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The One and Only Bob
The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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Return to the unforgettable world of the Newbery Medal-winning and #1 New York Times bestselling novel The One and Only Ivan (soon to be a major motion picture) in this incredible sequel, starring Ivan's friend Bob! Bob sets out on a dangerous journey in search of his long-lost sister with the help of his two best friends, Ivan and Ruby. As a hurricane approaches and time is running out, Bob finds courage he never knew he had and learns the true meaning of friendship and family. Bob, Ivan and Ruby have touched the hearts of millions of readers, and their story isn't over yet. Catch up with these beloved friends before the star-studded film adaptation of The One and Only Ivan hits cinemas in August 2020!
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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Book two in the One and Only series. This was a fun read but not quite as charming as Ivan. This book features Bob the dog, his back story and how he became friends with Ivan. It‘s a pick for me because I‘m an absolute sucker for a dog story.

TheSpineView Great job!🤩📖📚 2mo
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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Better late than never. 😅 Here is my January reflection. 💛

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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4✨ If you have read “The One and Only Ivan” this is a companion to it with the rough around the edges Bob. He was raised on the streets, so we get his backstory. We also have a natural disaster that causes some to become lost and others to be found. Written in short chapters (some only a few sentences long) with a lot of pictures. If you do the audio along with it you get to hear Danny DeVito voice Bob. It was a really fun read.

Roary47 This is my second #Roll100 for January @PuddleJumper 8mo
PuddleJumper That looks really cute! 8mo
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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My January #roll100 are the following. Looks like a very diverse set of books. 😂 @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper 💜💜 9mo
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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4-29 Oct 22 (audiobook)
Another great audiobook. Danny Devito is an inspired choice to voice Bob, the disgruntled but loyal and loving chihuahua cross from The One and Only Ivan. There are some heartbreaking moments in this story - how could anyone throw a box of puppies out a truck window - but it is also heartwarming of course.

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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This was another great read and an awesome way to escape from adulting!

curiouserandcurioser @Smartypants Glad you loved it:) 2y
Smartypants @curiouserandcurioser I think I liked Bob better than Ivan. I need to read more childrens lit, it relieves a lot of stress! 2y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate

My students and I loved reading this book together. We had lots of great discussions.

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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Adorable story of a resilient dog who learns that maybe there are some humans that being a man's best friend to isn't that bad. #anthropomorphic after 2010. Chaya is still listening to it. #BBRC @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan Ahhhh. I can not bring myself to read these books. I have a fear they will make me cry. 3y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate

#bbrc #middlegrades #blueskies @librarianryan @Sarahreadstoomuch
I was hope for so much more with this book. It was definitely cute and a great addition to The One and Only Ivan, it just fell short for me.
Maybe because I am not a dog person.

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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Definitely not as good as the first but it tied up a lot of loose ends and I did enjoy Bob's perspective and how he got to a place that he choose a family in Ruby, Ivan, Julia and George.

britt_brooke Sweet photo. 💚 4y
Tera66 I love this picture! 4y
mandarchy I just read both books with my son, and I have to say I liked the one and only Ivan more prepandemic. Even though I wasn't pleased my son wanted more. He wants to read the one and only Ruby. Not sure if that's in the works... 4y
MaggieCarr @mandarchy my daughter asked the same thing... If Ruby's perspective could be book #3, guess we wait to find out. 4y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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I just re-read the One and only Ivan to my son. I thought it was depressing (this time). Then we read the One and only Bob. I'm glad we are done. He wants the author to write Ruby's story now. I grew up in Tacoma and actually visited the real Ivan at the B&I. It's hard thinking about a beast in a small concrete room for so long. Things have improved.

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate

12/18/2020 Loved The Only and Only Ivan and I loved this one too. Similar idea, well loved characters, plot that tugs at your heart, and the constant worry about the way the story could end.

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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Bob sets out on a dangerous journey in search of his long-lost sister with the help of his two best friends, Ivan and Ruby. As a hurricane approaches and time is running out, Bob finds courage he never knew he had and learns the true meaning of friendship and family. 😍

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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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We love Ivan, having actually known him. But Bob is a better quarantine read, if you are stuck at home. Here he is actually domesticated.

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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My book stack from Christmas!!!

Bklover Ten Thousand Doors of January was wonderful!!!! 4y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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I loved winter games last year, and am just as excited for this years.
This is my list of anticipated reads. The red underlines are #lmpbc books so for sure will be reading those. The rest are my TBR, but I am sure over Christmas break I will have a ton of impulse read and Christmas picture books as well.

slategreyskies I didn‘t participate last year, but I‘m really excited about this year. This is going to be so much fun! ❄️🌲 4y
BarkingMadRead I can‘t wait to start!! 🦌🦌🦌 4y
OutAndAbout Nice list. What is #lmpbc? 4y
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cwarnier @Out-and-about #LMPBC stands for Litsy Mail Postal Book Club. It is hosted by @suvata. You sign up in groups of 4 and each pick a book. Sometimes you agree on a genera that is common. You read your book and mark it up and send it to another person in your group. They read it and mark it up and send it on. After 4 months you have your book back with 3 other peoples notes and comments. I love seeing what others think of books. 4y
OutAndAbout That‘s really interesting. Sounds like a great way to explore. Thanks for explaining. 4y
cwarnier @Out-and-about We just started a new round here in November. So the next round won't start until March with sign ups in February. 4y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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I am finally getting back into my usual reading pace after an extended break. Its been a rough couple of weeks but I've finished another (albeit easy) book this week!

This time, its the story of Bob, the dog, and his life after Ivan is set free from the Big Top Mall. Such an adorable book.

Texreader Yay! Glad you‘re back! I guess you got through all that work reading? 4y
paper.reveries The cover is just so heartbreaking! 😭😭♥️ Glad you‘re out of your rut! 4y
freeatlast1137 @Texreader yes, thankfully but training is still going strong. 😁 4y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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Sept #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks Also, part of my 2020 goal to complete series. In this story you will see again Ivan, Ruby, other new animal friends, Julia and her family. Story is based on a survival experience narrated by Bob. I just loved Ruby in this story. However, as an adult reader, this story was for me a "forced narration" not too much flow in those words. It has cute parts and again very sad ones?Maybe an unpopular opinion. 3⭐️

Clwojick I read Ivan this month, and adored it! I need@to find a copy of this one ♥️ 4y
Gissy @Clwojick I loved the first book too. Let me know your opinion about this one when you read it. Maybe it was me that found it so-so. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
Suet624 I didn‘t realize there was a second book. 4y
Gissy @Suet624 Yes! It was released this year. Most of people like it. So don't pay attention to my comment. Mine was uncommon opinion but I still love those characters. 4y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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This is one of those books that make you rethink humankind‘s relationship with dogs. Especially those rescued, like mine. This is one of those sequels that just make it as good as the first - though not better. Maybe it‘s because it‘s from Bobs view, or maybe just that it‘s for younger children, but his story felt a bit off to me. I didn‘t know where it was going, enjoyable as it was. I liked how his growth was made easy to palpitate.

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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Yes, I sit in my car in the rain at 4:21 in the morning listening to my audio books while waiting for my workouts to begin. This one is so cute, I almost didn‘t get out in time!

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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Happy National Dog Day, Bob!!! Was happy to have found this book in this cute little bookshop on my vacation adventure today. So excited to get going with, what may be, Bobs story

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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I LOVED The One and Only Ivan , so this sequel (companion?) book should be a new favorite.

rachelk I love this book and I need that mug! :) (edited) 4y
sprainedbrain Love the mug! 👊🏻 4y
marleed That mug! 4y
Jeannineth Thanks everyone. I got my mug for my birthday present. 4y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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Katherine Applegate's The One and Only Ivan, based on the true story of a shopping-mall gorilla named Ivan, captured my heart. It's a beautiful story about the power of love, friendship, and the creative spirit, even in the midst of tragedy and injustice. (If you haven't read it, pick it up soon--it's great in print and audio! Also, there will be a film adaptation on Disney Plus in August!!) ⬇️

UnabridgedPod The One and Only Bob is a sequel, so I'm going to avoid spoilers. This one is about Bob, a little dog who appears in the first book and whose life has changed since meeting Ivan. Bob is the narrator of this story, and so there are so many fun details about why dogs chase their tails and why they like poop and everything they can learn with their noses. This is another children's novel--I'd say it could easily appeal to older kids, as well--⬇️ 4y
UnabridgedPod that provides a wonderful balance between some events that are sad and some that are focused on love and compassion. ⠀

Have you read any of these books? Do you like books about animals?⠀

(Also, check out my poor dog Jax, who absolutely hates book photo shoots--I'm still not sure why. The light is a little funky here, but this was the best picture I could get after a series of poor attempts.)
BennettBookworm Oh wow, I‘ve read both of these and love them and didn‘t realize they‘re doing a film! 4y
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erzascarletbookgasm I‘ll be interested to read this, One and Only Ivan was great. 4y
UnabridgedPod @BennettBookworm I just recently found out! 4y
UnabridgedPod @erzascarletbookgasm I thoroughly enjoyed it. 😀 4y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate

Excellent book!

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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"Life is short. Play is good."

A fantastic trip back into the animal world I've missed since reading The One and Only Ivan some time ago. In addition to Bob, both Ruby and Ivan are back for this story. However, as you can guess from the title, this book is told from the perspective of Bob the dog. I listened to the audiobook which was fun as it's narrated by Danny DeVito who also voices Bob in the upcoming Disney+ movie.

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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This was a sweet book, I finished in one evening, and really enjoyed it. About a dog off the streets and his friends at the zoo and what happens when a devastating hurricane rolls through. It's also about love, friendship, family and forgiveness ❤

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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This was a beautiful sequel to The One and Only Ivan! Katherine Applegate really tugs at the heartstrings. A quick read, a story of friendship and loyalty. And the inner workings of a dog‘s brain!

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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AHHH I‘m so glad Bob got his own book! And Danny DeVito was AMAZING as Bob and the Narrator! Can‘t wait for The One and Only Ivan movie to come out- also, DeVito will be voicing Bob!! Hopefully a movie for The One and Only Bob will be made as well 💙

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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It was so lovely to be with these characters again! ❤️ This is a sweet sequel filled with themes of forgiveness and family. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

tpixie I saw the author talk I would love to read the first one and this one 4y
Onceuponatime @tpixie Yes, do! The One and Only Ivan is fantastic, and neither book takes long to read! 4y
tpixie @Onceuponatime thanks! Good to know! I should read them between book club books! 4y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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NeedsMoreBooks Truth 🐶🐶 4y
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The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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I adored The One and Only Ivan when I read it a few years ago, and I was so excited when I saw this sequel.

Although I didn't love it as much as the first, I still enjoyed it immensely. Going on a journey with Ivan, Bob, and Ruby was once again both fantastic and heartbreaking. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll feel warm and fuzzy all over, and ultimately you'll be glad you read this beautiful story of friendship.

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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#bookmail no. 2! I‘ve been anxiously awaiting this sequel to The One and Only Ivan, a favorite read aloud with my students! Featuring my succulent, Detective Hayworth!

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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If you read The One and Only Ivan, you‘ll remember Bob, the dog! Currently reading. Comes out May 5.

The One and Only Bob | Katherine Applegate
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I know what I‘m doing tomorrow!

BennettBookworm I want this so so badly!!! Also my students are so looking forward to it 😆 5y
LibrarianRyan You got an arc. Lucky duck. 5y
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