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Same Bed Different Dreams
Same Bed Different Dreams | Ed Park
17 posts | 12 read | 17 to read
A wild, sweeping novel that imagines an alternate secret history of Korea and the traces it leaves on the present--loaded with assassins and mad poets, RPGs and slasher films, pop bands and the perils of social media March, 1919. Far-flung Korean patriots establish the Korean Provisional Government to protest the Japanese occupation of their country. This government-in-exile proves mostly symbolic, though, and after Japan's defeat in World War II, the KPG dissolves and civil war erupts, resulting in the North-South split that remains today. But what if the KPG still existed now, today--working toward a unified Korea, secretly harnessing the might of a giant tech company to further its aims? That's the outrageous premise of Same Bed Different Dreams, which weaves together three distinct narrative voices and an archive of mysterious images and twists reality like a kaleidoscope, spinning Korean history, American pop culture, and our tech-fraught lives into an extraordinary and unforgettable novel. Early on we meet Soon Sheen, who works at the sprawling international technology company GLOAT, and comes into possession of an unfinished book authored by the KPG. The manuscript is a mysterious, revisionist history, tying famous names and obscure bit players to the KPG's grand project. This strange manuscript links together figures from architect-poet Yi Sang to Jack London to Marilyn Monroe. M*A*S*H is in here, too, and the Moonies, and a history of violence extending from the assassination of President McKinley to the Soviet downing of Korean Air Lines Flight 007. Just as foreign countries have imposed their desires on Korea, so too has Park tucked different dreamers into this sprawling bed of a novel. Among them: Parker Jotter, Korean War vet and appliance-store owner, who saw something--a UFO?--while flying over North Korea; Nora You, nail salon magnate; and Monk Zingapan, game designer turned writing guru. Their links are revealed over time, even as the dreamers remain in the dark as to their own interconnectedness. A thrilling feat of imagination and a step forward from an award-winning author, Same Bed Different Dreams begins as a comic novel and gradually pulls readers into another dimension--one in which utopia is possible.
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I don‘t have the mental capacity currently to give this book the concentration it needs and no real desire to try again in the future. #litsytob24

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
AmyG Yep 6mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ I think there‘s a really good and clever book in here, but I also feel like I only followed about 20% of it and probably missed a lot. I think I needed some Cliffs Notes or an explainer of some sort to keep everything straight (or to have a better grasp on Korean history to be able to pick up the alternate history in here). #LitsyToB24

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Starting this one tonight. Thoughts and prayers, please. 🙏 #LitsyToB24

Ruthiella Godspeed! 😂 7mo
Chelsea.Poole 😂 7mo
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I‘m joining the ranks of those who didn‘t finish this one. I gave it 8 hours (out of 18) but I‘m so lost as to what‘s going on!

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
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A Prince quote in the epigraph. Love it!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💜💜💜 7mo
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I didn‘t get it, I couldn‘t follow the bizarre fact-fiction mashup, and I was so happy when it was finally over. I listened on audio which I‘m sure isn‘t the best way to consume this but I‘d have never made it through the print either. During the majority of the book I just felt… not smart enough. Secret Korean government, book within a book, Friday the 13th….none of it was my jam. But I persevered for #LitsyToB24

BkClubCare Good effort 🏆 (tho, we are using 2024 , right?) (edited) 7mo
Chelsea.Poole lol! How have I regressed?? Changing now, thanks! @BkClubCare (edited) 7mo
Chelsea.Poole @BkClubCare did you read this? I tried but definitely not my style. 7mo
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monkeygirlsmama Such a shame as it has a very eye catching cover. 7mo
AmyG I bailed. I just couldn‘t. 7mo
BkClubCare @Chelsea.Poole - no, haven‘t had much luck (nor time?) to get my hands on it. I am thinking of bailing on All the Sinners Bleed - I can only handle warm and fuzzy these days. 7mo
Hooked_on_books This one wasn‘t what I had expected. I had high hopes based no the description and it turned out not to be what I wanted it to be. 7mo
BarbaraBB Echoing @Hooked_on_books , I was in for a weird read but this one was not what I wanted. 7mo
Megabooks Sorry this didn‘t work for you! 7mo
HOTPock3tt I‘m listening to the audiobook right now and feeling the same way!😵‍💫😖😶 (edited) 7mo
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It was due back to the library and unrenewable and I‘m not sorry. I couldn‘t connect with the writing. It felt like a clever book that I wasn‘t clever enough to understand. However, to be fair, I didn‘t give it as much of a chance as I normally do. 🤷🏻‍♀️. #LitsyTOB

Hooked_on_books This one‘s a tricky one. It wasn‘t what I was expecting. 7mo
Ruthiella I just had to return my copy unread to the library yesterday, but I‘m hoping to give it another go later. 7mo
Suet624 I haven‘t been able to find it at my various libraries. Sounds like I‘m not missing a lot. 7mo
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Megabooks I‘m in the minority that loved this, but it takes forever to come together!! 7mo
dabbe #hailthebail! 💜🩶💜 7mo
squirrelbrain Yes, I‘ve just finished the first dream and I‘m not sure…. 7mo
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This book is odd. There are 3 storylines and I‘m still unsure how they all fit together. I‘m sure there are things about it I don‘t “get.” But I enjoyed listening to it and really liked the humor in it (I laughed out loud several times). So I‘m calling it a pick. #LitsyTOB24

Ruthiella I‘m so curious about this one! 8mo
Megabooks Glad you liked it! Definitely different. 8mo
squirrelbrain Glad you liked it - it sounds like it might work better in print…. 8mo
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain The audio was fine for me, but that does feel like the consensus. So you should be in good shape! 8mo
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My last 2 books arrived for #litsyToB24, one yesterday and one today.

I had to order both from the US, as I couldn‘t get them here in the UK (well, I could but they were each well over (d8) ?

I went for used copies in both cases, which I‘m kind of glad about as recent reviews have been less than stellar on both of them. ?

However, I‘m going in with a positive mindset and hopefully I‘ll love them both!

Megabooks I loved both so hopefully you will, too! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 8mo
BarbaraBB Two very interesting reads 8mo
Hooked_on_books I finished the Park today and I enjoyed it. It‘s odd and I don‘t really get how it all hangs together, but I really liked the humor in it. 8mo
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I tried and I made it to the end but to be honest I am not sure what I‘ve been reading. Some parts I did enjoy (the “The Sins” chapters and the view on recent Korean history) but most of it I really didn‘t get. All those characters, all those storylines, the various timeframes…I do like the idea of the KPG though. Do read the book to know what I am talking about and to join most others who loved it! #LitsyToB24

(Photo: Les Crosets, Switzerland)

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 8mo
Chelsea.Poole Beautiful photo!! 8mo
BarbaraBB #pop24 - About K-pop @RaeLovesToRead (I don‘t know who to tag, do you have a taglist?) 8mo
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julesG Beautiful picture! 8mo
Librarybelle Book does sound so-so, but I‘m all about the photo! 8mo
JenReadsAlot Oh the mountains 😍 8mo
AmyG Uh oh….I just started this….and already said to myself…”huh?” 🤣 8mo
jlhammar Wow, gorgeous photo! 8mo
Suet624 Thanks for taking it on for me. ... now I don't feel guilty for not reading it. 8mo
BarbaraBB @Librarybelle @AmyG @suet624 this is just me, I know that @Well-ReadNeck and @Megabooks loved it! (edited) 8mo
RaeLovesToRead This is the list I've got! Think I'm gonna read "I'll be the one" or "XOXO" (double dip for begins with X!) for the kpop prompt. 8mo
BarbaraBB @RaeLovesToRead Thanks! I am not sure about some of last year‘s participants. I know @Megabooks doesn‘t participate in challenges this year and Cinfhen and alisiakae are not active on Litsy at the moment! I‘ll tag the others, including @Branwen I think? (edited) 8mo
Laughterhp @RaeLovesToRead I‘m not doing popsugar this year! I‘m trying to limit the challenges for 2024! 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Beautiful picture! 8mo
Ruthiella @BarbaraBB @RaeLovesToRead Great! I‘ll definitely use it for this prompt. Just also noticed that one of the sons in The Brothers Karamazov is called out as being 24 years old! Which fits another prompt. You just have to bend the rules a bit! 😂 (edited) 8mo
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen Eeeee are you doing PopSugar with us??? 🥰🥰 8mo
RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraBB @Laughterhp Thanks! I shall update the tag list! 😊 8mo
squirrelbrain Oh no! My copy of this is arriving in a few days! 😬 8mo
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella we sure can bend the rules a bit! This book is just a little bit about K-pop but enough for me to fit the prompt 😂. I do think your choices are probably more on point @RaeLovesToRead 🇰🇷 8mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain You‘ll probably like it, to me reading this in English made it extra difficult somehow (normally I hardly notice if I read a book in English or Dutch). And you know, Meg loved it! 8mo
BarbaraBB @Chelsea.Poole @julesG @Librarybelle @JenReadsAlot @jlhammar @Graciouswarriorprincess Thank you! I took it just before leaving Switzerland. I finished the book in the Dutch rain and bleakness, less photogenic 😀 8mo
Hooked_on_books Another great picture! And interesting response to the book. I‘ve been holding off on starting it since Meg @Megabooks mentioned you really need to pay attention to it. I have the audio and want to start it on a day I can a lot of it listened to in one sitting so I can get my arms around the story so to speak. 8mo
BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books I think it will be even harder on audio, with the jumping in time and the many characters but maybe you‘re used to that. A long sitting to start it will surely help! 8mo
Megabooks This is quite complicated and I‘m sorry it didn‘t work for you. It was definitely one of the more different books in the longlist. (And I love that the tob longlist has a lot of books that stretch my brain!) 😘😘 8mo
Megabooks @squirrelbrain very curious about what you‘ll think about it! 8mo
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books I think getting a solid foundation in all three plot lines (narrators) before trying to listen with distractions will help. I hope you enjoy it! 8mo
Branwen @RaeLovesToRead I forgot all about it already! 😱 Remind me again how it works, please? 😂💕 8mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks I am still very glad it‘s part of #LitsyToB24, I don‘t exaggerate when I think the ToB longlists have enriched my life 😀💜 8mo
Megabooks Same same!! It‘s my favorite longlist of the year! 8mo
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This multilayered novel weaves together elements of Korean history with the lives of a Korean War vet turned science fiction author, a Korean-American author turned social media employee, and many others ranging from actors to assassins. An intriguing read for fans of Thomas Pynchon, nonlinear narratives and ambiguity, novels with historical details you have to fact-check, books within books, secret societies and UFOs.

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"What is history?"

I've heard good things about this one, and it's off to an intriguing start!


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Wow! So glad this made it into the #LitsyToB24 shortlist because now I get to read what many more people think about it. I loved it, and it really piqued my curiosity about modern Korean history because it delves into fictionalized and true aspects. The book has three complex timelines (so I won‘t try to summarize), but trust me that they come together beautifully in Dreams 4 and 5. Stick with it and enjoy! My new bookends from Archd match! 😍

AmyG I just picked it up for the challenge. 9mo
julesG I'm hoping ToB will help me erode #MountTBR. I put this on the TBR months ago and, by my track record, might otherwise get to it in 2043. 😁 9mo
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BarbaraBB Great review! Looking forward to it after your and @Addison_Reads reviews!! 9mo
Addison_Reads @BarbaraBB I haven't read this one yet. I think you're thinking about @Well-ReadNeck review. I'm excited for this one and did vote for it on our Turkey. 😁 9mo
BarbaraBB @Addison_Reads You‘re right! I was sure it was you somehow 🤷🏻‍♀️ 9mo
RealLifeReading Sounds interesting! 9mo
squirrelbrain Really looking forward to this one! 9mo
Megabooks @squirrelbrain @AmyG @BarbaraBB I hope you all enjoy it!! 9mo
Megabooks @julesG lol!! Yes! Getting a backlog happens to all of us. 😂😂 I hope you get to it! 9mo
Megabooks @Addison_Reads yes!! I‘m glad this is one of the made it into ours! 🎉🎉 9mo
vivastory This one sounds amazing! 9mo
Megabooks @vivastory I think it‘s right up your alley! 9mo
vivastory There was a recent interview with Park on the B&N podcast. I haven't listened to it yet. They usually have really great interviews, if you're interested. 9mo
Megabooks @vivastory thanks for the heads up! I bet he has a lot of interesting insights. This book is like nothing I‘ve ever read. 9mo
Hooked_on_books Oh excellent! This one stood out to me from the longlist, so I had planned to read it regardless. I picked up the audio, so hopefully I‘ll get to it soon. 9mo
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books it stood out to me, too, and I would‘ve read it anyway. @squirrelbrain was thinking of doing audio, too. I‘m glad each storyline has a different narrator. I skim more when I read audio, so I‘m not sure this would‘ve worked for me. It definitely requires a bit of focus to pick out the fine details of plot intersections. Just fyi! 9mo
BarbaraBB Hi Meg! I have read the first part, including the first dream, but have no idea what‘s happening and who is who. Should I pay more attention or just enjoy the ride? 8mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB enjoy the ride. The important parts will come together later! 8mo
BarbaraBB Thanks dear friend 💜 8mo
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This came up as a type of die used in a Korean drinking game in the tagged book. #tob24 I have no idea if the game is real because this is an alternate history SciFi. The die had Chinese characters (the game predated Korean Hangul), and people had to do an activity based on the roll. Silly songs, shots, etc. Anyway, it‘s cool to know the proper name of the die! #weirdwords

IndoorDame Yikes! Even looking at a picture my brain cannot process that thing! 9mo
Deifio Not a die I use in paper RPG 😅 9mo
dabbe My brain: 😯. 🤣🤣🤣 9mo
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CBee Omgahhhhh geometry 🫣🫣🫣😂😂😂 9mo
Megabooks @CBee that is my least favorite type of math! Give me algebra/calculus any day over geometry!! 9mo
Megabooks @dabbe 🤯 a little right? 9mo
Megabooks @Deifio I was wondering if it was an RPG die. Thanks! 9mo
Megabooks @IndoorDame I feel like a need one or a 3D projection I can manipulate to really understand it. 9mo
dabbe @CBee Run for the hills! 🤣🤣🤣 9mo
dabbe @Megabooks My math brain from high school bolted a long time ago. 🤩🤣😍 9mo
CBee @Megabooks mine too! Geometry + Cyd = Flunky 😂😳 9mo
CBee @dabbe me: I have geometry class today! Also me: 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️😂😂😂 9mo
dabbe @CBee 💙❄️💙 9mo
dabbe @CBee 🤣🤣🤣 You're my hero! 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
CBee @dabbe I try 😁😂 9mo
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This novel is completely banana pants! 🍌 👖

Wild, speculative fiction that has several threads going at the same time. I‘d recommend reading a non-spoiler review beforehand to get a map of what‘s happening.

But, you guys!!!! The ending is PHENOMENAL! Everything comes together in the most satisfying way. #ToB24

Tonton Just bought this, too of TBR stack! 9mo
Itchyfeetreader With a review like that I am stacking ! 9mo
squirrelbrain Ooh, sounds good! But it‘s one I can‘t get hold of yet….🤷‍♀️ 9mo
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Megabooks Just checked this out from the library earlier today!! 9mo
BarbaraBB Wow this sounds great! 9mo
squirrelbrain This has just appeared on my Audible, and I have a credit. I‘m wondering, though, if it will work on audio; it sounds a bit complicated and I prefer reading rather than listening to books like that. 9mo
Well-ReadNeck @squirrelbrain it is a bit complicated. I did a little backing up and read again etc, so I might avoid audible. I just had a credit an and picked up Wellness and an hour or so in I‘m so glad I did. Love Ari Fliakos as a narrator 9mo
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Today, I'm thankful for #BookSpinBingo! Let's see what gets scratched off my TBR this month!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
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