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Ugh!: A Bug! | Ned Crowley
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Illustrations and simple text describe some unusual characteristics of such insects as grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, praying mantis, and more.
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Ugh!: A Bug! | Ned Crowley
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Suet624 Darn it! That stinks. 9mo
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squirrelbrain That‘s *really* bad. I‘d read nearly half of the long list, but only 6 of these, and hibernated a further 3 because I didn‘t love them. There‘s not a single book on there that I loved and plenty that most Littens have really disliked. Meh - I don‘t think I‘ll bother with the shortlist. 9mo
kwmg40 Oh no! I haven‘t looked at the list yet but heading over there now with some trepidation. 9mo
RebelReader I may try a couple of these, but I definitely will not be completing it. Oh well, I‘m still gonna read a couple from the long list too just because! 🤷🏼‍♀️ 9mo
Hooked_on_books Jesus, what in the hell are they thinking?!? This thing is a mess! Although I‘m kind of delighted to see Boys Weekend on there. 9mo
Deblovestoread Well that‘s disappointing. 🙁 9mo
BkClubCare Yeehaw, what a wild list IMHO 9mo
Bookwormjillk Cold People? Really? 9mo
jlhammar Interesting…I‘ve only read the McBride and Aoyama so far (enjoyed both). I have a feeling I might not get on with several of these. I hate that cover of Big Swiss so much that I‘ve been avoiding it. I‘ll probably give as many of these a shot as I can over the next 2+ months (depends on library availability for some), but will not hesitate to bail if I‘m not feeling it. 9mo
Jas16 This is really disappointing. I definitely won‘t be a completionist this year 9mo
Ruthiella I will give them all a go if available from the library, but I agree. There are a lot listed where my Litsy and Goodreads friends were meh or negative about them. 9mo
Megabooks Yikes!! 9mo
Megabooks @squirrelbrain I hate not to be a completist, but I have no desire to read Brainwyrms after your review, and you probably don‘t want to read Cold People after mine! 😂😂 9mo
sarahbarnes Interesting. Most of the books I either liked or want to read off the long list aren‘t on here. 9mo
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books I‘m very excited to get to Boys Weekend! 9mo
squirrelbrain No, I‘m not completing the list this year either @Jas16 @Megabooks 🤷‍♀️ 9mo
BarbaraBB I am shocked.. Most of them I really don‘t want to read and the three I did read I didn‘t enjoy that much. So what now? 9mo
kwmg40 I'll read some of the books on the list but definitely won't be a completist this year. Actually, I've never completed the list but I usually put in a good effort. Not this year. 9mo
ImperfectCJ Wow, there is little overlap between the ones I am excited about from the long list and this short list. I'm going to have to think carefully about whether I want to be a short list completist this year or not. 9mo
Chelsea.Poole 🙈 “ugh” is right! 9mo
Addison_Reads I'm just going to keep reading as many on the long list as I can, but this short list just doesn't really impress me. 9mo
cariashley Oof I‘m still digesting! I‘d read barely any of the long list and only had a few of the shortlist books on my radar. Really not sure how to proceed! (edited) 9mo
Well-ReadNeck Humph. I don‘t mind a weird book or two, but I feel like there are just too many on this list and just for shock value. Of the longlist books that I haven‘t read, it‘s uncanny how many chosen were at/toward the bottom of my “want to read/interested to read list” Bummer. 9mo
batsy I've barely read most of the longlist books yet, but I did enjoy Big Swiss and I thought The Guest was interesting. But other than that I'm with @sarahbarnes these were not quite the books I was drawn to from the longlist and don't know if I'll read much of the shortlist. 9mo
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Ugh!: A Bug! | Ned Crowley
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Y'all I'm really struggling with this new year & we're only 2 weeks in.😫 A bunch of stressful things have happened & my depression has ramped up. Diet culture is whispering all these disordered eating thoughts in my ear & I'm finding it hard to take care of myself. I wouldn't normally post something like this, but I could really use some of that wonderful Litsy community support right now.

(Pic of Luna just b/c she's cute & posed so nice)

Dilara I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. Here's a virtual hug 🌞 😻. You can weather this rough patch: things will get better. 2y
TEArificbooks I hear ya. I‘m having a rough new year too. I‘m trying to take it day to day and reassuring myself that it will all turn out alright. The troubles will end. Forget trying to diet completely. Just make one small change a day, like no soda one day, or eat one more serving of veggies the next day. Small steps. You can only do so much each day and stressing over a diet right now might not be the healthy choice. 2y
Deblovestoread 2023 seems to be off on a rocky start for many of us, and I am sorry you are included in that. You are not alone. My mantra this week has been "this too shall pass". It doesn't always seem like it will, but it always does. 2y
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LeeRHarry Sending you a virtual hug and hope things improve soon, I find the start of a new year can be, for want of a better word, daunting as there seems to be a lot of expectations around - take it slow and take care 🤗 2y
Catsandbooks @Dilara Thank you, hugs help, even virtual ones 2y
IndoorDame Sending some positive vibes your way ❤️ 2y
Catsandbooks @TEArificbooks oh I'm definitely not on a diet or trying to diet. I struggle with disordered eating though, especially from the years of diets and diet culture. Sometimes I struggle to feed myself anything. So it's not so much as making healthy eating choices, but really just making sure I eat anything. 2y
Catsandbooks @Deblovestoread yes thank you! Even though it's hard this is temporary. 2y
Catsandbooks @LeeRHarry thank you! Yes, trying to let go of expectations is hard. 2y
LeahBergen I‘m sorry to hear you‘re going through a bad time. Sending hugs to you! ❤️❤️ 2y
Bookwormjillk I‘m sorry you‘re struggling. A bunch of us at work have decided the last two weeks don‘t count and we‘re starting the new year over this weekend. Hang in there. This time of year can be tough 🤗 2y
Susanita Hang in there hon. 🫂 2y
TrishB Sorry to hear ❤️ one day slowly at a time. 2y
CarolynM Sending virtual hugs and wishing you more peaceful times ahead.❤️ 2y
Chelsea.Poole Sorry to hear you‘re going through it. January is tough for so many. 2y
Lunakay Don't let diets get you down! Food is one of life's joys and comforts🍜 Things will be better again! Be kind to yourself!💌 2y
bnp So sorry to hear you're having a rough patch. Consider yourself hugged. 💖❄️🪁 2y
Amiable Sending warm and supportive Litsy thoughts and vibes your way. 💙💙 2y
DivineDiana So sorry to learn of your struggles. Sending healing wishes to you. Looks like Luna is giving you some loving support. ❤️😻🙏🏻 2y
vlwelser This year sucks so far. But it's like the weather in Boston. Wait 5 minutes and it'll change. It sounds like you need a craft project and an audiobook. That always helps me. Also sending hugs. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😘 2y
JenReadsAlot Virtual hug! Gentle self-care as much as possible. 2y
MoonWitch94 I totally empathize with all of this! As others have said, take one day, one hour at a time. Every day is a new chance to start again; if today sucks, tomorrow can be better. You are seen, heard, and cared for by your Litsy community! Sending you virtual hugs ♥️ 2y
ShelleyBooksie Luna is adorable! I hope that she gives you lots of comforting snuggles. ♡♡♡ 2y
quietjenn I'm sorry things are rough right now. That won't always be the case. Do small things. They count. 💙 2y
Dragon I like @Bookwormjillk suggestion to restart the new year - be kind to yourself and consider yourself hugged -😻💚🐉 2y
Ruthiella Hope things start looking up soon! Snuggle with your kitty. She loves you just as you are. ❤️ 2y
SamAnne January can be so hard. Take a day and treat yourself. Hope it turns around, the sky lightens for you. 2y
sarahbellum You are not alone and you deserve patience and kindness, especially from yourself. We‘re here for you! 💕🤗 2y
BookNAround The rhetoric in January is so hard for so many people. I really wish we could change it to something healthier for everyone. I hope that having the Litsy community helps at least a little. The days are lightening up and I hope your heart and mind lighten with them. 2y
Catsandbooks @Bookwormjillk yes a restart is needed! 2y
Catsandbooks @LeahBergen @susanita @TrishB @CarolynM @Chelsea.Poole @lunakay @bnp @amiable @DivineDiana @vlwelser @JenReadsAlot @MoonWitch94 @shelleybooksie @quietjenn @Dragon @Ruthiella @SamAnne @sarahbellum @BookNAround Thank you all for your kind words! It really means a lot to me to have such a lovely and supportive community. I'll be reading your heartfelt words over and over again to get me through this rough patch. 💕 2y
Bookzombie Your Luna is so cute. Sending virtual hugs to you. I agree about taking one day or even one hour at a time. I‘m not sure what to suggest to help you eat more since I‘m sort of on the opposite end of that. Are there foods you really enjoy? Maybe having those at hand will make you more inclined to eat. 💗 2y
Dragon 💚🐉 2y
Catsandbooks @Bookzombie thanks! I have a fully stocked house with all kinds of food. It's not really a matter of having access to food. It's my mind. My mind tells me I don't need food or to not eat much. I know I need to eat, some days it's just a struggle. I'm mostly better than I was a long time ago, but lately I've been struggling with those disordered eating thoughts. 2y
Bookzombie @Catsandbooks I‘m sorry you have been struggling. 💕 2y
TheLudicReader 😘😘 2y
DebinHawaii Just seeing this now. I am so sorry the year is starting out tough but I understand completely. Sending you strength & hugs & positive thoughts. When my negative thoughts & depression get the best of me, I try to be kind to myself & repeat in my head “This too shall pass” to remind myself that it‘s just temporary. Kitty snuggles certainly help too. 💜💜💜 2y
Catsandbooks @DebinHawaii Thanks Deb! ❤️Trying to be gentle with myself during this hard time. 2y
Catsandbooks UPDATE: Today I reinjured a back/hip injury while literally bending over in the shower to rinse off....🙄 I am currently in bed as it is the only place I don't gasp/cry in pain. Calling the doctor tomorrow. It's official... I'm a disaster! 😂😭😫 2y
Karisa ((((Hugs)))) Just stopping by your page to look at book ideas for next month‘s #FoodandLit. Sorry to hear your January has not been kind to you. You deserve all the best and as @DebinHawaii says, “This too shall pass” is a favorite mantra for me often with the song my grandma loved to sing Que Sera Sera. Hope you feel better soon. Thank you for co-hosting a reading challenge to inspire so many of us to take a virtual tour around the world! 💗 2y
Catsandbooks @Karisa thank you for your kind words! Just taking it day by day! 💕 2y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I'm so sorry to hear about all of this! I'm sending a big hug your way. Are you someone who is a slave to a to-do list? I don't know if this will be helpful in any way, but my resolution this year is “Intention is great than Perfection“. My litsy love friends don't need a full 2022 recap - they just want to hear from me. Cleaning the entire room is daunting, but I can hang up the clothes and sweep. Light yoga is better than nothing. ❤ 💛 2y
Catsandbooks @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thanks! I used to be that way, but I've learned that any progress is good and to rest when I need to. Resting is still doing something; I often have to remind myself of this. 2y
RaeLovesToRead Luna 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Sorry you've been feeling this way. I hope 2023 gets better 🫂💕 2y
Catsandbooks @RaeLovesToRead thank you! 💕 2y
TheBookHippie Hang in there girl. I agree with @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick do little bits. I agree with light yoga it helps your mind as well. Sending so much light!!! 2y
TheBookHippie @Catsandbooks if it helps my new doctors for my migraines start to tell me how fat I am then want to tell me what I‘m doing wrong pull up my bloodwork and go oh… your bloodwork is perfect. 😵‍💫🤦🏻‍♀️ I haven‘t been able to exercise like I want to and gained a ton of weight however… I eat well am on no meds so they have to full stop on telling me I‘m fat. So I get it!!!! 😫😘 (edited) 2y
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie my whole life has been filled with people saying I'm too fat and making assumptions based on my body. I'm so exhausted by diet culture saying I'd be better off with an eating disorder or even dead than to be fat. I could go on and on about the horrible ways people treat fat people. I'm fat and that's not going to change. I'm doing better with my mental health now. January is just hard when diet messages are the loudest. ⬇️ 2y
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie one thing I've learned is to listen to your own body. So even doctors can tell you oh you need to do this or that but if you feel good that is what is most important. And bodies change. It's OK to gain or lose weight through time and experiences. You're having issues with migraines and I'm sure that has affected many parts of your life. Don't worry about not exercising or your weight, especially when you're not feeling well. ⬇️ 2y
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie just focus on feeling better. The most important thing is that you are here, you're alive, and you exist. I hope you can find relief soon. You are such a light in the Litsy community and that's far more important than the size of your body will ever be! Be gentle with yourself! 💕 2y
TheBookHippie @Catsandbooks ♥️ awe thx. It‘s funny they screamed at me when I was thin too. My blood work was a mess then! I believe COVID triggered my migraines I had them in control until then. I still can‘t smell so my triggers are hard to detect for me. I smell things off and on finally and I hope this means it‘s returning. I think the medical community is ridiculous about BMI. 2y
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie Yeah bmi is not accurate. I really hope your sense of smell continues to return! 🤞🏼🤞🏼I don't think we still fully understand the lasting side effects of covid. 2y
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Ugh!: A Bug! | Ned Crowley
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Aaargh! That went well then!

(Note to future self. You were trying to reserve Zambra. Multiple Choice)

thegirlwiththelibrarybag 👀 did they fix it? 2y
vivastory I hope it was fixed 🤞 2y
rockpools @thegirlwiththelibrarybag They did thanks. It was one of those things that only ever happens on a Sunday evening, so all sorted first thing this morning. 2y
rockpools @vivastory I have my reservation in. Now we wait… 2y
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Ugh!: A Bug! | Ned Crowley
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My time for the #readathon yesterday. It was just a day where everything seemed to conspire against me reading yesterday.

Ugh!: A Bug! | Ned Crowley
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That was the fastest skip ever. What the heck #botm! I just can‘t take all of the romance, thrillers and suburban mom stories. Maybe BOTM isn‘t for me anymore? I miss the really good literary fiction choices of years past. Oh well. Will try again in October.

rather_be_reading ive been feeling like this more and more 3y
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Ugh!: A Bug! | Ned Crowley
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I totally missed this week‘s check in for #wintergames2020 ☹️! I had family staying with us in our tiny tiny house and it totally stressed me out and basically eliminated my reading time all weekend and yesterday. Sorry #merryreaders. They went home today so fingers crossed for next week! My weekly total was 406, just to keep a tally.

Clwojick I know the feeling, this week was a super busy one fore me too. I barley got to read at all. No worries though, we've still got time to finish those annual goals 😉 4y
candc320 Thanks @Clwojick !!! 4y
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Ugh!: A Bug! | Ned Crowley
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@AmyG it‘s been “in transit” since December 4 - hopefully you‘ll get your gift eventually!!! This is crazy 😳😳😳

Scochrane26 The ones I sent out are also “in transit” 4y
CBee @Scochrane26 I know how overwhelmed the postal service is, so I‘m trying to be patient 😕 But I just wish I knew where in the world the package is 😂 4y
Lovesbooks87 I have two packages that are the same. They are all slowly tracking! 4y
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mrsmarch My dad sent my daughter a package from New Hampshire and we‘re in Massachusetts and the package is.....somewhere. 📦 4y
CBee @Lovesbooks87 slowly 😕😳 4y
CBee @mrsmarch oy 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 4y
AmyG Maybe it‘s sitting next to the missing packages I sent out! Uuuuggggghhhhhh 4y
CBee @AmyG they‘re all sitting there together, lamenting their fate 😂😂😂 4y
AmyG Ha! Right??? My Elfswap arrives today to my recipient and I am beside myself with joy.😳 (edited) 4y
CBee @AmyG ooooo that‘s good news!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
TheRiehlDeal Same thing is happening to me! I ordered something last week and its been in transit since the 15th. I'm sure the Postal Service is overwhelmed and that they're doing their best. 4y
CBee @TheRiehlDeal they are so overwhelmed this year. Just part of the dumpster fire that is 2020, right? I feel for postal workers everywhere - their jobs aren‘t easy! 4y
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