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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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An erotic novel of discipline, love and surrender from master storyteller Anne Rice.In the traditional fairy tale of 'Sleeping Beauty' the spell cast upon the lovely young princess can only be broken by the kiss of a prince. However, in the world of Anne Rice, this legendary curse is broken not with a kiss, but with sexual initiation. The Prince's reward for ending the hundred years of enchantment is Beauty's complete and total enslavement to him. Sleeping Beauty awakes to a world of seduction, desire and love.In the first of a three part retelling of the Sleeping Beauty story, Anne Rice explores the unspoken implications of this lush, suggestive fairy tale, opening up a world of erotic yearning and fantasy which is perfect for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey.This is the first of Anne Rice's classic Sleeping Beauty trilogy.
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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I have no words. Oh, wait, yes I do. Degradation and humiliation are NOT sexy. At least not to me. I enjoy erotica now and then and I don‘t consider myself a prude by any means, but this was not the erotica for me. It‘s very repetitive…I mean, enough with the spanking! Move on. BDSM is okay if the parties are consensual but that wasn‘t the case in this book. For me, there was nothing fun or sexy here.

TheAromaofBooks Oh dear, sounds like this one was a big miss! 1y
Cinfhen Excellent review 🫶🏼👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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These are my #bookspin and #doublespin picks for this month!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Love that cover for Tender is the Night! 1y
5feet.of.fury Claiming of Sleeping Beauty 🙌 1y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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This “Sexy” version of Sleeping Beauty is supposed to reveal the unspoken implications of the original fairy tale, which is a pretty interesting concept. I just found the prince to be sleazy; I imagined him with greasy hair and back acne.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure

I read it in my freshman year of high school and it wasn‘t what I expected but I did like it

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Yes after a few weeks without posting on here, this is what I come back with. I‘ve been super active on tiktok sharing reading vlogs on a book that‘s SO raunchy and kinky to the point where it‘s disturbing, as you can probably tell from my reaction here. To hell with Den of Vipers.

If u wanna follow me there and see me suffering with this book by all means, https://bit.ly/3oFpKUb

Has anyone read tagged book? If so what are your memories with it?

LibrarianRyan I have been watching your videos and laughing. I have a favorite part of each book. Have you got to the bees yet? Nice to see you here (I am the same screen name there). 2y
JamieArc I mean, now I‘m just super curious 😂😂 2y
Bookishlie I read them in high school, it was weirdly raunchy yet so using so much clinical language. I think she was going for a “story of O” vibe but missed, then again I was like 18 and now I‘m 48 so might get a whole different vibe from it this time. Lol 2y
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5feet.of.fury I read this 20‘+ years ago and still think about the Bridal Path. I feel like it was a rite of passage. 2y
jeannasser @JamieArc not you stack adding it 😭😭😭😭 2y
jeannasser @LibrarianRyan OMG hi!! I‘m so glad you‘re enjoying them !! 😭 I haven‘t gotten to the bees yet 🙃 My fav part so far is the queen‘s chamber chapter because of how insane it was 💀 but the statue part was traumatizing 🙂 2y
jeannasser @Bookishlie i agree but I think because it‘s like medieval fairy tale talk, I guess she tried to imply that into the prose 😂 2y
jeannasser @5feet.of.fury THAT PRT WAS HORRIFYING 💀 I‘m gonna have nightmares with Pages running towards me on horseback with paddles😭 2y
bthegood love the booktok - 😅 2y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Meh. I thought at least the characters in erotica were supposed to enjoy it? It didn‘t feel like anyone in this book enjoyed anything. Also, probably should come with a whole lot of trigger warnings especially involving consent. Because I‘m fairly certain no one consented to anything here. And I get it‘s supposed to be a whole fantasy world but just MEH. Try again.

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Wasn‘t a fan. At all. If I ever see the words buttocks and spanking again it‘ll be too soon. 🙄. ⭐️⭐️

violettemeier 😅🤣😂 2y
HeyT lol tbh the only thing I know about this series is that there is some weird butter things in it. I'm so thankful my friend warned me off of this during my Anne Rice phase. 2y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Merry Christmas!!!!!! I‘m reading this before the first so I can start on my reading challenge for next year!!!

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Heaven :]

AutumnRLS I thought the beauty books were done under another pen name. ? 5y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Ok Anne Rice, I see you 😎lol. This started out really strong! Fairytale retelling with a HECK of a twist😉Very sexy, with 2 interesting/legendary main characters. Also, quite well done on audiobook. It was a “pick” until that.ENDING 😖I‘ve read erotica before and I‘m a long way from being a prude, but some of the ending was disturbing. So I rated it “so so”. But Rice is still a powerful storyteller and I will definitely be continuing the series.

HOTPock3tt I also got a bit tired of them talking about spanking all the time. I would have liked to see more aspects of BDSM explored!! ♥️ 5y
sprainedbrain Hahahaha! I heard these are very ummmm.... intense. 😳 I will be reading these when I‘m done with the vampires. (edited) 5y
BookNAround I found this whole series a bit boring and repetitive. 😜 5y
HOTPock3tt @sprainedbrain lol! We gotta chat about these once we‘ve both finished them 😝 5y
HOTPock3tt @BookNAround I see what u mean. Waay too much focus on spanking and not other forms of BDSM 😕 5y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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📖 Tagged
📽 A Nightmare on Elm Street
🎶 Enter Sandman - Metallica

#manicmonday @JoScho

JoScho Love the song choice! 5y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure

I like a little sluttiness in my books and I‘m a fan of Anne Rice, so I assumed I would like this series. I was wrong. This is just pure trash. The story is terrible. There is just sex to have sex. I quit halfway through. Now I have to hide the series so my kids don‘t find it.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Bought this to be my beach book. My own birthday gift to myself.

bullbunny Hey swap buddy! I think have this book too!! Happy Belated Birthday by the way!! 🍰🎊🥂 6y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Guilty pleasures and kitty cuddles. If she'll let me open the book.

callunakeep Oooh!! That is my FAVORITE erotica series!!!!❤️🖤❤️ 6y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure

Note: I didn't know the term when I read this novel but it does contain "questionable consent" and at least one scene that is straight up R....but it does break the curse so...

Anyway this was one heck of a way to get into erotica. Intense and unrelenting I totally related to beauty as she went along. She and I came to understand the power of submission amd domination together and it set me on the path to becomming an author myself.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Really don't have many words. The last three chapters were the absolute worst, plot wise. I knew it was going to really explicit, so that didn't bother me. If the last three chapters were better then my rating would have been higher. Not sure if I'll read the rest of the books in this series. 2⭐️

BookNAround I felt like she even managed to make sex boring in this. ☹️ 7y
jbannerman4 I agree. I just started the Naughty Bits novellas and they're pretty good. I've read the first two parts. 7y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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The books aren't about literal cruelty; they're about surrender, the fun of imagining you have no choice but to enjoy sex. Beauty's slavery is delicious, sensuous, abandoned, and ultimately liberating.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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This is very much not my type of book at all..I don‘t typically find myself reading kinky erotica. But as it is #bannedbookweek2017 and I have no doubts as to this having been banned I‘m going to keep reading at least for now.

Natasha.C.Barnes Kinky erotica? Oh do post a page, I'm so curious. 😆 7y
monkeygirlsmama This was a series I read many years ago. Not one I feel the need to ever read again, but it was definitely kinky fun to read. 7y
CandycaneBelle @Natasha.C.Barnes I will! I don‘t have it at work for obvious reasons 😂And @monkeygirlsmama I see why you say that! At this point I don‘t know if I will make it to books 2,3,4 but find value in challenging myself and widening my perspective! 7y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure

The Prince i.e. Villian is well characterized early. It's interesting to see the way he is already controlling Beauty less than 10 pages in. This is abuse of the highest order. I'm sticking with this for #bannedbookweek but also because I am curious to see if she rebels-there are 3 other books after this. As usual I picked a heavy #bannedbook.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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And here we see why people have thought it appropriate to censor this...erotica makes people (old dead white men??) upset. I have hopes that this is good even though it has a rape scene as the first scene #bannedbookweek2017

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Who else gets as excited for #bannedbookweek as I do?? There is something amazingly fantastic about sticking it to censorship. Such rebellions speak to me! Here I am with my #bannedbook waiting for brunch!

CandycaneBelle So trigger warning.... starts with a rape scene. I already hate the prince which makes sense because well he's a rapist. 7y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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I do like erotic literature but this one was not my cup of tea. Entertaining level: 🌟#livro #book #bookaholic #booklovers #ler #leitura #leitora #reading #instabook #instaread #instabooks #bookstagram #igread #litsy #booklover #brazilianreader #2014Sha

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure

Descriptive, very explicit erotica. BDSM where gender doesn't really matter in the world of sleeping Beauty. If you can't handle it, do not read this. You won't like it.

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I haven't read many books about #SAndM, but I like Anne Rice, so I'll probably read this series at some point. #BookLove17

heatherspoetlife Just a warning, a lot of it is more rape than S and M. Sleeping Beauty may be into it but she rarely has the opportunity to give consent. Although it is set in a time when consent wasn't considered much, but I don't remember it being well addressed either. 7y
JacintaMCarter @StoredFeminism That's disappointing. I might just skip this series then. 7y
geodynamical_nonfiction Oh hey. I reviewed this book too 7y
geodynamical_nonfiction It must be under a duplicate book profile. 7y
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#booklove17 Day 10 I know someone already posted these but I have them and they fit. 😂 I might have others that fit but they are probably on my Kindle. #sandm

LibrarianRyan I love this series !!!🤓 7y
Bookzombie @LibrarianRyan Me too! Although I think I DNFed the recent fourth book. I didn't even mark it on Goodreads. 7y
LibrarianRyan @Bookzombie i knew there was a rečeno 4th book, but i too never read it. Iy see ed to be a šleper. 7y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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In the early 80's, Anne Rice (under the pseudonym A. N. Roquelaure) wrote a series of books with an alternate ending of Sleeping Beauty....that she was taken by the prince to his kingdom to be a sex slave. It was the 50 Shades of my momhood. A fantasy escape from being a stay at home mom. Lots of S and M. 😜😜 #BookLove17 #sandm

OrangeMooseReads This series was interesting 😀 7y
monkeygirlsmama This was a naughty naughty series. Haha Better than Fifty Shades, imo. 😏 7y
CocoReads I read those as well. Got rid of them when my girls were old enough to start snooping. Occasionally I wish I still had them, they were much better written than 50 shades. 7y
Suzze @CocoReads Yeah, I got rid of mine too. I don't want to die and my adult kids find those. I can just hear them talking about me. 😜😜😜 7y
CocoReads Ha! That's why I try to do most of my sexy reading on my ereader now! Lol 7y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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#readjanuary DNF

I hated this book. Should have been named 'The Raping and Subsequent Humiliation of Sleeping Beauty'. My quickest DNF ever. I love Anne Rice, but this was not enjoyable for me.



I finished the book! Yey I really like this book! After I got past all the shock value of the book, I started to really like this book! It's written really well and I just started the second one!


I am reading claiming sleeping beauty... I have never had to put a book down as much as I have reading this book! 😳😳 it's a very hard book to read, however she does a fantastic job writing it and it hard not to read it! I am not going to lie I am struggling a little with this one!


Um not sure what to say about this... I can totally see why this got bad reviews, though! It's something I usually don't read so it's going to be interesting!

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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These were the first to come to mind with #fairytaleretelling
Cinder = Cinderella as a cyborg lost princess
Scarlet = Little Red Riding Hood falls in love with a mutant soldier named Wolf
Cress = Rapunzel lives in a satellite doing secret surveillance and falls in love with a criminal that goes blind saving her
Winter = I haven't read it yet lol but it's a Snow White retelling

MCYmermaid Um -- I was just thinking about these very explicit books the other day. I am old enough to remember when readers didn't know these were by Anne Rice. 🤗 8y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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#fairytaleretelling Beastly a retelling of beauty and the beast. Dorothy must die a retelling of wizard of Oz. lastly The claiming of sleeping Beauty a 50 shades but much better written take on sleeping Beauty. #muchlove #photoadaynov16

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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#photoadaynov16 #threwitacrosstheroom

So much hate for this book because raping teenage girls is NOT sexy. It also made me hate the word "delicious." ?

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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In 2009 when I was 25, I made a new friend and she insisted that I read this smut series. I traded her one of my favorite books for her copy of the first book. I had never read an erotic book before, and I didn't know what to expect. Reading about sex was a turn on for sure, but the whole enslavement thing with whipping and bondage and crawling on hands and knees was very disturbing to me. I begrudgingly finished the book. I can write better smut.

TrishB Great, honest review 😀 8y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure

I am not exactly sure how to review this book. I did not like it! I expected it to be a more adult version of the fairy tale, meaning it had some sex and maybe some light BDSM (it was listed under "If you liked Fifty Shades of Grey", after all...not that I LIKED Fifty Shades of Grey). This book had no romance to it. It was all sex and extreme BDSM (in my opinion). The only redeeming part of the book is the end.

Bostonmomx2 Someone recommended this to me and ugh, I couldn't even get past the first couple pages 😕 8y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure

I do not hate this book, but I don't think I'd finish reading the series. It was shocking as expected in the beginning, but as it went on, it has stopped surprising me.

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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure

Long before E.L. James' "50 Shades" trilogy- Ann Rice penned ( as A. N. Roquelaure) The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. Set in the era- with its delicious submissive servants Roquelaure explores the hidden desires of all sexes and sexualities.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Being an Anne Rice Fan, I didn't think twice about throwing my money at the nearest associate when I saw a signed copy of this book! Good Lord was I surprised. Had to bail maybe a chapter in.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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This book was billed to me as "better than 50 shades" but I found it to get rather boring. It also bothered me that sleeping beauty was being used as a slave. I have not yet read the 2nd or 3rd book. Taking a break.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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Eh. Really trashy, but well written.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure

I read this as a freshman in high school 😂 you can ONLY IMAGINE my shock!!! My poor innocence. See what happens when you grow up next door to the library and are allowed to roam freely??? Lol

Sweettartlaura I bought this having NO idea what it was really like ?. The clerk was flirting with me, commenting on each book as he rang it up. Then he got to this one, & shut up. Not another word except "Thanks - come again." When I got home, I quickly figured out why ? 8y
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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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"When I ask you will say, 'Only if it pleases you, my Prince,' and I shall know the answer is yes. Or, 'Not unless it should please you, my Prince,' and I shall know the answer is no. Do you understand me?"

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