Tournament of Books shortlist. I was trying to prioritize which books to read but instead just felt despair. I don't think this is normal.
We started a book exchange hub in the teachers' room at my school. I've already picked up 3 new titles & found a good home for a bunch of mine. #tbr
There are 70 unread books in my physical TBR stack. That's not counting my ebooks. Or my library hold list. Or my Amazon wish list. And I just can't seem to stop buying more.
#TBRTuesday. These shelves hold the books I intend to re-read. I guess that makes this #TBReRTuesday.