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Virus letal
Virus letal | James Dashner
EXPLOSIN INFECCIN CONTAGIO EPIDEMIA EXTINCIN Antes de que existiera CRUEL, antes de que se creara el Laberinto y mucho antes de que Thomas ingresara al rea, las llamaradas solares azotaron la Tierra y destruyeron el mundo que la Humanidad daba por sentado. Mark y Trina estaban all cuando esto ocurri, y sobrevivieron. Pero sobrevivir a las llamaradas fue sencillo, comparado a lo que vino despus. Ahora una enfermedad que nubla la mente con ira y dolor se expande por todo el territorio, y hay algo muy sospechoso sobre su origen. Peor an, est mutando, y la evidencia sugiere que pondr a la Humanidad de rodillas ante el caos, previo a una muerte cada vez ms segura y espantosa. Mark y Trina estn convencidos de que hay un modo de salvar de la locura a los pocos que quedan. Y estn determinados a encontrarlo si pueden mantenerse vivos y sanos. Porque en este nuevo y devastado mundo, cada vida tiene un precio. Tambin la tuya. Y para algunos, vales ms muerto que vivo. Virus letal es la precuela de la triloga Maze Runner, saga best seller del New York Times, xito internacional en varios idiomas. En estas pginas se narra la historia de la cada del mundo y la civilizacin, y de cmo la Llamarada, enfermedad que comenz por enloquecer a sus habitantes, hizo que algunos se plantearan soluciones drsticas y crueles para la supervivencia de los seres humanos y del planeta al borde del delirio y la extincin.
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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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4/5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

#themazerunner #dystopian #youngadult

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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The book is really good I won‘t lie. I really really liked it. It did take me some time though because I am emotionally attached to the book series. Yes the book was good but the ending, made me feel so empty and sad inside. Maybe that‘s just me being dramatic though.

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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*gasp!* Teresa never got her memory wiped! 😵

The Fever Code | James Dashner

I cannot believe Thomas‘s real name is Stephen! It sounds so weird in my mind!

Maze Runner: Virus Letal | James Dashner
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It‘s time for some holiday humor for #wintergames! #merryreaders

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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Once there was A WORLD‘S END.
Next came WICKED.
Now there are SECRETS. There are LIES.

What‘s up #TeamSlaughter finished The Fever Code, the first book read in the #Scarathlon2020 woot woot. This book just gave me 5 points!! Can‘t wait to read more books and watch more shows/movies
#TheFeverCode #Readathon #Dystopian #YoungAdult #OctoberChallenge @Clwojick

Clwojick 6pts! Don‘t forget to give yourself a point for participation 🔥 4y
kay.the.bibliophile @Clwojick Will do!! 🤩👍🏻 4y
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The Fever Code | James Dashner

(The Maze Runner prequel)
The story of the gladers until the maze was built, and it has a very suprising plot! I loved to see how every character is very similar to her future self even after they forgot everything when they got into the glade.
To be honest, I liked more the original series of The Maze Runner, but I still recommend to every TMR fan to read, you won't be disappointed!

The Fever Code | James Dashner

This was an amazing prequel to the Maze Runner series. It was cool to learn more about the characters. 10/10

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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Got this in today. ☺️

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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️/5 I really enjoyed this book. I love short chapters - I feel so accomplished when I am able to read so many chapters in one sitting. I had a genuine interest in this particular story and I finally finished the series. Great YA series, although it would have been definitely too freaky for me when I was in YA age.

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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“𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚.”

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 /5 stars This was one of my favorite books in the series! I loved all the insights into how and why the Maze was created. I feel that I now have a deeper understanding of Thomas and Teresa. I'm very happy I read this series!

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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Doing some #audiopainting in my journal this evening 🍓🖌

Maze Runner: Virus Letal | James Dashner


The Fever Code | James Dashner
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Great book lots of #betrayal #sad #great #readingrsolutions power

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Maze Runner: Virus Letal | James Dashner
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It‘s a problem everywhere. I actually loved James Dashner‘s response to the allegations though, and I hope he‘s sincere. Sometimes I think that so much of this problem could be solved by introspection on the part of the offender.


LazyOwl I agree, I think it shows guts to own up rather than provide "excuses". 6y
GypsyKat @LazyOwl Yes, exactly! 6y
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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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Definitely happy to end this series with THIS book. I‘m glad I stuck with it to the end. So happy to glimpse the “ before” of the Maze and I actually enjoyed this one quite a bit despite hating Death Cure and Kill Order.....but ahhhh, this one helps bring some of the things that seem so random about those books to light. TERESA 🤔

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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Honestly thought it was all over. Then I spotted another in Tesco. Time to reread the Maze Runner books. :D

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I am very excited about this book! It was absolutely INCREDIBLE!! I loved it soo much that i read it twice in a row and then again later on! It felt so good to see the everything behind the maze and just live once again with Thomas, Newt, Minho and all the other shanks that became my favorite characters! James Dashner rocks!!

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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I couldn't think of anything for today's #Onomatopoeia prompt besides The Cuckoo's Calling like @sprainedbrain 😊 but I wanted something different and came across this passage while reading today. I figured this is the best I'm going to get today 😋 #JubilantJuly #TheFeverCode #BUZZ 🐝🐝 #BookNerd 📚💙

sprainedbrain That definitely works, and what a cute picture! 😃 7y
RealLifeReading 👍👍👍 7y
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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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When I started this and found out it was going to be about Thomas and Teresa I was super nervous because I was so disappointed by The Death Cure ....
This was such a turn around from the last book.
I enjoyed watching Thomas and Teresa grow up. I still hate Teresa, she's so awful!
It was cool getting inside information on how WICKED came. Everything that went on behind the scenes, who knew who before the Maze... all of it was cool to read about.

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The Fever Code | James Dashner

This book made me miss Teresa all over again. It answered so many questions...

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Had so much fun tonight moderating a discussion with author James Dashner. We got to talk for an hour and it was awesome.

My_novel_obsession That would have been fun to attend...sorry I missed it ☹️ 7y
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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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I have all my questions ready for Thursday! So incredibly glad I did a reread in this series prior to the signing. It's all fresh in my mind! By the way, this book is a great look at all the mind games Wicked played from the very beginning.

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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The final book in the series! This complete reread has been a lot of fun and I can't wait til The Maze Runner event next week!!!!

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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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"WICKED is good."

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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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#currentread I can't wait to dive into this story. The books from this series have been great. The movies... ok. #thefevercode

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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Ailurophile and bibliophile - the good life ?? This is the "Recommended by" choice for litsy reading challenge. My daughter Josie chose this -good so far☺️ Interesting learning about how it all started in this prequel to Maze runner.

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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First ever post on here, and as I recently went mad and purchased 7 books in one go, I thought there's no better time to start on this app! Being a big fan of the original Maze Runner trilogy I can't wait to get stuck into this!

BookishMarginalia Welcome to Litsy! It's a fun place! 7y
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The Fever Code | James Dashner

This book seems perfect the crazy day it's been

The Fever Code | James Dashner

It was so nice going back to this series and learning how the maze was created. Highly recommend this book if you loved TMR series and want to learn more about it and how everything came about.

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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The writing in this series is not my favorite, but it does read quickly. This book set up a lot of the plots and stories already in the series. It was a satisfying prequel but it did not add much to my enjoyment of the whole.

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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I purchased this book as a Christmas present for a friend. She likes this series. I have not read any of them. I have only seen the first movie.

readinginthedark I read a different book by him...The Eye of Minds, and thought it was horrible. 😕Probably won't read any more by him. 8y
ErinC Weird @readinginthedark I had a student give a book talk over that an hour ago. I'd never heard of it. He thought it was just okay. 8y
wanderlustywriter I abhorred The Maze Runner so probably won't read any of his books again -- but to each his or her own ! 8y
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JoRead Really? I've heard great things about this book. Now I'm more intrigued. 8y
Jaimelire Read the first. It was good. 8y
BarbaraJean I read the prequel to the Maze Runner series and that was more than enough of his writing for me. The nonstop action only stopped when characters had to sleep, and even then they just had nonstop action dream flashbacks. There was so little character development that I can't remember the name of a single character! Just not for me. 8y
readinginthedark @ErinC It was one of those things that just didn't work for me. There were some great ideas there, but Dashner's writing style was all over the place. 8y
LibrarianJen I e read the first 3 in the series. They aren't my fave and I almost baled on the third one, so I haven't made it to the Fever Code yet. 8y
Aswenson I liked book 1, but I haven't attempted the prequel or sequels because I haven't heard positive reviews! 8y
TheBookStacker Pretty good series. 8y
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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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Better than the first prequel, adding several dimensions to the series which completely alter how the trails will be viewed. Also, Teresa is the worst, in my completely subjective opinion. #mazerunner #dashner #reading #fevercode #review (needed two posts because that's how much this book altered my perception of the maze trails, all for the better.)

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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This just changed how I view the entire series, for the better since it added a dynamic to the Maze which I never would have imagined. The stories of Ava Paige, Teresa, Thomas and the gladers at WICKED makes the entire series that much better. Wonderful conclusion to a wonderful series - even though this was a prequel. #dasher #mazerunner #glader #amreading #jamesdasher #fevercode

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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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DzdnDstrctd I've read every single "Cat Who"! They are some of my all time favorite books. Nice choice! 8y
Marmie7 Yay-Agatha Christie! 8y
jfalkens I'm reading The Cat Who series right now! I'm on The Cat Who talked to ghosts ☺ 7y
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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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I loved this book!! It was an amazing addition to this beloved series, and it was nice to get back into this world! It definitely answered many questions from the previous books, and it was just perfect.

bellebookish This pic tho! 8y
Natalia Love this picture! 8y
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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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So very good. Much better than the first prequel. But. I REALLY can't stand Teresa.

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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Weeks after arriving, I finally get to open this and see how the maze was made #mazerunner #dashner #newbook #excited #amreading

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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I really enjoyed jumping back into this world! There were little things that confused me - it's been a while since I read The Maze Runner (and the sequels), so it might be because of that or because the movies switched facts around in my head. Figuring out what happened before the maze was very interesting though!

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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So so so so disappointed. The first 400 pages = things we already knew or things we don't care about. The last two pages = the most infuriating twist in all of literature. Please don't waste your time with this series at all.

Onceuponatime Oh boo. I just got this and was hoping to have some questions answered 8y
BookNerdBritt I gave up after book 2. Sounds like I made the right call! 8y
ClairesReads I read all 4 before this even though they became increasingly terrible. 8y
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Texreader @ClairesReads I agree. I started an intense dislike with book two. 8y
Texreader Hate to hear this one is so bad since I splurged on the hardback for my daughter. 😡 I have a weak spot when my kids beg for books. 8y
the_hibernator I felt disappointed at the end of the 1st and really annoyed all the way through the second. He tries too hard to be twisty and mysterious. 8y
LibrarianJen I switched to the audiobook version for this one that way I could do other things and not really pay attention. It was so long and drawn out and then yeah, only at the end did the plot change. 8y
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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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OH MY GOD IT WAS SO AMAZING I CRIED BUT THATS NOT VERY SURPRISING but anyways I loved it so much and all the twists and turns had me on the edge of my seat. Totally recommend! Okay spoilers now so stop reading if you haven't read it yet but I FREAKING KNEW SONYA WAS NEWTS SISTER BUT NOBODY WOULD LISTEN TO ME INSTEAD THEY SHIPPED THEM TOGETHER and I don't know how that's gonna work out now so I don't know but great book I'd give it a 100/10

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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I wish I was cooler with my #bookmarks but I just use post-its. #booktober

RealLifeReading Plenty of post-its in my books too! 8y
Smangela I use whatever is handy too :) and sometimes the colorful post-it's from work are the best solution ;) 8y
SeeJulieRead I like post-its too! 8y
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KafkaKitten I'm guilty of using receipts sometimes when I have nothing else 😂 8y
Chessa @KafkaKitten I was just thinking the same thing! Mine are all random small flat things that are handy. 😂👍🏻 8y
Daisey I have some random bookmarks, but I tend to use post-it's more than anything else! 8y
mjdowens I honestly use library receipts with old due dates on them. For some reason they collect anyway in my purse. Might as well put them to good use 8y
the_hibernator I use random pieces of paper. Whatever is handy. 8y
irregularreader I actually make and sell my own bookmarks from ribbon . . . The upshot is I have them lying around everywhere :p 8y
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The Fever Code | James Dashner
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This was everything I was hoping it'd be!! We finally get the answers about how the maze was created & just how Thomas, Teresa, & the rest of the Gladers all fit into it.

Seeing all my favorite characters again made me feel so nostalgic! Specially Newt and Chuck 😢 it was too much at times, i felt so many emotions while reading. I just love this series & characters so much. All the twist & turns! Its epic!

I devoured this book in under 24hrs!

The Fever Code | James Dashner

I absolutely loved this book! I could NOT wait to buy it (I went to the store and accidentally bought an extra three books oops). Whenever I saw Newt's name, though, my heart cracked a little bit more.

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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Just finally got this book in the mail yesterday and its a first edition 😆 Can't wait to see how this amazing series started!! seeing the prologue though made my heart ache 😢 #TheMazeRunner #JamesDashner #TheFeverCode #favseries

The Fever Code | James Dashner
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What I'm currently reading!

Maze Runner: Virus Letal | James Dashner
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"Just follow me and run like your life depends on it. Because it does."

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