What excellent boiled potatoes.
#pandp #prideandprejudice #austen
What excellent boiled potatoes.
#pandp #prideandprejudice #austen
How disappointing is it when a book you‘ve been meaning to read since, well, forever, falls flat of your expectations? I‘m in love with this genderless society but I feel like I‘m reading a textbook. DNF... sadly.
#theyrenotsequels #janeaustenbookclub #theleguin #fuckgender
I think mine was an unedited or unabridged copy. Read the abridged version. I don‘t remember Stephen King being so wordy. I bet this would make a great Graphic Novel though. Hey, Google?
The boy stared at him sullenly again, the eyes that of a piggy little boy who wanted the whole jar of cookies to himself. Ain‘t he gonna be surprised when he finds out that a girl isn‘t a jar of cookies.
#thewisdomofstephenking #iamthearrow #feminismbro
The cover is coming off my book.
#usedbookproblems #usedbooks #secondhandbooks
I‘m not saying I played hooky....but this picture was not taken at work.
#mentalhealthday #tudorhistory #tudors #history
Nary a Trick or Treater ‘round these parts.
#goodthingilikereseas #reeses #thestand #stephenking #allhallowseve #halloween
“Then Piglet saw what a Foolish Piglet he had been, and he was so ashamed of himself that he ran straight off home and went to bed with a headache.”
I am Piglet. Piglet is me.
#anxiety #backtobed #mortified #everyday #fictionaldoppleganger #pooh #piglet #winniethepooh
Deep in the 100 Aker wood by torchlight.
#aamilne #winniethepooh #houseatpoohcorner #thebookwasbetter #exceptforthesongs #imjustalittleblackraincloud
I‘d like to attend a class on Helen Oyeyemi, please.
#toosmartforme #retelling #fairytales #oyeyemi #helenoyeyemi
“Wanderer, there is no road. The road is made by walking. I can be another thing. I‘m meant to be another thing. “
#heartstrings #helenoyeyemi #wisdom #confusingashell #butgood
Phenomenal Reading Powers! #ittybittyreadingnook
#readingnook #grandmacorner #phillippullman #drumtable #starwars #darthvader #yoda #ukelele #stjude
I once watched this movie where the guys house was on fire the whole time, in a constant state of burning down. Everyone saw it, everyone somehow knew why it was burning. They understood it. But they never talked about it. It was kinda like oh yeah you‘re house is on fire... hm. Meaningful glance. THEY NEVER EXPLAINED IT. It just was. Helen Oyeyemi makes me feel that kind of confused. What am I missing?!
#huhwhat #retelling #booksandbooze
My lunchtime patch of grass and my escape from the grind.
#escapism #natureythings #lunchtimereads
Pictured here: History, Historical Fiction, Classics, Cogsworth, Lumiere, HRH.
#jkitsme #beautyandthebeast #cogsworth #lumiere #lesmis #shelfie @bookriot #riotgrams
Once again, #likemotherlikedaughter. Except for one thing: she loved this this book and I‘m undecided. I‘m mulling. Hmmm. 🙃🤡🤠🤓👄👂👼🐷
Level Five, B!tches!
#middlegrade #readingprograms #scholastic #scholasticbooks
Granted, I‘m not super far into the book yet. But, my initial reaction is HUH?!
I don‘t know if it will ever make sense.
#whatshappening #confused #flatironbooks #ARC
My mom lent me this ages ago! It is now time to begin....
#readingrunsinthefamily #arc #likemotherlikedaughter @TheresaReads
I'll never read the words "Great Hall" the same again.
#hpfoeva #harrypotter #hpvocab #greathall
I lost my book for about five minutes and almost had a meltdown.
#lostbooks #booooooooook #hocuspocus #rememberwinnieremember
#idgieandruth #loveislovelove #tawanda #whistlestop
I went to The Booksmith yesterday and didn't even realize where I was until Amy handed my boyfriend his back pack. At which point, I calmly walked from the store and fangirled outside.
#sanfransiscoorbust #sanfranciscobookstores #localbookstores
Please rise.
#happeebirthdae #jorowling #jkrowling #harrypotter
Any San Franciscan Littens out there?
Going on Vacation to your area soon and want to visit the best bookstores!
#sanfransisco #vacationreading #sanfransiscobookstores #indiebookstores #localbookstores #bookshoppesuggestions #sanfransiscoreaders
For your viewing pleasure in this, the 20th year of our lord, Jo Rowling, the most recently used Harry Potter meme in my arsenal.
#potterpuppetpals #snapesnape #severussnape #DUMBLEDORE #harrypotter #harrypotter20 #thegoddessjkrowling #jkrowling #jorowling #harrypottermemes #angst #angst #angst
By a landslide! Is that a landslide? I don't actually know.
#byalot #harrypotter #harrypotter20 #hpfoeva #ravenclaw #witbeyondmeasure #sortinghat #sortingceremony #sorted #zeroslytherin #notbraveatall #butiknewthatready
No. YOU'RE turning into your grandmother.
#coffecakes #canadadry #rosary #doilies #booksonthenightstand #whistlestopcafe #idgieandruth #loveisloveislove #towanda #friedgreentomatoes
I'm hoping this comfort read will break me out of the funk I've been in. A funk that's causing a slump. I hate slumps.
#comfortread #readingslump #helpme #towanda #favoritebooks #topten #booksintomovies #moviesbasedonbooks
You probably already know this, but if you google "The Morgenstern" the first result is The Princess Bride. #themorgenstern #theprincessbride #googleknowsall #booksaboutbooks #bookinception
Poppies in a can?! The future is now.
#wickedwitch #poppies #poppieswillputthemtsleep #oz #wizardofoz #bookishthings #flowers #littlebooksbigleaves
When you get a promotion and your boyfriend buys you a congratulatory gift. #introvert #introvertsatwork #myboyfriendisbetterthanyours #educationalbooks
Can you #litsypartyofone in a crowd? Let's find out.
#themothers #librarybooks #barbecue #bbq #dallasmusic #deepellumtx #booksandbands
As a Feminist I'm pissed that men address my boyfriend and ignore me. As an introvert.....
#feminsit #introvert #conflictingideals #notalkie #leavemealone #butrespectme #atthesametime
#itscomplicated #feminism
Library books make me feel like a kid again; like a little girl discovering Pippy for the first time. So exciting!
#library #librarybooks #themothers #britbennett #anticapation #pippy #pippylongstocking #libraryhaul
Because fear.
#history #WWII #relevant #historyrepeatingitself #learnfromthepast #riseup #resist #loveisloveislove
Kate Winslet should read ALL the audiobooks.
#dahl #roalddahl #matilda #childrensbooks #booksaboutbooks
When you sell some books to Half Price and turn right around to give them their money back.
#bookhaul #usedbooks #TOWANDA #somepig
Gone country.
#texas #texasreaders #texasbooknerds
#diversebooks #diversity
When your boyfriend neglects to tell you that the "show" you're going to is F'N HOUSE PARTY and you thank god for the foresight to bring an extra book and for the 711 around the corner. #killmenow #ihatehouseparties #housepartiesarethefingworst #whyamihere #introvert #introvertextrovertrelationship #heknowshessupposedtotellmethisshit #ifonesinglepersosaysANYTHINGtomeaboutreadingilllosemyshit
Oh yeah, 3/52.
#litsypartyofone #introvertsunite #hacktheplanet
Check out @Ambrosnazzy for full details!
Just a wee sampling...
#readjanuary #royals #obsession #history #nonfiction #fiction #tudors #tudorengland #likeliterally #therearemore #iwasntwaitingforthisday #oranything #casualwhistle 😬🤴🏽👑🏰⚜️